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sixshooter 10-20-2016 06:00 PM

I see cultural appropriation.


hornetball 10-21-2016 07:52 AM

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 1368927)

By golly, you're right. Only Argentinians should be allowed to dress like that! Nobody else that works with cattle in arid areas should ever be allowed to use suitable clothing.

Which raises another point. I often wear a firesuit and race helmet. Should I be worried? Am I offending anyone based upon appropriation (rather than just based upon looks or odor)?

Braineack 10-21-2016 08:08 AM

as a white man, im offended that a black man is wearing clothes and using modern inventions.

Guardiola 10-21-2016 10:09 AM


JasonC SBB 10-21-2016 12:02 PM

BTW I put the blame of the rise of Trumpism and the Alt-right squarely on the SJWs and the Regressive Left.

aidandj 10-21-2016 12:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Check and mate

Attachment 231998

Braineack 10-21-2016 12:42 PM


what does feminism have to do with men being CEOs? maybe stop posting such drivel online and work at becoming a CEO instead of getting knocked up at 15yo with a drug addict BF that's never going to help raise Baby.

Braineack 10-21-2016 01:23 PM






Braineack 10-21-2016 01:38 PM

here are the violent nazis they were talking about in the beginning of the video:


sixshooter 10-21-2016 05:54 PM

I see cultural appropriation in Africans speaking English.

I also see it when they drive Buicks.

Get off my lawn.

Joe Perez 10-21-2016 08:56 PM

I've decided to hop on board the pronoun train.

I self-identify as The Dude. My pronouns are Dude, His Dudeness, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.

Braineack 10-22-2016 03:04 PM


Here are some of their absurd demands:

  • Lowering the campus flag every time police kill a person of color in America.
  • A “100 million dollar endowment to further support minority students, and make TCU a more fiscally feasible option through non-athletic scholarships.”
  • The creation of a “multicultural center that is for students and by students.”
  • The creation of a “department of diverse studies,” including an “Ethnic Studies course that will be a core curriculum requirement for all students.”
  • Hiring a new Chief Officer of Diversity and Inclusion “in charge of overseeing the curriculums and projects set forth in this document.”

The college has responded by caving in to some of their demands.

This is part of a common trend over the past few years. More and more campuses are bullied into submission by ‘poor helpless minorities.’ TCU has agreed to create a “cabinet-level” position that would “lead efforts regarding diversity and inclusion and providing additional training for all students, faculty, and staff.”

Last year, the University of Missouri was at the center of a race-hoax involving black students who ultimately forced the college president and chancellor to resign.

Braineack 10-22-2016 03:17 PM


Braineack 10-22-2016 03:19 PM



Braineack 10-25-2016 06:55 AM

all things are racist.

Amy Schumer 'Formation' Parody Slammed as 'Racist'

“There is no possible excuse for @AmySchumer not to know the cultural significance of #Formation for black women.I hope this hurts her career,” said @peacebang.

“It is weird to me that @amyschumer thought a song about the police killing black people was perfect for a parody,” wrote Twitter user @ndreajohnson.

Amy Schumer continues to be trash and disrespectful like she doesn’t have access to open conversations about race and black women,” wrote BooksBakesBio.

Not only is Schumer accused of cultural appropriation, she dons a T-shirt with the lyric “Texas Bama,” which Time magazine indicates has a painful and very specific history for people of color in America.

gotta be one of the worst songs i've ever heard, from one of the most talentless people ever; holy crap.

Braineack 10-25-2016 07:07 AM

trigger police

Campus police to probe ?offensive? Halloween costumes, students told - The College Fix

Members of Tufts University’s Greek system have been told they could face “serious disciplinary sanctions” — including a possible investigation by the campus police — for wearing Halloween costumes that offend peers or make the campus community “feel threatened or unsafe.”

The warning was part of a letter to the presidents of fraternities and sororities on campus signed by various Greek Life council leaders, who asked the chapter presidents to relay the message to their members.

