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Joe Perez 10-01-2016 11:35 AM

Originally Posted by Oscar (Post 1364717)
What the fuck even is a preferred pronoun?

Well, assume that a certain person is male (penis, Y chromosome, etc,) however that person is also (figuratively) a pussy who can't quite cut it as a man in modern society.

Under the present regime, all that person has to do is say "I identify as a non-gender-binary pansexual, and my preferred pronouns are 'xqle' and "xqler"," and they are instantly exempt from all social-norm expectations and obligations. Furthermore, anyone who addresses that individual as "he" instead of "xqle" (in the first-person) or "him" instead of "xqler" (in the third-person) is automatically branded as Hitler, so there's also a control / power-trip element to it which is highly attractive to those who have never had control over anything, including their own thoughts and emotions. Note that the invocation of Godwin's Law is not appropriate in this situation, as the person making the accusation is obviously offended, and therefore wins the argument by default.


Joe Perez 10-01-2016 11:37 AM

Originally Posted by Erat (Post 1364719)
UofM is located in Ann Arbor. Clearly stated in the quote. EMU is also not located in Detroit.

Everything that's in Michigan is Detroit. Source: Timeline | Bicentennial 1817-2017

Erat 10-01-2016 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1364721)
Everything that's in Michigan is Detroit. Source: Timeline | Bicentennial 1817-2017



hornetball 10-02-2016 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1364701)
So, you're saying that police in the US killed more more people in 2015 than all of the gender assumptions, cultural appropriations, and microaggressions combined.

Don't forget the gendered-bathroom issue!

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1364701)
This is broadly reflective of the demographic composition of Latin-American nations as a whole, very few of which (eg: Haiti, Martinique) have a dominant / majority African-descendant population.

Depends on the country. Was it colonized for agriculture? Or was the main interest the pursuit of gold and souls for conversion to Catholicism? There were 10X more Africans sent to Brazil (~4M) than to the US (~400K). Honestly, I find it mind-boggling that so many people could be transported across the Atlantic Ocean on, essentially, small sailing vessels.

Interesting thing about the drive to convert souls . . . it sure saved a lot of lives (excluding those that succumbed to disease). Most Latin American countries still have a great deal of "Native American" in their gene pools.

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1364701)
Addendum: Consider all of the prejudices which exist within the Caucasian / Europid communities. Anti-Irish, anti-Semetic, anti-Polish, anti-Chechen, anti-Italian, and so on. The same spectrum of intra-ethnic racism exists within most Hispanic cultures as well. My Cuban uncles of Spanish ethnicity, for instance, tolerated Puerto Ricans begrudgingly, and despised Mexicans, Hatians, etc.

How did they feel about Colombians? :)

Joe Perez 10-02-2016 04:05 PM

The subject never really came up. Columbians are not a significant immigrant group in PR, or in the US as a whole, and are a relatively diverse group, ethnically.

The attitude towards Puerto Ricans was mostly a byproduct of the fact that, with the exception of my father, the family settled there after the communist revolution in Cuba, mostly because my grandmother wanted to remain in the Caribbean rather than coming to the mainland. Understandable, given the circumstances.

In retrospect, tio Jose would probably disown me if he knew that at one point I was engaged to a Puerto Rican girl. On the other hand, my father probably would have been proud- he alone embraced the PR culture, probably because he never actually had to live there.

Neither one well ever know.

Monk 10-02-2016 06:34 PM

Not political (and frankly none of my business) but, I thought you got married to said Puerto Rican girl. Are you single now?

Joe Perez 10-02-2016 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by Monk (Post 1364839)
Not political (and frankly none of my business) but, I thought you got married to said Puerto Rican girl. Are you single now?

We were engaged, but never actually tied the knot.

I don't have any bitterness / animosity. We worked very well together in most regards, but it turned out that we has extremely different and incompatible ideas concerning long-term goals. She thought that my career was the only thing that mattered to me and was unable to accept the fact that I might someday get a lucrative job offer in another town, I was unable to reconcile her completely cavalier attitude towards said career (and personal indifference towards holding a job for more than six months) with her desire for a nice, upscale white-picket-fence lifestyle. There was also some schizophrenia, eg: "I love NYC, but I don't like the fact that you work in NYC and complain about spending four hours a day on the train getting there and back from our place up here in Poughkeepsie that we only got because I'm scared to move too far away from my friends in AA. Why can't you find a simple job up here in the outer suburbs so you don't have to spend so much time away from home? Oh, but we still need a big house and new cars, even though I'm not at all materialistic and such things don't impress me."

