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Braineack 02-12-2019 10:19 AM



Braineack 02-12-2019 12:45 PM





Braineack 02-12-2019 12:59 PM


samnavy 02-12-2019 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1522488)
All of Virginia's statewide elected public officials are guilty.
The facts don't matter at this point. Fuck due process. They've all been accused of something, and are thus guilty.

And it's not the right-leaning media outlets that are pushing this... it's mostly the other way from what I can see. Those 3 guys are practically at the top of the Democrat pyramid nationally, and Fox is the least of their worries. In all honesty, I gotta wonder what the plan is?

"Democrats don't take a dump, son, without a plan".

Virginia, as a state, has been turning gradually more blue since 2000'ish. Until this latest series of events, the state was poised to turn completely blue at the next election cycle... State Executive and Assembly, US Congress, and Electoral College... solid BLUE! The only thing keeping VA from looking exactly like California when it comes to "progressive bullshit" is ONE single vote in the state house and senate.

Now, the DNC has to be shitting itself. If it comes down to special elections, it'll be a bloodbath because there isn't an establishment Democrat left in the ladder that they can pull from. The Democrats will have to run a complete nobody in each job, and how will they pcik a winner? It's be Thunderdome... accusating eachother of racism, rape, cultural appropriation, anti-Gay, pro-Israel, immigrant hating, etc... potentials will destroy each-other on a world stage with the unexpected opportunity to move up the rungs.

Republicans just need to point the minority speaker of each house and settle it over beers for who gets Governor or Lt Governor.

Braineack 02-12-2019 04:47 PM

the lt gov. isn't going anywhere.

worst part, over the weekend, i was kicking it with the people, and even people living in a shed in Cocodrie, LA were like, oh youre from VA, having all sorts of problems in that state... it's like go fuck yourself LA; we aiiight.

cordycord 02-12-2019 06:23 PM

The best conspiracy theory all week.


Joe Perez 02-12-2019 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1522578)


samnavy 02-13-2019 02:35 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1522587)

Joe, you complete me.

On the other side of the country... Newsom discovers a pair of testicles between his legs. I blame the fucking voters there for this nightmare. Every single expert that ever said anything about the train project said NO FUCKING WAY IN A MILLION YEARS will this ever work. Jerry Brown snapped his fingers and the voters checked the box. The conspiracy theory is that they were hoping after 8 years of Obama, that Hill-dog would reign for another 8 and that federal funding would magically appear... oops. California is lucky to still be solvent, at least Newsom grabbed this low-hanging fruit. This might also be a big FUCK YOU to the AOC crowd who just championed hi-speed rail specifically in their glorious new green deal.


Chuck called it 2 years ago:

Braineack 02-13-2019 08:37 AM


Braineack 02-13-2019 02:56 PM

Trump loves when you report the news.

Braineack 02-13-2019 07:37 PM

I thought Trump was anti-press...




Joe Perez 02-13-2019 07:48 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1522781)
I thought Trump was anti-press...

That's probably why it's so difficult for you to comprehend the present political climate in the US.

The President is not anti-press. Much to the contrary, he recognizes the press as a valuable ally when they are extolling his virtues.

No, the President, much like his allies at his extreme end of the political spectrum, and his opponents at the other, are anti-objectivity. When certain members of the press use logic and reason to objectively analyze his administration, they are Agents of Evil. But when they either:

A: Use logic and reason to discover facts which, while unrelated to his own legitimacy, question the legitimacy of those whom he opposes, or
B: Serve as a mouthpiece for him,

they they are obviously righteous and good.

(For the purposes of this analysis, "The President" can refer to any elected politician who tends to prefer rhetoric and hyperbole over facts and truth, and "he / his" can be substituted for pronouns which are acceptable to persons / non-persons / demi-persons who identify as any of the 437 recognized genders, or as no gender at all, or as some indefinite position across a spectrum of infinite genders or lack thereof.)

Braineack 02-13-2019 07:50 PM

so can we derive that mexico > USA?

Joe Perez 02-13-2019 08:06 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1522787)
so can we derive that mexico > USA?


I'm afraid that I can't quite follow the logic on this one.

