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Braineack 07-24-2014 02:23 PM

I saw it, didnt post.

did this see as well:

N. Charleston police officer facing charges after traffic stop - Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

A North Charleston police officer was arrested Wednesday after he was spotted driving in excess of 100 mph on Ashley Phosphate Road, according to an incident report.

Charleston deputies say Maurice Huggins, 39, is facing charges of reckless driving and open container, the incident report states.

The deputy reported being able to see "in plain view" a black Glock handgun in a black leather holster in the driver's seat after Huggins had seen secured in the deputy's car. The deputy also found a black leather wallet with a North Charleston Police ID and badge, as well as a silver flask in the center console with a clear odor of alcohol inside, the report states.

After Huggins was transported to the Al Cannon Detention Center, authorities found he was in possession of a fake $100 bill, which was also taken into evidence, deputies say.

Braineack 07-24-2014 02:49 PM

recurring theme: cops break the law in order to "enforce" the law and steal your money.

Faked drug-dog certification puts Baltimore drug-money forfeiture at risk - citypaper.com

Early last year, the U.S. Supreme Court elevated the legal status of drug-detecting dogs, ruling that a police search can be presumed lawful if it is predicated on a positive alert by a well-trained dog with basic paperwork. Such training, though, is bunk if not accompanied by valid certification of the dog and its handler.

Not only was it lacking in an ongoing drug-money forfeiture case in Maryland U.S. District Court, in which the government is seeking to keep $122,640 in cash seized last September from a passenger's luggage at Baltimore-Washington International Airport, but a fraudulent certification was produced by Maryland Transportation Authority Police (MTAP) and used by federal prosecutors, who sought to disguise and downplay the document's false provenance, according to a Baltimore attorney's recent filing in the case.

Braineack 07-24-2014 02:52 PM

recurring theme: Cops lie to put you in jail, and cameras make it harder to do that.

Glenview Settles Over Cop Traffic Stop - Journal & Topics Newspapers Online: News

Glenview will pay $95,000 to settle a federal civil rights lawsuit after Glenview and Chicago police officers offered testimony which one Cook County circuit court judge said was in direct contradiction to police dash camera video in the arrest of a Glenview man on drug charges.

Federal civil court records show Glenview officials came to a settlement with Joseph Sperling of Glenview in late June. On Wednesday, July 2, after arriving at that settlement, Federal District Judge Thomas Durkin formally dismissed the suit, with prejudice, meaning it cannot be reintroduced.


In early June 2013, Urbanowski, Horn and three Chicago police officers pulled Sperling over on a traffic stop near Tall Trees off East Lake Avenue.

All officers testified at a Mar. 31 criminal hearing that they approached the car, checked Sperling’s license and insurance, and made him get out of the car and stand near the rear of a car without being handcuffed while officers conducted a search of the vehicle after they said they smelled marijuana. They reportedly recovered a large amount of cannabis from the back seat of the car.
A police dashboard video camera’s recording, also reviewed by the Glenview Journal, showed a different sequence of events.

The video showed a Chicago police officer walk up to the car and try to open the locked driver’s side door from the outside before reaching through an open window and opening the door from the inside. The Chicago officer then allegedly pulled Sperling from the vehicle and immediately placed him in handcuffs.

Urbanowski recanted her testimony at that same hearing.

“If they would have told the truth, they would have had him,” Sperling’s criminal defense attorney Steven Goldman told the Journal shortly after Sperling’s criminal court appearance in which charges were dismissed.

“All officers lied on the stand today. The evidence that’s been submitted is directly contrary to their (officers) testimony and as counsel said, all their testimony was a lie... State, I expect you to look into this,” Cook County Circuit Court Judge Catherine Haberkorn said at Sperling’s Mar. 31 criminal court appearance, according to court transcripts.

Urbanowski and Horn were then placed on paid administrative leave where they remain.

Braineack 07-24-2014 02:57 PM

medically impaired driver is lucky to be alive; from pure luck and also because of the stellar gun control of officers.

Caught on video: Chase ends with officers breaking windows, gunshot | Local News - KCCI Home

Authorities said Schulte did not respond to the officers' commands to exit the vehicle so they broke out two windows to gain access.

"They just sort of received a blank stare, that incoherent -- wasn't comprehending what was being asked of him and just kind of sat in the driver's seat without moving," said Abens.

Reserve Deputy Troy Cline accidentally fired his weapon during the incident, but no one was hurt. (watch video)

"That unintentional firing of the weapon happened when the deputy went to reholster his weapon, completely unintentional definitely wasn't something he meant to do," said Abens.

Schulte was taken into custody and was transported to a hospital to be treated for minor injuries.

