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Braineack 06-23-2016 09:17 AM

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Joe Perez 06-23-2016 09:27 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Yelp for government cafeterias exists, and its reviews are just as entertaining

By Abha Bhattarai June 22 at 3:33 PM

A worker sets up the salad bar in the cafeteria at the Food and Drug Administration. A federal worker created fedgrub.com, where Yelp-style reviews of cafeterias at federal agencies can be submitted. (Bill O’Leary/The Washington Post)

Jason Walker’s lunch routine was growing a bit stale. Every day around 12:30, he would walk to his building’s cafeteria and pick up a salad to eat at his desk.

Then he got wind of one of the lesser-known perks of his job: As a federal employee, he could use his badge to get into any government agency’s cafeteria.

He started branching out, eating sushi at the Agriculture Department and sandwiches at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. That led him to his next idea, fedgrub.com.

Think of it as Yelp for government cafeterias. Its target users: 313,000 federal workers.

Walker spent a week creating the site, which allows users to post reviews, star ratings and photos of food. About 30 people, mostly friends and colleagues, have signed up since FedGrub debuted five months ago.

“I rely on Yelp pretty heavily when I’m looking for new restaurants,” said Walker, 35. “I wanted something to take the mystery out of government cafeterias.”

The best thing he’s eaten: steamed broccoli and asparagus at the USDA. He also likes the agency’s French toast, which he sometimes picks up for breakfast. The American Red Cross — not quite a government agency, but part of Walker’s efforts — has good ham-and-cheese omelettes, he says. The worst meal he’s had? Nothing comes to mind.

“I’m the guy who really liked the square pizzas in middle school, so there isn’t much I don’t like,” said Walker, who commutes from Kensington, Md., to downtown Washington on the Metro. “I hadn’t had anything terrible.”

Not all of his site’s users have been so lucky. Many have taken to fedgrub.com to complain.

“Food is horrible,” Jenny G. wrote in a one-star review of the Federal Aviation Administration’s cafeteria. “I go only when I don’t have a choice.”

“Meh,” added Larry B., in a two-star review. “Even for a federal cafeteria it’s kinda crap.”

The U.S. Capitol Visitor Center fared a bit better, with an average review of 3.5 stars.

“Well, at least the soup was hot,” says a three-star review. “The service was severely lackluster. These are the folks we want representing our country to guests from all over the world?!? Sad.”

Not all of the reviews are bad. A five-star review of the Library of Congress cafeteria touts its salmon and teriyaki noodles, while a user named Linda L. praised the produce at the USDA. “High quality ingredients that are super fresh — even their CANTALOUPE was tasty,” she wrote.

Walker estimates that he spent about $50 creating the site, mostly to pay for the domain name fedgrub.com and hosting fees. He does not have any advertisers.

“I’m not here to make money on this,” he said. “It’s a resource I thought people could use.”

These days, Walker eats in federal cafeterias five days a week. Sometimes he makes multiple stops, for breakfast, lunch, coffee and, later, to pick up vegetables for dinner. “The thing about cafeterias is that they’re quick and inexpensive,” he said. “They’re usually pretty good, too.”


triple88a 06-23-2016 10:32 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Dann0 (Post 1340633)
Hey, just spitballing here, but do you think that bad people use their belief systems as an excuse to oppress and kill others, regardless of what that system is? Except for Buddhists, of course. Pussies.

Unfortunately too many religious people believe that voice in their heads is god telling them what to do. Way too many people have died in the name of a god.

Attachment 237471

Braineack 06-23-2016 10:34 AM

Wanna see what government employees really complain about?

this is 100% real and related:

Today the cafeteria started adding a nickel if you admit to putting a squeeze of lemon in your hot water. I kid you not. This is literally nickel-and-diming us. OK, so they have a cost - 69 cents per lemon where I shop. But are they going to start charging for every squirt of honey, every bag of sugar or sweetener, every pack of mustard or soy sauce? How about all those non-reusable plastic knives, forks, and spoons? And I really, really doubt that the cafeteria workers see a penny of the higher prices, or I might feel differently about the price increases.

What would your idea solve?
A needless irritance
and replies:

Simply outrageous that the cafeteria would charge you for things you take from them. Unconscionable.

It is only fair that they charge. Lemons don't grow on trees you know

but what I really wanted to show:

Change the name of the Office of the Ombudsman; some are, afterall, not men.My idea is to change the name of the Office of the Ombudsman to Office of the Ombudspeople to reflect the fact that not all ombudsman are men. In addition, the title for each person in the office can be shorten to "Ombuds" or merely "buds" because afterall, they are everyone's buds.

What would your idea solve?
Gender Inequaltiy
The word “Ombudsman” is Scandinavian and means “representative” or “proxy.” The term is gender-neutral in origin and is used by the International Ombudsman Association (IOA) to communicate to the widest possible community.

What if the person self identifies as a wolf? I think they should be called Ombudswolf? And what if that wolf is from Rome? are they then a Rowolf Ombudswolf? When will the madness end?

D C Maness - Do I need to change my name to Personess?

maybe we should petition to change "German" to "Gerperson" too?
How about just Germ?

