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-   -   Your top 5 games of all time (https://www.miataturbo.net/gaming-91/your-top-5-games-all-time-63182/)

flydaddyskidz 04-18-2012 06:14 AM

Falcon 4

Dolsiac 04-23-2012 05:53 PM

1.Contra Hard Corps
2.Duck Hunt
4.Zelda: Orcania of Time on N64
5.SWTOR (the classics, and online has been pretty fun as well)

Enginerd 01-24-2018 11:29 AM

<casting redemption>

Over winter, I have had an urge to find a new game to pass some time. Oddly, I fell back into the trap of WoW Legion. To this day, the game simply amazes me with the vast amount of content built into it. I tested one of the xpacs before Legion and it was a huge bust, but Legion is hard to step away from. I enjoy the ability to respec and play essentially three roles on one toon. Anyone still playing it besides me?

Anyone else want to update their top games?

Braineack 01-24-2018 11:46 AM

hero's quest/quest for glory: so you want to be a hero
mega man 2
kings quest 6
final fantasy 1 (dragon warrior could fit here too)
gta 3

honorable mentions:
doom 1/2
half life
Final Fantasy 7

shooterschmidty 01-24-2018 11:04 PM

1. Homeworld- Under appreciated 3d space RTS. One of the few games that I'd build a new PC to play the sequel
2. Civ 2 - So many hours playing just one more turn
3 Baulder's Gate - best RPG to date
4. X- wing alliance
5. KOTOR 1 and 2

codrus 01-25-2018 12:36 AM

Resurrecting a 6-year-old thread? OK. :)

- Ultima V
- Civ 2
- QuakeWorld
- Half Life (the original)
- TIE Fighter

I don't think I can limit it to 5 though, and since the newest game above is 20 years old I'll add:

- Kerbal Space Program


(edit: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night belongs on this list too, but I can't figure out what I'd delete. Drat, so does the original Deus Ex)

codrus 01-25-2018 12:37 AM

deleting duplicate post

2slow 01-25-2018 01:50 AM

Team Fortress

Erat 01-25-2018 05:21 AM

PlanetSide 2 was so underrated. Man I loved that game.

triple88a 01-25-2018 01:42 PM

Problem with Planetside 2 has always been that you get thrown in with the wolves regardless of your equipment and level. When I first played it I was against players with very good equipment. I remember coming out of the spawn and getting shot by like 5 players with snipers.

karter74 01-25-2018 04:01 PM

1. Chrono Trigger
2. Katamari Damacy
3. Super Mario World
4. Marvel vs Capcom 2
5. Worms Armageddon

Erat 01-25-2018 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by triple88a (Post 1463679)
Problem with Planetside 2 has always been that you get thrown in with the wolves regardless of your equipment and level. When I first played it I was against players with very good equipment. I remember coming out of the spawn and getting shot by like 5 players with snipers.

Sunderer spawns bruh. I'll admit that the game will absolutely chew up and spit out new players. Once you can get a solid crew of 3-6 people working together it's a game changer. There is nothing more satisfying than overrunning a giant base and even an entire continent with ALL the people on your team working together. No other game in history has been able to achieve team aspect that PS2 did in my opinion.

My top 5:

Battefield Bad Company 2
Starcraft (brood war expansion too)
Medal of Honor Allied Assult
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

It's very difficult to nail down top 5, historically these are my favorite. I guess modern games just aren't doing it for me.

thumpetto007 01-25-2018 05:42 PM

Super Smash Brothers Melee

Unreal Tournament


Metroid Prime

Zelda a Link to the Past

MartinezA92 01-25-2018 05:53 PM

Halo 1 and Halo 2 definitely
Perfect Dark
Final Fantasy X
Super Mario 64

2slow 01-29-2018 03:51 PM

Originally Posted by Erat (Post 1463719)
Sunderer spawns bruh. I'll admit that the game will absolutely chew up and spit out new players. Once you can get a solid crew of 3-6 people working together it's a game changer. There is nothing more satisfying than overrunning a giant base and even an entire continent with ALL the people on your team working together. No other game in history has been able to achieve team aspect that PS2 did in my opinion.

True, for best experience have to roll with a team. I've always been solo, i'm a loner, which made it really hard. Even in Libs, MBTs, harassers - I would seat hop back to driver/pilot after firing off as gunner.

