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gompers 12-17-2009 10:40 PM

Tips to unbitch yourself:

1) Compound Lifts
2) Eat
3) Repeat

If you aren't gaining weight...YOU AREN'T EATING ENOUGH
If you aren't getting stronger... YOU AREN'T EATING/LIFTING ENOUGH
If you are a "hard gainer" ... YOU AREN'T EATING ENOUGH
If you use the word "tone"... YOU ARE A BITCH

Extra Un-Bitch tips:
Eat ~ 1.5 grams of protein PER pound of body mass (lean).
Lift 3x+ a week (Lift similar muscles Non-Consecutively, IE: 1 day between benching)
Lift Heavy


JDMAflac 12-17-2009 10:45 PM

I'm 5'8 and weigh 159 lbs. I gained 10 lbs of lean muscle by going on a high protein diet. The rule of thumb is to consume 1.5-2 grams of protein for each pound you weigh. I get my powder from trueprotein.com because they come in large bulk sizes, have good prices, and its flavorless. I take 2 scoops in OJ (48 grams) in the morning and another 2 scoops after a workout. You can eat 4-5 small meals a day 2 hours in between each and consume servings about the size of your fist. Ranging from chicken breast, egg whites, almonds, tuna, etc....Don't forget your fiber.

For workouts and due to limited time (classes), I work out 3 times a week:
warm-up: push-ups, dips, shoulder pull-ups
-chest, shoulders:dumbbell flat/incline/decline bench, chest curls, arnolds, sungods, etc..
-bicep, triceps:21's, reverse preacher, nosebreakers, weighted dips, etc..
-back, legs: deadlifts (favorite), row, lunges, squat/jumps, etc...

For the fun of it, I think my bench max is 250 lbs. Always change your routine after 3-4 weeks by changing muscle groups, reps, and weight. One of my biggest problems is taking too long of a break/rest. You breaks (depending) should comprise of 30-45 seconds.

miataspeed2005: how on earth do you fit in a miata? lol

gompers 12-17-2009 10:48 PM

Also, lifting noobs shouldn't play around with "bulking" or "cutting"

The trick is..."CLEAN BULK"

Eat lots...but don't eat alot of SHIT.

When people "bulk" they almost always end up with alot of extra fat in their weight gain (cause they suck). Then they "cut" which is going at a calorie deficit with cardio (optional), which usually fucks up gains made while bulking.

Do it right from the start... Bulk with healthy foods.

(If you are competition BB, Cutting is going to work for you, but for the rest of us that do not have, or do not want sub 8% BF, cutting is for bitches)

Please join a BB forum. There is already some dumb ass info in this thread, at least find a place where there are members dedicated to removing "bro-science".

gompers 12-17-2009 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by miataspeed2005 (Post 497243)
6% no lighting and no water depleting. If I water depleted and I was on stage all tan I would be shredded

You are swole. But I think your BF% is off.

Calipers give you that number?

NA6C-Guy 12-17-2009 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by gompers (Post 497340)
You are swole. But I think your BF% is off.

Calipers give you that number?

He used the bear man meat stick meter method... I dunno :hustler:

magnamx-5 12-18-2009 01:32 AM

lots of good advice here man. Back when i worked out a ton i would eat atleast 5-7k calories aday and maybe pack on 10-15 lbs of muscle. but i see my bud miataspeed already took care of your nutrition so maybe some pointers on some excercises that will make you strong.

First do some damn dips, they will give you definition in your tri's and chest, 4 sets of 25 to start and then you can go to sets of 45 and even wieghted. These are a great warm up excercise for your upper boddy days and realy get the blood pumping.

Next i personally always like to train with wieght while i walk around it used to be in the form of a 40 lbs backpack that i would sometimes stick a 25 in there from time to time while i was at school. This build endurance and lower body strenght the same can be done with a weight vest etc. Doing this effectivly harness the work you do via walking around all day and you will be surprised at how quickly the results show themselves.

Do not skimp on your core excercises hundred and even thousands of situps perday might be tedius but you will notice how will you muscles work together doing most anything once you get into a habit of doing them. So try to work in stuff to work the core man it pays off you might not have the 6 pack bodyfat wise when you are done but the thicker stronger muscle wall is hella nice.

