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Braineack 11-03-2016 08:14 AM

I've got friends in high places...

Facebook Post

Braineack 11-03-2016 08:17 AM

Voter fraud is fake:

State raids Delco offices, seeking evidence of voter registration fraud

Pennsylvania state police have raided a Delaware County political field office seeking evidence of possible voter-registration fraud, according to court records.

In a warrant filed late last week in County Court, investigators said they were seeking documents, financial information, and lists of employees at the Norwood office of FieldWorks LLC, a national organization that often does street work for Democrats, records show.

The warrant did not specify the nature of the probe, but said agents also were looking for "templates . . . utilized to construct fraudulent voter registration forms" and "completed voter registration forms containing same or similar identifying information of individuals on multiple forms."

A Delaware County judge on Friday afternoon signed the search warrant, but it was not known when it was executed. The warrant application was approved by the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office. Jeff Johnson, a spokesman for the Attorney General's Office, declined to comment.


In 2012, FieldWorks' voter registration efforts in Ohio sparked some controversy. FieldWorks employees filed thousands of new voter registration cards in the final week before the registration deadline. Some of them were found to be fraudulent.

In that same election, FieldWorks included a cover letter with its mass voter filing warning that it itself viewed scores of the submitted names as fraudulent.

Police in Cincinnati arrested a former Ohio University student in 2012 working in FieldWorks on charges of forging 22 signatures on a petition drive. Police said at the time that FieldWorks itself played no role in that man's scheme to pad his list.

Joe Perez 11-03-2016 08:26 AM

It has arrived:


The mailroom in my apartment building yesterday.

Braineack 11-03-2016 08:29 AM

you should have wheeled it to work with you...see how long it took anyone to notice.

stratosteve 11-03-2016 09:20 AM

Dat moment when one of the more left leaning media outlet, turns on the Clinton machine.....dont want to be locked out of the WH for the next 4 years.

Braineack 11-03-2016 12:16 PM


Braineack 11-03-2016 02:02 PM

Braineack 11-03-2016 04:23 PM

Elementary school cancels mock election after kids chant 'Trump' - Washington Times

A New York elementary school has canceled its traditional mock presidential election after kids chanted “Trump” and repeated “negative rhetoric about minorities,” according to the school principal.

Children at Jericho Elementary School in Centereach will be voting for their favorite school lunch instead of their favorite presidential candidate after their mock campaign season got too heated.

“Some people were getting angry because some people like Trump and some people like Clinton,” fifth-grader Miranda Waters told a local ABC News affiliate. “Some people think Clinton’s not good. Some think Trump’s not good. So there’s a lot of arguments going on, and I don’t like that.”

School officials decided to cancel the mock election to prevent minority students “from feeling uncomfortable,” according to Glen Rogers, the school’s principal.

“Teachers have said they’ve heard some kids in the cafeteria chanting ‘Trump! Trump! Trump!’ or saying they don’t want Muslims here,” Mr. Rogers told ABC News.

“I mean, kids often repeat what they hear on the TV or the news, but it doesn’t mean it’s OK,” he said. “We have a diverse community here. We want all our students to feel valued.”

bahurd 11-03-2016 04:40 PM

Meet our new moderator...

Melania Trump Is Very Upset By People Who Bully Others On The Internet
Melania Trump Is Very Upset By People Who Bully Others On The Internet | Huffington Post

triple88a 11-03-2016 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1371817)

Too bad the tax cuts are only for the 1%. The rest of us will get the dick.

sixshooter 11-03-2016 06:23 PM

I will get tax cuts. I'm not in the 1%. No dick for me.

Joe Perez 11-03-2016 10:40 PM

Tax cuts are an essential fiction. Spending will always increase, thus, deficits and taxes will always increase.

This is axiomatic.

What is a man to, when he has the hots for an extremely attractive and successful Indian woman who has drunk the Kool Ade so deeply that when she speaks the word "Her" you can actually hear the capital H?

