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stratosteve 08-14-2017 12:39 AM

All great points.

Amazing how Obama got a pass for the exact same things.

shuiend 08-14-2017 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by olderguy (Post 1433557)
As I see it, a group of shit people got a legal permit to make asses of themselves in public and a lot of other shit people decided that they shouldn't be allowed to do so. Since the first group is known to hate everyone that is not like them and the second group doesn't believe in the First Amendment, the police were told to let them get at each other by politicians that want a talking point.

If you want to feel something about it, feel sorry for the cops that were killed when their chopper crashed.

Basically this. The best way to deal with the shitty neo-nazi's is to ignore them. Don't counter protest. Don't give them any time in your mind. The more people get angry and mad, the more publicity they get. Had the left ignored them last Friday night, they would have marched, and then bam been forgotten about.

Joe Perez 08-14-2017 08:43 AM

I maked this:


Braineack 08-14-2017 09:17 AM

violence is okay so long as you yell nazi before inciting. These two group literally showed up ready for a fight, the governor and state police knew what was going to happen in advance and let it -- only one side has been condemned. Trump however, condemned both and is now received flak for it.

Identity politics is always going to end in violence and the media is the front-line to keeping the war going.

Day in and day out, straight white males and told they are everyone's problem and a bad thing.
Blacks are taught, while still in the womb, white people are their problem and a bad thing.
Children are taught that hard work, individuality, talent, morals, conservatives and capitalism are the problem and a bad thing.
The media reports everyone who is not a liberal is a racist, nazi, facist, bigot, homophobe.
Women are taught while males are oppressing them and preventing them from being successful (while on maternity leave from their social work job).

if anyone is wondering why there is a "rise" in "white nationalism*" it's pretty obvious.

*another term for white people who don't agree.

Joe Perez 08-14-2017 11:56 AM

In some progressive, democratic western nations, such as the US and much of Europe, freedom of expression is not universally respected.

An American tourist gave the Nazi salute in Germany — so a stranger beat him up, police say

By Amy B Wang and Rick Noack August 13 at 10:25 AM

Sculptures by artist Rainer Opolka in front of the Church of Our Lady in Dresden, eastern Germany, on March 18, 2016. (Jens Meyer/AP)

An American tourist in Germany was beaten up by a passer-by after he began giving the Nazi salute outside a cafe in Dresden, police said Sunday.

The incident occurred about 8:15 a.m. Saturday as the man left a cafe called Europe in the Neustadt district of Dresden, police said in a statement. The district is known to be a liberal part of the town and a popular meeting spot for students.

The tourist was identified only as a 41-year-old American man who was “severely drunk,” according to police. He suffered minor injuries, while the stranger who assailed him fled the scene, police said.

Police said the U.S. national is under investigation for violating German laws prohibiting Nazi symbols and that they are still seeking the passer-by for causing personal injury, according to the Associated Press.

The Nazi salute — the right arm straight and angled slightly up, palm down — was used as a greeting and a way of expressing devotion to Adolf Hitler under the Third Reich. Germany outlawed the salute after World War II, along with Holocaust denial and other symbols and signals associated with the Nazis. A conviction can carry a prison sentence of up to three years, although courts often impose fines instead.

The Dresden incident occurred just a week after two Chinese tourists were detained for giving Nazi salutes outside Berlin's Reichstag, once home to the Imperial Diet. The two tourists were fined nearly $600 each but were permitted to leave the country with their tour group, police said. Similarly, a 30-year-old Canadian tourist was detained in 2011 after being photographed giving the Nazi salute outside the Reichstag. He, too, got off with a fine.

Germany is not the only European country to ban the salute. Earlier this month, Switzerland’s Supreme Court upheld the conviction of a man who appeared in 2013 photos making the Nazi salute outside a Geneva synagogue.

In Dresden, memories of World War II and Nazi practices have provoked clashes and divisions for decades.

Every year, hundreds of right-wing protesters from across Europe march in the eastern German city on February 13 to commemorate its bombardment by allied forces toward the end of World War II. Dresden had no strategic military significance and its destruction remains a dark chapter for the allied forces, which has been used by the far-right to stoke anti-American tensions.

In recent decades, the February 13 commemorations have repeatedly escalated into large-scale violent clashes between Nazis and participants of counter-protests, who fear that the far-right could hijack the city’s destruction during World War II for its political purposes.

