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olderguy 07-23-2012 07:59 PM

There has not been a budget for the three years cited for Obama. Senate has not passed one in over 1000 days.

Braineack 07-23-2012 08:07 PM

Bush didn't help... :)

1184 days iirc

cordycord 07-24-2012 12:02 AM

Originally Posted by olderguy (Post 907107)
There has not been a budget for the three years cited for Obama. Senate has not passed one in over 1000 days.

But, but, but....that's ILLEGAL! How can the MOST POWERFUL country in the WORLD go without a budget for THREE YEARS???!!! I'm sure Obama has been berating the Legistlative branch daily--well at least Harry Reid's side--for their dereliction of duty.


blaen99 07-24-2012 12:13 AM

Originally Posted by olderguy (Post 907107)
There has not been a budget for the three years cited for Obama. Senate has not passed one in over 1000 days.

Sounds to me like you guys should be encouraging a budget not being passed in that case, considering how much whinging I hear about "OMG, Obama deficits!" from here.

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 906872)
Briebart is not mainstream news on TV, and those sort of posts, like the content suggest are blogger style.

So it's super "holy ---- lulz, the best for last," because a blogger/poster/contributor on briebart.com might have found a connection to the democratic party to the negate the story that ABC was saying he was a tea party member?

You know what, Brainy? You make a good point and I agree. We shouldn't take anything posted from Breitbart seriously for the very reasons you specify!

But if you bothered to read the article, at all, you'd realize that the BB article should have immediately known as it was being written that it was incorrect. But in their desperate haste to try to link the shooting to the Democrats, they didn't care that the hard facts they themselves reported on and even quoted in the original story directly refuted what they were trying to allege.

Braineack 07-24-2012 09:09 AM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 907194)
But if you bothered to read the article, at all, you'd realize that the BB article should have immediately known as it was being written that it was incorrect. But in their desperate haste to try to link the shooting to the Democrats, they didn't care that the hard facts they themselves reported on and even quoted in the original story directly refuted what they were trying to allege.

I read it. And I don't have a problem with it.

It was posted on the Big-Journalism section where they specifically write articles about the mainstream media. That's the focus of bigjournalism.com: posting stories about other news outlets.

The article in a nutshell says: "Despite ABC's claims that the shooter is a tea party member, we might have found out he's a registered democrat."

It wasn't BB that planted false ideas into the national public's head during the first news cycle then finally rebute the claim on a webcast, when zero people are watching and the damage and rumor mill has already started. When BB learned the documents the found were not correct, they updated the story right away.

But it's hard to read something objectively and realatively when you're a liberal in libertarian's clothing. It's clearly obvious your bias, when this is the story you point out as the Holy Grail of crazy lulz out of all the claims...I'm sorry to call out your Idol Dan Rather, I shouldn't have brought him into this.

Scrappy Jack 07-24-2012 09:48 AM

Originally Posted by cordycord (Post 907085)
BTW, how did the government run up almost $6 trillion in debt with all this teeny tiny Obama spending? Hmmm.....must be Bush.

National debt is a cumulation of past fiscal deficits. The fiscal deficit has been coming down since Obama took office, but a fiscal deficit that is being reduced is still adding to the national debt. The USA has run a fiscal deficit for the vast majority of the time going back to the 1950s (and importantly, but more complicated than is warranted for this thread, a current account deficit since the 1970s).

Also confusing: (A) a new President of the United States starts his presidency with the fiscal budget passed by the last President and (B) the fiscal year does not coincide with the calendar year.

The fact that an Obama budget has not been passed could be an argument as to why spending growth under his presidency has not been higher, that he would be adding way more to the deficits and debt, etc. You could also argue that the spending growth does not account for a potential ballooning of fiscal spending in future years due to changes in health care laws. None of that changes what is.

Cord - I'm telling you the sky is grey on an overcast day and your response is: "NO WAY! THE SKY IS BLUE! EVERYONE KNOWS THE SKY IS BLUE! ASK ANYONE WHAT COLOR THE SKY IS AND THEY WILL TELL YOU IT'S BLUE!"

I am not saying, "It is a good thing the sky is grey" (i.e a value judgment) or "Because the sky is grey, my local meteorologist is awesome."

I'm like Joe Friday: All I want are the facts, ma'am.

Braineack 07-24-2012 12:11 PM

"I have seen the profession of teaching go from one in which it was considered, um, very prestigious to one that is constantly ridiculed, and, um, basically, uh, discarded and we feel, by and large, it's due to the fact that we serve, um, a predominantly, uh, working, and uh, and quite frankly lower class students, uh, and students of color."

-President of the Chicago Teachers Union.

Braineack 07-24-2012 12:18 PM


Contradictions abound in "The Dark Knight Rises." There is a man (Thomas Hardy’s Bane) who urges populist unrest against a monied elite and a woman (Anne Hathaway's Selina Kyle) who speaks the language of social justice, stirringly asking a member of the 1% "how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.” Yet both are, for at least chunks of the movie, villains — in Bane's case, murderously and maliciously so.

