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rleete 09-17-2023 10:28 AM

What a crock of shit. Farmers (for most of human history, the most common occupation) have been getting up before dawn for centuries.

Lazy (or rich) people slept in. The rest got up and got to work.

Slayer 09-17-2023 11:27 AM

The author specializes in writing "about social justice and cooking" so he certainly knows about farming. He'll cover the horrifyingly racist nature of planting GMO soybeans after he finishes his soy latte oh my god he like just woke up. While you're waiting for that, feel free to peruse his article about Juneteenth and Unity.

Joe Perez 09-17-2023 12:49 PM

I slept until about 10am today, so I didn't have time to do any white supremacy.

Would have slept longer, except the phone was ringing. Sears Tower letting me know that cooling water flow had been restored to the 100th floor. So I moseyed downstairs, took a shit, poured a rum & coke, then went into the den, logged into the station, switched on the Sears transmitter and switched off Hancock.


Flowrate & temp look normal, and we're making good signal. I assume someone will be offended by that.

rleete 09-17-2023 07:57 PM

Rum & Coke is the drink of the oppressor.

Joe Perez 09-17-2023 08:16 PM

Originally Posted by rleete (Post 1641267)
Rum & Coke is the drink of the oppressor.


cordycord 09-18-2023 12:18 PM

Originally Posted by rleete (Post 1641267)
Rum & Coke is the drink of the oppressor.

Joe's family clearly owned slaves in the not too distant past.

In other news, my oldest son just turned 18, and as a present the government sent him his very own EBT card. Our government doesn't want liberty-minded citizens. They want vassals of the State.

Joe Perez 09-18-2023 12:38 PM

Originally Posted by cordycord (Post 1641287)
Joe's family clearly owned slaves in the not too distant past.

I'm a little hazy on the specifics, but yes, there were some unconventional employment conditions at the Perez estate in Cuba in the 1950s. This was not uncommon at the time, and is one reason why the Communists were welcomed by so many of the populace.

Originally Posted by cordycord (Post 1641287)
In other news, my oldest son just turned 18, and as a present the government sent him his very own EBT card. Our government doesn't want liberty-minded citizens. They want vassals of the State.


I thought you had to apply for EBT.


stratosteve 09-18-2023 05:44 PM


Joe Perez 09-18-2023 05:47 PM

Effective today, there is no more cash bail in the state of Illinois.

As is traditional in such matters, some folks are predicting that this will usher in a new era of dystopian violence, while others are praising this policy which will lead to decreased crime and recidivism.


Supe 09-18-2023 06:52 PM

Assuredly the latter. What better to deter crime than a lack of deterrence?

Can't wait to hear the sob stories when the first guy deemed "nonviolent" by a sympathetic judge is released on simple assault/battery charges, only to turn around and murder the accuser/wife/girlfriend.

Joe Perez 09-18-2023 07:02 PM

Originally Posted by Supe (Post 1641308)
Can't wait to hear the sob stories when the first guy deemed "nonviolent" by a sympathetic judge is released on simple assault/battery charges, only to turn around and murder the accuser/wife/girlfriend.

Not the offender's fault in that case. Such things are the result of systemic racism due to climate change.


Joe Perez 09-19-2023 10:33 AM

Folks in Missourah having a good ole' fashioned book-burning:

LeoNA 09-19-2023 02:20 PM

This week's thought is about what will motivate the voters in 2024. In the past many of my older relatives and friends would often say that people vote with their wallet. For me it's a no brainer especially after just paying $6.79 for a gallon of 91. I'm much more motivated by the inflation and economy then all of the other shenanigans.

So, I guess the question is what do you think is more of a factor, the dems witch hunt or the economy? Who will be more successful, Trump campaigning on fixing the economy and the DOJ vs Biden campaigning to save us from Trump?

Joe Perez 09-19-2023 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by LeoNA (Post 1641327)
This week's thought is about what will motivate the voters in 2024.

Same as always: Fear.

