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JasonC SBB 09-13-2012 09:52 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 925174)
I think the real key phrase is "to authors and inventors." This would argue against the notion that patents are transferable, and that reform would eliminate the problem of patent-trolling.

So if I invent a machine which gives blow-jobs in a more stylish way than existing blow-job machines, I should be able to GRANT A LICENSE to Apple to manufacture a blow-job giving machine using my technology. But should Apple be able to purchase every blow-job patent that exists and use this portfolio to create a de-facto blowjob monopoly?

Interesting idea. Do you have a link describing the ramifications of such a scenario?

P.S. I have several patents in my name ... this is a disclaimer.
P.P.S. Despite that I still suspect the world would be a better place in the absence of monopoly (involuntary) IP protection.

Joe Perez 09-13-2012 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 926301)
Directive 10-289

So, you're an Ayn Rand fan now? I'm afraid I don't understand the relevance of that, unless you are suggesting that the US ought to implement a sort of Orwellian version of the War Powers Act and suspend pretty much all personal liberty indefinately.

Originally Posted by JasonC SBB (Post 926329)
Interesting idea. Do you have a link describing the ramifications of such a scenario?

No. For the most part I try to generate original thoughts and ideas in the politics forum as opposed to linking to the missives of others.

I'd thought that the concept of a non-transferable title was sufficiently self explanatory that folks could imagine it for themselves.

Braineack 09-13-2012 11:59 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 926407)
So, you're an Ayn Rand fan now? I'm afraid I don't understand the relevance of that, unless you are suggesting that the US ought to implement a sort of Orwellian version of the War Powers Act and suspend pretty much all personal liberty indefinately.

Always been. No relevance, only a warning and an excuse to promote the movie.

JasonC SBB 09-14-2012 01:10 AM

Joe: I asked for a link of an article by someone that has thought through the consequences of the concept, not an explanation of the concept itself, which is simple. There is no need to get all superior.

Joe Perez 09-14-2012 12:16 PM

I'm honestly not even sure how to respond, Jason.

I don't have a link to an article written by someone who has already thought out the potential consequences of such a scenario. The whole point here was that I posted an original idea with the intent of inspiring thought and discussion. Even if I knew of a third-party opinion which I could quote / link to on the topic, doing so would be contrary to my goal, as it would simply shift the focus of the thread towards argument and criticism of the merits of that specific interpretation, rather than generating new debate and interpretation.

Is it too much to ask that people actually contemplate a topic and postulate independant hypothesis about it, rather than just heading straight to Google to try and track down an opinion which has already been written?

JasonC SBB 09-14-2012 05:58 PM

I thought perhaps you had a link handy, is all.

Joe Perez 09-14-2012 08:32 PM

I think I just rendered Jason speechless in a political argument.

I fear that the sixth seal may have just been broken, and that the apocalypse is nigh.


JasonC SBB 09-15-2012 11:16 AM

The only apocalypse that may be nigh is in my bank account, due to the fixer upper house I bought which needs foundation/drainage/termite/kitchen/bathroom/floors/paint/landscaping/lights/window/AC/whole house fan. And the time it eats explains my speechlessness.

Braineack 09-23-2012 01:49 PM

2 Attachment(s)
he may be an idiot but...



golftdibrad 09-23-2012 04:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
just leaving this here


triple88a 09-23-2012 04:43 PM

Welcome to page 3 :)


Braineack 09-25-2012 02:24 PM

cliffs, still an idiot:

In an address to the United Nations General Assembly today, President Barack Obama dedicated several long passages to discussing and condemning what the New York Times has described as a 14-minute "amateurish video" that a 55-year-old Southern California man posted on YouTube in June.

thenuge26 09-25-2012 02:38 PM

And that is why you should read the original text, rather than some idiots spin of it:

Originally Posted by Obama
Moreover, as President of our country, and Commander-in-Chief of our military, I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day, and I will always defend their right to do so.

