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Braineack 04-17-2019 02:16 PM



An elderly pro-life activist was assaulted by a woman leaving an abortion facility this week, causing her a broken thighbone and a cut to her head, according to LifeSiteNews.

Donna Durning has been a pro-life sidewalk counselor for 23 years, and on April 13, she was outside of E.M.W. Women’s Surgical Center in Kentucky when a woman in her early twenties exited the abortion facility. Durning told LifeSiteNews that the young woman was walking to a car that was waiting for her when the attack occurred.

“She turned and looked at me and I gave her a sweet little card,” Durning told LifeSiteNews. “I said ‘Honey, this is for you; if you want to talk to somebody there’s a phone number there.’ She grabbed me by both shoulders and literally threw me to the ground.”

The following day, blood could still be seen on the sidewalk where Durning hit her head. She also suffered from a broken femur bone but did not have any injury to her brain or skull. She had to have her femur surgically reconstructed and is expected to make a full recovery after rehabilitation.

Police officers were across the street at the time and came over as soon as they saw the attack. They took the abortion facility’s surveillance tapes. Witnesses wrote down the license plate number of the car Durning’s attacker left in.

remember that one time liberals used to pretend to be peaceful and love all? We alos used to call this behavior extremism, now i pretty much toss it in with liberalism.

chiefmg 04-24-2019 07:35 PM

If this it true, it just goes to show how oblivious some of the younger generation is.

Braineack 04-25-2019 02:42 PM


Men ‘don’t deserve opinions,’ tweeted new director of gender relations

Student government gender relations director at University of Notre Dame draws scrutiny

A University of Notre Dame student who has voiced negative statements about men and is openly opposed to Catholic sexual ethics was recently confirmed as director of the student government’s Department of Gender Relations.

The department “works to foster a healthy environment of communication and dialogue between individuals of different genders on campus,” according to its website.

The student who recently took the helm is Anne Jarrett. During the student senate confirmation hearing April 15, sophomore senator DC Morris raised concerns over Jarrett’s ability to work effectively with men as gender relations director given some of her past comments on social media.


Braineack 04-25-2019 04:38 PM



concealer404 04-25-2019 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1531360)


remember that one time liberals used to pretend to be peaceful and love all? We alos used to call this behavior extremism, now i pretty much toss it in with liberalism.

I didn't see in the article where it was disclosed the voting habits of either of the two women involved in the altercation. Have additional sources?

Braineack 04-26-2019 11:10 AM





Erat 04-26-2019 11:15 AM

Let's back up for one second here.

You mean to tell me they can preform lower unit surgery on a man so well that they will end up with female parts that look and feel the same to the real thing?

This scares me slightly. Have I had sex with a post op tranny and not known it?

Braineack 04-26-2019 11:16 AM

knowing you? probably.

Braineack 04-26-2019 11:22 AM


This is a secret photo taken today from a pro-life student in an advanced biology class at University of California San Diego titled, "Biology of Disease." (credit: @DylanPGriswold on Twitter).

Here's some science for this "science" professor:

1. Neither pregnancy nor fertility is a disease.
2. A parasite, by definition, is not the same species as its host.
3. Your pro-abortion bias is showing.

whitrzac 04-26-2019 01:17 PM

Someone's sarcasm meter is broken.

Braineack 04-26-2019 02:43 PM

Stunning and Brave

Facebook Post

Erat 04-26-2019 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1532592)
knowing you? probably.

You know you're probably right. :party:

Braineack 04-26-2019 03:10 PM


Braineack 04-26-2019 03:15 PM


Braineack 04-26-2019 07:32 PM


sixshooter 04-27-2019 09:01 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1532666)

Socialists have always driven wedges between children and their parents. It is important to devalue them so that the state is perceived as the surrogate parent or primary provider. See also China, North Korea, Nazi Germany, Cambodia, etc.

It is a big reason why the Democrats who wanted to keep the black population controlled by the state crafted welfare laws that penalized the presence of fathers in the homes of their children here in America. The old tenant farm houses are the Section 8 homes of the government Plantation owner now. The modern slaves are obedient and willfully allow themselves to be restricted in so many ways, limiting their earnings and living arrangements. Their spirit and ambition is broken by simple placation and being taught the rules of the system by each previous generation.

