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Braineack 09-15-2021 03:48 PM

What a horrible brat. the FBI is a prestigious agency here to protect you.

If they had to doctor/suppress evidence, it was for the interest of the people. Besides the FBI has better things to do than cover up the crimes of the political elite; get serious kid.

Braineack 09-15-2021 03:55 PM

For Joe Perez:

this is how dumb voters are:


deezums 09-15-2021 03:58 PM

Do you know what makes me livid fucking pissed. Dumbass fucking liberals trying to redefine words to fit their opinions.

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1608503)
So if I'm understanding this correctly, the assertion is that it's fascist to mandate vaccines, yes? I fail to see how. Firstly, it meets none of the criteria that defines fascism which is by definition a far right political stance.

Here you sit, on the fucking internet with anything at your fingertips, yet you spout some bullshit that "far right is fascism." No, and never has it been defined as such.

"1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control"

So, we've got a political party that loves to put national health over independent liberties. We've got a dictator leader who says he's going to sidestep the duly elected politicians who oppose his views. We've got severe social regimentation, you will do as you are told or you will do nothing. We've got forcible suppression of opposition, the president himself is kicked off media. If you want to make new media, the competitor media will remove your hosting.

That's from dictonary.com. Do you see anything about Donald trump in there? Anything about Republicans? Did you notice, people are being kicked out of their homes and dismissed from employment? Here we are with modern day Nuremberg laws, but somehow it's not fascism. If you knew history you would know that fascism sprung from socialism. Not nationalism this time, just "national" fear over a 99.9% survivable virus.

And, of course, you completely ignore Australia. Why don't you move there?

dieselmiata 09-15-2021 04:20 PM

Do you know what makes me livid fucking pissed. Dumbass fucking conservatives trying to redefine words to fit their opinions.

Originally Posted by deezums (Post 1608544)
Here you sit, on the fucking internet with anything at your fingertips, yet you spout some bullshit that "far right is fascism." No, and never has it been defined as such.

https://www.oxfordreference.com/view...803095811414An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy (1922–43), and the regimes of the Nazis in Germany and Franco in Spain were also Fascist. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach.

The name comes from Italian fascismo, from fascio ‘bundle, political group’, from Latin fascis ‘rod’.

From: fascism in The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable »

Subjects: ArchaeologyArt & Architecture Classical studiesHistoryLinguisticsLiteratureMedia studiesMusicPerforming artsPhilosophyReligionSociety and culture

I'll trust Oxford over Dictionary.com. But you do you.

Spaceman Spiff 09-15-2021 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1608543)
For Joe Perez:

this is how dumb voters are:


It is a two question ballot. Some subset of people, regardless of choice in question number one (recall yes/no, so even if they voted no), will also answer question number 2 (choice of candidate).

This is in large part because of the odd way the election is structured. If the outcome of question one is (hypothetically for this argument) YES by 50.01% (4,569,627 votes in this instance) , the candidate in question two with a plurality of votes (not a majority) wins the contest. In this case that would have been Larry Elder with 2,373,551 votes. This is atypical as the hypothetical NO vote "for" candidate Senior French Laundry of 49.99%, 4,567,700 votes, would be effectively "losing" to candidate Larry Elder with only 2,373,551 votes.

For all the talk of government waste in here, I find it interesting no one has a problem spending $300M of tax payer money for an election over a guy who's up for reelection in ~12 months anyway. Not sure how anyone expected a different outcome in a state where registered GOP voters are outnumbered 2:1.

z31maniac 09-15-2021 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by deezums (Post 1608544)
Did you notice, people are being kicked out of their homes and dismissed from employment?

This is great. Doesn't the hard right routinely say, "if you don't like your job or aren't paid enough, get a different one."

Now that a company, or those regulated through OSHA are mandating something, it's all a bunch of crying about "muh rights." Don't like the rules, get a different job, right? This is the problem with both parties, they are for freedom as long as it's the type of freedom they want.

