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Joe Perez 02-05-2019 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1521759)
How cool would it be if there were a musical about Ruth Bader Ginsberg?

Ask and ye shall receive:

Braineack 02-05-2019 03:34 PM

what if she was in on this?


Same-sex couple ‘married’ by Justice Ginsberg accused of drugging, raping student

HOUSTON, August 23, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Rising baritone singer Samuel Schultz has accused a prominent homosexual couple whose “marriage” was officiated by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of drugging and violently raping him in 2010, the New York Daily News reports.

That year, as a 23-year-old graduate student at Rice University, Schultz says he met opera countertenor David Daniels and conductor Scott Walters at a closing night party for Houston Grand Opera’s run of “Xerxes.” According to his complaint, they invited him back to the apartment they were staying in for drinks, where he blacked out after just a couple sips.

Schultz says he awakened the next day “in a bed alone, completely naked,” inexplicably sore, and “bleeding from my rectum.” Daniels and Walters were not there when he woke up, but when they returned, they asked if he “had a good time” and Daniels allegedly said “‘Don’t worry about the BB thing, I’m totally negative.’ BB in this case meant bareback, otherwise known as raping me without a condom.”

Schultz admits he did not seek an examination until after physical evidence of rape would have disappeared, but friend Megan Gale (then a Rice University music department employee) and an unnamed therapist both confirmed to the paper he confided in them about the alleged incident at the time, including sharing specific details.


One of the Supreme Court’s most liberal justices, Ginsburg performed Daniels and Walters’ “wedding” in 2014 with much media hype.

"How do you make marriage equality more special? Have one of the most powerful liberals in all the land officiate the ceremony. That’s how gay Atlanta’s David Daniels and Scott Walters topped your gay wedding," reported Project Q Atlanta in 2014.

Ginsburg​ did the same for several homosexual couples in the years before the court mandated that all fifty states recognize same-sex “marriage,” leading many lawmakers, religious leaders, and pundits to demand that she recuse herself from the case for pre-signaling her personal view on the subject.

She refused to bow out, however, and Obergefell v. Hodges declared a constitutional right to same-sex “marriage” 5-4 in 2015. A 4-4 tie would have allowed the lower court ruling in the case to stand (in this case a Sixth Circuit ruling that states did not have to recognize same-sex “marriages”), but would not have set a binding precedent for the rest of the country.


Joe Perez 02-05-2019 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1521782)

I wonder how many murders and assaults each year are committed by people who are heterosexuals, and who were married by a conservative Christian priest?

(I seriously think you're stretching on this one, Brain.)

triple88a 02-05-2019 11:43 PM


Supporters of President Donald Trump have taken to Twitter in droves over the past few weeks to complain about Trump’s tax plan. They’ve just figured out that the 2017 GOP tax cut means that many middle-class Americans have to pay more in taxes because the bill eliminated some deductions they previously used to lower their annual tax payments.

For example, the tax bill capped deductions for taxes paid to local and state governments, while drastically increasing the amount of money a person has to donate in order to qualify for a charitable giving deduction.

These Trump voters are not shy about letting their disappointment in the president and in the Republican party be known.

Erat 02-06-2019 05:26 AM

So I made the same amount of money this year as the year before. But they took $2000 less out federally across the year. We'll see if I owe $2000, I usually get a good amount back.

Braineack 02-06-2019 08:08 AM

Originally Posted by Erat (Post 1521832)
So I made the same amount of money this year as the year before. But they took $2000 less out federally across the year. We'll see if I owe $2000, I usually get a good amount back.

i lost $10,000 in deductions...

Still love Trump and Trump's economy.


taxes are shitty for everyone, we should eliminate them -- problem solved.

Braineack 02-06-2019 09:02 AM



@Joe Perez the only reason the WP dug this up is because they decided she is not the chosen one and had to release it to make sure she dropped out before she even started her campaign.

concealer404 02-06-2019 09:09 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1521271)
Democrats 2019: The party of thought crime and punishment


Could you please demonstrate on a map in which Democratic-led district of the US the town of Humberside is?