Go light on the cardio until you have reached a strength you want to be at. The more cardio you do the less energy for your muscles to build strenght and in turn size. You need to be able to run, but overall it is easier to get as strong as you want to be before you get to where you can run fast and over a good distance.
Cleans are good but they can get rather dangerous if done with bad form no spotter or simply to much weight.

To issolate your delts etc incline, and simple dumbbell excercises can do alot for you.
I am a tried and true bench press fan myself, lots of wieght and as many reps as you can handle.
And all of this is going to be rather hard unless you find someone to work with you. Becouse i dont care what people say working out alone sucks. And they dont have to be comperable in strenght either. Most of the best workouts i have had have been with smaller and weaker people working with me. It just seems the most people at my strenght lvl didn't have the enthusiasm, and energy as everyone else. This is very important man, becouse working out is very much a state of mind. Esp if you lift heavy on bench etc. Cause trust me if you dont trust that the mofo spoting you is gonna catch any stupid shit going wrong your gonna psyche yourself out and not be able to give it your all. Dropping 200+ lbs on your head is not fun, and being pinned under 300+ isnt a picnic either.

To combat this claustrophobia i found it helps to just do a few sessions with the bar sitting on your chest with progressively heavier weight. for a few minutes at a time. This conditions your mind to not panic when you feel the pressure on your body and gives you just one less thing to worry about. Well im sure this will be thrown out as poorly written and punctuated i wish you the best of luck man hit me up if you get stuck if its 2 things i know its miatas and working out.

oh and for the record 5"11 230 lbs atm at one time just my bench+deadlift was 1k lbs ;)

m2cupcar 12-18-2009 08:56 AM

For those who have dedicated such a large part of their lives to bulking up, what's the primary benefit (besides being able to lift heavy things)?

FRT_Fun 12-18-2009 08:59 AM

Well I am in the military. The past year I've climbed mountains with 100+lbs on my back. Other then that it is just healthy. And as long as you are not grossly huge women tend to like it.

miataspeed2005 12-18-2009 09:04 AM

Originally Posted by gompers (Post 497340)
You are swole. But I think your BF% is off.

Calipers give you that number?

yes, Rick the owner of golds gym did it.
BTW Go to a real mens gym not some bullshit place like planet fitness, ballys and all that shit.

I go to a privatly owned golds gym that has meat head weight that are all old and the dumbells go up to 200 lbs. a bunch of BB go there and so does evan centopani. If you go to a gym where the equipment is all nice and new then i would switch. when you see big guys you will get motivated and they will help you out too. and if your gym as fitness in the name dont go( planet fitness, fitness edge,etc)

browning 12-18-2009 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by miataspeed2005 (Post 497486)
yes, Rick the owner of golds gym did it.
BTW Go to a real mens gym not some bullshit place like planet fitness, ballys and all that shit.

I go to a privatly owned golds gym that has meat head weight that are all old and the dumbells go up to 200 lbs. a bunch of BB go there and so does evan centopani. If you go to a gym where the equipment is all nice and new then i would switch. when you see big guys you will get motivated and they will help you out too. and if your gym as fitness in the name dont go( planet fitness, fitness edge,etc)

you hit it right on the mark the old rusted weight in the back solid iron no treadmills ect... if your going to the gym to impress the women there don't even bother.
when i first started working out some 17 years ago i got into a pretty hardcore powerlifting group. if you could only press 315 on flat bench you were considered a bitch.
every day was like a compititon heavy max weights every fucking day!!!! no three day routines everyday if you benched we all maxed out back arms maxed out ect... no light days. it was great when i moved to arkansas i weighed 200lbs and had a 475lb bench no spotter.
i found a few gyms nothing like i worked out at before.
now i have my own bench squat rack preacher bench dumbells up to 100 lbs and around 1200lbs free weights and i work out at home in my garage still hitting around 455lb bench trying for 500lb this year if my shoulder allows me to.

Faeflora 12-18-2009 12:52 PM

I'm 5'11. In the past two years I've gained and lost around a hundred pounds. Started "shredded" at 130lbs 5% BF, and was happy. Then I decided I wanted to be larger and went up to 195lbs while gaining the wrong way (eating like shit, and not lifting enough) ended up at like 20% BF. Been slowly "cutting" and am around 170lbs 8% BF now. I'm stronger now then I was at 195lbs. Am currently trying to lean up back down to 4%-5%. I got sick of being a pudgeball at 195. Next year, I would like to work my way up to 195lbs but have 4% bodyfat not 20% with goals of looks, power, and strength- priorities in that order.