Authorities said Schulte apparently was suffering from a medical issue during the chase. They have not yet provided details about the medical issue.

Braineack 07-24-2014 03:00 PM

recurring theme: any excuse to shoot you.

City of Charlotte settles lawsuit over police shooting for $115,000 | CharlotteObserver.com

The case, which has bounced around federal court for two years, drew public scrutiny on how police use their weapons. Reflecting the broader community debate, the first trial ended with a deadlocked jury in 2013. The second trial was scheduled to begin in August.

On the night of Oct. 16, 2010, Streater was stabbed by her former live-in boyfriend before she fled into the street. Wilson was the first officer to respond and began walking toward Streater’s home to check on her elderly parents.

Green was walking in the opposite direction. Having heard his mother had been attacked, he carried a kitchen knife.

When he and Wilson met, the officer pulled his weapon and told the youth at least three times to drop the knife, according to court documents. Green, standing more than 30 feet away, didn’t move, nor did he comply with Wilson’s order.

Streater screamed at Wilson not to shoot her son. While other officers on the scene heard her plea, Wilson testified that he did not. He fired twice, then after a pause, twice more. Green was hit two times.

The settlement comes three months after the 4th U.S. Circuit of Appeals, upholding a decision by the trial judge, refused to give Wilson immunity for his actions.

Braineack 07-25-2014 07:29 AM

recurring theme: when "good" cops go on a rogue killing spree to kill the rogue cop on a killing spree, you get paid.

Torrance to pay $1.8 million to settle surfer David Perdue’s lawsuit in mistaken Christopher Dorner shooting

The city of Torrance will pay $1.8 million to a Redondo Beach surfer who was mistakenly shot at by its police officers during the manhunt for rogue Los Angeles police Officer Christopher Dorner, officials announced Thursday.

The agreement settles David and Lizzette Perdue’s lawsuit against the city and its Police Department, ending the acrimonious battle over what occurred that chaotic week in February 2013. Officers rammed Perdue’s truck thinking he was Dorner fleeing a shooting, then fired three shots at him.

I love this:

“They were trying to protect the community and were proactively going out there thinking that this is a guy who was armed, who had been using assault rifles,” Matsuda said. “There is not a great way to try to engage somebody like that.

“For them to decide to use their car to intervene and take that action, it took a lot of courage to do that. That’s where we get to the totality of everything that occurred before that, that led them to that point, and then it turned out not to be him.”
remember, they were looking for a black guy in a gray nissan titan. and this white guy in a black honda was shot at after they already "mistakenly" shot two mexican woman in a blue tacoma.

this is scary:

Sooper is now serving as a school resource officer. McGee was assigned to the department’s communications bureau following the shooting. Matsuda said it was in McGee’s and the public’s best interest to assign him to work in the 9-1-1 dispatch center, but he will eventually return to patrol
cant wait till he shoots a kid.

Braineack 07-25-2014 07:37 AM

recurring theme: when circular reasoning fails

just so you understand "recording" officers is against the law.

Braineack 07-25-2014 07:43 AM

recurring theme: speaking of cops looking for a date...

Cop arrested for stopping female teen - Story

A Saint Jo Police Officer was arrested July 15 for official oppression, based on allegations by a Bowie area teen.

Steven Bret Nabors, 34, is accused of unlawfully detaining an 18-year-old female driver from the Bowie area on at least two occasions and following her on several other occasions, according to the arrest affidavit.

Texas Ranger Marshall W. Thomas said he did not want to release the young woman’s name due to the case still being under investigation. Nabors was released on $1,500 bond on the Class A misdemeanor.

Police Chief Tony Tamayo said Nabors, employed with the department since October, has been placed on paid administrative leave.

The teen made a written statement to Bowie Police Department School Resource Officer Bob Blackburn on March 4. She said she was pulled over for the first time on Oct. 22, 2013 for speeding, a stop the driver says was justified because she was speeding.

On Nov. 1, 2013, the officer pulled her over again, she said, because he said her vehicle registration was about to expire. The driver did not receive a citation or warning, and added the registration was valid.

The affidavit continues with specific dates the officer allegedly followed her outside of Saint Jo: Feb. 7, the officer followed her outside of Saint Jo on State Highway 59 to the courthouse at Montague; Feb. 17, down Highway 59 all the way to Prime Cut Steakhouse; Feb. 21, on U.S. 82 past the Cooke County line and then on Feb. 24 to Lone Star Road on Texas 59, south of Bowie.

She told officers on Feb. 3, he stopped her because her turn signal was on the verge of going out. The driver said when she got home, she checked and it was working fine. In referencing the dates, the woman said she was sure of the dates because she called her mother after each incident.