Members of the region’s far-right movements have also made no secret out of their fascination with Hitler. The leader of a Dresden-based anti-migration group, Pegida, was once photographed with a Hitler mustache, for example. And last year, a group of Nazis on a train near Dresden forced a 32-year old Indian to perform a Hitler salute, raising fears of anti-immigrant attacks in the region.


sixshooter 08-14-2017 12:32 PM

So in Charlottesville, two left-wing extremist groups clash and beat each other up. The politicians tell the police to stand back and let the two groups get together so that the politicians will have something to talk about.

I probably left something out but I think that's the synopsis.

And I seem to recall that salute was actually a Roman salute that was co-opted by the Nazis because they want to equate themselves with the Roman Empire.

Braineack 08-14-2017 12:42 PM

day in and day out, people are being told "300" prestaged the alt-right :rofl:

Zack Snyder’s 300 presaged the howling fascism of the alt-right

...300 opens on a scene that literally glorifies fascism. The first thing we see is a chasm full of baby skulls, the remains of the infants who were deemed unfit. Leonidas has no visible disabilities, so he gets to live. Then, as a kid, he’s indoctrinated into the warrior society, taught to fight or die, then sent off to survive on his own. He goes into the snow and kills an enormous CGI wolf; a real trained wolf, apparently, would not have looked badass enough. Snyder presents all this as badass shit. And later, he implies that the Spartans were right to kill off all their disabled children, since it’s a hunchbacked troll escapee who ultimately betrays Leonidas...

remember when it used to be 90 year old republicans that used to go to war with tv and video games?

Braineack 08-15-2017 10:49 AM



Program will ‘address the specific needs’ of black students

The University of San Francisco this week is scheduled to host a segregated orientation dedicated to black students, a program that takes place in addition to its standard welcoming activities for all students.

The Black Student Orientation is slated for Aug. 18, the day prior to the university’s New Student Orientation.

lol black people have special needs.

Joe Perez 08-15-2017 10:54 AM


Oddly, I find myself to be sort of vaguely agnostic. And yet I get Independance Day off. Not sure what those two things have to do with one another...

Braineack 08-15-2017 10:56 AM

weird, last time i checked dec 25th was a national holiday enjoyed by all Americans... must not be any non-whites in america.

sixshooter 08-15-2017 11:20 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1433864)

https://www.thecollegefix.com/post/35536/lol black people have special needs.

Begs for end to segregation, institutes segregation instead. Definitely sounds like the actions of special needs students to me. WTF? :Black great-grandparents facepalming:

Braineack 08-15-2017 12:01 PM

Iet's hold a protest in DC and knock down the MLK statue. he was for integration and equality!

Braineack 08-15-2017 12:21 PM


bahurd 08-15-2017 04:06 PM

Chinese automaker reportedly bids for Fiat Chrysler

DETROIT -- A Chinese automaker reportedly made a quiet bid to acquire Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, raising the distinct possibility that the traditional member of the Detroit Three that was bailed out by U.S. taxpayers could wind up with Chinese ownership.

After years of pursuing a deal to gain greater global scale, the automaker recently rejected an acquisition bid by an unidentified Chinese company, according to Automotive News. Fiat Chrysler is based in London, with its major operations in Italy and the U.S.

The publication also reported that multiple Chinese automakers are weighing a similar bid for the maker of the Jeep, Ram, Chrysler and Dodge brands.

A Fiat Chrysler spokeswoman declined to comment Monday morning.

But investors were heartened by the prospect of a deal. Fiat Chrysler shares closed in New York up nearly 8.5% at $12.60, up 99 cents.

Any Chinese deal to acquire Fiat Chrysler would likely be predicated on a global growth plan, including access to the company's established network of dealerships.

The Jeep brand, in particular, is popular in China and highly lucrative because of its popular sport-utility vehicles and crossovers. The Ram brand's pickup trucks and vans are also popular.

"The Chinese make a lot of sense" as a prospective buyer, said Kristin Dziczek, director of labor, industry and economics at Center for Automotive Research. "Chinese automakers have made no secret that they've got their mark set on the U.S."

Still, the political implications of such a deal, especially amid treacherous terrain for international trade, could prove thorny.

A deal would almost certainly raise political hackles in the U.S. over the possibility that a company rescued by taxpayers could yield to Chinese ownership amid consternation over the future of American manufacturing.
Chinese automaker reportedly bids for Fiat Chrysler

good2go 08-15-2017 11:24 PM

More proof 1st Amendment only applies if it's politically correct.
. . . and that violence is justified if we REALLY don't like what you're saying!!

Republican lawmakers blasted President Donald Trump on Tuesday afternoon following a wild press conference where Trump doubled down on his claim that the violence at the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally was caused by "many sides."