The letter stated in part that “Greek Brothers and Sisters have worn costumes that appropriate cultures and reproduce stereotypes on race, gender, sexuality, immigrant or socioeconomic status. Outfits relating to tragedy, controversy, or acts of violence are also inappropriate. … It is our mission to promote spaces that allow members of the Tufts community to have fun without feeling as though any part of their identity is being misrepresented or targeted.”

The letter went on to warn “there are consequences for wearing an offensive costume.

Chapter Presidents— The Council Presidents —Erika Marmol (MGC), Meaghan Annett (Panhel), Alex Spring (IFC), and myself (IGC)— have discussed how we, as a Greek community, can take a united stance against offensive Halloween costumes, and ultimately, make this weekend both fun and safe for everyone. What sets Halloween apart from other weekends on this campus is the fact that there are multiple costume parties being held. The costumes that people choose to wear have an effect on everyone around them whether they realize it or not. This year we want the Greek Community to help prevent inappropriate, offensive and appropriative costumes. This comes down to both how we publicize and market our social events for Halloween weekend, as well as proactively preventing the alcohol transports and sexual assaults, which are more common during this time. We can accomplish this by being intentional when choosing party themes and party costumes, being a role model for responsible drinking, and asking people for consent if you want to engage in any sexual activity. In that same vein, we can advocate for our friends and our community by being aware of our surroundings and being active bystanders. Greek Brothers and Sisters have worn costumes that appropriate cultures and reproduce stereotypes on race, gender, sexuality, immigrant or socioeconomic status. Outfits relating to tragedy, controversy, or acts of violence are also inappropriate. We need to set a precedent that people’s customs cannot and will not be our costumes. As you will agree, the values illustrated by such costumes do not align with the values of the Greek Community at Tufts. It is our mission to promote spaces that allow members of the Tufts community to have fun without feeling as though any part of their identity is being misrepresented or targeted. In order to accomplish this, we ask that you relay this message to your chapters. Please read this email to your chapter during your weekly meetings. When choosing a costume, be aware of the impact your costume might have on others, and be cognizant of any statements—including, but not limited to, cultural or violent messages—your outfit may make, intentional or not. There are consequences for wearing an offensive costume. Mary Pat McMahon, the Dean of Student Affairs, described the consequences as follows: “The range of response for students whose actions make others in our community feel threatened or unsafe, or who direct conduct towards others that is offensive or discriminatory, includes OEO and/or TUPD investigation and then disciplinary sanctions from our office that could run a wide gamut depending on what is brought to our attention and the impact of these actions on others. Any complaints will result in full investigation by University officials and could result in serious disciplinary sanctions through Judicial Affairs.” We encourage all students that feel like they have encountered someone who is wearing an inappropriate and offensive costume to please file a report by filling out the following link: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform...iv&layout_id=2 Furthermore, an increase of sexual assaults has occurred during this weekend in past years. This year, we want to break that trend. Consent is necessary for any and all sexual activity. Communicate with your chapters about ways to actively reduce risk for partygoers. This is an important issue to the Tufts community, and one that our councils take very seriously. Please try and have RMAT present at your parties because they are here as a valuable resource. Lastly, a higher rate of binge drinking and alcohol transports has also been a part of Halloween. We are asking that you be aware of your members and your guests, and to promote moderation for partygoers of age when consuming alcohol. In order to comply with the values that the council Presidents outlined above, we ask that IFC party host organizations convey the following message in the description section of your Facebook event: The Inter Greek Council, Multicultural Greek Council, Inter Fraternity Council, and Panhellenic Council would like to remind you: In a collective effort to provide an environment for everyone to enjoy themselves, consider the implications of your costume choices that might appropriate stereotypes or target aspects of identity. In addition, your consent and others' consent is an absolute necessity for all sexual activity. Have a fun and safe Halloween! Best Regards, Alex Spring (IFC President) Erika Marmol (MGC President) Gabrielle Fenaroli (IGC President) Meaghan Annett (Panhel President)

Braineack 10-25-2016 07:09 AM

way to tap gently on the glass window:

Hillary Clinton has run a stunningly boring campaign. Is this really our first female president?