Braineack 07-25-2014 07:44 AM

recurring theme: even when you follow orders, cops will shoot you, and you will get paid, and they will continue to work the streets

Cleveland settles police-shooting lawsuit filed by son of City Hall officials | cleveland.com

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson's administration paid $540,000 last month to a man - - the son of two of Jackson's administrators – who sued the city after being shot by police.

Randell Scott Jr. sued the city in September 2013, a year after he was stopped and shot in the stomach by a police officer. Scott is the son of Randell Scott, a top aide to the mayor, and former Cleveland Councilwoman Sabra Pierce Scott, who was hired by Jackson in June, just months after completing a federal sentence for public corruption.

Cleveland police stopped Randell Scott Jr. shortly after midnight on Sept.15, 2012, as he walked with an open beer to his house on Parmelee Avenue on the city's East Side, according to the suit. Police ordered Scott to put down the beer and "come here." As Scott complied with the order, he announced that he had a firearm in his waistband and a permit to carry it. Then, one of the police officers, Mark Worsencroft, drew his gun and ordered Scott to raise his hands and put them behind his back, the suit says. Scott was slowly lowering his hands to comply with the order when Worsencroft shot him in the stomach, the suit says.

Scott, a commercial truck driver at the time, was critically wounded and missed 11 months of work. His medical costs totaled nearly $500,000, the suit says.
he settled for way too little.

Braineack 07-25-2014 07:47 AM

recurring theme: cops temporarily get fired for doing typical police work, they will sue with their union for their status back, dont worry.

Two New Hampshire police officers fired after roughing up teen

The town manager of Seabrook, New Hampshire, fired two police officers on Wednesday for roughing up a man at the town's police station, an incident that drew scrutiny after surveillance footage of the incident was posted online earlier this year.

The town manager, William Manzi, also demoted a police lieutenant for not properly reviewing and reporting the incident.

The video shows a skinny, shirtless Michael Bergeron being escorted by two police officers down a hallway. One of the officers, Mark Richardson, holds him forcefully by the arm and swings Bergeron into a concrete wall, which he hits head first. A few moments later, while Bergeron is on the ground, Officer Adam Laurent sprays him with pepper spray.

The incident took place on Nov. 11, 2009, after Bergeron, then 19, was arrested for driving while intoxicated.

Braineack 07-25-2014 07:48 AM

reccurring theme: cops dont need to charge you with anything if you let them beat you a little with a baton for money

Motivational speaker files formal comlaint against San Jose Police Department for excessive force | abc7news.com

A Southern California man at the center of a brutal beating caught on video is demanding answers from the San Jose Police Department. Nate Howard claims police used excessive force and spoke to ABC7 News about his ordeal.

Howard says he wants a formal police investigation after the incident that took place outside a venue on the corner of East San Salvador and South First Street on May 24.

Howard is a 23-year-old motivational speaker in Southern California who teaches high school students to write and perform poetry. In May, he gave a commencement speech at San Jose State University, but what happened following an after party was captured on a cellphone.

The video shows San Jose police and a group of African-Americans, many of them college students. Police beat Howard with a baton and threw him on the ground, where he's handcuffed and taken into custody.

He spoke to ABC7 News via Skype from San Diego. He says he did nothing wrong and was only questioning police actions against a friend.

Howard said, "It happened so fast, I was in complete shock."

The Lawyers Committee For Civil Rights calls the police actions over the top and have filed a conduct complaint against San Jose police.

Joanna Cuevas Ingram from Lawyers Committee For Civil Rights said, "Excessive force was implemented. It was unwarranted because he posed no danger, no threat to public safety."

Howard was never charged. He filed a complaint with police internal affairs. When he heard nothing, a new conduct complaint was filed with the San Jose Independent Police Auditor, who works directly with internal affairs.

Braineack 07-25-2014 07:51 AM

recurring theme: in GA, a dog is just a free ticket to search your car

Channel 2 investigation exposes no policy for K-9 use | www.wsbtv.com

Under Georgia law, a police dog can search the outside of any vehicle, even without the owner's permission. If the dog alerts to the presence of a narcotics odor outside of the vehicle, the officer then has probable cause to search inside the car.

"It's amazing to me that there's no policies in place for that type of thing, because you're talking about a four-legged animal, which is being used to determine the outcome of someone's constitutional rights," said Jermaine Muhammad.

But the way Georgia law reads right now, an officer can go to the pound and pick out a dog and start using it tomorrow.

