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Vashthestampede 05-07-2008 09:56 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by cueball1 (Post 253565)
I love how the blond guy goes from straight looking gay guy to complete screaming queen in about 2 seconds.

Whistle pig? You must have some good stuff to get freaked by a marmot. I'm voting racoon. Rips in the canvas and prints that high up on the car it had to be bigger than a whistler.

No way man.....this fucker was different. Like a crazy, nasty little whistle pig. Take a look at these pictures.

The street sign picture is to give you an idea on the size. The other picture is what it was doing in the dark at me as it was trying to get me on the car!

I'm glad whoever took this picture had a similar experience.


bryantaylor 05-07-2008 10:13 PM

Originally Posted by Vashthestampede (Post 251995)
This shit was nasty pissed. It was ready to lunge at me, probably try to cut me up.

it was a mexican

Fergus 05-08-2008 04:36 PM

You could make a nice hat out of one of those.......

Stein 05-08-2008 05:05 PM

In my poor imitation of a Monty Python voice

What?....A Rabbit?

Fergus 05-08-2008 10:00 PM

Perhaps.....maybe.....it could have been one of his ex girlfriends ?

Vashthestampede 05-08-2008 10:53 PM

Originally Posted by Fergus (Post 254224)
Perhaps.....maybe.....it could have been one of his ex girlfriends ?

lol....well actually, my most recent ex did try to bite my ear off. That was fun!


Vashthestampede 05-09-2008 02:05 AM

Just spent 20 minutes or so on the patio looking for him....only this time prepared. I had bamboo, a pushbroom handle, and my camera. I didn't see him, but I thought, maybe he could see me.

I didn't like the feeling, fuck that I'm not dealing with this thing all summer. We caught them before like 6 times, I'm gonna build a trap this weekend and catch this one. I'll be sure to post pics, cause I will catch him.


Trent 05-10-2008 01:16 AM

funny thread.

Amazing how the wacky tobacky messes with the fight/flight reflex isn't it? lol.

I have never before in my life even so much as HEARD of a "whistle pig" before. lol. That must be a northern thing.

You want scary? piss off a 'possum.


Fergus 05-12-2008 06:06 AM

No update for 2 days...... Did he catch it ? Is he in hospital ? Perhaps he's stuck on the roof of the car again ?

zoom2zoom 05-12-2008 06:26 AM

this thread definitely had me laughing almost to tears!! I have had a raccoon try to chase me before and it died very inhumanely.

chricto 05-12-2008 10:44 AM

Originally Posted by supersaiyan93 (Post 254885)
funny thread.

Amazing how the wacky tobacky messes with the fight/flight reflex isn't it? lol.

I have never before in my life even so much as HEARD of a "whistle pig" before. lol. That must be a northern thing.

You want scary? piss off a 'possum.


possums ain't shit...just kick the shit out of them...like so

Quality Control Bot 05-12-2008 10:53 AM

1 Attachment(s)
What you likely seen was this

chricto 05-12-2008 11:33 AM

It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.

Vashthestampede 05-12-2008 12:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Are you kidding, if it was a liger I doubt I would even be talking with you guys right now! :eek5:

So ever since then, I go out every night and check for him. I have even been pretty daring and went looking for him weaponless, just to see if he's that smart to only come at me when I'm unarmed. I have a bunch of spare wood in the basement, so I'm gonna make a trap.

The picture is one that we caught a couple years ago. This one was fucking eating all of the vegetables in the garden, so we had to get him out of the yard. We caught him and then released him a couple miles away down at our shop by a river.

This one that I'm dealing with now is just fucking crazy. If it comes at me in the dark and I have to defend myself, I might kill it. But if I can capture it and release him, that would be best. My nieces and nephews are really into looking for him now, so if I kill it....my brothers might be a little pissed at me.

To think that I have chased down coyotes on a weekly basis at the farm, and now I'm scared of a little whistle pig.....:noes:


Fergus 05-12-2008 01:40 PM

My God, your getting paranoid !
So it's stalking you now, waiting for you to be unarmed, alone, in the dark, afraid...
That must be one smart wee little whistle piggy you got after you man :eek5:
You've still to CONFIRM what is it remember....I still think it could be one of your ex's.

thymer 05-12-2008 02:27 PM

Take no chances
Dude, stop taking chances. This vicious creature obviously has it out for you and means to do you harm. Time to arm-up. I recommend not leaving your bedroom without a AK-47 with 75 round drum and S&W .500 magnum revolver for backup. That little scrappy fur bag is so ate up with rabies fueled insanity that he's more dangerous than a serial killer on PCP. Sleep with your doors locked too, the little bastards are smart. I would also recommend you setup some claymore's with trip wires around your car and pool. You just can't be too careful. Good Luck!

