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Scrappy Jack 10-30-2012 05:56 PM

Originally Posted by jeff_man (Post 944932)
The missing link to the story is Texas law. Health insurance does not pay for car / bike wrecks, that is what auto coverage is for and only the at fault person's insurance pays out. My under insured coverage was very low because USAA wont cover bikes in Texas and the ones that do only offered 5000-10000.

So we had to sue BCBS to cover the heath cost as the hospital was charging them and BCBS was just passing 100% of the bill on to me.

Side note, also because of Texas insurance laws the cosigher on the lease and policy can not be held liable even though they sighed a contract stating financial responsibility as a cosigner. Bitches parents are halliburton rich and the suv belonged to halliburton.

Texas is the only state like that.

I am still confused.

The driver who hit you and was found at fault by the police had Blue Cross Blue Shield for auto insurance or you had them for health insurance?

The at-fault driver's insurance paid $100k of your medical costs but your medical costs exceeded $100k and your health insurance refused to cover the amount above that?

Where was your motor vehicle coverage involved here?

Please spell this out to me and Joe like we 10-year olds.

jeff_man 10-30-2012 06:01 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 944936)
Wait, what?

Are you saying that if I live in Texas, and I am hit by another driving while driving my car, that my own health insurance will not pay for the cost of treating whatever injuries I sustain?

So what happens when the cost of my treatment exceeds the bodily injury liability coverage of the at-fault driver? What happens when the driver is not insured? What happens when I am at fault?

Welcome to a whole year of my life. I had lawyer friends for Florida telling me my Atty in Dallas was a scam till they looked into it. Also the insurance company in Texas gets paid before the hospital/dr then after that you get your turn at getting some money if any is left in a settalment. So BCBS would have gotten every cent they ended up paying past my deductible that they were billed if the at fault had more coverage.

I know carry
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Bodily Injury
1,000,000/1,000,000 per person/per accident
Bodily Injury Liability
1,000,000/1,000,000 per person/per accident

That is the max they offer, Was 5mil/5mil but they no longer offer that.

jeff_man 10-30-2012 06:04 PM

Originally Posted by Scrappy Jack (Post 944948)
I am still confused.

1:The driver who hit you and was found at fault by the police had Blue Cross Blue Shield for auto insurance or you had them for health insurance?

2: The at-fault driver's insurance paid $100k of your medical costs but your medical costs exceeded $100k and your health insurance refused to cover the amount above that?

3. Where was your motor vehicle coverage involved here?

Please spell this out to me and Joe like we 10-year olds.

1: Their fault 100% turning right at a green with out yielding. BCBS was my heath insurance from work.

2: Driver had max of 100k, med cost stopped counting when atty stepped in around 1/2 mil $$$, nothing was paid as it was still in the billing phase. Hospital was sending the bills to BCBS and they were then sending them strength to me as 100% due as in a auto wreck in Texas it's the Auto insurance's problem.

3. 5k for under insured, the max progressive would give on a plan.

Another side note I was told, personal injury in Texas is 100% a civil matter and the 5-0 will not arrest or bring charges even if you broke the law unless your drunk. And they don't have to give you there info until you clam a suit against them, bitch held out for 3 months till court order showed up at her door.

fmowry 10-31-2012 07:29 AM

Originally Posted by olderguy (Post 943881)

You must have missed the met office response. Let me help you:

Met Office in the Media: 14 October 2012 « Met Office News Blog

It's called cherry picking data.

Scrappy Jack 10-31-2012 09:08 AM

Originally Posted by jeff_man (Post 944955)
1: Their fault 100% turning right at a green with out yielding. BCBS was my heath insurance from work.

2: Driver had max of 100k, med cost stopped counting when atty stepped in around 1/2 mil $$$, nothing was paid as it was still in the billing phase. Hospital was sending the bills to BCBS and they were then sending them strength to me as 100% due as in a auto wreck in Texas it's the Auto insurance's problem.

3. 5k for under insured, the max progressive would give on a plan.

Wow. Assuming this is all accurate, that's pretty interesting. Note to Texas people: make sure your insurance is up to par.