Joe Perez 07-25-2014 10:06 AM

For Scott: Video Landing Page - New York News

Joe Perez 07-25-2014 02:06 PM

Good news, Scott. There is now one less cowardly, corrupt, bloodthirsty cop to worry about in the world: Body of Slain Escondido Cop Found, Husband Arrested | NBC 7 San Diego

Braineack 07-25-2014 02:12 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1151320)
Good news, Scott. There is now one less cowardly, corrupt, bloodthirsty cop to worry about in the world: Body of Slain Escondido Cop Found, Husband Arrested | NBC 7 San Diego

National Center For Women and Policing

Two studies have found that at least 40% of police officer families experience domestic violence, (1, 2) in contrast to 10% of families in the general population.(3) A third study of older and more experienced officers found a rate of 24% (4), indicating that domestic violence is 2-4 times more common among police families than American families in general. A police department that has domestic violence offenders among its ranks will not effectively serve and protect victims in the community.5, 6, 7, 8 Moreover, when officers know of domestic violence committed by their colleagues and seek to protect them by covering it up, they expose the department to civil liability.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics, in 2005, marriages occurred at a rate of 7.5 per 1,000 people, while divorces occurred at a rate of 3.6 per 1,000 people. These numbers are reflected in the staggering statistic that 48 percent of marriages fail in the United States. Past studies have indicated that law enforcement officers have one of the highest divorce rates when compared with other groups of professionals. Law enforcement officers and other first responders face extraordinary challenges in marriage and family relationships due to factors such as chronic job stress and irregular work schedules.

Braineack 07-25-2014 02:22 PM

PA Hero Shoots Man Over Parking Tickets | Eric Peters Autos

LEHIGH COUNTY, PA — A man may never walk again after he was shot in his driveway by a constable who had showed up to his home regarding unpaid parking tickets.

Kevin McCullers, 38, was just about to make a trip to go buy some morning doughnuts when his life changed forever. Around 7:30 a.m. on July 17th, McCullers got into his car, opened his garage door, and put his car into reverse gear. As he backed out of the driveway, his girlfriend abruptly heard gunshots ring out.

Two strange men were outside, and one had just shot Mr. McCullers while in the driver’s seat of his car.

“They never knocked on the door! No nothing! I just heard the gunshots! He pulled the car out of the garage and all I heard were gunshots,” Hafeezah Muhammad told NBC 10 Philadelphia. She was inside the house during the attack.

The shooter turned out to be a Pennsylvania State Constable, performing an early morning warrant service over unpaid parking tickets. The unnamed constable claimed that he feared for his life by Mr. McCullers backing out of his driveway — so he opened fire.

“For someone to get shot, on the way to Dunkin’ Donuts, unarmed, for parking tickets? For tickets?! Its insane,” said Ms. Muhammad.

Mr. McCullers was shot in the back. The bullet struck his spine, and he is now paralyzed from the waist down. He may never regain the ability to walk.

The shooter has been allowed to remain anonymous. There has been no word on any discipline or criminal charges that he may face, if any.

Braineack 07-25-2014 02:22 PM

recurring theme: cop shoots man in a jelous rage over the last doughnut.

PA Hero Shoots Man Over Parking Tickets | Eric Peters Autos

LEHIGH COUNTY, PA — A man may never walk again after he was shot in his driveway by a constable who had showed up to his home regarding unpaid parking tickets.

Kevin McCullers, 38, was just about to make a trip to go buy some morning doughnuts when his life changed forever. Around 7:30 a.m. on July 17th, McCullers got into his car, opened his garage door, and put his car into reverse gear. As he backed out of the driveway, his girlfriend abruptly heard gunshots ring out.

Two strange men were outside, and one had just shot Mr. McCullers while in the driver’s seat of his car.

“They never knocked on the door! No nothing! I just heard the gunshots! He pulled the car out of the garage and all I heard were gunshots,” Hafeezah Muhammad told NBC 10 Philadelphia. She was inside the house during the attack.

The shooter turned out to be a Pennsylvania State Constable, performing an early morning warrant service over unpaid parking tickets. The unnamed constable claimed that he feared for his life by Mr. McCullers backing out of his driveway — so he opened fire.

“For someone to get shot, on the way to Dunkin’ Donuts, unarmed, for parking tickets? For tickets?! Its insane,” said Ms. Muhammad.

Mr. McCullers was shot in the back. The bullet struck his spine, and he is now paralyzed from the waist down. He may never regain the ability to walk.

The shooter has been allowed to remain anonymous. There has been no word on any discipline or criminal charges that he may face, if any.