We split up at the right time. Turns out that post-divorce sex is amazing, and the highly lucrative job offer out of town came around just as that was winding down.

Braineack 10-03-2016 11:03 AM


hornetball 10-03-2016 12:17 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1364847)
I was unable to reconcile her completely cavalier attitude towards said career (and personal indifference towards holding a job for more than six months) with her desire for a nice, upscale white-picket-fence lifestyle. There was also some schizophrenia, eg: "I love NYC, but I don't like the fact that you work in NYC and complain about spending four hours a day on the train getting there and back from our place up here in Poughkeepsie that we only got because I'm scared to move too far away from my friends in AA. Why can't you find a simple job up here in the outer suburbs so you don't have to spend so much time away from home? Oh, but we still need a big house and new cars, even though I'm not at all materialistic and such things don't impress me."

Perfect metaphor for Generation Wuss?

Braineack 10-04-2016 08:06 AM

Facebook Post

Braineack 10-04-2016 08:13 AM

pet rock for hipsters:

Facebook Post

Joe Perez 10-04-2016 09:36 AM

Our generation paid $100 for jeans with holes in them. Nothing surprises me when fashion labels are involved.

xturner 10-04-2016 09:43 AM

Somebody at Supreme is a genius - a cynical genius, but still...

Joe Perez 10-04-2016 09:53 AM

Duke University launches ‘safe space’ for men to consider their ‘toxic masculinities’

By Bradford Richardson - The Washington Times - Monday, October 3, 2016


Duke University is creating a “safe space” for male students to pore over the ways in which their “toxic masculinities” create a harmful environment on campus and beyond.

The Men’s Project, which is sponsored by the Duke Women’s Center, aims to “create a space of brotherhood fellowship dedicated to interrogating male privilege and patriarchy as it exists in our lives, our campus and our society,” according to the university’s website.

The initiative’s leadership team consists of four students, including juniors Dipro Bhowmik and Alex Bressler.

Mr. Bhowmik said the project will create an environment in which men can “critique and analyze their own masculinity and toxic masculinities to then create healthier ones.”

The curriculum is about “questioning how you can be accountable to feminism, to the women in your life and to the larger community,” he told the Duke Chronicle, a student newspaper.

Mr. Bressler said the leadership team aspires to create a “very intentionally educational space for male-identified individuals.”

“I’m excited that we are doing our own part to proactively deconstruct masculinity,” Mr. Bressler told the Chronicle.

The question-begging initiative comes on the decennial of the Duke lacrosse scandal, in which three male students were falsely accused of rape.

The university suspended the lacrosse team for two games and forced head coach Mike Pressler to resign before an investigation exonerating the players was carried out.

Duke University launches 'safe space' for men to consider their 'toxic masculinities' - Washington Times

Braineack 10-04-2016 10:11 AM

I'm tired of hygiene products targeted towards men all having to smell like AXE body spray. I find that sexist.

im being 100% serious.

hornetball 10-04-2016 11:52 AM

Well, that's one way to get some tail. Kind of like taking Home-Economics back in the day.

Braineack 10-04-2016 01:16 PM

no one wants to smell like a hipster. and no woman wants to have sex with a man that smells like one either.

fooger03 10-04-2016 01:40 PM

I'm pretty sure that all these SJWs are simply women who are confusing "happiness" with ill-perceived fairness.

Male SJWs are either gay or else they are closet gays.

Braineack 10-05-2016 10:05 AM

lots of creativity here, but lacks basic understanding of logic, reasoning, and other things people learn in school.

Facebook Post

Guardiola 10-05-2016 10:47 AM

The public school system taught me to trust no one. Especially those in charge. The more authority they have, the less likely they are to know what is going on.
Whenever there is a "group project" do all the work yourself. Unless you don't care what grade you get.
The Pareto principle is real. You can get a B putting in 20% effort. That A will cost you another 80%.
And most importantly, while in public school, you have no rights. If you want to demonstrate your "rights" you better be off campus.

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