So planetside is one of those really rare games where it's not Pay2Win. I've had every piece of equipment because I've played so long on two factions (NC and TR), but at the end it was the skill that made all the difference. I could be fully decked out in best armor and guns and go against a top player with pistol and still end up dead. It took me for eF-ing ever to learn to fly and then become good at it, but I could hold my own against real aces in the game and take on multiple air targets.

What made a huge difference for me is learning to be less predictable, thinking of angles and approaches (even as infantry) that would be unexpected and exploiting them. On bad days - I would be dying to newbs, but on good days I would go against a squad or two and take out their armor and infantry until they give up and redeploy. Otherwise going head to head against someone who has good aim is pure suicide. At close to 40 years old, my reaction is not what it used to be when I was 20. Still was able to keep KDR around 3.0. Too bad I've quit gaming because life....

My favorite play -
1) Light Assault in an ESF
2) Infiltrator with semi-auto rifle in short to mid range including CQC
3) Light assault with SMG (especially towers and biolabs) and Icarus pack
4) Heavy with LMGs

Art 01-30-2018 03:08 AM


WigglingWaffles 01-30-2018 07:11 AM

No particular order

portal 2
resident evil 2
silent hill
fallout new vegas

sshamrockk 01-30-2018 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by Erat (Post 1463719)

My top 5:

Battefield Bad Company 2
Starcraft (brood war expansion too)
Medal of Honor Allied Assult
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

Bruh, what was your name on bfbc2 and mohaa? I used to play the hell out of both.

hi_im_sean 01-30-2018 12:19 PM

5? that's gonna be hard

1. TF2
2. DODS (day of defeat source)
4. half-life
5. world of tanks
5. super smash bros on N64
5. firearms before steam (pre 1.4? 1.5?)
5. counter strike
5. halo
5. perfect dark
5. age of empires (all 3)

And those are just the ones I have an embarrassing amount of time into.

Erat 01-30-2018 08:44 PM

Originally Posted by sshamrockk (Post 1464497)
Bruh, what was your name on bfbc2 and mohaa? I used to play the hell out of both.

Erat... I've been Erat since forever. My LLC is even "Erat racing" lol.

I was in a lot of sniper only servers on MOHAA. I played MOHAA from release date all the way up until around 2008ish. Had a good run.
BC2 i was a hardcore player.

sshamrockk 01-30-2018 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by Erat (Post 1464612)
Erat... I've been Erat since forever. My LLC is even "Erat racing" lol.

I was in a lot of sniper only servers on MOHAA. I played MOHAA from release date all the way up until around 2008ish. Had a good run.
BC2 i was a hardcore player.

Does (V)ethod ring a bell? I still get on and play mohaa a few times a year. I basically went by ShAmRoCk all of my mohaa days, and something similar on bfbc2. Hardcore was the only way I could play.

Erat 01-31-2018 05:26 AM

It's been so long. In moh I would run around with the 19th guys and then the SBS guys. I still play with some of them and they are all life long friends.

calteg 03-21-2018 08:36 PM

Originally Posted by rleete (Post 828433)
Empire Deluxe. Came out on 5 1/2" floppies in 1993, and there are still tournys held today. Simple, but endless fun as long as you have a human opponent. Highly customizable as far as victory conditions, which was a first.

Civilization (most notably III). I still fire this one up occasionally. Lots of user made scenarios will keep you occupied for many hours of wasted time.

Castle Wolfenstein/Doom. Played both to death, and killed a couple of joysticks along the way. Played a slew of clones like the original Duke Nukem and one magic based one which I have forgetten.

Combat Mission:Beyond Overloard (and the rest of the series). The first was fantastic, and I bought the next three as well. If you like squad level WWII strategy games, this one is a must have. Played people from all over the world, and have made many on-line friendships that last to this day.

C&C/Warcraft. The RTS games that started the trend. What more to say?