I work out a decent amount--- Crossfit a few times a week, MMA sparring and BJJ a few times a week, kettlebell and heavy weight training and olympic lifting once a week. Also do trail run/mountain bike/snowboard for fun. The leaning out process has taken a while since it's hard to do all the cardio type stuff I do without carbs. Most of my workouts are so I can be a strong martial arts fighter and crossfit is fantastic for that.

If anyone cares, I'm a vegan and have been just fine building strength, muscle, stamina etc. I think that a balanced diet (not too much protien carbs or fat) and a metered caloric intake are critical for fat loss or muscle gain. I think diet and pushing yourself hard at the gym are the most important things.

magnamx-5 12-18-2009 01:11 PM

Originally Posted by m2cupcar (Post 497482)
For those who have dedicated such a large part of their lives to bulking up, what's the primary benefit (besides being able to lift heavy things)?

heavy things inludes motors etc. and turning stuck and rusty bolts, as well as being able to be self suffcient for most 2-3 man jobs. the most obvius draw back is that well i cant fit my hand's/forearm in alot of place most people can and i have to buy relaxed fit pants that are atleast 2 inches bigger at the waist so my thighs and calves dont rip em and even then they sometimes do if i lift something kinda heavy. I always ust wanted to be strong though.

gospeed81 12-18-2009 01:14 PM

For me it was always about confidence and reaching my goals.

Being out of shape this past year or so has affected both of those, so I know it plays a major role. Confidence is down, and I don't work towards my goals like I used to.

Weight training is a mental exercise as well...and I'm a LOT more motivated recently since I've gotten back in the gym.

levnubhin 12-18-2009 01:32 PM

Originally Posted by NA6C-Guy (Post 497605)
Mods are in the habit of deleting posts now? Great, another m.net :loser:

Only the stupid irrelevant ones. This thread would be 8 pages long if I left all the BS in.
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Mach929 12-18-2009 01:44 PM

Originally Posted by m2cupcar (Post 497482)
For those who have dedicated such a large part of their lives to bulking up, what's the primary benefit (besides being able to lift heavy things)?

there really isn't one other than self-esteem. When i was younger i wasted an incredible amount of time working out trying to get bigger, now i just don't care enough, plus all i have left to show for it is stretch marks in my armpits and groin. I'd love to work out and get back into shape but both my shoulders are torn, have 2 bulging discs in my neck, and soft tissue damage in my lower back. plus getting back under 10% body fat would be hard since i love to eat

NA6C-Guy 12-18-2009 02:08 PM

Originally Posted by Mach929 (Post 497630)
there really isn't one other than self-esteem. When i was younger i wasted an incredible amount of time working out trying to get bigger, now i just don't care enough, plus all i have left to show for it is stretch marks in my armpits and groin. I'd love to work out and get back into shape but both my shoulders are torn, have 2 bulging discs in my neck, and soft tissue damage in my lower back. plus getting back under 10% body fat would be hard since i love to eat

Stretch marks FTL. I didn't know until recently that you could get stretch marks only from gaining 10-15lbs over a 6 month period. I thought they were only for pregnant women and very overweight people.

I guess some people just care about looking their best. I want to look good, just not at the cost of being able to enjoy living life without a strict schedule and not being able to eat the foods I like. I also think lifting in the long run is bad for you. I would blame some of my joint problems on it, but it was mostly hard manual labor that did that.

browning 12-18-2009 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by Mach929 (Post 497630)
there really isn't one other than self-esteem. When i was younger i wasted an incredible amount of time working out trying to get bigger, now i just don't care enough, plus all i have left to show for it is stretch marks in my armpits and groin. I'd love to work out and get back into shape but both my shoulders are torn, have 2 bulging discs in my neck, and soft tissue damage in my lower back. plus getting back under 10% body fat would be hard since i love to eat

sorry your pretty much dead wrong there after 30 your muscles and bones start to detiorate. the only group this not happen to is groups of people who either due weight training or have labor intensive jobs. and people who do start weight trainimg showed to grow muscle and stop the break down due to age.
being i use extreme heavy weight 400lb plus everyday has made my bones denser to acomadate what i do that will pay off down the road. not to mention men with higher bodyfat than muscle have a higher estrogen count which effects your sex drive and stamia and the ability to get it up.
theres a good book by tosca reno clean eating for men goes through the effects of clean eating and weight lifting on the body she kind lays it out there no woman wants to bang a tub of lard.

hustler 12-18-2009 03:30 PM

btw, I pushed 245x8 last night.

miataspeed2005 12-18-2009 04:40 PM

Originally Posted by hustler (Post 497699)
btw, I pushed 245x8 last night.