Now, in what way would Obamacare have improved that situation for you?

Braineack 10-31-2012 11:12 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This picture is being pulled from Facebook:


there's really nothing in the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities that says you cant post this. I've seen worse on Facebook.

The rules are pretty subjective:

3.6 You will not post content that is hateful, threatening, pornographic, or that contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.

3.8 You will not use Facebook to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory.

jeff_man 10-31-2012 12:58 PM

Originally Posted by Scrappy Jack (Post 945103)
Wow. Assuming this is all accurate, that's pretty interesting. Note to Texas people: make sure your insurance is up to par.

Now, in what way would Obamacare have improved that situation for you?

BCBS would have to cover it and not drop me afterwords. O ya, forgot that when i left that job and went to a new one that had the same BCBS policy BCBS would not cover me on anything related to my leg.

And then there is the not having to wait 4 year to get my leg worked on.

flying_solo 10-31-2012 01:10 PM

A couple more fun facts:

I used to work for HCSC which runs BCBS of Illinois, Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. I hated it there. Sorry to hear they fucked you over. They were terrified of Obama care before he was even elected and sent all kinds of emails to employees (no I didn't keep any when I left).

Another fun fact when the CEO, McCaskey of HCSC retired he received a $15 million bonus (I believe it was the highest ever for a healthcare CEO). That was the same year we were tasked with reducing IT cost by $15 million and peopled busted their ass to do it. Weird. Also, as premiums go up, so do execs bonuses.

Scrappy Jack 10-31-2012 01:43 PM

Originally Posted by jeff_man (Post 945199)
BCBS would have to cover it and not drop me afterwords. O ya, forgot that when i left that job and went to a new one that had the same BCBS policy BCBS would not cover me on anything related to my leg.

And then there is the not having to wait 4 year to get my leg worked on.

I swear I am not trying to be obtuse here, but how would Obamacare have made your initial situation different? What provision would have forced BCBS to cover your automotive related medical expense claim?

I do understand that changing jobs under the full provisions of the PPACA would mean you could not be denied care for the pre-existing condition.

Also, how would it have prevented a 4-year wait to get your leg worked on? What does that even mean? With over a half-million dollars in medical expenses, I have to think something was done to your leg when you were first injured?

jeff_man 10-31-2012 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by Scrappy Jack (Post 945223)
I swear I am not trying to be obtuse here, but how would Obamacare have made your initial situation different? What provision would have forced BCBS to cover your automotive related medical expense claim?

I do understand that changing jobs under the full provisions of the PPACA would mean you could not be denied care for the pre-existing condition.

Also, how would it have prevented a 4-year wait to get your leg worked on? What does that even mean? With over a half-million dollars in medical expenses, I have to think something was done to your leg when you were first injured?

Obama care seems (from what i'm told by friends in legal fields) and I could be wrong and you never knows what bs lobbyist and Texas positions will do to fuck Texas residents more then they have but it would make BCBS pay for what every auto didn't.

I'm missing musical in my leg and just had some transplanted. 4 years was do to 1/2 providers saying to back preexisting even if I was under BCBS at a different job or being in a dead zone where I can't use my coverage for 3 months because I'm on a contract job that is only going to last 3 months.

I stopped taking contract work and found a full time just so I don't have to deal with coverage holes even though I make 10k or more less a year base.

jeff_man 10-31-2012 02:45 PM


sixshooter 10-31-2012 03:33 PM

I was researching oil filters on youtube and this ad came on:

Braineack 11-01-2012 09:09 AM


mgeoffriau 11-01-2012 12:43 PM

Braineack 11-01-2012 12:49 PM

OBAMA DA MAN. He cant do wrong bro.

Otherwise it's racist.

i lost at the greater good comment.

Rationalization: unwillingness to prove the validity of one’s contentions.
Rationalization: the desire to get away with contradictions.
Rationalization: desire to subordinate reality to one’s whims.
Rationalization: achieve nothing but the opposite of its alleged goals, yet remain undeterred.
Rationalization: a process of providing one’s emotions with a false identity.
Rationalization: in order to hide one’s motives, not just from others, but primarily from oneself.

jeff_man 11-01-2012 02:35 PM

All the same can be said about all party supporters.

mgeoffriau 11-01-2012 02:41 PM

Originally Posted by jeff_man (Post 945614)
All the same can be said about all party supporters.