Fergus 05-12-2008 03:41 PM

Perhaps....IT'S thinking the same thing...waiting...stalking it's prey....silently watching from the shadows.....waiting for it's moment to strike....waiting for the weekend to catch you smoking again :eek:
Watch out man.....it could be building a trap :eek4:
Keep your eye on your tyres, it may be leaving the air out slowly so it can get you next time :noes:

Vashthestampede 05-12-2008 03:56 PM

You guys just had me laughing pretty hard! :bowrofl:

If it was one of my ex's they'd try to sleep with me first....then kill me. :eek5:


dpexp 05-12-2008 04:19 PM


Stein 05-12-2008 04:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
You sure it wasn't wacky inflatable arm flailing tube man?

Vashthestampede 05-12-2008 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by Stein (Post 255781)
You sure it wasn't wacky inflatable arm flailing tube man?



Trent 05-12-2008 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by Stein (Post 255781)
You sure it wasn't wacky inflatable arm flailing tube man?

Off Highway 12 in Wikipaugh!!!!!!!

Fireindc 05-12-2008 09:09 PM

At the wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man emporium and warehouse!

Vashthestampede 05-13-2008 10:18 PM

As we speak I'm outside ready to fucking battle. I was just trapped standing on my seats, windows up and top down, ready with a push broom handle. I was scared and at the same time ready to go nuts!!!!! :vash:

Flashlight dies too....wtf. I'm ready now for this motherfucker

I will bring the camera.


elesjuan 05-13-2008 10:27 PM

So that things been back cornering you again!? WTFLOL!!!

Vashthestampede 05-13-2008 11:35 PM

I don't know what to say.....I still don't know what the fuck it is. I waited with the lights on/off, talking to it/being quiet, with weapons/unarmed, you name it. It knows I want to see it. And now there's like 6 of them out there, every direction had something running around in the brush. I am going tomorrow to home depot to get me some shit. I fucking had it with this thing.

lol, I left my trunk open, hood open, and top down all to air out. So I was outside to close them, looking at my valve cover, I had no idea this fuck was going to come again on me like this. I was wondering if anyone could hear me or it, I'm actually even going to talk with my neighbor tomorrow. I want to ask him if he's seen it, and let him know that I'm trying to get it.

While I was outside, I noticed my dad is pumping all the pool water down the street. He's trying to do it without anyone seeing it....lol. He didn't even tell me. Coming up the road I noticed alot of water, and then saw it coming from my house. Its still going to be pumping in the morning, everyone else is going to see it to dad.....:bang:


elesjuan 05-14-2008 02:01 AM

Vash you should try setting some traps.. Catch the el chupra cabras.. That'd be one mean ass pet. :)

Fergus 05-14-2008 02:09 AM

I told you it was watching you man !
Just waiting to catch you off guard and sneek up on you :eek:
It's got plans for you now, it brought it's buddys, they were in assualt positions around the pool waiting for you to show up. You gotta get smart or it'll be lights out.
Next time you may not be so lucky, they may start circling the car like little hairy injuns.
I'd say if you stepped out of the car they would have gang-banged your ass and left you crying like a little baby :eek:
Or worse......

swimming108 05-14-2008 07:24 AM

Originally Posted by Fergus (Post 256555)
I told you it was watching you man !
Just waiting to catch you off guard and sneek up on you :eek:
It's got plans for you now, it brought it's buddys

It's Chuck Norris :eek5:

bripab007 05-14-2008 09:50 AM

Is this for real?

jsinnard 05-14-2008 01:26 PM

You need to start paying attention to this

airbrush1 05-14-2008 07:52 PM

lol, you're ging to get killed and dragged away by badgers!

Dothedoo 05-15-2008 01:07 PM

I say it is Manbearpig...


icantthink4155 05-15-2008 02:13 PM

This is entertaining:-D Im totaly cereal.

Stein 05-15-2008 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by icantthink4155 (Post 257411)
This is entertaining:-D Im totaly cereal.

I'm old and don't get it.

You are...

In a bowl?
Best eaten with milk?


icantthink4155 05-15-2008 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by Stein (Post 257427)
I'm old and don't get it.

You are...

In a bowl?
Best eaten with milk?


Its from the Ep of southpark with manbearpig

Stein 05-15-2008 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by icantthink4155 (Post 257450)
Its from the Ep of southpark with manbearpig

Ohhh. I'm 41. Got it now. Did I say I was 41? I'm pretty old. I'm 41. :bang:


Zabac 05-15-2008 03:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Is this still going on? I figured one of ya'll would be dead by now...

