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Joe Perez 07-03-2017 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 1425466)
Male, Female, and Pony?

P can mean whatever you want it to mean.

For Scott's purposes, we'll need to come up with some reasonable thing that it officially stands for, in order to pass it through whatever layers of SJW-clearance his shit needs to go through.

But we'll always know. :D

good2go 07-03-2017 08:45 AM



Guardiola 07-03-2017 08:46 AM

P for Person: Official
P for Pony: MT

Braineack 07-03-2017 08:49 AM

The person in question apparently has a transgender offspring. it got very awkward one day when i made some of the most non-pc remarks...

rleete 07-03-2017 09:16 AM

Were some of the remarks suggesting failed parenting?

Braineack 07-03-2017 09:42 AM

they were all made before i knew, so i quickly dismounted my high-horse.

Joe Perez 07-03-2017 09:51 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1425484)
they were all made before i knew, so i quickly dismounted my high-horse.


On an unrelated note: I built this PC in early 2010. It wasn't top-of-the-line at the time, and it's starting to show its age a bit... Took nearly three seconds to load the "insert image" dialogue.

1990-me would have been floored by that kind of load time. Uploading that horse would have taken several minutes.

2017-me is an impatient asshole.

Braineack 07-10-2017 06:55 AM

Hitler was so "far-right" he was actually a socialist.

Facebook Post

Braineack 07-10-2017 07:05 AM

elections are never broken, until they are.

Colorado non-profit Coalition for Good Governance (CGG) has reportedly filed a lawsuit seeking to void Republican Karen Handel’s victory in last month’s Georgia special election.

According to Breitbart, the suit involves a number of Georgia-based members from CGG who claim “Georgia’s touchscreen voting system had severe security faults and that election officials repeatedly ignored warnings that it was compromised.”

Defendants in the suit reportedly include Georgia’s Secretary of State Brian Kemp, State Election Board members, election officials in two counties and the Kennesaw State University’s Center for Election Systems.

“We aren’t questioning one candidate over another,” said the lead plaintiff, Donna Curling, to Colorado Politics.

“We’re saying it’s impossible to know. We are in a completely different environment of cybersecurity threats than when this equipment was purchased 15 years ago.”


Georgia’s Secretary of State Brian Kemp has dismissed the lawsuit as bogus, accusing the mainstream media of creating “false narratives about Russian hacking and potential vulnerabilities in the system.”

Writing in a USA Today column, Kemp continued, “the prevailing plot is that states like Georgia can’t provide suitable security for elections.”

“For years, we have run our elections with little interest from the press.”

Continuing, he wrote, “misinformation from the media or disgruntled partisans not only fuels conspiracy theorists but also erodes the first safeguard we have in our elections — the public’s trust. Failing to respect this process with accurate reporting is a disservice to the American people.”

“To be candid, the most plausible and potentially effective attack on our elections is not by hacking the vote — it is through the manipulation of the American media machine. With ‘breaking news’ that generates voter confusion, these baseless attacks and inaccurate stories enhance voter apathy and erode our confidence in the cornerstone of our democracy. That’s the real story.”

Braineack 07-10-2017 07:06 AM

what a time to be alive:

Facebook Post

Braineack 07-10-2017 07:07 AM

dont be like canada:

Canada’s Supreme Court has reportedly upheld a trial judge’s decision to acquit a 35-year-old woman who had sex with a 14-year-old boy because he “looked mature.”

According to the CBC, the Supreme Court released on Friday “written reasons for its May ruling where justices said Saskatchewan resident Barbara George should not face a new trial on sexual interference and sexual assault charges.”

“George was acquitted of the charges because the trial judge found the sexual activity was ‘factually consensual’ – that she honestly believed the boy was at least 16, and there was reasonable doubt she had not taken all reasonable steps to determine the age of the boy,” the CBC continues, citing the Supreme Court’s response to an appeal that had been improperly (appeals may only be filed if a trial judge is found to have made a legal error; the one involved allegedly made none) filed following the acquittal.The outlet goes on to state that the boy was attending a party at George’s house on the night of the incident. The two reportedly spoke for several hours in George’s bedroom that night and had sex.

this is what happens when your country turns to islam...