Mach929 12-18-2009 04:46 PM

Originally Posted by browning (Post 497697)
sorry your pretty much dead wrong there after 30 your muscles and bones start to detiorate. the only group this not happen to is groups of people who either due weight training or have labor intensive jobs. and people who do start weight trainimg showed to grow muscle and stop the break down due to age.
being i use extreme heavy weight 400lb plus everyday has made my bones denser to acomadate what i do that will pay off down the road. not to mention men with higher bodyfat than muscle have a higher estrogen count which effects your sex drive and stamia and the ability to get it up.
theres a good book by tosca reno clean eating for men goes through the effects of clean eating and weight lifting on the body she kind lays it out there no woman wants to bang a tub of lard.

your joints will be really glad your bones are dense. And there is a difference between working out to stay in shape and body building. i don't subject myself to a workout regiment but i do plenty of physical things, ask your girl about my stamina.

hustler 12-18-2009 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by miataspeed2005 (Post 497746)

I'm scrawny 182lb-er. I've steered clear of pinning, i have no shame.

browning 12-18-2009 04:55 PM

dude i already know about joint pain i deal with it part of life only pussies cry about joint pain. i've seen a 62 yearold man inclining 495lb i also know about mature muscle growth and know just what that potentail holds for me down the road to be able to bench 5 plus.
you can't buy streagth and size you have to earn it if it were easy everyone would be doing it.
as for asking my girl how your stamia is when i get a chance i'll see just what your mom's point of view on it is:fawk:

NA6C-Guy 12-18-2009 05:05 PM

Only pussies cry about joint pain, but only dumbasses put themselves in a position to create joint pain in the first place. Look at me, I can bench 500lbs, but I scream every time I lift a bag of dog food the wrong way and my shoulder rotator cuff binds. Yeah, let me have that! There is a point between being fit and strong, and overdoing it. I see a lot of people overdoing it.

Mach929 12-18-2009 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by NA6C-Guy (Post 497765)
Only pussies cry about joint pain, but only dumbasses put themselves in a position to create joint pain in the first place. Look at me, I can bench 500lbs, but I scream every time I lift a bag of dog food the wrong way and my shoulder rotator cuff binds. Yeah, let me have that! There is a point between being fit and strong, and overdoing it. I see a lot of people overdoing it.

my point exactly, i stopped caring to hurt myself long ago. last time i really worked out i was still a college athlete, december 8th year 2000(car accident..most of my issues). people used to say,"how much can you bench?" i'd tell them i didn't know, but i end my workout with 2 sets of 245, don't even remember the reps, maybe 6. best weight excercises...deadlifts and dips with weight on your ankles. best way to really work out...natural things like real sports(not golf or curling) or working a loading dock, carrying drywall.

Mach929 12-18-2009 05:24 PM

lol, i just pictured the sight of all these muscle bound miata drivers hanging out :facepalm:

NA6C-Guy 12-18-2009 05:28 PM

Originally Posted by Mach929 (Post 497769)
lol, i just pictured the sight of all these muscle bound miata drivers hanging out :facepalm:

With backpack cat carriers :bowrofl:

I agree, hard manual labor is the ultimate workout. I used to be about 160lbs when I was staying active at work, and was deceptively strong from carrying ridiculously heavy stuff like rock board and drywall, shoveling in a ditch with gravel, carrying a house worth of lumber, carrying long sections of double walled 12''-16'' pvc pipe, ect. I don't see the point in being a muscle head that can't turn his head more than 20 degrees and moves like a zombie. I'd much rather be in shape and fit with some muscle, but not look like a roid head.

browning 12-18-2009 05:47 PM

Originally Posted by NA6C-Guy (Post 497765)
Only pussies cry about joint pain, but only dumbasses put themselves in a position to create joint pain in the first place. Look at me, I can bench 500lbs, but I scream every time I lift a bag of dog food the wrong way and my shoulder rotator cuff binds. Yeah, let me have that! There is a point between being fit and strong, and overdoing it. I see a lot of people overdoing it.

oh hell it only hurts in the morning other than that mostly fine first half hour is a bitch though.

magnamx-5 12-19-2009 12:36 AM

concrete is a motherfucker regardless after working at publishers for almost 6yrs now ive learned that shit wears you down pretty fast by the end of the day. I honestly think it has done more to hurt me than all my years of weight training put together.

