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ryansmoneypit 08-23-2017 10:58 PM

This thread is my new favorite. I'll do my best to contribute, but shit, you guys are good.

Braineack 08-24-2017 06:43 AM

This is what identity politics does. dont identity politic.


Robert Lee lost something in Virginia, and 152 years later, another Robert Lee did too.

The living Robert Lee, an ESPN sports broadcaster, was pulled from calling the University of Virginia home opener against William and Mary on Sept. 2 due to sharing a name with the Confederate general at the center of unrest in Charlottesville.

"We collectively made the decision with Robert to switch games as the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding, simply because of the coincidence of his name," Derek Volner, an ESPN spokesman, told The Washington Post in an emailed statement.

"In that moment it felt right to all parties. It's a shame that this is even a topic of conversation and we regret that who calls play by play for a football game has become an issue," he said.

Volner declined to say if the network made a preemptive decision or responded to outside pressure to pull Lee from the broadcast. He also did not say if Lee was made available for comment. Lee, a sportscaster for 20 years, began his career calling games at Syracuse University, his alma mater. He is bilingual and speaks Mandarin Chinese, according to his online resume.

leftist-ism is a disease.

Braineack 08-24-2017 06:47 AM

lol. Even Noam Chomsky agrees:

The number of signatures is now well over the 100,000 needed to merit a formal White House response. Antifa recently received attention for violently confronting the "Unite The Right" marchers in Charlottesville, but has been routinely assaulting not just nazi-sympathizers and white nationalists, but also anyone seen as Trump supporters. Their tactics and behavior have drawn the ire of even such staunch leftists as Noam Chomsky.

"As for Antifa, it's a minuscule fringe of the Left, just as its predecessors were," Chomsky told the Washington Examiner. "It's a major gift to the right, including the militant right, who are exuberant."

"What they do is often wrong in principle – like blocking talks – and [the movement] is generally self-destructive," he said.

Braineack 08-24-2017 06:54 AM

lol. leftist even want to change the MD flag, which actually stands for unity. It's not about unity with leftists, its about control.


Braineack 08-24-2017 03:17 PM

how to fake news:

Some journalists are frustrated at the leaked Wall Street Journal emails revealed to The New York Times Wednesday, showing Editor in Chief Gerard Baker lamenting them for injecting too much “opinion” into the outlet’s reporting, imploring them to stick to the facts.

“Sorry. This is commentary dressed up as news reporting,” wrote Baker in a series of late night emails regarding The Journal’s reporting on President Donald Trump’s rally in Phoenix on Tuesday. “Could we please just stick to reporting what he said rather than packaging it in exegesis and selective criticism?”

In A World Where Reporting Is Biased | The Daily Caller

Braineack 08-25-2017 07:45 AM

just a video full of nazis:

Facebook Post

Braineack 08-25-2017 09:28 AM

lol, so dumb:

So imagine if you’re scheduled to be the announcer for ESPN’s livestream of the University of Virginia’s season-opener football game against William and Mary in a few weeks and your name is Robert Lee. But you have watched, along with the world, as thousands of torch-wielding, white supremacists screaming hate-filled chants marched around the UVA campus and rallied all their hate at the foot of a statue bearing your name: Robert Lee. A monument the city had voted to remove under state objections. Well, it’s not unreasonable, even though you are Asian-American, that you — and your employer — may have some concerns.

Nope, not unreasonable at all. Not in today’s America. Not when we just witnessed heavily armed, swastika-wearing protesters who believe in white supremacy clashing in the streets with counterprotesters, who believed just as passionately that all people are created equal. Not when one woman is dead and dozens more injured because they had the audacity to stand up to the failed notion of white supremacy. Not when a statue, or a team name, or a presidential tweet can incite racial tensions and violence.

No matter that Robert Lee is Asian-American and his name has nothing to do with the Confederacy or slavery. It seems unreasonable, ignorant and downright ridiculous to associate his name in any way with the Confederate general. Still, nothing we’ve witnessed in Charlottesville, or since, has been reasonable or intelligent.

stratosteve 08-25-2017 10:02 AM

Riiiiiiight.....clashing in the streets with counter didn't have a legal permit to be there protestors. Kicked out of their legal place to protest and forced into areas where the tolerant, peaceful and free speech (so long as that speech aligns with their views) loving left were dancing with butterflies in the rainbow lit streets.

shuiend 08-25-2017 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by stratosteve (Post 1435864)
Riiiiiiight.....clashing in the streets with counter didn't have a legal permit to be there protestors. Kicked out of their legal place to protest and forced into areas where the tolerant, peaceful and free speech (so long as that speech aligns with their views) loving left were dancing with butterflies in the rainbow lit streets.

