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Braineack 12-04-2022 11:06 AM



Bajingo 12-04-2022 11:53 AM

So as the crazy conspiracy theorists knew, Twitter had been suppressing free speech under the orders of multiple governments. With NZ government doing actual suppression itself.

How aren't these people the fascists?

Joe Perez 12-04-2022 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1631430)
our local and federal governments are literally suppressing speech --in order to do bad things-- and no one seems to care.

You're so tantalizingly close.

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1631439)
So as the crazy conspiracy theorists knew, Twitter had been suppressing free speech under the orders of multiple governments. With NZ government doing actual suppression itself.

How aren't these people the fascists?

Not sure if serious question.

They were wearing #StayWoke and #BLM apparel. This makes them inherently righteous, and their judgement must, by definition, be infallible and good.

It's kind of like how the Pope occupies a space within the church which is sort of above-human, without actually being a saint or a deity. In the eyes of a devout Catholic, the Pope can speak and do no wrong.

Same rules apply here.

(And, ironically, about the same amount of child molestation.)

There might be something to that...

cordycord 12-04-2022 05:06 PM

Why would you NOT put your thumb on the scale when there are no consequences? No jail time, no bad press, nothing.

golftdibrad 12-05-2022 07:45 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1631430)
our local and federal governments are literally suppressing speech --in order to do bad things-- and no one seems to care.

I mean we care but what is there to do?

Originally Posted by good2go (Post 1631380)
Or maybe just that he was called in to work in his actual office, rather than from home.

LOL, good one.

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1631439)
So as the crazy conspiracy theorists knew, Twitter had been suppressing free speech under the orders of multiple governments. With NZ government doing actual suppression itself.

How aren't these people the fascists?

Its east; they just changed the definition. Its a neat trick they use all the time, like calling the US a democracy vs what it really is; a constitutional, representative, REPUBLIC. That one specifically was important to condition the masses to the tyranny of the majority.

chiefmg 12-05-2022 07:55 AM


Braineack 12-05-2022 09:41 AM


Braineack 12-05-2022 09:44 AM

Originally Posted by Robb M. (Post 1631362)
definitely once Elon buys the chamber.







Braineack 12-05-2022 12:36 PM

Braineack 12-05-2022 03:12 PM

Dr. Fauci said “I don’t recall” 174 times

stratosteve 12-05-2022 04:16 PM


Joe Perez 12-05-2022 07:07 PM

“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

- Donald Trump, Friday Dec 2, 2022

Braineack 12-06-2022 08:26 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1631499)
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

- Donald Trump, Friday Dec 2, 2022

I like quotes too.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security

- Thomas Jefferson, June–July 1776

Lincoln terminated laws found in the constitution, and there wasn't even massive fraud...

Is it possible he was talking about certain Articles? Have you ever heard the saying "fraud vitiates everything" especially in relation to SC rulings?

anyway, you're reading his hyperbole way too literally again. going to go drink bleach now?

cordycord 12-06-2022 09:53 AM

You're fake news Joe.

Braineack 12-06-2022 09:59 AM

Originally Posted by cordycord (Post 1631522)
You're fake news Joe.

To be fair all Joe did was take a direct quote out of context to suggest Trump just casually calling for the termination of the Constitution.

But what Joe forgets is that rules, regulations, and articles already don't apply to the Left.

cordycord 12-06-2022 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1631523)
To be fair all Joe did was take a direct quote out of context to suggest Trump just casually calling for the termination of the Constitution.

But what Joe forgets is that rules, regulations, and articles already don't apply to the Left.

This is what Trump does. He titilates. He knows that he'll be the topic of conversation and exploding brains for days on end. Then he'll clarify. Either we've got a whole stadium full of double digit IQ reporters, or they know it and take the bait anyway, because the content and context is less important than the spectacle itself.

And of course we get sucked into the spectacle ourselves. Makes me think we're doomed as a species.

Braineack 12-06-2022 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by cordycord (Post 1631532)
Either we've got a whole stadium full of double digit IQ reporters, or they know it and take the bait anyway, because the content and context is less important than the spectacle itself.

Despite the constant negative press covfefe.

Braineack 12-06-2022 12:45 PM


olderguy 12-06-2022 12:56 PM

OPINION | VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: How to destroy the United States
by Victor Davis Hanson | December 5, 2022

If you really want to destroy the United States:

1. Surrender our prior energy independence.

Reduce new gas and oil leases on federal lands to the lowest levels of any president in history. Cut back production at precisely the time the world is emerging from a two-year lockdown with pent-up consumer demand.