A length of white rope was the first abiding image of the election, and it was one which said a lot about Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

On July 4 last year, Mrs Clinton was in Gotham, New Hampshire, to press the flesh months ahead of the primary – which she went on to lose badly. Things turned a tad messy as a gaggle of protesters emerged to harangue her about Benghazi. So out came the rope, behind which the press were corralled as she made her serene and carefully controlled progress through the town.

Local Republicans lapped it up, accusing her of insulting “granite staters”, but it was the first hint of the sense of entitlement has underpinned her entire campaign.

Braineack 10-25-2016 07:10 AM

Part III of the undercover investigation dives further into the back room dealings of Democratic politics. It exposes prohibited communications between Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the DNC and the non-profit organization Americans United for Change. And, it’s all disguised as a duck.

Several Project Veritas Action undercover journalists catch Democracy Partners founder directly implicating Hillary Clinton in FEC violations.

“In the end, it was the candidate, Hillary Clinton, the future president of the United States, who wanted ducks on the ground,” says Creamer in one of several exchanges. “So, by God, we would get ducks on the ground.”

It is made clear that high-level DNC operative Creamer realized that this direct coordination between Democracy Partners and the campaign would be damning when he said: “Don’t repeat that to anybody.”

It was earlier this year when people wearing Donald Duck costumes started showing up at Donald Trump events all over the country. Brad Woodhouse is the president of Americans United for Change (AUFC) and he worked with Robert Creamer, Scott Foval, and DNC Rapid Response Coordinator Aaron Black to launch their “Donald Ducks” campaign.

After the first video in this series, Woodhouse fired Scott Foval, his national field director.

In the video, the operatives go on to explain their plot.

“Let me tell you something. I think she [Hillary Clinton] has the right instinct on this. This thing is resonating, but that story is not exactly what you want to hear about how presidential decision-making happened,” said Woodhouse.

However, the originator of the Donald Ducks scheme was supposed to remain secret.

Robert Creamer goes on to add, “I was actually on a plane to go to London last week -- Christina Reynolds [Deputy Communications Director for Hillary for America] calls saying, ‘I have good news and bad news. The good news is the candidate would like to have a mascot following around the duck -- I mean, Trump.’”

Creamer then says, “If the future president wants ducks, we will put ducks on the ground.”

Hillary Clinton and the DNC wanted the Donald Ducks agitators at Trump and Pence campaign events. The direct involvement of the campaign and the Democratic National Committee with Americans United for Change and activists wearing Donald Duck costumes smacks strongly of illegal coordinated campaign expenditures.

Federal campaign law experts have told us “the ducks on the ground are likely public communications for purposes of the law. It’s political activity opposing Trump, paid for by Americans United for Change funds but controlled by Clinton and her campaign.”

Representatives of Clinton’s campaign were on daily conference calls which PVA journalists witnessed with Creamer, AUFC managers and their operatives. They were talking about where to send the duck and the “ducks message.” Not only was the campaign in on it, but apparently Donna Brazille’s Democratic National Committee was in on it as well.

After last week’s stories released by Project Veritas Action, Americans United for Change fired Scott Foval and Robert Creamer announced to the DNC that he was stepping down from campaign responsibilities. James O’Keefe and Project Veritas Action have filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission.

Project Veritas Action Fund (AKA Project Veritas Action) was founded by James O’Keefe to investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud and other misconduct.

Joe Perez 10-25-2016 07:22 AM

Re: three posts ago: isn't the campus administration referring to fraternity / sorority members of non-Hellenic ancestry as "Greek" basically a form of institutionally sanctioned appropriation? :giggle:

Braineack 10-25-2016 07:54 AM

I wonder what will happen if they just dress in togas for Halloween.

sixshooter 10-25-2016 09:00 AM

If you think about it...




...the universities are being quite sophomoric.