​​​​​​​Actually in Charlottesville many of the left leaning protests had correct permits and were in their correct spots. Some did not, but many did.

stratosteve 08-25-2017 10:36 AM

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 1435867)
Actually in Charlottesville many of the left leaning protests had correct permits and were in their correct spots. Some did not, but many did.

Hmmmm, you are correct. I was able to confirm at least one permit from a professor at a local college. That was through a left leaning site though.


sixshooter 08-25-2017 01:47 PM


stratosteve 08-25-2017 06:10 PM


Braineack 08-26-2017 09:29 AM

shes an incredible leader. i for one find peace when i knew this lady is in charge.

rleete 08-29-2017 12:15 PM


mitymazda 08-30-2017 09:54 PM

CNN at 6:


Braineack 09-01-2017 10:32 AM

Originally Posted by mitymazda (Post 1436956)

meanwhile CNN is out faking news:

looks courageous right?


" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvbH_niuoNg


it's possible the shorts guy was actually another crew member when I watch the video, but this is CNN...

mitymazda 09-01-2017 10:37 AM

This is the Vogue contributing editor that whined about FLOTUS wearing heels while leaving the WH for the trip to Texas...

bahurd 09-01-2017 07:54 PM

Nation’s Middle Class Chillingly Reappears Out Of Nowhere

Hundreds Of Thousands Of Americans Suddenly Resume Blue-Collar Job
Nation?s Middle Class Chillingly Reappears Out Of Nowhere - The Onion - America's Finest News Source

God, I love the Onion...

bahurd 09-04-2017 04:00 PM

Fascinating article on the origins of FEMA. A little insight into the works of government "planning...


A few paragraphs that jumped out at me:

But the warning would have made a big difference to one of FEMA’s other secret tasks: Figuring out the highest federal official still alive after an attack and designating that person President of the United States.

Under the Crisis Relocation Plan, nearly 150 million Americans—out of the country’s then total population of 225 million—would be evacuated out of 400 “high-risk” cities into smaller surrounding towns and these preselected buildings; under FEMA’s estimates, some 65 percent of that population could be evacuated in as little as one day and fully 95 percent could be evacuated in three days. Such strategic warning, FEMA estimated, would be achievable under most circumstances, since it was “more likely that [a nuclear attack] would follow a period of intense international tension.”

Together, FEMA estimated the multimedia campaign would boost survival rates by 8 to 12 percent. All told, FEMA officials during the Reagan years were surprisingly optimistic about nuclear Armageddon. “You know, it’s an enormous gigantic explosion,” FEMA’s head of civil defense, William Chipman, said in one interview. “But it’s still an explosion and just as if a shell went off down the road, you’d rather be lying down than sitting up, and you’d rather be in a foxhole than lying down. It’s the same thing.”

As evacuees were flooding into their new “host area,” construction crews—some of them made up of paroled prisoners—would be hard at work transforming the preidentified buildings into fallout shelters, boarding up windows as dump trucks delivered load after load of dirt, and bulldozers and front-end loaders piled the dirt up against the walls; work crews were to spread dirt over building roofs to the required depth using forklifts or bucket brigades. Extensive surveys, physical inventories, and “cubic yards per hour” calculations by FEMA and its predecessors had shown that most parts of the country possessed sufficient heavy equipment to construct and fortify adequate shelters within the three-day time window.
Each host area was expected to absorb five times its normal peacetime population in evacuees and, after registering, all evacuees would be directed to and housed in the various government, community, or commercial buildings identified by the FBI in Project 908. Local families in the “host areas” were to be encouraged to take in relocated strangers as well. “Your neighbors who have evacuated their homes need your help,” FEMA’s preprinted literature explained. “Volunteer now to bring a family to live with you.”

Braineack 09-06-2017 08:15 AM


not real socialism/communism:


Venezuelans suffering from hunger and shortages in their struggling country broke into Caracas zoo and pulled a black stallion from its pen, butchering it for the meat.

Zoo animals are being stolen from parks in western Venezuela and police believe they are being snatched to be eaten by the starving local population.
A wave of animal thefts in city of Maracaibo near the Colombian border - including tapirs and a buffalo - have been linked to the chronic food shortages in Venezuela
Most recently, two collared peccaries, similar in appearance to boars, were stolen over the weekend, local police say.

"People are hunting dogs and cats in the streets, and pigeons in the plazas to eat," Ramon Muchacho, mayor of the Caracas district of Chacao, said this month in a tweet that was reported in many newspapers.

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