Braineack 07-25-2014 02:24 PM

recurring them: wrong house, but they got a kill and an arrest

SWAT Team Shoots Teen Girl & Her Dog During Pot Raid On Wrong Home - informationliberation

Craig66 07-26-2014 05:37 PM

memorial template

In Loving Memory of
April 16, 2014

Handler: K9 Officer Ryan Jones
Fishers Police Department
4 Municipal Drive
Fishers, IN 46038

WEBSITE - Fishers, IN - Official Website - Police

Police Dog Shot, Killed After Biting Officer

A Fishers police dog has been shot and killed by a Hamilton County Sheriff's Deputy who felt compelled to act because the animal refused to release its hold on the arm of a Fisher's officer. That officer, Tracy Saxhaug, was not the dog's usual handler,
but was caring for the K-9 at her home Wednesday when a car pulled into her driveway and the dog reacted by going
into a defensive stance and biting the officer's arm. Saxhaug was treated at a hospital for puncture wounds.
The Fishers Police Department is conducting an internal investigation. Saxhaug called to a family member for help
when she was unable to get the K-9 to release.

That family member called the county dispatch center, which sent a Hamilton County Sheriff’s deputy to the home.
After several attempts to remove the dog from Saxhaug’s arms, according to the release, the deputy made the
decision to shoot the K-9. Saxhaug was taken to Tipton IU Hospital with puncture wounds and abrasions
to her right arm. As of Thursday afternoon, she had been released and was expected to make a full recovery.
The department’s internal review will include a necropsy to be performed at Purdue University.
Additional information may be released once that review is complete, police said.
submitted by Jim Cortina, Dir. CPWDA

Braineack 07-28-2014 08:49 AM

The nazis also used to train dogs to kill...

Braineack 07-28-2014 08:51 AM

recurring theme: cop fire for planting evidence, but judge thinks that was too harsh.

Ex-cop accused of planting drugs might wind up back on force | Early & Often

ormer Chicago cop caught up in a “hare-brained” scheme to plant drugs and a gun in a suburban woman’s car — a scheme that led to a $375,000 city payout — may soon get his job back.

Slawomir Plewa could be back on the streets, even though the Chicago Police Department is fighting the fired cop’s efforts in court.

Plewa’s actions “represent a serious breach of the public’s trust,” says Marty Dolan, the lawyer who sued Plewa in federal court on behalf of the suburban woman. “He violated a sworn oath to protect the public and certainly does not deserve a second chance to serve in any capacity whatsoever.”

But Cook County Circuit Court Judge Diane J. Larsen disagreed, ruling in April that the Chicago Police Board went too far when it voted 8-1 to fire Plewa last year. Attorneys for Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy are due back in court later this month, preparing to argue that Larsen got it wrong — that she “usurped” the police board’s authority when she said Plewa deserved a more “lenient” punishment.
remember, judges need cops in order to have a job. So if cops stop making up crime in order to arrest people and send them to court, the judges will also lose their jobs.

Braineack 07-28-2014 08:54 AM

recurring theme: arrested for obstruction for refusing to talk to police

Cooper was arrested on an obstruction charge when she was unable to immediately provide police with golf cart vendor contracts for a police investigation of a parking violation.

The other two other employees were arrested after they refused to talk with police about hotel management's decision to fire another employee and for not immediately issuing a paycheck for the terminated employee.

The "unbelievable" arrests and agonizing ordeal intensified Thursday when Cooper's trial was continued a third time.


Her charges were ultimately dismissed, but police once again overstepped their authority, the employee said.

kinda of a crazy story when you read about it: http://www.sanduskyregister.com/blog...erhold/5926521

police on a personal vendetta to harass citizens.

fun quotes:

The harassment became so pronounced, the owners purchased and installed sophisticated surveillance equipment to protect the hotel and its employees from police.

To protect themselves.

From police.

There have been times when police officers arrived at the hotel and simply stood intimidatingly in the lobby or in other areas of the hotel, as if they were sentries with no business to attend to and nothing to do.

Braineack 07-28-2014 09:09 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Braineack 07-28-2014 09:11 AM

recurring theme:

Two studies have found that at least 40% of police officer families experience domestic violence, in contrast to 10% of families in the general population.
Iva police chief suspended after arrest - wistv.com - Columbia, South Carolina |

Miller was charged with criminal domestic violence and assault and battery third-degree, according to arrest warrants.

The incident report shows there was video evidence to support the charges.

The warrants state Miller struck a juvenile multiple times with a piece of wood, causing cuts on the teen's arms.

The warrants also state that Miller grabbed a woman and threw her in an aggressive manner, causing her to be in fear of physical harm.

Miller was released on his own recognizance shortly after a Saturday evening bond hearing.