Ryan_G 10-25-2016 09:17 AM

If I was a student on that campus I would file as many complaints as humanly possible against costumes that we know they are not targeting but still fit the super vague and broad description of, "costumes that appropriate cultures and reproduce stereotypes on race, gender, sexuality, immigrant or socioeconomic status. Outfits relating to tragedy, controversy, or acts of violence are also inappropriate." Considering the nature of Halloween, this will cover 80% of all costumes since they included acts of violence. This shit has got to stop. People need to publicly show how stupid this is by making a complete mockery of it and pushing back hard when certain people are targeted over others when the complaints are substantially similar. You could show some very clear bias in the administrations decisions and bring some heat on them for facilitating censorship.

Braineack 10-25-2016 11:27 AM

human, pronoun up!





Braineack 10-25-2016 11:28 AM

too many whites runs schools.



Braineack 10-25-2016 11:30 AM

24/7 bias hotline


At Smith College, students now have access to an anonymous 24/7 bias hotline and online portal that can be used to report instances of bias, discrimination, and harassment.

The Sophian reports that EthicsPoint is a third-party service that is already in use at schools such as Amherst College, Tufts University, and Brown University, operating a 24/7 bias reporting system for incidents that do not merit a call to the police.

“The notion that students may report their peers for being ‘biased’ and holding different views is chilling.” Tweet This

“Unfair,” “uninvited” or “unwelcome” verbal or physical conduct, as well as “bigotry, harassment, or intimidation,” are among the behaviors that Smith invites students to report to the hotline


sixshooter 10-25-2016 12:11 PM

I don't say
Nigga please
because it insinuates the nigga wasn't already pleasing.

This kind of propaganda really gets my Irish up.

hornetball 10-25-2016 12:29 PM

So . . . what will Generation Wuss's kids be like?

Joe Perez 10-25-2016 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by hornetball (Post 1369818)
So . . . what will Generation Wuss's kids be like?

Hopefully we've crossed the tipping point, and they'll resemble the hypothetical offspring of Chuck Norris and Six.

Braineack 10-27-2016 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by hornetball (Post 1369818)
So . . . what will Generation Wuss's kids be like?

if they are white, they wont be going to college:

Berkeley protesters form human chain to stop white students from getting to class - Washington Times

...Students at the University of California, Berkeley held a day of protest on Friday to demand the creation of additional “safe spaces” for transgender and nonwhite students, during which a human chain was formed on a main campus artery to prevent white students from getting to class.

The demonstrators were caught on video blocking Berkeley’s Sather Gate, holding large banners advocating the creation of physical spaces segregated by race and gender identity, including one that read “Fight 4 Spaces of Color.”

Protesters can be heard shouting “Go around!” to white students who attempt to go through the blockade, while students of color are greeted with calls of “Let him through!”

Students turned away by the mob are later shown filing through trees and ducking under branches in order to cross Strawberry Creek, which runs underneath the bridge.


Joe Perez 10-27-2016 04:58 PM

This one is from last year, but it still kills me...
Target Facing Backlash Over ‘Obsessive Christmas Disorder’ Sweater
Maya Rhodan Updated: Nov. 10, 2015 10:11 AM

The "OCD" sweater is currently on sale at Target stores

Target is marketing one of this season’s Christmas sweaters as “ugly” and some customers agree—but perhaps not for the reason the retail giant had hoped.

Target is selling a red “OCD: Obsessive Christmas Disorder,” sweater, one of a line of “ugly” sweaters designed for trendy holiday parties at which revelers don their dullest duds. But many consumers are upset by the message. Making light of obsessive compulsive disorder—which affects about 2.2 million American adults, according to the National Institute of Mental Health—they say, is not cute or funny.


AdWeek reports that Target is just one of a number of stores that are marketing the phrase this holiday season. A number of consumers also spotted “OCD” items at the restaurant Cracker Barrel.

In an email to TIME, a Target spokesperson said “We never want to disappoint our guests and we apologize for any discomfort. We currently do not have plans to remove this sweater.”