NA6C-Guy 12-19-2009 12:45 AM

I guess that is why at 23 I have the back, knees and shoulders of a 50 year old. Honestly, concrete isn't as bad as some things (gravel). At least concrete can flow a little. Large #4 gravel, a shovel and a ditch makes for a fucking horrible day!

TrickerZ 12-19-2009 08:22 AM

For me, keeping a log of everything helped the most. I'd eat 6x a day and more than my weight in grams of protein. If you do that with a good amount of cardio, you can gain and lose fat at the same time. It's much easier when starting out. Cardio is very important in muscle growth since it increases the flow of blood to your muscles. Check out onlinefitnesslog.com to track everything. Youlll be amazed where all your calories come from.

magnamx-5 12-19-2009 08:38 AM

Originally Posted by NA6C-Guy (Post 497926)
I guess that is why at 23 I have the back, knees and shoulders of a 50 year old. Honestly, concrete isn't as bad as some things (gravel). At least concrete can flow a little. Large #4 gravel, a shovel and a ditch makes for a fucking horrible day!

nah man im not talking about pouring concrete but walking on it all damn day. i have shoveled plenty of rock in my day, dug many a ditch and post hole as well. 26 now and still going strong some people just having staying power hell my great grandpa was still hamering out steel on his forge(old school blacksmith) at the age of 86 so i have abit of genetics on my end to work with. Plus i dont drink at home or go out much so i probly lead abit of a healthier life than most in that respect as well. I have seen many a contruction worker, and fellow worker at the printing press ride from work to the liquor store and down a 30 pack before the next day that kinda shit wears on you after a while as well.

NA6C-Guy 12-19-2009 11:06 AM

Originally Posted by magnamx-5 (Post 497958)
nah man im not talking about pouring concrete but walking on it all damn day. i have shoveled plenty of rock in my day, dug many a ditch and post hole as well. 26 now and still going strong some people just having staying power hell my great grandpa was still hamering out steel on his forge(old school blacksmith) at the age of 86 so i have abit of genetics on my end to work with. Plus i dont drink at home or go out much so i probly lead abit of a healthier life than most in that respect as well. I have seen many a contruction worker, and fellow worker at the printing press ride from work to the liquor store and down a 30 pack before the next day that kinda shit wears on you after a while as well.

I was wondering what you were doing pouring concrete working at a publisher :facepalm: Walking/jogging on it will mess your knees up. Pretty much everybody I know who jogs regularly on concrete has screwed up knees. Any time I jog, I'm sure to jog beside the path in the grass. A little less shock anyway.

Faeflora 12-19-2009 11:12 AM

Originally Posted by NA6C-Guy (Post 498000)
I was wondering what you were doing pouring concrete working at a publisher :facepalm: Walking/jogging on it will mess your knees up. Pretty much everybody I know who jogs regularly on concrete has screwed up knees. Any time I jog, I'm sure to jog beside the path in the grass. A little less shock anyway.

If you don't want to mess up your knees then just don't land on your heels. I used to always have pain in my knees after running. I switched to landing midfoot or on the balls of my feet and never have pain anymore. Running that way, your calves and thighs soak up the impact.

browning 12-19-2009 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by magnamx-5 (Post 497958)
nah man im not talking about pouring concrete but walking on it all damn day. i have shoveled plenty of rock in my day, dug many a ditch and post hole as well. 26 now and still going strong some people just having staying power hell my great grandpa was still hamering out steel on his forge(old school blacksmith) at the age of 86 so i have abit of genetics on my end to work with. Plus i dont drink at home or go out much so i probly lead abit of a healthier life than most in that respect as well. I have seen many a contruction worker, and fellow worker at the printing press ride from work to the liquor store and down a 30 pack before the next day that kinda shit wears on you after a while as well.

um hate to break it to you guys but your still pretty young wait till your 30s roll around you haven't seen nothing yet. i used to be able to party all night and still chug right along the next day. well those days are over. all i can say is enjoy it while it last and take nothing for granted.