The occasional outlier will escape but so many obediently wait to be fed, like a domesticated cow standing in a field chewing its cud with no striving to advance. The cow is safe. It is not hurried. Its need for food and shelter are met and so it eats and sleeps and shits at someone else's pleasure. When the pickup truck occasionally enters the field it dutifully walks over with the other cows to vote for its its owner and then it is left alone to graze once again.

I am sad for them for the joy of accomplishment that they won't experience. There's a simple happiness in the fruits of one's own success. Their spirit is broken and it is depressing.

Braineack 04-29-2019 08:29 AM

Facebook Post

Braineack 04-29-2019 08:33 AM

Imagine being this much of a loser.


I married myself and it was truly empowering


The idea to marry myself came to me in January last year, when I was at work one day. Three weeks before, on Christmas Eve, I had received a text message from my boyfriend of five and a half years: “I can’t do this any more, it’s over,” it said. I was a 42-year-old with two children and I had already been divorced twice. It was devastating and left me in a funk, unable to eat, sleep or smile.

My ex used to say to me: “You can get married, darling, but it won’t be to me.” It suddenly struck me that he was right. I could get married - to myself.


Braineack 04-29-2019 08:37 AM


DC Comics Fans Petition To Make The Joker Gay

A new online petition spearheaded by DC Comics fans calls for the company to tweak the characterization of arguably its most popular supervillain and depict Batman’s nemesis the Joker as gay.

The petition was launched by Elena Shestakova and is targeted at DC Comics President and Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns. Here’s the lengthy essay that accompanies it, explaining the fan’s viewpoint:


Braineack 04-29-2019 08:56 AM

stunning and brave.


Second Drag Queen Exposed as Sexual Offender in Houston Library Story Time Drag Queen Group

In America, we have the right to live according to our own conscience as long as it does not interfere with someone else living their life according to the same liberty. This founding principle has seemingly diminished in importance over the last several years. Christians are increasingly being forced to live in a world void of morality and boundaries where sexual deviance and perversion are the new social norms.

What used to be done in the dark has forced its way into the light where we are all expected to happily play along.

Drag queens reading stories to young children is inappropriate enough on its own, but that’s never all.

Not only are these drag queens more often found in erotic dance clubs, but some of them have turned out to be child sex offenders.

But that’s not really that surprising, is it?

One such case has been exposed in Houston, TX where not only one but two Drag Queens have been discovered, through efforts made by MassResistance Houston, to have been convicted of sexual assault against young children.

Seriously?! How many sensible people said this is exactly what would happen with this growing trend?

The second man in this case is William Travis Dees.

Here’s a little bit about the man the Houston Public Library saw fit to interact with young children:
  • Dees has been convicted of sex crimes against four young children (ages 4, 5, 6, and 8) in 2004. He was 16 years old at the time so his public records are sealed making it impossible for parents to find this information. He also uses various aliases and genders making it difficult to really know who he is at any given time.
  • He is listed as a high-risk sex offender.
  • Dees is also a member of a local anti-Catholic Drag Queen group called the Space City Sisters which is a local chapter of a national group of Drag Queens called The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. These men are known for dressing up as hideous nuns and openly mocking Catholicism.
  • Dees engages as a “sex worker” as a transgender woman and practices BDSM (bondage, discipline, sadomasochism). He wrote about his experiences in an article under the name Elizabeth Davidson titled, “What I learned as a Trans Dominatrix.”
  • Dees was photographed outside of a Houston Public Library Story Hour event brazenly holding a rubber chicken. The chicken is a symbol that a gay man likes young children.
There’s a very good chance that these perverts were barely vetted because who dare question someone as forward-thinking as a drag queen who wants to read stories to young children, right?

This is absolutely unacceptable. Not only is Dees himself a very troubled, confused individual engaged in sexual perversion and openly interested in pederasty, but he and his fellow Drag Queens represent a culture that is inflammatory, deviant, and offensive.

As previously mentioned, Dees is the second man within the same group of Drag Queens to be exposed as a sexual predator. This is probably not an anomaly but something that is occurring all across the country.

We, as parents, can choose to avoid these sick and twisted Drag Queen story time events however that isn’t enough. Children cannot advocate for themselves and if their own parents, for whatever reason, aren’t doing it for them then we as the public must do it.

You can read the full details of this case here.

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