In reply to BGordon, I think it's pretty clear at this point if a professional were to read Brain's posts he'd be committed for self-protection. Hates the government, yet works for the government. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.

good2go 09-15-2021 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1608543)
For Joe Perez:

this is how dumb voters are:


Living here in CA, I can tell you this was a deliberate strategy which was openly promoted by the democrats as a failsafe to keep a democrat in office should the recall have passed. What was amazing to me was how hard it was for them to explain that their own constituents. Why is it so hard to understand "Go ahead and vote NOT to recall the jackass, but just in case he does get the boot, at least go ahead and choose another dem to replace him."

deezums 09-15-2021 06:34 PM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1608551)
This is great. Doesn't the hard right routinely say, "if you don't like your job or aren't paid enough, get a different one."

Yep, that is true.

How does that have anything to do with the government deciding if you or your employer can continue your relationship? How does that have anything to do with the government artificially lowering the size of the market? Except the people walking to every house 6 days out of the week, exempt? Except the lawmakers, also exempt. Absolutely nothing? Glad we made that clear.

I am self employed, all this means fuck all to me. The democrats hate that, though, I can't/won't be dependent and thus subservient to the government, predominantly the dems.

Bajingo 09-15-2021 07:13 PM

These vaccine mandates are just more proof that the government owns us. Only one party is constantly happy about that. They are the authoritarians, they own the media, they own the schools, and they currently own the government.

Joe Perez 09-15-2021 08:38 PM


(This post made from a planet on which the process of evolution also produced peanuts and other tree nuts.)

cordycord 09-15-2021 11:18 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1608561)
These vaccine mandates are just more proof that the government owns us. Only one party is constantly happy about that. They are the authoritarians, they own the media, they own the schools, and they currently own the government.

DING DING DING DING!!!!!! Now all you have to do is accept it...

“He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”
― George Orwell, 1984

z31maniac 09-15-2021 11:25 PM

Originally Posted by deezums (Post 1608558)
Yep, that is true.

How does that have anything to do with the government deciding if you or your employer can continue your relationship? How does that have anything to do with the government artificially lowering the size of the market? Except the people walking to every house 6 days out of the week, exempt? Except the lawmakers, also exempt. Absolutely nothing? Glad we made that clear.

I am self employed, all this means fuck all to me. The democrats hate that, though, I can't/won't be dependent and thus subservient to the government, predominantly the dems.

You're intentionally trying to play stupid, when you aren't, in a poor attempt to cry fascism because you don't like the letter behind the name of the corporate shill in office. I'm not sure why I'm shocked by the lack of integrity. Both sides are terrible at it.

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1608561)
These vaccine mandates are just more proof that the government owns us. Only one party is constantly happy about that. They are the authoritarians, they own the media, they own the schools, and they currently own the government.

How old are you? Are you just now realizing this? What happens if your house is paid off and you don't make the tax payments? They take your house. This is really just reinforcing how literally insane some of you are.

I'm not even in to my 40s yet and knew this nearly 15 years ago when I purchased my first house. And now because some of you don't like the someone with the wrong letter, you're........I'm just going to make myself a drink and see what kind of dumb posts have been made to support the hypocrisy.

Bajingo 09-15-2021 11:32 PM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1608577)
How old are you? Are you just now realizing this? What happens if your house is paid off and you don't make the tax payments? They take your house. This is really just reinforcing how literally insane some of you are.

I'm not even in to my 40s yet and knew this nearly 15 years ago when I purchased my first house. And now because some of you don't like the someone with the wrong letter, you're........I'm just going to make myself a drink and see what kind of dumb posts have been made to support the hypocrisy.

I've known this forever, I've been screaming taxation is theft since my first paycheck. The leftists are the ones who don't believe income taxes are theft. The leftists believe the government should be able to dictate what gets put in your body. The leftists don't believe you have the right to self defense. The leftists believe you belong to the state. The right isn't much better, but I'll pick the team who isn't trying to make me more of a slave with every policy.

z31maniac 09-16-2021 12:00 AM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1608579)
I've known this forever, I've been screaming taxation is theft since my first paycheck. The leftists are the ones who don't believe income taxes are theft. The leftists believe the government should be able to dictate what gets put in your body. The leftists don't believe you have the right to self defense. The leftists believe you belong to the state. The right isn't much better, but I'll pick the team who isn't trying to make me more of a slave with every policy.