NA6C-Guy 12-19-2009 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by faeflora (Post 498001)
If you don't want to mess up your knees then just don't land on your heels. I used to always have pain in my knees after running. I switched to landing midfoot or on the balls of my feet and never have pain anymore. Running that way, your calves and thighs soak up the impact.

I'm trying to imagine in my head how you would do that, and I can only imagine a really goofy looking run. :giggle: Next time I'm out for a jog/walk I will see if I can figure out how to do that and see if I agree. When I started jogging again recently to help drop a few pounds I could really tell I had gained some weight. Previously when I used to run a lot I was still only about 160lbs. Now at 185ish running feels very tough on my knees with the extra weight, I went from pretty graceful and soft to running like Godzilla. I can feel th shock all the way up my body and it even makes my eyes giggle in their sockets. I never would have expected this 20-25 extra pounds to make this much difference in nearly every aspect of life. All the more reason it needs to go.

Mach929 12-19-2009 03:46 PM

how in hell do you run without your heels touching down? sounds like a special olympics style of running or stomping

magnamx-5 12-20-2009 12:45 AM

Originally Posted by browning (Post 498002)
um hate to break it to you guys but your still pretty young wait till your 30s roll around you haven't seen nothing yet. i used to be able to party all night and still chug right along the next day. well those days are over. all i can say is enjoy it while it last and take nothing for granted.

why i dont do that shits newb.not that i couldnt but hell i see it more as a waste of $$

FRT_Fun 12-20-2009 12:55 AM

lol @ the guys with crazy strict routines and then go out and drink gallons of beer on the weekends.

magnamx-5 12-20-2009 01:07 AM

Originally Posted by FRT_Fun (Post 498277)
lol @ the guys with crazy strict routines and then go out and drink gallons of beer on the weekends.

who has a routine and goes out and drinks? FWIW those people i was talking about did that shit monday-monday didnt matter what day it was they where getting fucked up.

FRT_Fun 12-20-2009 09:28 AM

Originally Posted by magnamx-5 (Post 498282)
who has a routine and goes out and drinks? FWIW those people i was talking about did that shit monday-monday didnt matter what day it was they where getting fucked up.

Don't know about anyone on here, but being in the military I see a lot of guys who are really into body building and what not. Just think it's funny when I see them completely wasted on the weekends/weekdays. Kinda ruins the whole point.

hustler 12-20-2009 10:02 AM

I ate creating yesterday and lifted more weight than I should have according to my log, lol.

browning 12-20-2009 10:10 AM

Originally Posted by FRT_Fun (Post 498332)
Don't know about anyone on here, but being in the military I see a lot of guys who are really into body building and what not. Just think it's funny when I see them completely wasted on the weekends/weekdays. Kinda ruins the whole point.

how so getting blasted on the weekend is far less worse than sucking down a coulpe sodas a day. the carbonation in any soda beer ect... shuts down the bodys ability to process protien.
so if your wanting to build muscle and like having a coulpe dr peppers a day. you just cant do it. now these guys work out go out on the week end prob get laid alot more than some smoe staying in the barrarks. yeah poor suckers just wasting there time:laugh:

Faeflora 12-20-2009 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by hustler (Post 498338)
I ate creating yesterday and lifted more weight than I should have according to my log, lol.

You also just could have tried a bit harder. It's easy to attribute performance to supplements/stimulants but we all know how much attitude and mindset affects lifts.

hustler 12-20-2009 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by faeflora (Post 498340)
You also just could have tried a bit harder. It's easy to attribute performance to supplements/stimulants but we all know how much attitude and mindset affects lifts.

I know, but my workouts are very structured and every lift is logged. I certainly lifted more iron in that session that I expected judging from the previous 6-week long curve I've established. More reps with more weight on each lift.

FRT_Fun 12-20-2009 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by browning (Post 498339)
how so getting blasted on the weekend is far less worse than sucking down a coulpe sodas a day. the carbonation in any soda beer ect... shuts down the bodys ability to process protien.
so if your wanting to build muscle and like having a coulpe dr peppers a day. you just cant do it. now these guys work out go out on the week end prob get laid alot more than some smoe staying in the barrarks. yeah poor suckers just wasting there time:laugh:

Your logic is a little interesting to follow, and your writing is even worse.