My takeaway is that we basically have a group of people whose lives and personalities are so bereft of distinguishing characteristics that they basically identify themselves as a minor mental disorder, and don't appreciate having that identity appropriated.

So that's nice...

z31maniac 10-28-2016 09:03 AM

Maybe a nuclear WWIII with Russia/China would be a good thing.

shuiend 10-28-2016 09:10 AM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1370561)
Maybe a nuclear WWIII with Russia/China would be a good thing.


Joe Perez 10-28-2016 12:03 PM

UT Young Conservatives' 'affirmative action bake sale' draws hundreds of angry students

Lauren McGaughy, Austin bureau Oct 27 2016

AUSTIN — Is this deja vu? Or is it 2013 all over again?

On Wednesday, the Young Conservatives of Texas club at the University of Texas at Austin held an "affirmative action bake sale" offering cookies at different prices based on the race and sex of the buyer.

A cookie cost $1.50 for Asian males, $1 for white males and 50 cents for African-American and Hispanic males. Cookies for American Indians of both genders were free of charge.

click to play

The bake sale, which club members characterized as a protest against the "institutionalized racism" of affirmative action programs at colleges and universities, soon attracted a crowd of hundreds who lobbed criticism at the conservative students.

"Check your privilege!" they yelled as the club's remaining members volleyed questions from the crowd. The crowd began to disperse just after 2 p.m. when the remaining members of the group left to chants of "racists go home!"

The UT-Austin student newspaper The Daily Texan broadcast live from the event.

"Our protest was designed to highlight the insanity of assigning our lives value based on our race and ethnicity, rather than our talents, work ethic and intelligence," said club chairman Vidal Castañeda. "It is insane that institutional racism, such as affirmative action, continues to allow for universities to judge me by the color of my skin rather than my actions."

The same club came under fire in 2013 for holding a nearly identical bake sale — charging different races different prices for brownies. Gregory J. Vincent, UT-Austin's vice president for diversity and community engagement, called that bake sale "deplorable."

Vincent again spoke for the university on Wednesday, calling the latest bake sale "inflammatory and demeaning."

"Yet focusing our attention on the provocative nature of the YCT's actions ignores a much more important issue: They create an environment of exclusion and disrespect among our students, faculty and staff," he said.

Vincent acknowledged that the school's West Mall, where the bake sale was held, is an area where protests often take place and where free speech and the expression of diverse opinions on myriad issues is encouraged. But, while it was "their right" to hold the bake sale, he questioned whether the group's methods furthered the dialogue about race and privilege or simply sought to divide the campus along racial lines.

"In seeking an audience for their ideas, the YCT resorted to exercising one of the university's core values to the detriment of others," Vincent said. "Such actions are counterproductive to true dialogue on our campus, and it is unrepresentative of the ideals toward which our community strives."

UT-Austin has been at the forefront of the fight to uphold affirmative active in college admissions. Just this year, it won a years-long legal battle against a white female student who sued after she was denied admission to the flagship university.

She claimed she wasn't accepted because of the school's "holistic" admissions criteria, which look at students' various characteristics, including race. The suit went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, where the justices upheld the constitutionality of UT-Austin's admissions policy.

UT Young Conservatives' 'affirmative action bake sale' draws hundreds of angry students | Higher Education | Dallas News

Braineack 10-28-2016 12:17 PM

jesus, children are dumb.

jesus's children are dumb.

hornetball 10-28-2016 01:14 PM

All I know is that a cookie was a pretty good deal for hispanic males. Win!

I'm soooo glad my daughter goes to A&M. She is too.

Joe Perez 10-28-2016 01:23 PM

Originally Posted by hornetball (Post 1370646)
All I know is that a cookie was a pretty good deal for hispanic males. Win!

Yeah, how come I never got a cookie discount when I was in college?

shuiend 10-28-2016 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1370647)
Yeah, how come I never got a cookie discount when I was in college?

Maybe if you were less Cuban and more Hispanic you would have.