You're either thinking of Blood or Heretic

My Top 5:

1) Fallout: New Vegas I played through it, start to finish, three times, including all the DLC. I could fire it up again tomorrow and enjoy it. Deep lore, fun mechanics, never takes itself seriously.
2) The Last of Us: The best story telling and cinematics I've ever experienced. This was the tipping point when I had to acknowledge video games as their own art form. If you haven't played it, go get a copy.
3) Warframe It's a disgustingly good free-to-play title that competes directly with Destiny, and whoops its ass in most metrics. I just crossed 200 days of play and I've spent a whooping total of $3 on it.
4) Tekken series, specifically Tekken 3. This was the a-ha moment, when I realized fighting games could be more than just button mashing. Got into it competitively for a little bit in my 20's.
5) Command and Conquer: Red Alert graphics are terrible by today's standards, but that soundtrack....

honorable mention to Final Fantasy 3 and the Silent Hill series. SH2 and SH3 scared the living shit out of me, to the point I had to put the games down for a week and then come back to them. There's a really interesting youtube interview with Hideo Kojima where he talks about the design philosophy behind the game, specifically the fact that the clunky controls were intentional.

soot 03-22-2018 11:52 AM

I'm so stoked on people's lists, lots of in common top 5s for my favorite old shit.

no order:

-FF IX - the world and character design for this one was amazing. I haven't been able to get into any other FF game the same way this one pulled me in. The fact they ported it to mobile is so fucking awesome. So much replay value for me
-Total Annihilation - This RTS felt so ahead of it's time. Queued orders, no unit selection limit, huge badass fights, map wide artillery and an epic orchestral soundtrack to top it off.
-Dragon's Dogma: Dark arisen - Awesome open world ARPG. REALLY good combat and fun combos/skill trees. You build a party of 4 and your NPCs all have AI to heal, tank, etc and the AI actually works. You fight giant monsters that you can climb on and hack parts off of. Fun gameplay that makes you feel totally badass when you take something down.
-DoTA 2 - Such a love hate relationship with this game, but I have actual thousands of hours into it. Amazing PvP

I don't really want to put a hard fifth in because it kind of changes out for me. Right now Vermintide 2 is my go to though. Imagine left 4 dead in the warhammer universe but with character progression, loot drops and way more enemies with a huge variety of 'specials' and bosses. Great way to relax with a friend after work.

rleete 03-22-2018 12:36 PM

Originally Posted by calteg (Post 1473050)
You're either thinking of Blood or Heretic

Nope. Before those. Wolfenstein 3D came out in the early 1990's (edit: 1992 according to Wiki). I got this and another one about the same time.

Edit 2:
Eureka! The game was Catacomb 3D, which I found while trying to find the right Wolfenstein game. Actually a precursor to the Wolfenstein 3D franchise. The other one was Blake Stone, which used the Wolfenstein 3D engine with different graphics.

So many wasted hours playing all of those.

hvu2 03-27-2018 04:41 AM

In no particular order..
- Mass Effect 2
- Metro 2033
- Witcher 3
- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
- Counter Strike Source
It's been a while since I have played some of these games but I recently complete Mass Effect 2. I am now replaying Mass Effect 3 :D

yossi126 03-27-2018 06:29 AM

Battlefield 3
Roller Coaster Tycoon 1+2
Assassin's creed II
Rayman the great escape
Warcraft III

Mike Berry 07-06-2018 12:06 AM

1 Bioshock
2 Portal
3 Mario Kart
4 Diablo
5 Starcraft

2slow 07-07-2018 01:26 AM

Just got back into PS2 with the new config build I did....Got myself outfitted for an Orbital Strike - it's just ludicrous. Imagine that you can call down a tactical nuke strike with no radiation effects. Killing infantry in mass and tanks with all support vehicles being blasted into the air. producing mass damage and wiping the area clean.. It's power is absurd...

Richard Dewitt 08-21-2018 11:29 AM

I think for me this is Payday 2, CS:GO, diablo, league of legends and a few more ) maybe if someone have some problems with your education, then you can use this cool site: SPAM where professional writers could help you )

Savington 08-21-2018 11:44 AM

Civ 2
Sim City 2000
Super Mario 64

18psi 08-21-2018 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by Richard Dewitt (Post 1497557)
I think for me this is Payday 2, CS:GO, diablo, league of legends and a few more ) maybe if someone have some problems with your education, then you can use this cool site: SPAM where professional writers could help you )

Let me just say, you appear to be the most clever spambot I've seen yet. It is an honor and a privilege to ban you :)

borka 08-21-2018 01:27 PM

Most of you probably never heard of this game called Transport tycoon deluxe.

oh so many hours days and nights spent building intercontinental train routes, ship and airplanes.