Braineack 09-25-2012 02:45 PM

I heard/read the speech.

the mere fact that he even said, "as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world"

is insulting to al Qaeda and Americans alike.

the entire speech he's suggesting it was the video that envoked pre-planned terorrist attackes over and over, we all know that's not the case. that is why he's an idiot and an insult the the 7 red stripes, 6 white stripes and 50 stars.

he still believes we can end the violence by radical islam through understanding. and the WE need to have more faith in THEM :jerkit: the problem is not them, the problem is that we don't respect islam. :facepalm:

Braineack 10-01-2012 10:35 AM

1 Attachment(s)
this gave me a good chuckle:


JasonC SBB 10-02-2012 11:33 PM


Braineack 10-03-2012 10:00 AM

"I’ve got to give a special shout-out to my pastor. The guy who puts up with me. Counsels me. Listens to my wife complain about me. He’s a friend. And a great leader"

-Obama, 2007

"Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run!…We [in the U.S.] believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God."

- Pastor

Braineack 10-03-2012 10:25 AM

Biden just admitted two truths:

1. The middle class have been buried for the last four years.

2. And Romney's tax plan are "tax cuts" to the middle class.

Erat 10-04-2012 04:22 AM

Am i the only one who thinks Romney made Obama look like a fool last night?

Savington 10-04-2012 04:31 AM

Romney thinks the windows on airliners should open.

That's all.

cordycord 10-04-2012 04:33 AM

Originally Posted by erat (Post 935397)
am i the only one who thinks romney made obama look like a fool last night?


rleete 10-04-2012 05:41 AM

Originally Posted by Erat (Post 935397)
Am i the only one who thinks Romney made Obama look like a fool last night?

No, Obama has spent the last 4 years making himself look like a fool. Romney just pointed it out.

thenuge26 10-04-2012 08:19 AM

1 Attachment(s)
They both looked like fools. Sounded exactly like the debate in Futurama between Jack Johnson and John Jackson.

I stopped watching after they were talking about medicare.

It was literally just bullshit straight up lying back and forth. "Mitt Romney wants all poor people to die in the streets." "If you read the President's plan, you can see their are death panels which kill old people."

Seriously, I can watch WWE if I want to see that much bad acting.

On a lighter note, I give you this:


Joe Perez 10-04-2012 03:17 PM

Originally Posted by thenuge26 (Post 935414)
Jack Johnson and John Jackson.


Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!


JasonC SBB 10-06-2012 11:42 AM

The Debate Farce
Posted by Ryan W. McMaken on October 3, 2012 08:53 PM

Here in Denver, various agencies of the federal police apparatus shut down the city's main interstate highway for several hours so that no one could get close enough to threaten the life of the two great deities who are currently exchanging talking points at the University of Denver. Rush hour traffic was shut down and thrown into disarray so that the elites could engage in a spectacle in which nothing of substance will be said and no honest statement will be uttered.

The local elites were in ecstasy over the fact that our wise overlords saw fit to stoop down and grace the streets of our fair city with their shining countenances. Surely, flowers bloomed wherever they stepped. It was a "great honor" we were told that the University of Denver was chosen by our betters on high to host such an august gathering of warlords and minor princes all seeking to win one for their side, and sure that victory will be secured for the presiding war criminal or the possible war-criminal-in-waiting.

Since I don't vote or participate in any of the other liturgies of the American religion known as Democracy, I am denied the pleasures of the electrifying grace that apparently permeates the souls of those who believe that salvation will come their way on November 6th. But it is apparently all very exciting.

The pundits assure us however, that this "debate" (viz., recitation of talking points) will be very important for the undecided voters. Fortunately, Saturday Night Live recently explained to use the nature of the animal that is the "undecided voter."

thenuge26 10-06-2012 12:49 PM

We may be on different sides of the political spectrum, but we definitely agree on that Jason.

If you are on the ballot in >20 or so states there is no reason you should not be allowed into the debate.

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