You are literally using a technology, developed by the government from tax dollars to post your response.........and don't see the irony.

I'm not saying I agree with all the taxes taken from my check, or how it's spent, (Afghanistan is a great example started by an R, but now Rs are angry because of the crappy way Biden and it was definitely crappy the way he handled it, even though the high jackers were mostly Saudi) I suspect like a lot of us we pay more in Federal Income taxes than the federal poverty rate and don't get stimmy checks. But let's stop with the taxation is theft, when it's actually extortion, and most people don't even understand the distinction.

Everyone refuses to accept the hypocrisy on their side. It's why nothing gets accomplished.

z31maniac 09-16-2021 12:05 AM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1608579)
I've known this forever, I've been screaming taxation is theft since my first paycheck. The leftists are the ones who don't believe income taxes are theft. The leftists believe the government should be able to dictate what gets put in your body. The leftists don't believe you have the right to self defense. The leftists believe you belong to the state. The right isn't much better, but I'll pick the team who isn't trying to make me more of a slave with every policy.

I literally live in the most R state in the country. We have a state income tax that is more than 5%. When we introduced the lottery and casinos, Republican's didn't increase funding to schools and infrastructure, they gave tax breaks to oil and gas who didn't need them and did nothing to help education and infrastructure funding. The "no federal tax" frittatas are never worried about ending our income tax. Because politicians on both sides are more worried about staying in power than doing something.

Some of you guys are unbelievably delusional.

Bajingo 09-16-2021 12:06 AM

Extortion, theft, who cares it's slavery either way. The war in Afghanistan had something like a 90% approval rating when it was started, the American people just lost their resolve. There's no hypocrisy in me using the services that my labor paid for, I just wish that money was collected in a ethical way. There's hundreds of ways for the government to make money without its current slaver tactics, tariffs, sales, luxuries, lotteries, etc. There's absolutely no reason we need property, income, or death taxes.

Bajingo 09-16-2021 12:12 AM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1608581)
I literally live in the most R state in the country. We have a state income tax that is more than 5%. When we introduced the lottery and casinos, Republican's didn't increase funding to schools and infrastructure, they gave tax breaks to oil and gas who didn't need them and did nothing to help education and infrastructure funding.

And? The Democrats gave Pakistan a billion for gender studies in our covid relief bill.

our politicians are worthless we know that, but I'll pick the ones who believe I should be allowed to defend myself the ones that don't want to force ineffective "vaccines" into me.

z31maniac 09-16-2021 01:02 AM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1608582)
Extortion, theft, who cares it's slavery either way. The war in Afghanistan had something like a 90% approval rating when it was started, the American people just lost their resolve. There's no hypocrisy in me using the services that my labor paid for, I just wish that money was collected in a ethical way. There's hundreds of ways for the government to make money without its current slaver tactics, tariffs, sales, luxuries, lotteries, etc. There's absolutely no reason we need property, income, or death taxes.

So now you're equivocating taxes to slavery, and you aren't even arguing that it's a fact that 15 of the 19 high jackers were Saudi Arabian, but standing fast on the us public needing to keep with a failed 2 decade war in the country that we previously funded against the Russians.

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1608584)
And? The Democrats gave Pakistan a billion for gender studies in our covid relief bill.

our politicians are worthless we know that, but I'll pick the ones who believe I should be allowed to defend myself the ones that don't want to force ineffective "vaccines" into me.

I'm not great at math, but apparently you aren't either you think $10 million is a billion.

You realize calling out one side for BS while also spouting BS isn't how to earn credibly.


z31maniac 09-16-2021 01:04 AM

As a reminder, pointing out one side is horrifically wrong isn't an endorsement of the other side.

z31maniac 09-16-2021 01:08 AM

EDIT: I should realize how stupid it is to argue with these people.

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