Could you explain it to me in simple terms? (Assume that I have no knowledge of facts or opinions relevant to this situation which you presuppose to be universally understood.)

samnavy 02-13-2019 09:10 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1522785)
That's probably why it's so difficult for you to comprehend the present political climate in the US.
The President is not anti-press. Much to the contrary, he recognizes the press as a valuable ally when they are extolling his vires.
No, the President, much like his allies at his extreme end of the political spectrum, and his opponents at the other, are anti-objectivity. When certain members of the press use logic and reason to objectively analyze his administration, they are Agents of Evil. But when they either:
A: Use logic and reason to discover facts which, while unrelated to his own legitimacy, question the legitimacy of those whom he opposes, or
B: Serve as a mouthpiece for him,they they are obviously righteous and good.
(For the purposes of this analysis, "The President" can refer to any elected politician who tends to prefer rhetoric and hyperbole over facts and truth, and "he / his" can be substituted for pronouns which are acceptable to persons / non-persons / demi-persons who identify as any of the 437 recognized genders, or as no gender at all, or as some indefinite position across a spectrum of infinite genders or lack thereof.)

I don't think that any politician can have the expectation that the press is going to be completely favorable to them all the time. Obama enjoyed that benefit however, and I think the country got very used to the press always creaming themselves about everything he did. The "public" over the course of 8 years had the expectation that everything the media said about the President was positive... that it was SUPPOSED to be positive... that the job of the press was to support the President. And now, you have the exact opposite. We'll go 8 years here where the press does nothing but crush the Presidents every move no matter what it is. Obama was (for the most part) a completely ineffective leader who was at best, a net neutral for most of metrics that the average person considers important, but the man was well liked because he had solid speaking skills. For the most part, he did his best to gradually advance the progressive agenda where he could, but otherwise just try not to piss anybody off. Granted, Obamacare was a colossal lie and mostly a disaster, but it wasn't exactly a "hard" sell after his televised speech of lies. Besides Obamacare, most citizens would be hard pressed to talk about anything Obama "did" while he was President. People who are single-issue voters might come up with something very specific, but the "average" guy probably comes up empty with where Obama was on immigration, economy, foreign policy, etc... Mostly he sat back and let the world just go by. and with the media sucking his dong all the time, it was generally hard to find any fault in the man unless you dug past the headlines, which most people don't.

Now ask the average person about where Trump stands on stuff... and you will get either get one of 3 answers:
A) Dude is the best thing to ever happen to 'Merica.
B) He's literally a Nazi.
C) I did the right thing and deleted my Facebook account and I have no clue what's going on in the world.

And so we read hundreds of daily articles that are almost always opinion pieces that start out "Trump MIGHT..." or "Trump COULD..." that are razor thin with no substance and highly improbable, but are carefully worded and presented like hard-facts. These stories are always personal attacks, and always lead to the most horrible consequences imaginable if the most unlikely thing they're talking about happens. I'm 100% onboard with calling this stuff "Fake News". Or jump straight to the blatant Fake News, the most recent examples of which are the Covington Catholic kids who were initially assassinated by the media, then the story was sorta walked back but not really, then it was still about how Trump "caused" it to happen, or "set the stage" or "made it acceptable" or whatever bullshit that he had nothing to do with... the media doubled-down on crazy tangents because the public expects it. FAKE NEWS IS GOOD FOR BUSINESS!

Remember when George Zimmerman was labeled a "white hispanic" because the liberal media had nothing they could sell about the event to play the race card and just made it up? Almost everything I read that is negative about President Trump has that same bullshit feel to it.

Joe Perez 02-13-2019 09:16 PM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1522801)
Mostly he sat back and let the world just go by.

Without in any way detracting from, or casting aspersion upon, the rest of what you have written, I would like to point out that the specific sentence above is a fairly accurate summary of an ideal President.

Dann0 02-14-2019 01:06 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1522803)
Without in any way detracting from, or casting aspersion upon, the rest of what you have written, I would like to point out that the specific sentence above is a fairly accurate summary of an ideal President.

I, too, miss Calvin Coolidge. Seriously.

sixshooter 02-14-2019 07:14 AM

Originally Posted by Dann0 (Post 1522836)
I, too, miss Calvin Coolidge. Seriously.


Joe Perez 02-14-2019 08:28 AM

AOC is learning how the free-market works: https://www.washingtonpost.com/polit...s-not-pleased/

In her own words: "Shock doesn’t begin to cover it."

Braineack 02-14-2019 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1522860)
AOC is learning how the free-market works: https://www.washingtonpost.com/polit...s-not-pleased/

In her own words: "Shock doesn’t begin to cover it."


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