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ruger988 02-26-2007 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by Fritch (Post 86793)
its a joke man, nobody thinks you really said it :squint:

i know.........but still, LOL

ruger988 02-26-2007 01:48 PM

holy sh*t, i think this is by FAR the quickest one of my threads has ever hit 3 pages!! never would've guessed

Newbsauce 02-26-2007 01:50 PM

I had a long distance relationship at 18 and I went to college, my gf was still in HS. Anyway I drove my turbo GSX about 300 miles all the time to see her (round trip). In the end, it didnt work out, which in retrospect does not shock me cause I was 18. So what do I have to show for it? A ton of wasted time and about 50k miles on my GSX which I had to sell for its high ass mileage.

I pulled more ass from 18-21 then ever and I never regretted it. Even at 24 I look back and I'm like.. "wow thats alot of ass". The initial pang of missing her will soon fade. Don't sweat it, I would say you have a 5% chance of the person you meet before like.. age 21 being a future wifey. Theres so much that happens in your life from like 18-24.

ruger988 02-26-2007 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by Newbsauce (Post 86803)
I had a long distance relationship at 18 and I went to college, my gf was still in HS. Anyway I drove my turbo GSX about 300 miles all the time to see her (round trip). In the end, it didnt work out, which in retrospect does not shock me cause I was 18. So what do I have to show for it? A ton of wasted time and about 50k miles on my GSX which I had to sell for its high ass mileage.

I pulled more ass from 18-21 then ever and I never regretted it. Even at 24 I look back and I'm like.. "wow thats alot of ass". The initial pang of missing her will soon fade. Don't sweat it, I would say you have a 5% chance of the person you meet before like.. age 21 being a future wifey. Theres so much that happens in your life from like 18-24.

sounds like me pretty much to the T...except i usually drive the 240 300 miles (round trip) that i dont give a shit about. but still, i get your point

Pitlab77 02-26-2007 06:31 PM

my gf broke up with me in Dec. Almost 2 years of dating and 3~3 1/2 of being friends

No drama for 3 months now :bigtu:

AutoX a lot :bigtu:

Hang out with friends a lot :bigtu:

if she wants me back my GF will come back. Do not move on just to move on but think about. For me it is still painful but It hurts a bit less everyday as I realize that she was the one that broke up with me and that should make her sad not me. And even better yet when I realize that wow other girls kinda like. I will still love her everyday of my life because she was my first GF ever. I don't know about you but I find comfort in my faith. Pray a lot, but going out with you buddies to race cars can help also haha.

Long story short if she comes back good, if not then don't go crazy thinking about her it will do you no good. It really F'd me over at work for a couple of weeks and for what.

adbradley 02-26-2007 06:37 PM

i dont think it ever goes away totaly... i still think about the first girl i was ever "in love" with from time to time.. just part of life i guess...

olderguy 02-26-2007 06:44 PM

Originally Posted by adbradley (Post 86923)
i dont think it ever goes away totaly... i still think about the first girl i was ever "in love" with from time to time.. just part of life i guess...

Everyone does. The way you think about them just depends on who fucked over who at the time:inout:

olderguy 02-26-2007 06:45 PM

Women have it worse. They seem to think about or stay in love with their first sexual partner all their lives.

Newbsauce 02-26-2007 07:28 PM

Originally Posted by olderguy (Post 86926)
Women have it worse. They seem to think about or stay in love with their first sexual partner all their lives.

It pays to be first ;)

RicanmiataRacer 02-26-2007 07:50 PM

damn wtf......This sounds just like what me and my current g/f 8 months into our relationship went through....to stop all the b/s she just dropped her mom and came to live with me....I lived 2 hours away from her and went to visit her often, when she turned 18 her mom began this vendetta to get rid of me.....did'nt work and carma kicked her in the ass. if they love you nobody should be able the change how they feel, not even their mothers.... but whatever I still hate my girls mom and she still hates me , my g/f does'nt give two flyin penguin shits about what her mom has to say or tells her off wen taking cheese against me......Im happy , we are happy, if the parents try to destroy that, it will come back to haunt them.