Braineack 07-10-2017 07:09 AM

getting arrested is rape.

An 18-year-old Burlington Girl, Logan Huysman, claimed on social media that police sexually assaulted her after her arrest, showing bruises on her arms as ‘proof.’ Police Chief Brandon del Pozo released body cam footage in response.

The 18-year-old’s father saw the footage of her arrest and said, “she was resisting arrest, and she had to be forcefully put in the police car. The police showed more patience than I would have.”

Braineack 07-10-2017 07:16 AM

Too bad Bill Cosby didnt have emails:

Red Alert Politics is accusing Scottie Nell Hughes of being an opportunistic ‘female predator’ after speaking to several of her colleagues and uncovering leaked emails which appear to cast doubt on Hughes’ claim of sexual harassment against FOX Business host Charles Payne.


Here’s an excerpt from one of the emails Hughes allegedly sent to Payne:

“Do you know what I keep dreaming about.. You and I in the pool… My legs wrapped around your waste and you have me pressed up against the wall of the pool.”

“Skin glistening and smelling of coconut… You thrusting yourself deeper inside with each push… And your fingers grasping each of my cheeks.”

hornetball 07-10-2017 09:53 AM

Never mess with a woman who can't differentiate "waste" and "waist."

Braineack 07-10-2017 10:29 AM

maybe she typed it correctly? she sounds pretty dirty.

sixshooter 07-10-2017 10:49 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1426724)
maybe she typed it correctly? she sounds pretty dirty.


Braineack 07-11-2017 08:40 AM


The University of Missouri is still facing issues long after social justice protests concluded, according to The New York Times.

Months ago, a report emerged showing that University of Missouri was facing enrollment drops and, as a result, was forced to close several dormitories down.

Many are pointing out that the drop in enrollment and their mounting financial problems came only after Mizzou had begun caving to pressure from social justice warriors.

The University of Missouri went so far to try to be “inclusive” that they actually considered evaluating their professors on their commitment to social justice.

This is just one of the many policies the University of Missouri sought to implement after social justice warriors started having hissy fits all over campus.

According to The New York Times, the controversial protests have made the school unattractive to freshmen.

Freshman enrollment at the Columbia campus, the system’s flagship, has fallen by more than 35 percent in the two years since. The university administration acknowledges that the main reason is a backlash from the events of 2015, as the campus has been shunned by students and families put off by, depending on their viewpoint, a culture of racism or one where protesters run amok.

In case you were wondering, Mizzou was apparently flourishing before the protests began.

Before the protests, the university, fondly known as Mizzou, was experiencing steady growth and building new dormitories. Now, with budget cuts due to lost tuition and a decline in state funding, the university is temporarily closing seven dormitories and cutting more than 400 positions, including those of some nontenured faculty members, through layoffs and by leaving open jobs unfilled.
One school official even acknowledged the root of the problem to The New York Times.

“The general consensus was that it was because of the aftermath of what happened in November 2015,” said Mun Choi, the new system president, referring to the climax of the demonstrations.

“There were students from both in state and out of state that just did not apply, or those who did apply but decided not to attend.”
According to The New York Times, black students especially don’t want to deal with Mizzou.

Students of all races have shunned Missouri, but the drop in freshman enrollment last fall was strikingly higher among blacks, at 42 percent, than among whites, at 21 percent. (A racial breakdown was not yet available for this fall’s freshman class.)
While enrollment among blacks has fallen dramatically at Mizzou, white students are reportedly afraid to attend.

Tyler Morris, a white student from St. Louis, said he was afraid of being stereotyped as a bigot if he went to Missouri. So he decided to go to Missouri Valley College, “just down the road” in Marshall.