Meanwhile, the hero (Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne/Batman), the man we're rooting for, the one who's going to make it all OK, is ... a billionaire who sits on his money? A man who for parts of the film is as addicted to the thrills and the spotlight as much as he believes in the value of altruism? A man so disaffected he even forgets to write a check to his own orphanage?

What this all adds up to makes the head spin a little. Are we supposed to root for complacency? Or reevaluate our notions of equality and justice because its champions practice wanton murder? Or perhaps we should just decry the whole lot of them.

In the film's most blatantly political scene, Bane whips supporters into a populist frenzy as they literally rip wealthy people out of their penthouses to beat and rob them. It’s a jarring viewing experience. The language of revolt and justice would seem to call for sympathy with the rebels. But the violence of their attacks makes you side, discomfittingly and reflexively, with the pampered rich.

Occupy good, Rich bad.

Joe Perez 07-24-2012 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by Braineackakakakak
Are we supposed to root for complacency? Or reevaluate our notions of equality and justice because its champions practice wanton murder? Or perhaps we should just decry the whole lot of them.

It's a movie based on a comic book about a man who dresses up as a bat and fights cartoon villains with Inspector-Gadget-style weapons.

I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to draw any serious moral lessons from it.

Braineack 07-24-2012 12:47 PM

did you say my name like Elton John going, "Cadallacakackackackcak?"

rleete 07-24-2012 01:01 PM

Billy Joel. Man, you're really slipping, Braineack.

Braineack 07-24-2012 01:14 PM

they are one in the same to me. fact: I always thought billy joel songs were elton's for the longest time. unless I heard river of dreams or something.

you should ask my wife how long it took me to be able to tell the doors from the stones.

Braineack 07-25-2012 09:19 PM

meanwhile in CA:

SF Library Installs Computer Privacy Screens For More Discreet Porn Watching « CBS San Francisco

Braineack 07-25-2012 09:20 PM

Pauls not dead:

House passes Ron Paul's Fed audit measure - Washington Times

Enginerd 07-25-2012 10:23 PM

Chicago alderman to block Chick-fil-A expansion | Fox News

CHICAGO – A Chicago alderman, angered by the president of Chick-fil-A's comments that he is against gay marriage, said he will block the company from building a restaurant in his ward.

Alderman Joe Moreno said Wednesday that unless the company comes up with a written anti-discrimination policy, Chick-fil-A will not open its first free-standing restaurant in the city as it plans to do.
"They have nothing on the books that says they do not discriminate and they are open to everyone," said Moreno, whose ward is on the northwest side. "I want to see that policy before they go forward."
So it's legal for a city alderman to block approval of a restaurant based on opinions of sexual preference? WTF?

The mob needs to take back Chicago. This place is getting out of hand. The South Side's a war zone, half the old city officials are in jail for corruption, police are on trial for killing all their past wives, I'm sure it's the same everywhere else in the country, but the mob USED to run Chicago, and it did a fine job of it from what I understand. No one can control the city today...

blaen99 07-25-2012 10:44 PM

Bryan Fischer Blames 'Liberals' Way' For Aurora Mass Shooting (VIDEO)

Teaching evolution is the fault of the Aurora shooting, apparently.

Braineack 07-26-2012 11:53 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Meanwhile is Fascism:

"I don't understand why the police officers across this country don't stand up collectively and say we're going to go on strike," Bloomberg told the "Piers Morgan Tonight" host. "We're not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what's required to keep us safe."

I was at Bloombergs house the other day and saw this in his closet:


Braineack 07-26-2012 11:54 AM

im seriously face palming over here.

Braineack 07-26-2012 11:59 AM

Originally Posted by cymx5 (Post 908059)
Chicago alderman to block Chick-fil-A expansion | Fox News

So it's legal for a city alderman to block approval of a restaurant based on opinions of sexual preference? WTF?

The mob needs to take back Chicago. This place is getting out of hand. The South Side's a war zone, half the old city officials are in jail for corruption, police are on trial for killing all their past wives, I'm sure it's the same everywhere else in the country, but the mob USED to run Chicago, and it did a fine job of it from what I understand. No one can control the city today...

Rahm welcomes help from Farrakahn, ignores anti-Semitic remarks - Chicago Sun-Times

you're also allowed to be an anti-semite.

cordycord 07-26-2012 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 908259)

Confusion reigns supreme when you're an American Jew, or Scrappy Jack. :facepalm: How can the American Jews consistently vote against the interests of their group by supporting liberals? Do they know that Obama favorability is in single digits in Israel?

And how can Jack put on his best tweed jacket and spectacles and tell us professorially that we shouldn't worry about the deficit...everyone's done it.

Jack, I don't really need a reply, thanks.

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