Joe Perez 10-28-2016 02:14 PM

My family is from Spain, they merely lived in Cuba for a while in between the Spanish civil war and the Cuban communist revolution.

You can't get any more Hispanic than being from Spain...

shuiend 10-28-2016 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1370665)
My family is from Spain, they merely lived in Cuba for a while in between the Spanish civil war and the Cuban communist revolution.

You can't get any more Hispanic than being from Spain...

​​​​​​​COMMUNIST!!!!!!!!!! No cookies for you.

hornetball 10-28-2016 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1370633)
jesus, children are dumb.

jesus's children are dumb.

hi_im_sean 10-28-2016 09:57 PM

SADfab is doing a limited run of Black Lives Matter commemorative bushings.


Braineack 10-29-2016 12:04 PM


aidandj 11-02-2016 07:23 PM

My alma mater


Joe Perez 11-02-2016 09:55 PM


I initially assumed that had to be a joke. Looked it up in the course catalog. It's real.

And since the course covers "significant queer and trans content" it also counts towards the university's Queer Studies minor.

That's a thing?

I am has a sad. But at the same time, I can't help but be curious. What the hell do you actually study in a Fat Studies course?

aidandj 11-02-2016 09:57 PM

It's funny, because it's a land grant school, and known for its ag programs. And engineering. But they are trying too hard to be a liberal arts school too.

To make up for it we have a digital pronogrophy class. (Not a joke either)

aidandj 11-02-2016 10:33 PM

Oregon State University Online Catalog - Course Detail

Joe Perez 11-02-2016 11:33 PM

Fatties & porn. That'll look great on a transcript when applying to med school.

Braineack 11-03-2016 08:11 AM

I took a graphic novel class for a literature credit -- it was one of my toughtest classes. I also took human sexuality and learned how disgusting people are.

Syracuse University is now providing free tampons in men’s bathrooms because… progress or whatever.

In a move that defies biology, the campus is setting up a $1,000 budget to provide 10 Tampax Tampons and 10 Maxithins pads in all women’s, men’s, and gender neutral bathrooms.

According to Keelan Erhard, a co-chair for the Syracuse Student Association:

Both trans(gender) men and cis(gender) women menstruate. We should not try to gender menstrual products so that we are inclusive of everyone who uses them.

...According to Erhard, phrases like “feminine” or “feminine hygiene” are not inclusive to transgenders, despite the fact that menstrual products are, by definition, designed for use by females.

hornetball 11-03-2016 11:42 AM

Well, there have to be courses that "everyperson" can take, regardless of academic qualification, to use up all the "free college money." We wouldn't want a college degree to actually mean something. That's racist/sexist or something.

Joe Perez 11-03-2016 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by hornetball (Post 1371807)
Well, there have to be courses that "everyperson" can take, regardless of academic qualification, to use up all the "free college money."

Yes, I understand. And I'm totally ok with taking courses outside of your major for the sake of having a well-rounded educational experience.

We've always had those. It's just that when I was in college, they had names like Political Science, Macro/Microeconomics Survey, English Lit I & II, Principles of Sociology, General Biology, etc.

hornetball 11-03-2016 02:09 PM

Yeah, but you're smart and were taking humanities with at least some rigor.

I'm talking about what is passing for a college course/degree for those at the lighter end of Generation Wuss. Those kids are really getting ripped-off -- a lot of the humanity courses are just propaganda rather than thought-provoking.

Joe Perez 11-03-2016 02:16 PM

The Washington Post takes a stance on coddling SJWism.

Campus PC culture is so rampant that NYU is paying to silence me

I was asked to go on leave after a misunderstood Twitter experiment.

By Michael Rectenwald November 3 at 6:00 AM
Michael Rectenwald is an assistant clinical professor of Liberal Studies at New York University. He is the author of several books, including “Nineteenth-Century British Secularism: Science, Religion, and Literature.”

