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hector 10-20-2016 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1368773)
being on the right side of history:


Along those lines, how'bout that Amy Schumer, huh? Her freedom of speech and expression is greater than yours.

Joe Perez 10-20-2016 07:59 PM

Had to Google who Amy Schumer was. I guess I'd do her, but in a "chubby gals need lovin" kind of way. Definitely not the sort I'd bring to an art gallery opening. More of a Sandra Fluke guy in that regard.

hector 10-20-2016 08:05 PM

I've heard the name but never knew who she was until she came on the morning news the other day after the Tampa incident. She claims the people were Trump supporters. The local news said people came to see a comedy show and get away from the political talk overload. Go figure.

So when she started going into her political agenda, some booed, some left, and some she asked to be thrown out.

triple88a 10-20-2016 09:57 PM

The best is when 400lb women compare them selves to her because somehow her being "plus size" makes it acceptable for them to be 3 times her size.

hi_im_sean 10-20-2016 11:13 PM


Braineack 10-21-2016 08:50 AM

Originally Posted by hector (Post 1368945)
Along those lines, how'bout that Amy Schumer, huh? Her freedom of speech and expression is greater than yours.

how so? I have the same opportunity to talk about my pussy, get famous, and then quickly become overrated, 1-hit, boring, and a typical liberal just as she...

but seriously, how does she have more freedom than me -- explain it in a way assuming I'm black and an SJW and i dont understand the meaning of equal opportunity.

fooger03 10-21-2016 09:05 AM

"Equal Opportunity" Is obsolete. It implies that everyone is not inherently equal - as a result, it makes racist the exact people that it was designed to support.

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1369013)
how so? I have the same opportunity to talk about my pussy, get famous, and then quickly become overrated, 1-hit, boring, and a typical liberal just as she...

but seriously, how does she have more freedom than me -- explain it in a way assuming I'm black and an SJW and i dont understand the meaning of equal opportunity.

Joe Perez 10-21-2016 10:07 AM

This thread is becoming bitter. It needs more pictures of women who are so horny that they literally testified before congress that they needed someone to pay for their contraceptives.


Joe Perez 10-21-2016 10:08 AM

And on a lighter note:


Braineack 10-21-2016 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 1369015)
"Equal Opportunity" Is obsolete. It implies that everyone is not inherently equal - as a result, it makes racist the exact people that it was designed to support.

We all have equal rights, we are however not all inherently equal.

Egalitarianism is obsolete. We are all different, and make different choices based on our differences.

If we were equal in the sense that SJWs want to use it, that would mean each time Hustler crashes his bike and breaks his bones, we'd all have to break our bones too.

bahurd 10-21-2016 02:23 PM

Pretty creative...



And I guess it's legal.

You could trade votes with someone to stop Trump and it's totally legal
Why it's completely legal to trade votes across state lines

Braineack 10-21-2016 02:34 PM

why stop trump? stop the state run media.

Facebook Post

shuiend 10-21-2016 02:38 PM

What is awesome is that here in Charleston SC, there are more Johnson signs out then Hillary or Trump combined.

Joe Perez 10-21-2016 03:16 PM


Erat 10-21-2016 06:06 PM

hector 10-22-2016 06:59 AM

Yes, don't believe the candid video recording because of the source. Nevermind the words being said or the criminals saying them.

Just believe Michael Moore. I mean he went to Cuba and showed how everything is so great there. That's why all us Cubans stay there after all.

Braineack 10-22-2016 03:02 PM


Braineack 10-22-2016 04:56 PM

Facebook employees say Trump?s posts about banning Muslims should be removed | Daily Mail Online

Sources close to the matter told The Journal that there was about to be a mini-mutiny of staffers who would threaten to quit over controversial statements made by Mr Trump's presidential campaign after being told they could not delete the candidate's posts.

Braineack 10-24-2016 07:08 AM

New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples" | Zero Hedge

I also want to get your Atlas folks to recommend oversamples for our polling before we start in February. By market, regions, etc. I want to get this all compiled into one set of recommendations so we can maximize what we get out of our media polling.

Research, microtargeting & polling projects
- Over-sample Hispanics
- Use Spanish language interviewing. (Monolingual Spanish-speaking voters are among the lowest turnout Democratic targets)
- Over-sample the Native American population

- Consistently monitor the sample to ensure it is not too old, and that it has enough African American and Hispanic voters to reflect the state.
- On Independents: Tampa and Orlando are better persuasion targets than north or south Florida (check your polls before concluding this). If there are budget questions or oversamples, make sure that Tampa and Orlando are included first.

- General election benchmark, 800 sample, with potential over samples in key districts/regions
- Benchmark polling in targeted races, with ethnic over samples as needed
- Targeting tracking polls in key races, with ethnic over samples as needed

This makes it easier to rig the election, when your fake results match your fake polls.

Braineack 10-24-2016 07:09 AM

Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Had Gun Control Supporters Planted In Town Hall Audience - Breitbart

One of the emails contained in the Wikileaks’ Podesta email release shows that Hillary Clinton had gun control supporters planted in a town hall audience in Manchester, New Hampshire.

The town hall occurred on October 5, 2015; just four days after a man opened fire on Umpqua Community College campus in Oregon.

In the email thread, dated October 4, 2015, a “speech draft” was passed around “on behalf of Megan Rooney.” The email contained “talking points” for Clinton to use to discuss guns in Manchester.

The first part of the email reminded other campaign staffers that the town hall had no specific focus, although gun control would be highlighted:

Here are short TPs about guns for the NH community college town hall >>> tomorrow. This is not a town hall exclusively about gun violence — it’s just a >>> regular town hall.

The email then turned, reminding everyone that there would be gun control plants at the town hall; that those plants would be from various gun control groups:But the person who will introduce [Clinton] will tell a story >>> about gun violence in her life, and there will be people in the audience >>> from gun violence orgs.

The Manchester town hall was held at Manchester Community College. And the talking points advised Clinton to begin by saying, “We’ve seen yet another mass murder – this time, in a community college in Oregon that’s probably a lot like this one.” A text of her speech shows that she promised to “make gun control a top priority” and enumerated controls like an “assault weapons ban,” an expansion of the list of persons barred from gun possession, and more laws against straw purchases.

She did not mention the fact that the Oregon community college campus was a gun-free zone–which means it had 100 percent gun control. Nor did she mention that the gunman acquired his firearms via background checks.

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