18psi 08-21-2018 01:30 PM

My 2 hands down most often played games are called:
1) TunerStudio HD
2) Megalog Viewer HD
You program cars to make more power and not blow up.
I think I'm on level 99

slug_dub 08-22-2018 09:45 PM

Ah games. So many good games. 5 is hard.

Quake 3: I still play it via Quake Live sometimes and it still makes me rage which is why I shouldn't play it. But I love it. Uncomplicated in the setup but so challenging and technical to play well. So many years of lans and dragging around CRT's and huge computer towers. The best. I'm a mouse slammer and shouter but only when I play this :rofl: All other competitive FPS past and present can get knotted. :magna:
Wipeout 2097: Futuristic hovercraft racing at twitch speeds with exceedingly top notch design aesthetic and great music. Whats not to like? Wip3out on PS1 perfected it and was the best but 2097 is the landmark.
Anarchy Online: Anarchy wha-? Sure its ancient and sure its always been super fucking broken but an amazing game from the non-casual grindy timesink MMORPG era with very — very — good twinking mechanics and some excellent (if ancient graphically) environments. Still playing it. Its horrifying to look at /played time.
Homeworld 2: Both Homeworld games are great but 2 looks much better. Pretty awesome RTS mechanics but I can see how its too slow to be as fun multiplayer. Excellent single player campaigns with great music and style.

Honourable mentions...
STALKER: Always a bit broken but made much better by modders. Pretty atmospheric and the monsters still always fuck you up.
Their Finest Hour: Battle of Britain flight sim from 1989. If I can ever spring for a hotas I'm looking forward to Il Sturmovik and associated mods for getting back into WW2 flying sims.
Raiden 2/Raiden Fighters: Much fun top scrolling shooter. I have a little .exe version of Raiden 2 @ 320x240 that I still play (bit small on a 4k monitor though!).
Doom, Brutal Doom and everything in between. Could't decide what would get booted off the other 5 for this.

I've never properly spent the time to sort out emulating all these old console and Amiga games I love and I really need to.

Engi-ninja 08-23-2018 12:03 PM

Return To Castle Wolfenstein
Half Life
Golden Eye
Super C

Lokiel 08-23-2018 07:06 PM

In no particular order:

Half Life 2 - first game for me that felt more like a movie experience than a simple computer game

X2 The Threat - Great space combat - subsequent games in the series turned into a grind of building space stations/factories and fleets; screw that, I'm a fighter jock!

Aussie Rules Football - As a kid we moved a lot due to my dad's job. Changing schools is hard since each time you have to establish where you fit in the pecking order. In Australia, sport is the great accommodator (especially in the country), regardless of your race, religion, culture or size, if you play sport and are good at it, you fit in ANYWHERE. Aussie Rules Football made my life much easier as a kid.

Red Rover/British Bulldog ("Red Rover, Red Rover, let Davy Green come over...") - best boys game ever, we did whatever it took to bring the guy down and there was no malice, getting bruises all over your body and sprained ankles was a badge of honour.

Kiss Chasey - I may have pretended to hate getting kissed by Leonie back in grade 4, but she was my first crush.

dylan1150 08-24-2018 03:01 AM

My top five tends to change a bit depending on when you ask, but here's one right now in no particular order:
  • God of War (2016)
  • The Last of Us
  • Majora's Mask
  • Oblivion
  • Gears of War 4

IanIsInTheGarage 08-23-2019 10:18 AM

Top 5 in no order:
- Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
- Gran Turismo 3 (I think, it was the one I dumped 10923741380764523890 hours in before I could drive.
- Prince of Persia (DOS), hits the feels, first game I remember playing on PC.
- The Last of Us
- Uncharted series (cheating I know)

k4ppa 03-01-2020 07:50 PM

Top 5:

- Diablo II
- Starcraft
- Battlefield 4
- Halo 4
- Forza motorsport

isaac 11-02-2020 11:10 PM

1. Earthbound (SNES)
2. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
3. Final Fantasy 6 (SNES)
4. Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal (PC)
5. Overwatch (PC)

I think I am dating myself here...... Overwatch is hardly the best game of all time, but I have played it more than any other game so I guess it deserves a slot.

L337TurboZ 10-04-2023 10:58 AM

1.) Final Fantasy 7
2.) Battlefield 3/4
3.) Starfield
4.) Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
5.) Forza Motorsports series

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