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blaen99 09-11-2012 07:03 PM


It looks like i'll be on late tonight. Have someone late for the gorramn appointment and it's looking like I won't be here for 9pm EST TF2 - maybe 10pm is doable though.

Saml01 09-12-2012 03:17 PM

This shit is real right hur.

What it's like to play online games as a grownup - The Oatmeal

sixshooter 09-13-2012 07:15 AM

Excellent spraypaint tag of the Miataturbo.net logo right by the spawn exit last night! I definitely need a tutorial on how to do that now. I'm also thinking of changing my screenname to include [MT] now. Gotta reprahsent!

Splitime 09-13-2012 10:42 AM

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 926293)
Excellent spraypaint tag of the Miataturbo.net logo right by the spawn exit last night! I definitely need a tutorial on how to do that now. I'm also thinking of changing my screenname to include [MT] now. Gotta reprahsent!

Use Joe's file.

Then just google some directions, it is basically "copy vtf file into steam folders, options within game, load file... spray away"

redturbomiata 09-13-2012 11:25 AM

going to attempt to play tonight around 9pm ish EST, If anyone else is down that is.

Joe Perez 09-13-2012 12:09 PM

Hmm. Split's link didn't work for me above, so here's a direct link to the actual file:


A quick howto on implementing the spray, taken from Convert Any Image into a Game Spray
Step 4: Importing the spray into the game.

1. Browse to C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/%%%%%/team fortress 2/tf/materials/VGUI/logos/

Note: %%%%% is whatever your steam login is.
If you can't find the folders 'VGUI' or 'logos' in the 'materials' folder, simply create them. Make sure the 'logos' folder is inside the 'VGUI' folder.

2. Put the .vtf and .vmt files for the spray into the folder. You're done.

Step 5: Using the spray in the game

1. Launch Team Fortress 2.
2. Click Options > Multiplayer and select the desired spray from the drop down list.

Note: If you don't see the spray in the drop down then double check that the spray file is in the correct folder.

3. Join a server, walk up to a wall and press 't'. POW! You just tagged the wall.

Splitime 09-13-2012 12:13 PM

Odd, it takes me to your post when I click it.

Anyways, just follow Joe's guidance :)

Joe Perez 09-13-2012 12:25 PM

Originally Posted by Splitime (Post 926416)
Odd, it takes me to your post when I click it.

I think I see the problem.

It looks like you have the "posts per page" value set to the default on your account, whereas I have it maxed out on mine. So for you, that post appears to be on page 20, whereas for me it's on page 7. Thus, the link you posted refers to a page that doesn't exist for me, and the forum isn't correctly translating between these formats.

EDIT: Nevermind- the forum (and your link) are working properly. I was just being impatient and not waiting long enough for it load.

sixshooter 09-13-2012 06:01 PM

Many thanks for the tutorial! I have the files saved in the correct folder and will log on and become a vandal later tonight.
I feel naughty.

blaen99 09-13-2012 06:03 PM

We must get a group of MT people going into public games, and vandalizing EVERYTHING now!

Joe Perez 09-13-2012 06:06 PM

I've been playing on that Phoenix server alot*, mostly because they seem to draw a lot of players who don't suck and aren't horribly annoying.

* alot = alot.

sixshooter 09-13-2012 06:17 PM

I don't know about annoying but I certainly suck at playing compared to some others. Last night there was a really good sniper on another team and there was a pretty average one. I learned from the good one and started stalking him. I actually got him a few times. If you do the same thing more than once you might get pwned.

sixshooter 09-13-2012 06:18 PM

I need a sniper rifle that doesn't shoot tracers, lol.

blaen99 09-13-2012 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 926651)
I need a sniper rifle that doesn't shoot tracers, lol.

Same guy I went spy to hunt and kill? Guy actually got me once when I went spy, which is pretty impressive.

Joe Perez 09-13-2012 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 926650)
I don't know about annoying

Well, by "annoying" I mostly mean things like mic spamming (deliberately playing music / noise into the voice chat channel to piss people off), 8 year olds who just learned how to use profanity showing off their new skill at every opportunity, and so forth. Basically just general immaturity / asshattery.

but I certainly suck at playing compared to some others. Last night there was a really good sniper on another team and there was a pretty average one. I learned from the good one and started stalking him. I actually got him a few times.
Yeah, I know what you mean. There are some classes that I'm both good at an enjoy playing, and some that I just suck at and hate.

Scout and demo are good examples. I just can't stand being a scout, and while I'm good at laying traps with demo's stickylauncher, I don't think I've ever scored a kill with his grenede launcher.

Spy is another- I apparently don't have the coordination required to simultaneously sap three sentries, backstab the engineers who laid them, and re-disguise without anybody seeing me.

If you do the same thing more than once you might get pwned.
Funny thing is that some folks don't seem to notice or care.

Doomsday is probably my single favorite map right now. I love playing it as a pyro against an opposing team with multiple snipers. Those damn snipers seem to fall in love with the idea of standing on that ledge back near the broken crate area. So naturally I take great joy in rushing them from behind and immolating them. I'll then duck back into the tunnel (not the sewer, but the upper tunnel) and wait for them to re-appear. Sometimes they'll cautiously scout out the area from afar (without realizing that I can see their laser sight from where I'm standing) before taking up their old position again, at which point I rush out and kill them again.

And again.

And again.

Pen2_the_penguin 09-13-2012 08:02 PM

come get some gamer cards and be pro.

redturbomiata 09-13-2012 08:12 PM

getting on a bit early

Splitime 09-13-2012 08:34 PM

Heading in :)

Joe Perez 09-14-2012 12:55 AM

Remember when I shot you in the face with my flamethrower and you died?

Those were some good times.

(Paraphrased from GLaDOS' dying monologue.)

Bryce 09-14-2012 01:08 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 926769)
Remember when I shot you in the face with my flamethrower and you died?

Those were some good times.

(Paraphrased from GLaDOS' dying monologue.)

I have the .WAV file of that quote that I extracted from the game files a few years ago set as my ringtone right now. It gets some interesting looks from the uninitiated.

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