I’m not a conservative, or an alt-righter. I find Donald Trump repugnant. But over the last couple of weeks, I’ve become a campus pariah to some (and a hero, perhaps, to a few) in my nontenured NYU faculty job, thanks to the humorless, Social Justice Warrior-brand of campus culture run amok and a misunderstanding about a Twitter account. Enmeshed in a conspiracy — thinly disguised as sympathy — of my colleagues’ design, I’ve lost my academic freedom and I potentially stand to lose my appointment.

Last month, NYU’s senior vice president of student affairs, Marc Wais, sent an email to the campus community to announce that an on-campus appearance by right-wing Internet provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos had been canceled by the administration. I believe universities should debate bad ideas, not ban them, and I vocally opposed this development.

Around the same time, I created a Twitter account, @antipcnyuprof, complete with Nietzsche avatar and “Deplorable” screen name, as a thought experiment. It allowed me to tweet in the guise of an alt-righter while drawing out the predictable, censorious responses of so-called progressives, self-appointed thought police at NYU and elsewhere who have, in the name of maintaining a culture of civility on campus, policed their little corner of the Twittersphere. Beyond NYU, we just marked a Halloween where, with almost comic predictability, the politically correct campus thought police, like some dystopian pre-crime bureau, have prompted students to report on peers for wearing offensive Halloween attire.

We’ve reached a point where anything can be taken out of context and labeled injurious: At a University of Kansas dorm, an RA advised against incorporating an image of Harambe, the gorilla, into a jungle-themed floor decoration because it was a “triggering” “masculine image.” As Erika Christakis (harangued for her own attempts last year to bring some sanity to Yale’s debate over Halloween costumes), eloquently explains, “Certain ideas are too dangerous” to talk about on campus. In other words, we’ve reached a point where students, faculty and administrators alike are increasingly inclined to suppress the free flow of ideas — the discourse that is a university’s very reason for being.

In recent semesters, I and other NYU faculty have been encouraged to structure class discussions as safe spaces. This fall, that encouragement veered toward coercion when the university implemented a bias reporting hotline, by which students can anonymously report professors and classmates for any number of viewpoint transgressions related to race, gender and orientation, real or perceived, in the course of academic discussion. And it was suggested that the bias line phone number and email address be added to all syllabi. Which would help turn every classroom encounter into a potential infraction and figures students as Soviet-style monitors of ideological conformity. I refused.

And to do my part to push back, I’ve spoken out. I posted an article on Facebook (without comment), about a University of Michigan student who, when offered his choice of pronouns by which the university would officially identify him — including gender-neutral “ze” — cleverly chose “His Majesty” as a way of sending up the absurdity of the exercise. My post was meant only to upend the politically correct conventional wisdom, and have a laugh at the university administration. But it was met with fierce backlash from a number of transgender individuals, then (perhaps no longer) among my friends, as totally beyond the pale.

I also created the Twitter account. My aim was to expose the ferocity with which noncomplying views expressed on social media by an anonymous academic would be attacked. And I was proved right. There was no attempt at constructive dialogue, offering of rational counterargument or even acknowledgment of the possibility of the existence of a legitimate point of view outside of progressive orthodoxy. It showed that this debate isn’t about promoting an environment of inclusivity and diversity, but about punishing transgressors. I welcome rebuttals — particularly from anyone who took exception to my Facebook post. But I take issue with the implication that I personally harmed or betrayed anyone simply by posting a controversial news item.

The whole episode makes me reluctantly agree with Trump’s assertion that political correctness “has transformed our institutions of higher education from ones that fostered spirited debate to a place of extreme censorship.”

I threw in the picture of Nietzsche because if he were alive today and on the campus circuit, surely his bookings would be regularly canceled due to his belief in the Übermensch. No matter what you think of Nietzsche, such an abridgment would represent a cultural and historical impoverishment. But that message seemed to be lost on many of my colleagues.