1. I don't drink soda, not cause of how bad they are, I just don't like them.
2. I go out on the weekends, don't have more than a few beers. Not sure the point of getting horribly wasted.
3. It's the internet, so believe what you want, but I have no issues getting laid.
4. 9 times out of 10 these guys getting laid are banging fat chicks cause they are drunk and can't tell the difference.
5. I work out, follow a relaxed routine, and although I'm nothing special, lift a decent amount.
6. Being so muscular that you can't even tie your shoes is almost as bad as being fat.

My main point is that if people want to get crazy and follow a strict routine that is fine. But it's kind of contradicting to then get wasted on the weekend. I prefer to keep it relaxed, and generally be healthy, not binge on the weekends.

browning 12-20-2009 03:20 PM

Originally Posted by FRT_Fun (Post 498332)
Don't know about anyone on here, but being in the military I see a lot of guys who are really into body building and what not. Just think it's funny when I see them completely wasted on the weekends/weekdays. Kinda ruins the whole point.

damn frt re read my post son in no way did i direct my post to you but somehow you still got but hurt about it. i have severd my country and are familar with barracks life and how it works.
gun ho m/fs hit the gym every night after hours then go clubbing on the weekend.
they being in the military like to party hard but are still fit active. and there are no muscle bound troops for the fact the military uses a bmi scale and they would go over the norm "let me know if i got anything wrong here"
in your post you sound like your a tad jelous of them. then say they are banging fat chicks and attacking my grammer:jerkit:.
i did my time in the miltary you work hard you fight hard you better fucking play hard. in the navy you weren't considerd a true sailor till you got your first social diesease hell in turkey 65% of the enlisted men got gonorea. life goes on.
as for lifting yeah all those pro football players wrestlers boxers bodybuilders are just as bad as being fat please. whos going to get laid first john candy or dwanye johnson

browning 12-20-2009 03:41 PM

oooo fuckit your right being fat is just as bad being musclebound.
might as well pitch our weights and become just like this kid he drives a miata and i'm pretty sure he's not banging any fat chicks.

Faeflora 12-20-2009 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by browning (Post 498425)
damn frt re read my post son in no way did i direct my post to you but somehow you still got but hurt about it. i have severd my country and are familar with barracks life and how it works.
gun ho m/fs hit the gym every night after hours then go clubbing on the weekend.
they being in the military like to party hard but are still fit active. and there are no muscle bound troops for the fact the military uses a bmi scale and they would go over the norm "let me know if i got anything wrong here"
in your post you sound like your a tad jelous of them. then say they are banging fat chicks and attacking my grammer:jerkit:.
i did my time in the miltary you work hard you fight hard you better fucking play hard. in the navy you weren't considerd a true sailor till you got your first social diesease hell in turkey 65% of the enlisted men got gonorea. life goes on.
as for lifting yeah all those pro football players wrestlers boxers bodybuilders are just as bad as being fat please. whos going to get laid first john candy or dwanye johnson

Is this guy pretending to be Magna? Ban? There can only be one!

browning 12-20-2009 04:50 PM

Originally Posted by faeflora (Post 498432)
Is this guy pretending to be Magna? Ban? There can only be one!

sorry don't know who manga is?

browning 12-20-2009 05:02 PM

now i know who it is:bowrofl:. it gets me people saying being built and muscular is just as bad as being fat.
you just don't wake up one morning and say oops i'm benching 450 gee how did that happen? it's easy to be a lardass look around quite a few people do a damn good job at it.it's a different thing to get in the gym work at it and get to a certain level.
then you see people get in the gym hit it for a week or two and thats the last you ever see of them. typical excuse don't have time work kids ect... something.
then try to put down guys who actually get there. about big guys being slow ect... mike tyson is pushing about 260lbs right now. hes kinda chunky right now but still all muscle underneath wonder how a reg dude would do against him being that he's so big and slow

juxt3r 12-20-2009 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by Mach929 (Post 498108)
how in hell do you run without your heels touching down? sounds like a special olympics style of running or stomping

Easy answer? Run faster.
If you're jogging, power walking or whatever, yeah, you're going to look pretty stupid.