Ya think?

Braineack 11-01-2012 03:18 PM

Originally Posted by Scrappy Jack (Post 945103)
Now, in what way would Obamacare have improved that situation for you?

Here's how it has improved my situation:

If Obamacare is not stopped, it will permanently change the political culture of this country. There will be no going back. America will become a less productive, less wealthy nation. What wealth remains will have to be plowed into Obamacare -- to the delight only of the tens of thousands of government bureaucrats administering it.

There won't be one moment marking the end of America. Everything will just gradually get worse, like trains and the tax code, until a bustling, prosperous nation is as distant a memory as pleasurable train travel and one-page tax returns.

The reason we have Obamacare is not because the public was clamoring for the federal government to take over health care. It's because the Democrats had 60 senators. In the frozen ideology of the left, it doesn't matter if anyone wants government health care.

Democrats had been waiting around for 50 years to win huge majorities in the House and Senate and the presidency, so they could check off this box on "FDR's Unfinished Business."

Unlike all other major legislation in the nation's history, Obamacare was passed exclusively by one party that had just won an aberrationally large majority in Congress. Not a single Republican in either the House or Senate voted for it.

Republicans have passed legislation on such partisan votes, too, but never something that would fundamentally change the lives of every living American. Nationalizing one-sixth of the economy is not the kind of thing that should be passed by one party sneering, "Ha, ha -- we have 60 votes!"

As soon as all Americans have been thrown off their employer-provided insurance plans and are forced to start depending on the government for health care, Republicans will never be able to repeal it.

The private insurance market will be gone. Most Americans won't be able to conceive of getting health care that doesn't come from the government -- just as people in the Soviet Union couldn't imagine how they'd get bread if the government didn't provide it.

(Also similar to Communist systems, you'll have to know someone in power to get decent medical care.)

A powerful health care Leviathan will arise, composed of self-paced, well-pensioned, unionized government workers who will manage our health care from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., except federal holidays, sick days, mental health days and in bad weather. (The day after Hurricane Sandy, everything was open on the mostly unaffected Upper East Side of New York -- but not the post office.)

This new phalanx of government workers will spend the bulk of their time campaigning to ensure the election of more Democrats who promise to lessen their workload and increase their benefits. Even Republicans will have to run for office promising only to enlarge Obamacare. Newt Gingrich will be calling plans to alter Obamacare "right-wing social engineering."

The Democrats' idea for funding their endless government programs is always the same: Tax the rich, and just keep taxing them, no matter how high taxes have to be raised. One thing all such people have in common is that they've never had a real job, meaning a job from which you can be fired. Not Bernie Sanders, not Barack Obama, not Joe Biden, not Chuck Schumer and on and on.

Such people simply cannot grasp that doubling tax rates will not double government revenues because people won't work as hard for half the money. Their ideas about tax policy will put America on a high-speed train to government deficits rivaling Greece. We'll be a country with no military, no wealth and no hope.

Even before the train wreck of Obamacare, health care was half-a-disaster because that's the percentage of medical care in this country that was already provided by the government -- via Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans hospitals and other public hospitals.

In 2008, a single county in Florida -- Miami-Dade -- received more money in Medicare home health care payments than the entire rest of the country combined. This continued throughout the entire year and was finally noticed by our Department of Health and Human Services in December 2009.

Do you think it would take a private insurer two years to catch onto the fact that health care claims coming from a single county in Florida were larger than the rest of the country combined?

Lifelong politicians haven't the first idea what an efficient, operating system would even look like. If only we had a presidential candidate who had spent his life working in the private sector ...

The way to fix health care is to take as much as possible away from the government and give it to the private sector. It is a universal law of nature that everything run by the government gets worse and more expensive over time -- the postal service, airport security and Amtrak. Everything run by the private sector gets better and cheaper over time -- cellphones, computers, hair products, dishwashers, etc.