EO2K 11-03-2016 11:40 PM

Is Joe drunk or am I drunk? I thought this was the politics thread ;)

Chiburbian 11-04-2016 12:19 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1371974)
What is a man to, when he has the hots for an extremely attractive and successful Indian woman who has drunk the Kool Ade so deeply that when she speaks the word "Her" you can actually hear the capital H?


Braineack 11-04-2016 06:53 AM

Clinton Theme:

State Dept. Emails: Clinton White House Data Stolen from National Archives | LifeZette

A newly released email from the State Department shows that Hillary Clinton was informed in April 2009 of a massive theft of data pertaining to former President Bill Clinton’s White House records.

On April 13, 2009, Clinton attorney Cheryl Mills informed newly sworn-in Secretary of State Hillary Clinton via email that the National Archives could not account for a two-terabyte hard drive.

“The drive may contain a wide range of memos, emails, and other electronic documents from the Clinton White House.”

The hard drive contained information from the administration of her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

The email was made public from State Department files on Thursday as part of an ongoing release of recovered emails that had been previously deleted from Clinton’s private server.


Braineack 11-04-2016 06:55 AM



Braineack 11-04-2016 08:05 AM

Originally Posted by Guardiola (Post 1371524)
So... is this real? KKK newspaper "The Crusader"
They have to know they are hurting Trump by publishing this.
Still, it makes me laugh a little.


KKK has given $20K to Hillary Clinton's campaign: Klan leader - Washington Times

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has received more than $20,000 in donations contributed by members of the Ku Klux Klan, a prominent member of the hate group said Monday.

“For the KKK, Clinton is our choice,” said Will Quigg, California Grand Dragon for the Loyal White Knights, Vocativ reported.

Mr. Quigg, the leader of the Klan’s California chapter, announced last month that he had abandoned supporting Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump in lieu of backing his likely Democratic opponent. The Klansman claims that members have raised more than $20,000 for Mrs. Clinton and have donated it anonymously to her campaign.

“She is friends with the Klan,” Mr. Quigg told Vocativ. “A lot of people don’t realize that.”

Clinton campaign spokesman Josh Schwein disputed the grand dragon’s claim and said the former secretary of state has rejected the group’s endorsement.

“This is completely false,” Mr. Schwerin told Vocativ. “We want no part of them or their money and vehemently reject their hateful agenda.”

Joe Perez 11-04-2016 08:08 AM

Originally Posted by EO2K (Post 1371977)
Is Joe drunk or am I drunk? I thought this was the politics thread ;)​​

It is The sheep-like simplicity of her political allegiance scares me, and is in stark contrast with practically every other observable characteristic. (Witty, well-educated, successful in business, etc.)

Anyway, it would seem that The Washington Post agrees with me.

The epic fail of the American electorate

By Petula Dvorak Columnist November 3 at 2:42 PM

Early voters cast their ballots at a community center last week in Potomac, Md. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images)

Hey, America, do you like this election?


But this is what you created.

You, America, stopped listening to facts you didn’t agree with, stopped reading newspapers or watching broadcasts that didn’t entertain you or confirm what you already believed, stopped trying to understand legislation and policy, stopped bothering to engage in civil discussion or master the basics of civic responsibilities.

You, America, blame Washington for everything that’s wrong with this country, but then you tell pollsters that the federal government isn’t doing enough to help you.

You, America, actually believe that reality television is real. And that politics is a form of reality TV. And so, we have an election that’s more “American Idol” than U.S. Constitution.

Canvassers this week actually found voters who thought they could vote online.

What? There’s not an app for that?

You realize we’re probably just one election cycle away from a Kardashian in office. Because, what the heck? Let’s try something new!

The epic fail of the American electorate goes beyond the possibility of “The Apprentice” presidency, starring the always entertaining and always horrifying Donald Trump.

Check out the mayoral race in Richmond and see what voters in the Old Dominion want in a candidate these days.