Make war on coal and nuclear power. Drain the strategic petroleum reserve to make the pain for consumers more bearable for midterm election advantage.

Cancel the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil and gas field. Block pipelines like the Keystone oil pipeline and the Constitution natural gas line.

Over-regulate and demonize frackers and horizontal drillers. Ensure there is less investment for their exploration and production.

Make use of internal combustible engines or fossil fuel power generation prohibitively expensive. Achieve a green oil-dependency along the lines of contemporary Europe.

2. Print trillions of dollars in new currency as the lockdowns end, demand rises, and consumers are already saturated with covid-19 subsidies. Keep interest rates low, well below the rate of inflation, as you print more money. Ensure that passbook holders earn no interest at the very time prices skyrocket to the highest per annum level in 40 years.

"Spread the wealth" by sending money to those who already have enough, while making it less valuable for those deemed to have too much. Ensure runaway high prices to wean the middle class off its consumerism and supposedly to inspire them to buy less junk they don't need. Damn the rich in the open and in the abstract, court them in the concrete and secret of darkness.

3. End America's physical boundaries. Render it an amorphous people and anywhere space. End any vestigial difference between a citizen and resident. Up the current nearly 50 million who were not born in the United States--27 percent of California's population--to 100 million and more by allowing 3 million illegal aliens to enter per year.

4. Destroy the public trust in its elections. Render Election Day irrelevant. Make proper auditing of 110 million mail-in/early ballots impossible. Normalize ballot harvesting and curing.

Blast as "election denialists," "insurrectionists," and "democracy destroyers" anyone who objects to these radical ballot changes, neither passed by the U.S. Congress nor by state legislators. Weaponize the FBI, CIA, and Department of Justice.

5. Redefine crime as one rich man's crime, another poor man's necessity.

Let those who need things exercise their entitlement to them. Rewrite or ignore laws to exempt the oppressed who take, or do what they want as atonement for past systemic racism and oppression.

6. Junk the ossified idea of a melting pot and multiracial society united by common American values and ideals. Instead, identify individuals by their superficial appearance. Call anyone a "racist" who resists.

Encourage each tribe, defined by common race, ethnic, gender, or sexual orientation affinities, to band together to oppose the monolithic "white privilege" majority. Encourage social and tribal tensions. Racially discriminate to end discrimination.

Greenlight statue toppling, name changing, boycotting, cancel culturing, ostracizing, and Trotskyizing. Erase the past, control the present, and create a new American person for the future.

7. Render the United States just one of many nations abroad. Abandon Afghanistan in shame. Leave behind thousands of loyal Afghan allies, billions of dollars in equipment, a billion-dollar embassy, and the largest air base in central Asia. Appease the theocracy to re-enter the Iran nuclear deal.

Beg enemies like Venezuela, Russia, and Iran to pump more oil when it is politically expedient for us to have abundant supplies--oil that we have in abundance but won't produce. Discourage friends like Guinea from producing more energy and cancel allies' energy projects like the EastMed pipeline.

Trash, but then beg Saudi Arabia to pump more oil right before the midterms for domestic political advantage.

8. Neuter the First Amendment. Enlist Silicon Valley monopolies to silence unwanted free speech while using Big Tech's mega profits to warp elections. Declare free expression "hate speech." Criminalize contrarian social media.

9. Demonize half the country as semi-fascists, un-Americans, insurrectionists, and even potential domestic terrorists. Try to change inconvenient ancient rules: seek to pack the court, end the filibuster, junk the Electoral College, and bring in two more states.

Twice impeach a president who tried to stand in your way. Try him when he is an emeritus president and private citizen. Raid his home. Seek to indict a future rival to the current president.

10. Never mention the origins of the covid-19 virus. Never blame China for the release of SARS-CoV-2 virus. Exempt investigations of U.S. health officials who subsidized Chinese gain-of-function research. Ignore the Bill of Rights to mandate vaccinations, mask wearing, and quarantines.

We have done all of the above. It would be hard to imagine any planned agenda to destroy America that would have been as injurious as what we already suffered the last two years.

Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Braineack 12-06-2022 01:12 PM


1. vote blue.

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