“The discrimination wasn’t against white people, but I didn’t want to be that person who I guess was stereotyped because I was white,” he said.

dont worry, they can just ask the gov't to pick up more tab for their private, for-profit, business.

Braineack 07-12-2017 08:16 AM

how to gen wuss:

For starters, gender-reveal parties don’t actually reveal gender—they reveal anatomy. Gender is a wholly different thing, inextricably tied to the social constructs around it. (Fun fact: Blue used to be the color most associated with little girls, due to its association with the Virgin Mary. But Hitler—yes, Hitler—feminized the color pink by forcing gays to wear triangles in that shade during World War II.) A gender reveal conflates the two.

Projecting gender perceptions onto a fetus becomes especially thorny when you take into consideration that, globally, one in every 1000 to 1500 children is born with a visible form of Difference of Sex Development (DSD), which means being neither entirely male nor female, since the chromosomal/genital makeup falls somewhere in between—an enlarged clitoris capable of erections, for instance. (Broader definitions of DSD put this number closer to 1 in 100 children.) Then there are the millions of kids assigned a sex at birth with which they don’t align: 150,000 American teenagers identify as transgender. In a ritual that celebrates only a binary way of thinking about identity, we’re leaving a cross-section of the population out, adding to a culture of trans and intersex shame. And for what? Confetti poppers?

“The popularity of gender-reveal parties speaks to how powerful and central this binary is to our sense of identity,” Dalke told me.

“Still, they make me a little queasy. By collapsing gender expression, gender identity, and sex, you’re doing everyone a disservice, because no one buys into the whole package all the time.” She adds that “you’re especially doing a disservice to those who are intersex or transgender, who must spend their lives explaining it. It’s frustrating that this is now a commercialized ritual, when it can be so alienating.”

and the winning comment of the day is:

So you want me to care about climate change because "science" then completely ignore biology...O_o

Braineack 07-13-2017 08:51 AM

no daddy issues here.

Facebook Post

Braineack 07-14-2017 01:25 PM

maybe a list of what ISNT sexist would be a better place to start?

Two feminist professors are claiming that citing established authors perpetuates “white heteromasculinism.”

You heard that right, college graduates: those four years you spent learning APA/MLA and getting reamed out for having bad citations was a waste.

That whole time you – yes you, bigot – were actually perpetuating the terrible white patriarchy your feminist friends have told you about.


Campus Reform reports that Carrie Mott, from University of Rutgers and her cohort Professor Daniel Cockayne from the University of Waterloo.

Together, the two wrote a report in titled Citation matters: mobilizing the politics of citation toward a practice of ‘conscientious engagement’ in which they explain in detail how they plan to get people use citations as a form of anti-racist resistance.

This isn’t the first time Campus Reform has uncovered crazy liberal bias from professors either. Campus Reform actually reported on flyers at a college campus calling the MAGA slogan coded neo-nazi language.

Now, Campus Reform is reporting on a pair of feminist professors who are planning to mobilize the ‘politics of citation’ to help resist racism and the patriarchy.

Stop counting citations and start checking their levels of white heteromasculinism and wokeness.

Yet we also suggest, against citation counting and other related neoliberal technologies that imprecisely approximate measures of impact, influence, and academic excellence, citation thought conscientiously can also be a feminist and anti-racist technology of resistance that demonstrates engagement with those authors and voices we want to carry forward.

Campus Reform reports on the content of the article:

“To cite only white men…or to only cite established scholars…does a disservice to researchers and writers who are othered by white heteromasculinism,” they argue, defining “white heteromasculinism” as “an intersectional system of oppression describing on-going processes that bolster the status of those who are white, male, able-bodied, economically privileged, heterosexual, and cisgendered.”

The authors claim that this oppressive tradition contributes to the “marginalization of women, people of color, and those othered through white heteromasculine hegemony,” asserting that “particular voices and bodies are persistently left out of the conversation altogether.”

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