You know who specializes in rescuing failing enterprises and making things work? Mitt Romney.

Contrary to ignorant slanders about Romney's private sector work, his specialty was not buying thriving companies and stripping them for parts. Rather, the Bain Capital model was to take companies that were on the verge of collapse -- about to cut all jobs, pensions and health care for their workers -- and save the business.

Romney is the Red Adair of his profession. He's like a doctor who specializes in multiple gunshot wounds or an oncologist who takes only Stage 4 cancer patients. Yes, there were layoffs, but also lots and lots of jobs, profit, success, efficiency, saved businesses and saved lives.

Romney will be the most accomplished incoming president since Dwight Eisenhower.

Not only has Romney promised to issue a 50-state waiver from Obamacare on his first day in office and then seek a formal repeal and replacement, but he'll know how to do it. The savior of dying companies will fix health care in this country so that no Democrat will be able to wreck it again.

The only way to rid ourselves of this national poison pill, set to destroy both health care and the nation at large, is to elect Mitt Romney our next president.

Obamacare has/will -
  • Destroy the private insurance market
    • Most Americans won't be able to conceive of getting health care that doesn't come from the government
      • just as people in the Soviet Union couldn't imagine how they'd get bread if the government didn't provide it.
    • You'll have to know someone in power to get decent medical care
  • Unionized government workers who will manage our health care
    • From 10 a.m.-3 p.m
      • except:
        • federal holidays
        • sick days
        • mental health days
        • and in bad weather
          • See: PO day after Sandy
  • Republicans will have to run for office promising only to enlarge Obamacare
    • Newt Gingrich will be calling plans to alter Obamacare "right-wing social engineering."
  • Funding:
    • Tax the rich
    • Keep taxing them:
      • no matter how high taxes have to be raised
        • Since people simply cannot grasp that doubling tax rates will not double government revenues because people won't work as hard for half the money.
  • Examples of Failure of the current system, before Obamacare:
    • A single county in Florida received more money in Medicare home health care payments than the entire rest of the country combined.
      • Continued throughout an entire year
  • Possible solutions:
    • Take as much as possible away from the government and give it to the private sector.
      • everything run by the government gets worse and more expensive over time
        • the postal service
        • airport security
        • Amtrak
      • Everything run by the private sector gets better and cheaper over time
        • cellphones
        • computers
        • hair products
        • dishwashers
        • etc.
    • Who specializes in rescuing failing enterprises and making things work?
      • Mitt Romney.
        • Bain Capital model was to take companies that were on the verge of collapse -- about to cut all jobs, pensions and health care for their workers -- and save the business.
        • Romney promised to issue a 50-state waiver from Obamacare on his first day in office and then seek a formal repeal and replacement
        • Will fix health care in this country so that no Democrat will be able to wreck it again.

jeff_man 11-01-2012 03:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Destroy the private insurance market
lol your funny

Unionized government workers who will manage our health care
The government is no going to be your provider. They are giving insurance companies mandates to change policies that are bad. Now if only they could do the same with cell phone providers.

Everything run by the private sector gets better and cheaper over time
Yet insurance and health care cost go up more and more every year.

Who specializes in rescuing failing enterprises and making things work? Mitt Romney
Not even going into this one as if you think Bain Capital helped people your drinking the kool-ad and to far gone to be saved.


Braineack 11-01-2012 03:38 PM

That's what you want to believe. When all private companies dump coverage of employees because it's cheaper to let employee live on the dull and take a "tax" hit instead, you'll eat crow hat.

Remember, companies providing health coverage for employees was something that employers did as a result of Federal policies--that is, when the Government capped the amount they could pay employees during WWII, they started offering healthcare compensation packages in order to up the anty and incentisize better employees to come work for them.

Things escalated, today, we only pay on the average of 12% out of pocket for health coverage...in the 1960's it was closer to 50%. You've just been born into the system.

Like always, bad government policy begets bad government policy. The world existed before our time, you know...we are just living throught the repricussions and creating silly laws to fix bad laws the made shit suck that will make things worse.

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