Leading the pack is Fightin’ Joe Morrissey, a 58-year-old former Democratic state delegate who is a one-man E! network. He is living out his own reality show.

This guy did 17 months of jail time after he denied that he altered documents to get a cute, underage intern to work for him, denied that he had sex with her, denied that he sent texts bragging about having sex with her and denied that he was the father of her baby.

[ Joe Morrissey: An embarrassment that voters support — and deserve ]

And then, during last season’s June finale of “Say it Ain’t So, Joe,” there was a grand Virginia wedding for Morrissey and the now-20-year-old Myrna Warren, complete with a Swarovski-encrusted gown and white tents on the family farm.

Voters love the guy and somehow believe that between his five children, three mothers of his children and his spotty career — including a disbarment for fistfighting in the courtroom — he is the right man for the complex and labor-intensive job of governing a city. Not even new allegations that he sexually harassed a woman while acting as her attorney this year have derailed him.

He’ll be an entertaining mayor, right? Season 2 will be ah-mazing.

You can’t get further from Washington than Hawaii, where the certifiable Angela Kaaihue is running for a U.S. House seat with the help of demons and devils worthy of a heavy-metal album cover. The cloven ones on her campaign posts say her opponents are Satan and she is the only true “messenger of God.”

Don’t worry if the Republican doesn’t win, because one of our fave characters, Carlos Danger, still makes election news even when he’s not running.

Anthony Weiner, the soon-to-be-ex-husband of top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, can text his dysfunction to you anywhere, his disgusting shtick knows no boundaries. (Okay, New York City did send the Democrat to the U.S. House of Representatives, but didn’t elect him mayor, so some kudos there.)

Are we sure this election season wasn’t scripted by Netflix? But no, we can’t go on a 72-hour binge-watch bender to see who wins.

The demand for politainment isn’t anything new. Ronald Reagan made the leap from B-movie actor to GOP politician in 1967, when the future president was elected governor of California. Then came singer Sonny Bono as mayor of Palm Springs and Republican congressman, then actor Clint Eastwood as mayor of Carmel.

California found its formula, giving the boring process of political debate and governance the Hollywood treatment. Remember Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor of California? The Terminator will fix the state’s budget crisis, right?

Except, no. And nobody was sorry to see him go.

But wait, sensible Minnesotans elected professional wrestler Jesse Ventura as a third-party governor. His one term may not have been as disastrous as the Terminator’s time in office.

Minnesotans did it again with Al Franken (D), a former comedy writer for “Saturday Night Live” who has had zero entertainment value as a senator.


But guess what? Sometimes, government is boring. And it’s hard work. And it’s important. And it is absolutely incumbent upon Americans to take it seriously.

Being a patriot is not about decorating yourself or anything you own with an American flag. Loyalty to this country isn’t measured by how you carry your body when the national anthem is played.

Being an American citizen is about the full-throated involvement in the civic process, with no expectation of entertainment.

It is about understanding that all those immigrants risking their lives to get to America would do anything to have the honor and opportunity that each American has at local council meetings, town hall meetings, state assemblies and voting booths all year long, every year.

Making election decisions based on who’s going to make you laugh, who you’d rather have a beer with or who comes up with the zippiest one-liners is borderline treason.

Save that for your Saturday night laughs. And take responsibilities we have as citizens seriously — all year long.


Braineack 11-04-2016 08:15 AM


Satan in the WH

x_25 11-04-2016 09:15 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1372003)
It is The sheep-like simplicity of her political allegiance scares me, and is in stark contrast with practically every other observable characteristic. (Witty, well-educated, successful in business, etc.)

Anyway, it would seem that The Washington Post agrees wit

The epic fail of the American electorate

By Petula Dvorak Columnist November 3 at 2:42 PM

Early voters cast their ballots at a community center last week in Potomac, Md. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Image

Idicoracy was supposed to be a commedy, not a guide....

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