Joe Perez 02-06-2019 09:09 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1521835)
(Infographic showing more high-income households, fewer low-income households)

Ooh, I've got the perfect retort:

"Why are we trying to turn poor people into a minority?"

Guarantee that OAC or similar will make this statement at some point, totally un-ironically.

Braineack 02-06-2019 09:18 AM

The rich are a minority, yet we always try to boss them around.


Braineack 02-06-2019 09:18 AM







Joe Perez 02-06-2019 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by concealer404 (Post 1521840)
Could you please demonstrate on a map in which Democratic-led district of the US the town of Humberside is?


Facts don't matter, that meme fits Brain's narrative.

concealer404 02-06-2019 09:35 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1521844)

Facts don't matter, that meme fits Brain's narrative.

Brain sees thing.
Brain decides doesn't like thing.
Thing therefor is The Democrats' Fault.
Post accordingly.

...... Beep Boop.

Joe Perez 02-06-2019 09:52 AM

Originally Posted by concealer404 (Post 1521847)
Brain sees thing.
Brain decides doesn't like thing.
Thing therefor is The Democrats' Fault.
Post accordingly.

...... Beep Boop.

Sadly, yes. The logic (or lack thereof) seems to be the same at both the extreme-left and extreme-right ends of the spectrum.


Braineack 02-06-2019 10:07 AM

Originally Posted by concealer404 (Post 1521840)
Could you please demonstrate on a map in which Democratic-led district of the US the town of Humberside is?

How is it wrong? It's a metaphor. Wanna know what's really neat about metaphors? they are symbolic. You don't think Democrats in the US would love to pass anti-speech laws like the ones in the UK are doing if they could?

Brain sees things the Democrats/Liberals/Leftists are doing.
Brain decides doesn't like thing.
Thing therefor is The Democrats/Liberals/Leftists' Fault.
Post accordingly.
again, where is it wrong?

concealer404 02-06-2019 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1521854)
How is it wrong? It's a metaphor. Wanna know what's really neat about metaphors? they are symbolic. You don't think Democrats in the US would love to pass anti-speech laws like the ones in the UK are doing if they could?

You don't think this post doesn't read as either A) Really reaching or B) Backpedaling, or C) both?

You really don't?

again, where is it wrong?
I'm not really addressing that or making any real political commentary in this case. I'm just pointing out that you sound just as batshit as the people you would condemn.

shuiend 02-06-2019 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by concealer404 (Post 1521855)
I'm not really addressing that or making any real political commentary in this case. I'm just pointing out that you sound just as batshit as the people you would condemn.

I mean we knew that something like 12.5k posts back from Braineack.

Joe Perez 02-06-2019 12:31 PM

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 1521859)
I mean we knew that something like 12.5k posts back from Braineack.


Originally Posted by Braineack
Democrats 2019: The party of thought crime and punishment

That sure sounds like a claim that the democratic party in the US has, or is proposing to, or is campaigning on a platform of, the criminalization of thought.

Absent any evidence of this, I don't see how the underlying logic is any different from ultra-libs who, in 2016, were hysterically crying that if Trump were to be elected president, he would criminalize abortion and gay marriage, and start a nuclear war with North Korea, and otherwise do the bidding of Satan. Neither of those things, of course, appear to be on the President's agenda.

Or, in 2008, the ultra-right who were hysterically crying that if Obama were to be elected president, he'd ban and seize all of their guns and force everyone to be gay. And, of course, Obama signed only two major laws that address how guns are carried in America, both of which actually expanded the rights of gun owners. (And none mandating homosexuality.)

We live in an age in which it's become fashionable to project an extremist, binary, "us vs. them" image with regard to politics. Which inevitably leads to extremist doomsday prognostications of what the election of the "other" party might augur.

Brainey is just being trendy. :giggle:

concealer404 02-06-2019 12:35 PM

So woke!

sixshooter 02-06-2019 01:26 PM

You mean we aren't required to be gay?

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