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olderguy 10-09-2013 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1061128)
Does diatomaceous earth kill flour mites? It's food safe.

I would expect it would. It would dry them out and kill them.

NA6C-Guy 10-09-2013 11:55 AM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1061128)
Does diatomaceous earth kill flour mites? It's food safe.

Wiki says it is used for grain storage, so I'd assume so. Probably what I'll get then. My pantry is going to be looking ashy :giggle:

Oscar 10-09-2013 12:04 PM

So, spent half the day installing an enhanced ms2 into a 10th anni car and it all works (and even starts/runs) except for the lack of WBO2 feedback. The 15 pin in/output loom has fewer and different color wires than the supplied manual suggests. I hate setbacks when everything seemed to go so well.

NA6C-Guy 10-09-2013 06:51 PM

Do I ever have anything good to say here? Now that I think about it, very rarely... :dunno: Anyway, since I brought it up before, I figured it was worth updating the situation, not that anybody here knows me that well or my family. My grandmother was hit by a car about a week and a half ago, just so happened to be a drunk illegal Mexican. It looked pretty serious at first, but it was pretty unclear as to how serious. We were sort of just thinking a long tough recovery and probably never walking again, since her pelvis and legs were shattered. It turns out she had a massive stroke while undergoing her surgery earlier this week, and the prognosis is not good. Pretty much the neurologist says she would basically be a vegetable, having to live through medical machines, and would probably be without her senses. So it is likely we are just going to pull the plug on her and let her go. She was already pretty sick, with heart problems and diabetes anyway, so she probably didn't have a lot of time left at 79, but going out like this is pretty shitty. She was at least still up and about, and reasonably active. I'm not a spiritual guy, so I won't say keep her and my family in your prayers, but I guess if you feel like it, my family would appreciate it. I guess I mostly wanted to get it off my chest. Ugh. :sad2:

Getting groceries one minute, the next, you're dead. Rarely am I reminded so personally how fragile life is, and how fast it can end.

And, on a funny note, I'm going to drown my sorrow this weekend at my cave in trip with the very drink that the man who caused my grandmothers death was likely drunk on. Tequila. Sort of ironic, maybe... :giggle:

mgeoffriau 10-09-2013 07:17 PM

Sorry man. There's not much to say other than to acknowledge that it really, really sucks and that (yes) I'll pray for you and your family.

I just lost my grandfather about a month ago. We knew it was coming, but you're never really prepared. It just sucks.

viperormiata 10-10-2013 03:31 PM

Quick suggestions needed. The air conditioning in my daily (2001 Frontier 2.4 5spd) has suddenly gotten hot in the last two days. It's not scorching, but definitely not as cool as it was last week. About 6-7 months ago I gave it one can when it started to get warmer and it took the entire can. Maybe a month or two ago I gave it another can. Took the entire thing. Things were great until just recently.

-I can hear the system engage when I hit the a/c button. That is normal.
-Air is somewhat cool, but nearly as it was last week. Possible fast leak?

That's about it really. Could it be a fast leak? Or perhaps the intense heat we have right now?

Right now I'm thinking about giving it another can with the stop-leak.

Pen2_the_penguin 10-10-2013 03:33 PM

definitely a leak, my guess is a bad o-ring somewhere.

sixshooter 10-10-2013 03:39 PM

I'm sorry, Jesse.

shuiend 10-10-2013 04:19 PM

Originally Posted by NA6C-Guy (Post 1061319)
Do I ever have anything good to say here? Now that I think about it, very rarely... :dunno: Anyway, since I brought it up before, I figured it was worth updating the situation, not that anybody here knows me that well or my family. My grandmother was hit by a car about a week and a half ago, just so happened to be a drunk illegal Mexican. It looked pretty serious at first, but it was pretty unclear as to how serious. We were sort of just thinking a long tough recovery and probably never walking again, since her pelvis and legs were shattered. It turns out she had a massive stroke while undergoing her surgery earlier this week, and the prognosis is not good. Pretty much the neurologist says she would basically be a vegetable, having to live through medical machines, and would probably be without her senses. So it is likely we are just going to pull the plug on her and let her go. She was already pretty sick, with heart problems and diabetes anyway, so she probably didn't have a lot of time left at 79, but going out like this is pretty shitty. She was at least still up and about, and reasonably active. I'm not a spiritual guy, so I won't say keep her and my family in your prayers, but I guess if you feel like it, my family would appreciate it. I guess I mostly wanted to get it off my chest. Ugh. :sad2:

Getting groceries one minute, the next, you're dead. Rarely am I reminded so personally how fragile life is, and how fast it can end.

Sorry about what happened to you grandma. I can't offer anything to help her out, but if some mt.net decals would cheer you up at all let me know and some will be coming your way.

shuiend 10-10-2013 07:32 PM

Final approval finally came through on the house I am trying to buy. BOA are complete dicks and dumb-asses. Back on September 6th I signed an addendum saying I would close November 1st. This was going off of I need to close within 45 days of final approval on their side. They finally got back to me today with final approval and still want to hold me to that closing date. So now I have to fight with them to get it pushed back again. My lender told me it would take about 2-3 weeks on his end to have everything officially finish, but that the government shutdown could affect that. So to me having only 21 days to close in seems like way to close to chance. On the bright side, at least I officially have approval.

mgeoffriau 10-11-2013 10:43 AM

Really starting to drive me crazy that I don't have a Miata. And too many current bills and upcoming expenses to really think about trying to set aside money for one.

Only possibility would be if I sold off a bunch of stuff, guns and bikes and watches. Not quite there yet but I'm close.

Braineack 10-11-2013 10:43 AM

you can buy mine. i've driven it a total of 7 times this year.

mgeoffriau 10-11-2013 10:47 AM

Trade you an AR for it.

Braineack 10-11-2013 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1061979)
Trade you an AR for it.

How about a D4 or D3x?

mgeoffriau 10-11-2013 10:57 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1061985)
How about a D4 or D3x?

How about 3 kittens?

Braineack 10-11-2013 12:22 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1061988)
How about 3 kittens?

now we're onto something!!!!!

Actually just the other day I was like we should get a new kitten and the wife wasn't opposed.

y8s 10-11-2013 12:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1062037)
now we're onto something!!!!!

Actually just the other day I was like we should get a new kitten and the wife wasn't opposed.



rleete 10-11-2013 12:29 PM

Funny you should say that. I was outside on the porch earlier this week, and told the wife we should adopt one of the kittens from next door. Whereupon my own cat decided to pee on the side of the porch to mark his territory.

Braineack 10-11-2013 12:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
plenty room for more:


Braineack 10-11-2013 02:34 PM

Air Canada Loses Dog, Accidentally Dismisses U.S. Media Inquiries « CBS Sacramento

Air Canada admits it lost a customer’s precious cargo when one of its workers let a dog out of its crate, and it escaped.


Air Canada sent CBS13 a statement saying they have a team looking for Larry.

But we wanted answers about what went wrong—what procedures might not have been followed, and what they’re doing to make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else’s pet.

Instead of answers, we got this email:
“I think I would just ignore, it is local news doing a story on a lost dog. Their entire government is shut down and about to default and this is how the US media spends its time.”

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