Braineack 07-28-2014 09:16 AM

recurring theme: cop upset he wasnt part of the trivial arrest starts pacing up and down the street like a sad little baby, then decides he should get involved by stomping on the guys head

Video of NYPD officer allegedly stomping on suspect’s head in Brooklyn | New York's PIX11 / WPIX-TV

Braineack 07-28-2014 09:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
recurring theme: dog suffers for over an hour as cops trespassing on private property shoot dog then threaten arrest when owner tries to rush dog to hospital

Owner says police wouldn't help dog they shot

Theall claimed the officer twice used his patrol car to keep him from taking the dog to a veterinary hospital in his own car.

"Finally he convinced me that I would be thrown in jail if I didn't just stay where I was," the dog owner said.

After other officers, including a sergeant, arrived and after an hour had passed, Theall said he was finally allowed to take his dog to the emergency vet, where it's expected to recover, but with very expensive medical bills. His wife set up a gofundme account for donations to help pay for the dog's care and the couple is amazed at the huge response.

"It really does restore some faith in humanity, really; we've got friends out there," he added.

Meanwhile DeKalb County Police spokesman Capt. Stephen Fore told 11Alive the incident is under investigation, like any shooting. He said their officers are trained to preserve evidence at a shooting scene, but he understands the owner's concern over the dog not being treated immediately.

On the page she wrote that the police officer would not allow the couple to take Doctor for help 'due to procedure.'

When a second officer arrived 20 minutes later, 'we found out that procedure was just to take pictures of the bleeding dog.'
This picture:


Braineack 07-28-2014 09:32 AM

recurring theme: police break the law, cause harm/damage, wont be charged, above the law.

Richland County deputy injured in traffic accident - WLOX.com - The News for South Mississippi

No charges have been filed after highway patrol troopers say a Richland County deputy ran a red light and slammed into another driver.

The crash happened in Northeast Columbia on Two Notch Road near Interstate 77 Friday.

Troopers say the deputy's blue lights were not on when he tried to go through the intersection.

The cruiser flipped over and the other car was totaled.

The Richland County Sheriff's Department says the deputy was treated for minor injuries at the hospital.

The driver, 22-year-old Katie Miles has scratches and bruises.

She says she's thankful for all the help she received at the scene but she says she's stunned the deputy has not been charged.
dunno why she's stunned.


Braineack 07-28-2014 09:35 AM

recurring theme:


Deputy suspended for 2 days after accidental release of fugitive - WFSB 3 Connecticut

A deputy at the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison was suspended for two days after he accidentally released an inmate who was booked as a fugitive.

According to the EBR Sheriff’s Office, Michael Lorio, 25, was booked into the parish prison on Monday, July 7 for an outstanding bench warrant issued in Livingston Parish. He did not appear for a June court date regarding charges for felony theft.

“His paperwork stated that he was to be released to the Livingston Sheriff’s Office, but the booking deputy made an error and released him to his mother,” Casey Rayborn-Hicks, East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office, said. “The error was realized, and we picked him back up, rebooked him and he was transported to the Livingston Parish Prison.”

Lorio's brother, Brett Castle, told 9News that Lorio was not released to his mother, rather he called his mother once he was released. Castle also said Lorio voluntarily turned himself back in to prison on Tuesday and was not picked up by deputies. Castle said deputies attempted to pick him up from his mother's home Monday evening, but Lorio wasn't there at the time.

Officials noted that the deputy was immediately counseled and disciplined for the mistake.

Braineack 07-28-2014 09:38 AM

recurring theme: Denver is about to write another 3 million dollar settlement check

Two Denver sheriff deputies dispute discipline in latest abuse cases - The Denver Post

In one case, a sergeant ordered two other deputies to use their stun guns on an inmate who was sitting on his bunk on suicide watch.

In another case, a deputy punched an inmate, pushed him to the ground, handcuffed him and then lifted the inmate by his handcuffed wrists.

The deputies involved in each incident were disciplined by the city. Both are appealing and hearings are scheduled for next week, said Daelene Mix, spokeswoman for the city's safety department.

Examples of deputies using excessive force keep coming up, causing more embarrassment for a department that can't seem to escape criticism.


Also this week, the city announced that it is offering former jail inmate Jamal Hunter $3.25 million to settle his jail abuse case.

Braineack 07-28-2014 09:40 AM

new theme: Court rules you can ignore cops if they had no real reason to enage you

Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Driving Away From Cop At Window

When Wisconsin police officers knock on the window of a car and motion to roll down the window, the state Supreme Court said in a 5 to 2 ruling that the motorist is free to ignore the cop and drive away.

"Although we acknowledge that this is a close case, we conclude that a law enforcement officer's knock on a car window does not by itself constitute a show of authority sufficient to give rise to the belief in a reasonable person that the person is not free to leave," Justice David T. Prosser wrote for the majority.