The result was an outcry from a few students and others, on campus; an inquiry by a student reporter that finally drew me out; and then my interview in the student newspaper. The “Q&A with a Deplorable NYU Professor” drew a public response from my colleagues, writing under the Orwellian appellation, “Liberal Studies Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Working Group,” and drawing this Orwellian conclusion:
“We fully support Professor Rectenwald’s right to speak his mind and we welcome civil discourse on the issues that concern him. But as long as he airs his views with so little appeal to evidence and civility, we must find him guilty of illogic and incivility in a community that predicates its work in great part on rational thought and the civil exchange of ideas. The cause of Professor Rectenwald’s guilt is certainly not, in our view, his identity as a cis, white, straight male. The cause of his guilt is the content and structure of his thinking.”

Two days after the interview and the same day as the response, I was summoned by my dean, via email, to meet that afternoon. I accepted, and when we spoke in person, to my surprise, he stated (for my ears only) that the meeting had nothing to do with the interview or the Twitter account. Rather, he said (after a representative of NYU human resources joined our conversation), certain unidentified members of the staff or faculty had expressed concern for my well-being. Suffice it to say that I was strongly encouraged to take a paid leave of absence and that, according to the administration, it had nothing to do with my recent media posture. That’s not exactly how I see it.

Are my silence and conformity worth so much to the administration that they’re willing to pay me to take a timeout, rather than engage on this topic? Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take a break and cash the checks. But I didn’t present this challenge to the campus community because I wanted a paid vacation. As an academic, I’m invested in the free exchange of ideas, and I can’t sit by while we drift further and further toward intellectual confinement.

And I won’t let students take all the heat. Any number of articles blame millennials for being sensitive, coddled and illiberal. But they’ve been enabled by faculty and staff who know better, but see political correctness as a means of asserting administrative control.

Especially in my program, faculty, while mostly full-time and having the modicum of security that long-term, endlessly renewable contracts afford, are especially vulnerable to administrative desiderata. And our administrators have numerous mechanisms for “observing” us, including course evaluations, but also intermittent “peer observations” and a massive cadre of advisers to whom students can issue complaints about anything.

Meanwhile, in terms of overthrowing oppression, such mechanisms will do nothing. They will fail because they attempt to reduce racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and other forms of oppression to a matter of attitudes and moral aberrations. Simultaneously, they obscure the structural bases of such forms of oppression and the ways they’re reproduced systemically by the social order — including in universities, which also take punitive measures against those aberrant individuals. But addressing racism isn’t merely about correcting the deviant ideas of individuals. Once discovered, outed and punished, academia absolves itself of responsibility, having done its part in combating oppression; case closed.

That’s no way to fight oppression.


Braineack 11-04-2016 08:16 AM

Facebook Post

Braineack 11-04-2016 12:19 PM


Braineack 11-05-2016 08:25 AM

A pro-trump college student makes a video, then holds his own:










Braineack 11-09-2016 04:28 PM

Berkely HS, nuff said.

Berkeley High Students Stage Walkout To Protest Trump Win « CBS San Francisco

Thousands of students walked out of several East Bay high schools Wednesday, protesting Republican Donald Trump’s presidential election victory.

Students at Berkeley High, Bishop O’Dowd, Albany High and Oakland Tech all staged walkouts. Meanwhile, several hundred students staged a noontime rally at San Jose’s Lincoln High School and El Ceritto police sent out an alert at 1 p.m. asking drivers to be careful because walkouts were underway at several Contra Costa County schools.


redrider706 11-09-2016 04:33 PM

All the dumb shits at my school are organizing a protest rally. I over heard my office mates talk about the real danger to the rally from Trump supporters.

Braineack 11-09-2016 04:59 PM


Facebook Post

Braineack 11-09-2016 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by redrider706 (Post 1373269)
All the dumb shits at my school are organizing a protest rally. I over heard my office mates talk about the real danger to the rally from Trump supporters.

Yeah, those people who quietly came out of the woodwork, voted, and went back into obscurity are very scary.

Joe Perez 11-09-2016 06:09 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1373276)

When in doubt, burn Oakland.

Californians will get this.

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