Fear of what the "other" party will do if they are either elected or allowed to remain in power.

good2go 09-19-2023 10:19 PM


L337TurboZ 09-20-2023 06:40 AM

Originally Posted by LeoNA (Post 1641327)
So, I guess the question is what do you think is more of a factor, the dems witch hunt or the economy? Who will be more successful, Trump campaigning on fixing the economy and the DOJ vs Biden campaigning to save us from Trump?

The economy for sure. Everyone who supports both parties is pissed off about the economy. Biden tried to copy Reagan with the whole "Bidenomics" bull crap but that fell flat and no one believes it.

What I worry about is what crap they'll do to mess with the election. A lot of people have their faith in the electoral process damaged by the last one. I'm talking about people who actually believe the system works. If this shit show goes too crazy it wouldn't surprise me when there's riots, civil war, or some other dumb crap to mess everything up further.

LeoNA 09-20-2023 03:41 PM

I'm not sure if it's all fear and fear of what? People on the left seem to be much more emotionally driven, but the conservatives are more value or values driven. The cost of everything is so much higher since biden has been pres. I'm contemplating how much of a driver that will be, come election time. In CA we are really feeling the increase in the cost living.

Joe Perez 09-20-2023 04:08 PM

Originally Posted by LeoNA (Post 1641350)
I'm not sure if it's all fear and fear of what? People on the left seem to be much more emotionally driven, but the conservatives are more value or values driven.

On the left, you've obviously got it covered. President Biden, just yesterday, twote that "Let’s be clear: Donald Trump is responsible for ending Roe v. Wade. And if you vote for him, he’ll go even further." So that's an example of the democrats stirring up fear of Trump doing even more to curtail what they (the left) perceive to be basic civil rights.

As to the right, I mean... you kinda laid it out when you said "...
but the conservatives are more value or values driven." Because you're absolutely correct, and that's one of the angles which the GOP leadership is using to stoke fear. Fear that their children will be indoctrinated to normalize homosexuality & transsexuality is one of the biggies right now, as we see from roughly every third or fourth article which Brainey re-posts in here. Other, more traditional fears includes waves of illegal immigrants rushing across the border and being given welfare and food stamps, the gradual dismantling of the criminal justice system resulting in violent criminals being let free (reference post # 29750 in this thread for an example of that), and so on.

In the end, of course, the left wing and the right wing are attached to the same turkey. But so long as the two dominant political parties in the US can keep the pitchfork people convinced that the torch people are trying to take away their pitchforks, both groups will be too distracted to realize that they can collectively turn their torches and pitchforks against the people who are doing the actual oppressing.


poormxdad 09-20-2023 07:20 PM

I did not come up with this idea, but the underpinnings of it have always scratched the edge of cranium...

We all know Pelosi intentionally turned down the National Guard that was offered to her by Trump. But why? That has always bothered me, and I believed it was just so the embedded FBI agents could facilitate the "insurrection" unabated, which turned out to be the only insurrection since the invention of the firearm where the insurrectionists didn't fire a shot. Pelosi and her cabal were baiting Trump. They limited security, reduced Capitol Police Chief Sund's resources, and were complicit in the pre-insurrection plans. The Executive Branch cannot intrude on the Legislative Branch, and use of federal force in the Nation's Capitol requires an invitation from the Speaker of the House and the leader of the Senate, who were interestingly together on film during the whole shebang. Pelosi was sure Trump, with all good intentions, would send in the National Guard, ignoring her specific instructions and the desires of the Mayor of DC, and thus create the appearance of a Trump lead coup attempt that would be played up by the lame stream media. Unfortunately for Pelosi, Trump made the correct decision and didn't override The Speaker of the House's authority. This makes so much sense, since the J6 committee was just theater, and an attempt to piece together a violent narrative of an insurrection but without an armed opposition force.

Braineack 09-21-2023 04:03 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1641304)
As is traditional in such matters, some folks are predicting that this will usher in a new era of dystopian violence, while others are praising this policy which will lead to decreased crime and recidivism.

Jane, did you compare the percentage of teenage male Rex Manning fans to the incidence of homosexuality amongst "others?"

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