The justices argued in the context of the December 25, 2011 incident in which Grant County Deputy Sheriff Matthew Small knocked on the window of Daniel A. Vogt who was parked with the engine running in the Riverdale Park parking lot the village of Cassville at 2am. It was 37 degrees at the time. Vogt had done nothing illegal, but Deputy Small thought it was suspicious that Vogt was in the parking lot of a park that had closed at 11pm.

Deputy Small stopped behind Vogt's car with his headlights on, but his overhead red and blue lights off. He walked up to the car and saw Vogt in the driver's seat and Kimberly Russell in the passenger seat. He testified that he would have let Vogt go had he driven off because he "had nothing to stop him for."

Vogt did not drive off, because he thought he could no do so without hitting the deputy. He believed that he had no choice but to comply. Once the window was down, Deputy Small smelled alcohol and noticed Vogt's speech was slurred. This led to Vogt's arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI). The court's majority argued that the initial interaction was voluntary.

Braineack 07-28-2014 09:45 AM

recurring theme: must kill all dogs

Suburban Family Says Dog Fatally Shot by Police in Front of 6-Year-Old Girl | NBC Chicago

Family members and area residents say a young dog was fatally shot by police in front of a 6-year-old girl Friday afternoon in a Chicago suburb.

The dog’s owners say 1-year-old shepherd-mix Apollo had gotten out of their yard in the 8700 block of Beck Place in southwest suburban Hometown and the family had just returned him to their lawn when police arrived.

“We were in the lawn and the cop already had his gun out,” said owner Nicole Echlin. “I tried to call him in the house and he just stood there staring and I guess he showed his teeth and the cop just shot him, right in front of me and my 6-year-old daughter.”


Witnesses said it didn’t appear that the dog was attacking officers or provoking them before the shooting.

“The dog wasn’t doing anything. I didn’t see it doing anything, it wasn’t barking,” said witness and area resident Nicco Torres. “Then I saw a cop shoot the dog, the dog fell to ground on the lawn. I saw through the window the dog was on the floor shot but the dog was still moving, it was moving its legs like it was trying to run but it was laying down.”

Family said the dog had no history of aggression and did not attempt to attack officers at the scene. They claim they were told by officers that the dog showed its teeth.


Braineack 07-28-2014 09:50 AM

recurring theme: "Weapons of War Have No Place on Streets" - Obama

Delaware police chief: Armored vehicle will be useful here | ThisWeek Community News

Ultimately, Pijanowski said he decided the vehicle's potential to save lives outweighed any possible drawbacks. He said the vehicle is not a tank and will not be used as an offensive weapon.

"It's a tool," he said. "It's not a change in our policing philosophy."

Pijanowski said the vehicle would be used in limited situations, most likely those involving an active shooter or a suspect who creates a barricade. He said the vehicle will never be used for patrol or public-relations purposes.
later in article:

He said it also could be used during high-risk warrant services.
Layman's in wrong house no-knock raids

Braineack 07-28-2014 10:04 AM

recurring theme: cops train killer dogs, cant control them.

Fishers teen, family to file lawsuit after encounter with police dog | Fox 59

A Fishers teenager and his parents will file a lawsuit after the teen was attacked by a police dog last month.

According to court documents, Brandon Murphy, 19, was injured while police were responding to a deadly stabbing involving two other teenagers on the night of June 22, 2014.

Murphy—who was arrested but wasn’t involved in the stabbing and faces no charges in connection with it—suffered injuries “to the torso, arms, legs and genitals,” according to the tort claim filed by the family.

The suit claims Murphy obeyed orders given to him by the responding officers and was not a threat. It claims officers violated his right to “freedom from illegal seizure and his right to freedom from unlawful arrest and the use of excessive force.”

Murphy said he suffered injuries and severe physical pain during the encounter. The family is seeking compensation for his medical bills and emotional suffering.

Braineack 07-28-2014 10:15 AM

2 Attachment(s)
recurring theme: police chasing a black male suspect, take time to stop and beat up a random hispanic citizen taking pictures.

Texas Cops Attack Man Photographing Building, Claiming he was Man Fleeing from them | Photography is Not a Crime: PINAC

A San Antonio man taking photos of his wife’s soon-to-be medical practice was attacked by a plainclothes cop who roared up in a pickup and hopped out, ordering him to get down, striking him in the face with what appeared to be a handheld radio before he could even comply.

Two uniformed SWAT team members quickly joined in, striking Roger Carlos in the head about 50 times with fists and elbows before handcuffing him. satisfied that they had their man.