1yr 7months later we are still toghether and content

RicanmiataRacer 02-26-2007 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by ruger988 (Post 86675)
Aright, so i'm living in VA Beach for school, i went home last weekend to see my girfriedn (about 2.5 hours away) and everything was great. Monday morning when i took her home (17 still living with mom and im only 18 for the record) her mom started tripping out on her for something, still not even sure exactly what. anway she told me to leave (her mom) but my GF was begging me to stay close by to make sure she was ok...so i did. Well, i call her mom and try to talk to her reasonably and figure out what the hell is going on so i can atleast tell her bye before i go 3 hours away for the next two months (her mom had already taken away her phones, etc.. at this point) and she started acting like a freakin 3 year old, bitching at me, saying she was gonna call the cops b/c i was stalking her house, etc... when i had been there for 10 minutes trying to say goodbye to my girlfriend.

ANYWAY...they work stuff out over the next few days, everything gets kinda back to normal....until...last night she and her mother were going out to eat somwehere and i was on the phone with her while they were headed there....i dont even know now what brought it up but her mom said something along the lines of "he better not push his luck he still hasn't apologized to me for his sh*t monday!" so i proceed to tell christy (my GF) that i wasn't going to apologize to a 40 year old woman who started acting like a fucking 4 year old when her daughter's 18 BF was trying to make sure she was ok.....about three seconds later my GF says "well, he says he sorry" so i blow up at her....she hangs up, calls me a little while later and says it's over....if this was like a 2 week relationship, oh well, i don't give a fuck, but we've been together for over two years, now i know she has alot of other stuff going on in her life, but should i just let her go, or try to fight to get her back?....i do still love her after all this though

Sorry for the long rant...just needed to get that off of my chest...i'd appreciate any advice but i understand if noone wants to try to tell me what i should do.....

(oh if it makes any difference in how you guys feel about her, she was with me when the diff went last week, and she was just as upset, if not more, than i was about it!!!)

Damn dude I should have read on more before posting, I went through the same shit......Its not easy in the least :eek4: , im sorry to hear you are going through the same shit i did for my lady.

UofACATS 02-26-2007 08:04 PM

She's only "late" cause she's mad stressed.

If you really care, you'll do and say whatever the fuck you have to, of course my advice is: Forget her. You'll be fine.

Long distance is tough dude. Real tough. Besides sucking, it usually ends badly. Best of luck though! :bigtu:

Arkmage 02-26-2007 08:57 PM

Originally Posted by UofACATS (Post 86955)
Long distance is tough dude. Real tough. Besides sucking, it usually ends badly. Best of luck though! :bigtu:

If a couple can't handle long distance they shouldn't be together. I spent 9 months in Germany while my fiance was in TX... we've been (more or less) happily married for about 2 years now.

Savington 02-26-2007 09:34 PM

Don't worry about it. If she is serious about wanting the relationship to work, she wouldn't ditch you over such trivial bullshit and SHE will call YOU to kiss and make up.

If that doesn't happen in about a week or so, move on and start hitting the local tail.

Loki047 02-26-2007 09:45 PM

For the 18 year old in this thread (or younger), remember two important issues.

One if you break up with her, wait till after her period (so you know youre not the daddy)

Two, never be the first fuck thats a can of worms you don't want

I had sex with a girl freshman year of highschool and to this day I could walk up to her, tell her I love her and she would marry me, bear in mind its been at least 6 years.

ruger988 02-26-2007 09:54 PM

Originally Posted by Loki047 (Post 86993)
For the 18 year old in this thread (or younger), remember two important issues.

One if you break up with her, wait till after her period (so you know youre not the daddy)

Two, never be the first fuck thats a can of worms you don't want

I had sex with a girl freshman year of highschool and to this day I could walk up to her, tell her I love her and she would marry me, bear in mind its been at least 6 years.

i'm 18...she did start this evening....but she still broke up with me...she's "trying to work things out" now though.....so we'll see where it all ends up

Loki047 02-26-2007 09:59 PM

Walk away, only thing more annoying then crazy is ugly. And who knows she might have the complete package.

cwisenheimer 02-26-2007 10:08 PM

Walk away.

You will remember her for a long time, maybe for life, but walk away now.

Her mom is a headcase and that's hereditary, even if it's latent now. You now have a golden opportunity to leave and be guilt-free. You WILL find something better, someone worth spending your life with.


jayc72 02-26-2007 10:15 PM

Originally Posted by ruger988 (Post 86996)
i'm 18...she did start this evening....but she still broke up with me...she's "trying to work things out" now though.....so we'll see where it all ends up

Win win! She isn't knocked up and you didn't have to break up with her. Think about it this way, how many people in their 40's and 50's do you know that are married to the person they were with when they were 17-18 years old? Enjoy, for today you've dodged a bullet.