Once you try running in track spikes (not on hard surfaces, obviously), wrestling shoes or Five Fingers, you'll learn pretty quickly how to not contact the ground with your heels...because these shoes have little to no padding there, so you really feel the shocks. Great calf workout, though.

FRT_Fun 12-20-2009 07:13 PM

browning, you quoted my comment which means your post was directed at me. I used myself as an example because I am not a hypocrite.

Trust me I am faaaar from jealous of anyone. Especially these guys. Either way you can think what you want about me it really doesn't matter.

I am not saying that being fit is just as bad as being fat. Guys that try so hard to be huge, and that are never satisfied with themselves and keep gaining muscle until they are so big they can't do simple things, are, in my opinion, just as bad as fat people.

At the risk of gaying this thread up even more I will give examples:




Some of these are kind of extreme, but even a little bit less huge than these guys is sick. That shit is just gross.

BTW I want to clarify that there are two separate points I am trying to make.

1. Being so big that you just look ridiculous.. is retarded. Unless you get paid, lots and lots of money for it.

2. If you have a crazy strict diet all week, and then binge on the weekends (soda, beer, pizza etc...) then why not just do those things sparingly during the week, which I think would be more tolerable, and healthy. I am just pointing out that it is funny to see guys who stress over the smallest diet things during the week, throw all the rules away at 5:00pm on Friday.

As for the grammar thing, it's just kind of hard to read your stuff. If you are going to debate something at least take the time to write correctly.

NA6C-Guy 12-20-2009 08:07 PM

That is disgusting ^ I don't get how you could want to look like that. That is not ideal human form, that is freak form.

browning 12-20-2009 08:42 PM

first guy ronnie coleman my friggen idol works 40 hr work week as a cop and competes 2nd obvious synth user waste of life as for 3rd guy way way waste of life doing some serious time for drug dealing another syth user videos of his infected muscle pouring out literly gallons of puss out of his swollen arms.

browning 12-20-2009 08:45 PM

you can see the difference in ronnie and the others ronnies is usable size he can a does run down people others a not bodybuilders but serious drug addicts who have destroyed there bodies.secondly your in the military and in chicago you navy by chance?

NA6C-Guy 12-20-2009 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by browning (Post 498503)
first guy ronnie coleman my friggen idol works 40 hr work week as a cop and competes 2nd obvious synth user waste of life as for 3rd guy way way waste of life doing some serious time for drug dealing another syth user videos of his infected muscle pouring out literly gallons of puss out of his swollen arms.

Are you trying to steal Magna's spot on this forum?

browning 12-20-2009 09:11 PM

Originally Posted by NA6C-Guy (Post 498507)
Are you trying to steal Magna's spot on this forum?

why hell no. as for those guys when you guys see photos like this these sizes are not attainable by normal means so don't kid yourself. guys look at the mags and think i'm going to be like him just isn't going to happen.
even your favorite athlete is more than likely taking something they get hit tear a knee three weeks later they are playing again come on.
those two photos are blatenly using synthinol kinda instant muscle lets say you have 19 inch arms you want bigger you have this shit shot dirrectly into your muscle with like an 8 guage needle very pain full.
next day you will have 21 to 22 inch arms takes about a week to recover and effects last for a few years. you keep shooting you get bigger and bigger till you miss and hit an artery giving you an instant heart attack or it gets infected and you muscle pops like a big bloody zit .
there is no power in the muscles just size. for me i'm a power junkie the heavier the better. this destroys your body those to guy are worthless they would not even place in a competetion.

FRT_Fun 12-20-2009 09:59 PM

Well I have never considered, looked into, researched drugs like the ones you described. I really had no idea that those guys were druggies.

As for ronnie coleman (to be honest don't really know who he is either) that is still too big IMO.

No I am not in the navy.

browning 12-20-2009 10:16 PM

Originally Posted by FRT_Fun (Post 498539)
Well I have never considered, looked into, researched drugs like the ones you described. I really had no idea that those guys were druggies.

As for ronnie coleman (to be honest don't really know who he is either) that is still too big IMO.

No I am not in the navy.

check his sight out the man is a beast

browning 12-20-2009 10:24 PM

Google Image Result for http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/pmag1b.jpg

this what i get into more these guys are not cut and massive just solid and strong.

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