Busily calculating the PERSON hours expended debating this topic.......
What about the perDAUGHTER hours?

triple88a 06-23-2016 02:35 PM

When you're "only" making 174k a year those 10 cents add up.

bahurd 06-23-2016 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1340701)
Yelp for government cafeterias exists, and its reviews are just as entertaining

By Abha Bhattarai June 22 at 3:33 PM

A worker sets up the salad bar in the cafeteria at the Food and Drug Administration. A federal worker created fedgrub.com, where Yelp-style reviews of cafeterias at federal agencies can be submitted. (Bill O’Leary/The Washington Post)

Geez, salad bar looks damn appetizing. Must be posted in the wrong thread, probably meant here; https://www.miataturbo.net/insert-bs...-potato-54319/

Joe Perez 06-23-2016 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by bahurd (Post 1340781)
Geez, salad bar looks damn appetizing. Must be posted in the wrong thread, probably meant here; https://www.miataturbo.net/insert-bs...-potato-54319/

Nope. Federal salad bar servicing un-elected lawmakers = political section.

Chiburbian 06-23-2016 04:04 PM

Not a federal workplace but somewhat relevant... They have recently gone to a "Better for you" model at my workplace cafeteria.

There were usually two to three entrees (usually both appetizing), one or two starches, and two or more vegetables in the hot section. All selections had the nutritional information. I routinely could keep my meal under $5 if I didn't have a soft drink and I could keep my daily meals (breakfast and lunch) in the 500-600 calorie range (combined) leaving plenty of space for a decent dinner.

We were told that prices would be rising so that "better for you" options could be added at reasonable prices.

Now, I have two entree options, only one of which is the least bit appetizing, and usually that one is far worse in fat and calories than either of the old options. The vegetable options have gone up in price from $.99 to $1.40, and all nutritional information with the exception of calories is now not available. My meals now cost about $7 without soft drink. All sweetened drinks have been banned and only diet drinks sold in cafeteria, but I never drank anything but water at work anyhow.

Since they have gone from the old system to the new system I have gained 20lbs. I realize this is my own fault for not buying the healthier option, but I had a system that worked and now I am faced with having to bring in food from home if I want something both healthy and appetizing.

"better for you" my ass.

bahurd 06-23-2016 04:44 PM

Originally Posted by Chiburbian (Post 1340798)
We were told that prices would be rising so that "better for you" options could be added at reasonable prices.

If they have to invoke the old "better for you" excuse to explain price increases you can count on being bent over the desk...

z31maniac 06-23-2016 05:49 PM

Originally Posted by Chiburbian (Post 1340798)
I realize this is my own fault for not buying the healthier option, but I had a system that worked and now I am faced with having to bring in food from home if I want something both healthy and appetizing.

"better for you" my ass.

Or you know, do like millions of other Americans do every day, bring your own food to work? You know exactly what's in it, it costs less.

I can make 6 lunches of vegetable pasta with Bison and sauce for like $15? Make a big egg casserole on Sunday with lots of veggies and spinach for breakfast?

And since I'm a bachelor I usually save my easy meal for home like a grilled cheese with roasted red peppers and some spicy mustard. Maybe an apple with almond butter as a "dessert." Now if I'd just stop with the whiskey and high ABV beer, I'd probably drop 25 lbs in 2 months.

Chiburbian 06-23-2016 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1340826)
Or you know, do like millions of other Americans do every day, bring your own food to work? You know exactly what's in it, it costs less.

I can make 6 lunches of vegetable pasta with Bison and sauce for like $15? Make a big egg casserole on Sunday with lots of veggies and spinach for breakfast?

And since I'm a bachelor I usually save my easy meal for home like a grilled cheese with roasted red peppers and some spicy mustard. Maybe an apple with almond butter as a "dessert." Now if I'd just stop with the whiskey and high ABV beer, I'd probably drop 25 lbs in 2 months.

Absolutely, I agree 100%. I just am too lazy. I spend between two and three hours a day commuting. Add 8.5 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep, and one hour of hygiene time and that leaves me with just over three hours of free time a day. I just value those three hours a night more than my health/money right now. I don't want to make this about me though.
Grumble campaign finance reform grumble 2nd amendment grumble civil liberties grumble...

mgeoffriau 06-23-2016 07:12 PM


I mean...what are you doing?

I take a luxurious 12 minute shower in the morning. Add another 5 minutes for brushing my teeth and putting on deodorant. On hot summer days, I might spend 1-2 minutes at night applying some Gold Bond powder before bed. Under 20 minutes total, easy.

rleete 06-23-2016 08:06 PM

Manscaping takes time, bro.

Joe Perez 06-24-2016 05:37 AM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1340826)
Now if I'd just stop with the whiskey and high ABV beer, I'd probably drop 25 lbs in 2 months.

That is truly the hard part, isn't it?

On a more serious note, however...

We live in an era in which neither Germany nor Russia are the greatest threat to political stability in Europe. Our grandfathers would not have believed this possible.

I'm kind of in shock right now, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned about the ripple-effect that this will have on the EU as a whole, and thus, the world economy.