Said Sen. Marco Rubio: "They are adherents of an evil ideology which argues certain people are inferior because of race, ethnicity or nation of origin," Rubio added. "When entire movement built on anger & hatred towards people different than you, it justifies & ultimately leads to violence against them."

The Florida senator was specifically referring to the white nationalist groups that organized the protest in Charlottesville on Friday and Saturday. The violence left one counter-protester dead, and many injured.


For the record, I have absolutely no affinity for the white nationalist folks whatsoever, but nonetheless, I am shocked to see a republican US senator so clearly trounce the 1st amendment and condone outright violence. It's times like this that I really think this trend is getting scary.

cordycord 08-16-2017 02:17 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1433884)
Iet's hold a protest in DC and knock down the MLK statue. he was for integration and equality!

Be careful with this one--MLK was against gay marriage. He may not be up next, like George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, but he's on the radar.

cordycord 08-16-2017 02:21 AM

Originally Posted by good2go (Post 1434017)
. . . and that violence is justified if we REALLY don't like what you're saying!!

Republican lawmakers blasted President Donald Trump on Tuesday afternoon following a wild press conference where Trump doubled down on his claim that the violence at the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally was caused by "many sides."

Said Sen. Marco Rubio: "They are adherents of an evil ideology which argues certain people are inferior because of race, ethnicity or nation of origin," Rubio added. "When entire movement built on anger & hatred towards people different than you, it justifies & ultimately leads to violence against them."

The Florida senator was specifically referring to the white nationalist groups that organized the protest in Charlottesville on Friday and Saturday. The violence left one counter-protester dead, and many injured.


For the record, I have absolutely no affinity for the white nationalist folks whatsoever, but nonetheless, I am shocked to see a republican US senator so clearly trounce the 1st amendment and condone outright violence. It's times like this that I really think this trend is getting scary.

The fact that you feel the need to preface your statement by saying you're not a racist really says everything about our country. It's like Stalin's Russia, where the gravest sin was to be the first one to stop clapping.

good2go 08-16-2017 03:00 AM

Originally Posted by cordycord (Post 1434031)
The fact that you feel the need to preface your statement by saying you're not a racist really says everything about our country. It's like Stalin's Russia, where the gravest sin was to be the first one to stop clapping.

Excuse me? Never said I wasn't a racist. If you ask me we all are, just some more than others. Maybe the quickness of labeling and pigeonholing folks says a lot about our country too. :jerkit:

stratosteve 08-16-2017 07:07 AM

Confederate monuments taken down in Baltimore overnight - Baltimore Sun

And it begins....

sixshooter 08-16-2017 08:22 AM

Washington, Jefferson, etc., all the monuments of slave owners should be removed. Their names should be erased from places and things and every record of their existence should be removed. We should see if the experts can redact their names from our founding documents like the Declaration of Independence so that their legacy is not celebrated. Washington State can be renamed after the Chinook Indians. We can put Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks on our currency as the luminaries we celebrate. We can denounce the history of the Democrat Party for voting unanimously against equal rights for blacks and being the party of the Ku Klux Klan. We can celebrate the Republican party for Lincoln's emancipation of the slaves and their proposal and support of the Constitutional Amendment for equal rights of blacks.

But then what? On that day when all history of slavery and slave ownership has been removed and all of the places renamed and all of the monuments torn down, will those who clamor for these things be satisfied and be able to rest and trouble us no more? Will they be satisfied with their accomplishments and retire from agitation and activism? Will we all be equal then and able to join hands in love? Is that actually their end game? And it is a game, have no doubt of that.

I submit to you all that this is about division for the sake of power for a few. This is not about slave ownership or the plight of men or Injustice or racism or monetary inequality. This is about power for a few select individuals. And it comes at the price of the subversion of the rights of all Americans. Therefore this is a game we all lose.

Just as the left is bankrolling BLM and antifa I submit they are quietly bankrolling the Neo-Nazi groups and the KKK for the sake of engineering crises that need solving through heavy-handed government intervention. They need social unrest and conflict, danger and sensational headlines. They will tell you that you need a savior, someone with a solution, someone who can stand up to the problem people and make them go away. This is the playbook of the dictatorial class. They will claim the people have too much freedom and that it is bad because they can express hatred or build monuments to injustice or whatever the political flavor of the month happens to be. One day they will tell you you cannot think certain things or say certain things. Oh wait, that day has come and gone. You can be beaten for cultural appropriation, have your unpopular words make you guilty of assault, and your support of a candidate can be cause for excused violence against you. Now your speech is forever restricted and likewise your activities. Enjoy your remaining days as a political prisoner within our society.

I still support your right to say things I disagree with. But I think I'm alone.

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