Markp 02-27-2007 12:16 AM

GET SOME LOCAL TAIL... Those are the best words of wisdom you have been given so far.


arga 02-27-2007 02:20 AM

I wanted to play devils advocate on this one but we only know her by what you've posted. I see YOU stood beside her during some of the most difficult parts of her life and she, what, felt bad when your diff blew?!? OK you got two years but is that two years of making her feel better about herself? What are we missing?

Damn Mark, don't you have your Phd in psych? Shouldn't you be playing Dr. Drew now?

Hell, I'll try...Ruger988, is there something in your own life that would cause you to be attracted to such a chaotic relationship? Any similar chaotic periods in your own childhood?

Markp 02-27-2007 07:09 AM

Originally Posted by Newbsauce (Post 86803)
I had a long distance relationship at 18 and I went to college, my gf was still in HS. Anyway I drove my turbo GSX about 300 miles all the time to see her (round trip). In the end, it didnt work out, which in retrospect does not shock me cause I was 18. So what do I have to show for it? A ton of wasted time and about 50k miles on my GSX which I had to sell for its high ass mileage.

I pulled more ass from 18-21 then ever and I never regretted it. Even at 24 I look back and I'm like.. "wow thats alot of ass". The initial pang of missing her will soon fade. Don't sweat it, I would say you have a 5% chance of the person you meet before like.. age 21 being a future wifey. Theres so much that happens in your life from like 18-24.

I pulled a fair bit of ass from 18-20 but you'd be surprised at how much tail there is at 40! Makes my late teens look like pre-school. Don't settle too early, there is a lot to experience out there and most women aren't very forgiving about some on the side... unless you get very lucky.


Markp 02-27-2007 07:14 AM

Originally Posted by jayc72 (Post 87008)
Win win! She isn't knocked up and you didn't have to break up with her. Think about it this way, how many people in their 40's and 50's do you know that are married to the person they were with when they were 17-18 years old? Enjoy, for today you've dodged a bullet.

LOL, Ya I am married to the girl I married at 23, She was 19 and I am now 40. I think that I am the exception to the rule though and yes, she was a virgin when I met her to top it off... as someone said, "It pays to be first." At least sometimes it does. :D

ARGA - I am working towards a Ph.D. in Psych, I don't have one. As for playing Dr. Drew, this guy needs to get some more experience with some different (and hopefully more sexually satisfying women) to realize that you never know who will blow your socks off. Unfortunately the ones who are the best/craziest in bed are often the craziest in life as well. A true double edged sword that cuts both ways. This guy (and every guy) should not sell himself short... You'd be amazed at the women who really want to sleep with you. I'm not pretty but I still get 20 somethings wanting to fuck me senseless, have some confidence and realize that the best is still ahead.


Ben 02-27-2007 08:33 AM

Originally Posted by Markp (Post 87103)
Unfortunately the ones who are the best/craziest in bed are often the craziest in life as well. A true double edged sword that cuts both ways.

OMG, that is the truth!

Markp 02-27-2007 09:43 AM

Originally Posted by hustler (Post 86756)
I wasted my first 3 years of college being depressed over a girl. I hate to do this, but somebody must. You only live once. Never again in your life will you have access to so many college girls. Do it now before you have to lease a $60k german car to get attractive women to play with you. You must sexor every woman you see.I'm about to go back to grad school, just so I can chase women again, and I'm only 26.
Its just a girl. Do you plan on marrying this girl? Do you really think that fighting with this situation is more enjoyable than trolling for whores for the next 4 years?

Don't screw up these years, because you will never have so little responsibility, and so much pussy in your face again.


arga 02-27-2007 10:23 AM

MarkP, The Dr. Drew comment was meant as a joke. I admire the hell out of you for getting your PhD. I could barely stomach undergrad work.

Ruger988, I was somewhat serious, though. I went for the wounded bird a lot when I was young. Maybe that's not what your doing but it's what it sounds like.

Snowsurfer03 03-01-2007 06:29 AM

Originally Posted by olderguy (Post 86925)
Everyone does. The way you think about them just depends on who fucked over who at the time:inout:

Sigh.......the great wizdom of OLDERGUY. I totaly agree by the way!
You will always have that special place in your heart for your "high school sweetheart". My advice is to just take a break and try not to be so serious for a while. Just have fun and be a kid while you still can!

Fun stuff like turbo miatas FTMFW! :bigtu:

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