Speaking of those wacky inflatable arm flailing tube man thingies, I love 'em too, and to prove it, here is a shameless semi-nude photo of me doing my impression of one.
Attachment 213132
(flame suit on)

Vashthestampede 05-15-2008 04:03 PM

I took the pool cover off yesterday and found what may have been the cause of the first attack. There was a very dead, baby whistle pig in the pool. Its skin looked like skim milk, and its nasty teeth were sticking out. I wonder if maybe the night that one chased me, it was trying to save the baby in the pool. When I scooped the baby out of the pool I tried to save it, but all I got was its nasty melting skin on my mouth.

Those crazy inflatable men would be awesome to just have in the yard for fun. Buy one off ebay and just showup all the neighbors. :)


JDMAflac 05-15-2008 04:55 PM

Originally Posted by Zabac (Post 257484)

Dammit Dan LOL

Waiting on updates this weekend, 1 critter into 6? :bowrofl:

icantthink4155 05-15-2008 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by Vashthestampede (Post 257496)
I took the pool cover off yesterday and found what may have been the cause of the first attack. There was a very dead, baby whistle pig in the pool. Its skin looked like skim milk, and its nasty teeth were sticking out. I wonder if maybe the night that one chased me, it was trying to save the baby in the pool. When I scooped the baby out of the pool I tried to save it, but all I got was its nasty melting skin on my mouth.

Those crazy inflatable men would be awesome to just have in the yard for fun. Buy one off ebay and just showup all the neighbors. :)


Aww it was trying to save its baby! :ohnoes:

Vashthestampede 05-16-2008 01:00 AM

CONFIRMED! :yippee:

Unfortunately...its nothing completely awesome like a whistle pig. I saw it, had the flashlight and said fuck this. I walked right up toward that fuck to see what it was....raccoon. Fucking bitch! :vash: He was very sly and cat like looking.

Now the next step, I need to research raccoons. Where do they sleep, what kind of shelter do they prefer, what do they eat, whats their behavior when confronted, etc. I knew tonight, now knowing it was a raccoon that I could kill it with a couple hits. It felt good to not see an alien pop out or some mountain man.

Funny thing is, all 3 times I saw him. I saw him first (I think), it was after midnight, and I was outside blazed. I was very happy with myself for taking control. I threw some rocks, had a nerf bat, flashlight on him. I was not prepared for him, but I was ready once we made contact. I totally have the upper hand.


Stein 05-16-2008 09:16 AM

OK, if it is a raccoon, you can hold them in place with a bright flashlight. We used to do this when we hunted them back in high school. We would shine a spotlight around in the trees until we saw eyes. At that point, you can hold the light on him and he will continue to stare into the light and will not move as long you keep it on him. We would shine one 1/4 mile away, and as long as we kept the light on it, we could walk all the way to it and pop it with a .22. Not a bad gig back in high school. Drive around the rural gravel roads to various farms that we had permission to hunt, and shoot an average of 10 raccoons for about $200 a night. Paid for our fun plus a little spending money back in the 80's.

airbrush1 05-17-2008 09:52 PM

If it actually gets ahold of you.... you're pretty much fucked though.

We had a friend of a family member that had a pet raccoon, it freaked out one day, killed their cat and tore the whole downstairs to shreds.

Fergus 05-20-2008 06:50 PM

A raccoon ?
Bloody hell man what are yee feeding them ? How could a raccoon be able to reach your soft top when you were on the cars roof ?
Watch out, it may be a plant ! :eek4: A dud to throw you off...drop your guard etc.
Maybe it's got you thinking it's just a raccoon....you'll take care of the raccoon and then....it'll wait a while, sneek up on you when your totally off guard and feelin 'safe'. :noes:
Keep your eyes on your tyres man, it KNOWS you go for the car when it rumbles :noes:

Handy Mann 05-20-2008 08:43 PM

My money was on the creature being a bad ass fisher. A racoon is a let down.

elesjuan 05-21-2008 04:09 AM

Originally Posted by Stein (Post 257783)
OK, if it is a raccoon, you can hold them in place with a bright flashlight. We used to do this when we hunted them back in high school. We would shine a spotlight around in the trees until we saw eyes. At that point, you can hold the light on him and he will continue to stare into the light and will not move as long you keep it on him. We would shine one 1/4 mile away, and as long as we kept the light on it, we could walk all the way to it and pop it with a .22. Not a bad gig back in high school. Drive around the rural gravel roads to various farms that we had permission to hunt, and shoot an average of 10 raccoons for about $200 a night. Paid for our fun plus a little spending money back in the 80's.

Christ do you have any idea how fucking illegal that is?? :bowrofl:

Fergus 05-27-2008 12:16 AM

He's been gone for nearly a week.....I think it got him :cry:

Fergus 06-04-2008 06:40 PM

And we didn't get a pic :ugh:

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