There's also a certain irony here which I'm tempted to evoke, inasmuch as Britain, against which the US fought a separatist war, has just seceded from Europe. This is some seriously George Orwell-level shit.

I wonder how badly the UK has just fucked itself.

xturner 06-24-2016 05:54 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1340933)
I wonder how badly the UK has just fucked itself.

I just hope the ripples from this don't knock us around too much. The US economy isn't quite flourishing, the last thing we need is more international financial turmoil.

shuiend 06-24-2016 06:19 AM

Braineack 06-24-2016 07:24 AM

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 1340935)

True Story:

On our flight to London, the guy next to me was listening to that song/album.


The email was included within messages exchanged Nov. 13, 2010, between Clinton and one of her closest aides, Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin. At the time, emails sent from Clinton's BlackBerry device and routed through her private clintonemail.com server in the basement of her New York home were being blocked by the State Department's spam filter. A suggested remedy was for Clinton to obtain a state.gov email account.

"Let's get separate address or device but I don't want any risk of the personal being accessible," Clinton responded to Abedin.

Clinton never used a government account that was set up for her, instead continuing to rely on her private server until leaving office.


Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said the November 2010 email cited in the inspector general audit was one of more than a dozen work-related emails that his group identified that Clinton sent or received but later failed to turn over the State Department.

"Contrary to her statement under oath suggesting otherwise, Mrs. Clinton did not return all her government emails to the State Department," Fitton said. "Our goal is to find out what other emails Mrs. Clinton and the State Department are hiding."
Presidential material right there.

Braineack 06-24-2016 07:30 AM

dont matter:

CNN?s Clinton Cash ?Fact-Check? Ends in Embarrassment for Cristina Alesci and Laurie Frankel - Breitbart

CNN Money’s “fact-checkers” Cristina Alesci and Laurie Frankel ended up with egg on their faces on Wednesday after they rated as “false” a well-established and proven Clinton Cash fact involving Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. approving the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to the Russian government, as nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Under the guise of “fact-checking” Donald Trump’s Wednesday speech, Alesci and Frankel purported to verify whether “Clinton’s State Department approved the transfer of 20% of America’s uranium holdings to Russia while nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.”

Alesci (pictured, right) and Frankel (left) rate the claim as “false” and allege “there’s no hard evidence of a quid pro quo.” The CNN Money “reporters” also conceded that “CNN several times has asked the Clinton Foundation to confirm whether the nine investors who benefited from the deal also contributed to the foundation, but the foundation has yet to respond.”


[However] in a 4,000-word front page story written over a year ago, the New York TimesPulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Jo Becker and Mike McIntire verified the Clinton Cash uranium revelation in stunning detail, including charts and graphs laying out the flow of millions of dollars from the nine investors in the uranium deal who flowed $145 million to Hillary’s family foundation.


Yet through willful ignorance or an unusual lack of journalistic curiosity, Alesci and Frankel didn’t think to ask the obvious: which of the eight other agency heads needed to approve the deal were receiving $145 million to their family’s charity at the time of such a pivotal decision? And did Hillary Clinton’s State Department report the glaring conflict of interest before granting its approval of handing over 20 percent of American uranium to Putin’s Russia? Why didn’t Hillary Clinton recuse her agency from voting, knowing that her charity was receiving $145 million from nine investors in the deal?

Those questions apparently did not occur to Cristina Alesci and Laurie Frankel.

Also, in addition to the $145 million being funneled to the Clinton Foundation before the CFIUS approval, why was a Kremlin-backed bank bankrolling a $500,000 speech in Moscow for Bill Clinton while his wife led the Russian reset? As even the progressive New Yorker magazine put it, “But there is a bigger question: Why was Bill Clinton taking any money from a bank linked to the Kremlin while his wife was Secretary of State?” Shockingly, CNN Money fact-checkers Alesci and Frankel make no mention of the Kremlin-backed $500,000 Clinton speaking payment.

Nor did CNN’s crack “fact-checkers” mention that the Clinton Foundation received $2.35 million in hidden, undisclosed donations from Ian Telfer, the former head of the Russian government’s uranium company—another fact that multiple liberal news outlets have confirmed.

Indeed, as Bloomberg, Washington Post, New Yorker, ABC News, New York Times, and myriad other Establishment media have all confirmed, Clinton Cash’s most explosive revelations are accurate.

Apparently, CNN’s Cristina Alesci and Laurie Frankel are among the last to know.

If you have time, Trump's speech is a fun watch:

Braineack 06-24-2016 07:32 AM

If you don't have a lot of time, just watch this Fagg instead:

Joe Perez 06-24-2016 08:14 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by xturner (Post 1340934)
I just hope the ripples from this don't knock us around too much. The US economy isn't quite flourishing, the last thing we need is more international financial turmoil.

It's already happening. The European markets are taking a pounding right now, and today is going to be a shitstorm on wall street. Anyone who had the good sense to short the major indices yesterday is going to make a tidy sum in a few hours.


... aaaaaaaaaaaaand David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, has resigned. That is pretty massive.

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