Except the real man were looking was someone else whom they had chased for miles down a freeway at 80 mph before he pulled into a parking lot, ditched his car and ran.

When the dimwit cops pulled off the freeway and spotted Roger taking photos outside his building in broad daylight, they pounced on him, figuring a fleeing fugitive felon would stop and take photos of a random building during his getaway.


and the actual suspect that they finally got around to catching:


Braineack 07-28-2014 10:18 AM

recurring theme: cops love to arrest and kill dogs

Cop Arrests Man, Forced Him to Leave Family Pet on the Side of the Freeway to Die | The Free Thought Project

On July 13, Josie Garcia’s husband was pulled over by Houston PD for failure to use a turn signal.

The routine traffic stop lead to a search and prescription drugs belonging to the passenger were found. Both men were subsequently arrested and the SUV was impounded. Charges against her husband were dropped days later.

Unfortunately, Garcia’s 14 year old chihuahua, Guero, was along for the ride.

As the men were being taken into custody and the SUV towed, Guero was removed from the vehicle and left on the side of Highway 59.

Garcia’s husband plead with the officer to let him call someone to come get the dog or for the officer to call animal control, who’s shelter was only 2 blocks away.

The officer refused, claiming the dog would be fine.

For the next 3 days Garcia put up missing posters and searched for her beloved pet. Eventually, she received a call to let her know where he was.

Guero had been found, dead, on the side of the highway not far from where the men were pulled over. The elderly chihuahua was nearly blind from cataracts and had been hit by oncoming traffic.

Braineack 07-28-2014 10:30 AM

stopped for "an indignity to an officer."

i'd like to see that one hold up in court. rofl.

After I stopped recording several more police cars arrived, per her calling a 'code yellow' on me. She ended up letting me go WITHOUT ANY EXPLANATION after waiting for another 10 minutes in my car. I filed a complaint with the UNCPD for this illegal stop, but they won't tell me what, if any, repercussions she will face (aka none).

Braineack 07-28-2014 10:35 AM

pulled over for "investigatory purposes" "needing to know who you are" "to check if you are involved in incidences of police impersonation"

i'd like to see that one hold up in court. rofl.

oh i mean you were pulled over for not signaling.

cant wait for the judge to see this video.

Braineack 07-28-2014 10:41 AM

disclaimer: dude is a moron.

quote from cop: no, i didn't witness [the infraction],you're right.

then why am i sitting here?

I told you, someone else witnessed it.

i'd like to see that one hold up in court. rofl. i hope this guy knows he has the right to face his accuser.

Braineack 07-28-2014 01:00 PM

recurring theme: cops like ass.

In October of 2012, Timothy Young was pulled over for failing to use his turn signal in Lordsburg, New Mexico. When Hidalgo County deputies saw that Young’s companion had an open container, they asked to search the truck. Young consented.

The search dragged on for more than two hours. Deputies eventually called in a K9 unit and claimed that the dog, Leo, alerted on the driver's seat. While deputies sought a warrant for a more extensive search, deputy Patrick Green continued to interrogate Young, at one point asking him, “Do you have it up your ass?”

After the deputies obtained a search warrant, they handcuffed Young and drove him an hour away to the Gila Regional Medical Center in Silver City, New Mexico. Young was x-rayed and digitally probed without his consent. No contraband was found. A few weeks later, the hospital sent Young a bill for services rendered.

Young sued all parties involved. So far he has received a judgment of $925,000 from Hidalgo County.

Approximately 4:30 minutes. Produced by Paul Feine and Alex Manning.

Braineack 07-29-2014 09:33 AM

recurring theme: human shields.

$5M fallout from wild freeway chase

HOUSTON -- A wild freeway chase that came to a tragic end after a police officer's attempt to deploy a spike strip will apparently cost Houston taxpayers $5 million.

Houston City Council this week will consider paying that amount to settle a lawsuit stemming from the January 2009 accident in which two young men suffered severe brain damage.

Neither of the victims -- Dexter Sewell, 20, and Mecole Roques, 19 – were involved in the chase. Their car was struck when they were stuck in a traffic jam created by a Houston police car that had blocked traffic so that an officer could deploy a spike strip.

Both of the young men suffered such severe brain damage, the city attorney's office said, neither of them will be able to live or work independently and they'll both require extensive medical treatment for the rest of their lives.

The chase began when a woman who was being arrested by a Harris County constable's deputy somehow managed to steal the deputy's car. A couple of Houston police officers deployed themselves ahead of the chase in an attempt to stop it.

One of the officers pulled his car sideways to block two lanes of traffic, trying to create a safe space from which another officer could throw a spike strip. That created a traffic jam, stopping innocent drivers caught in the path of the chase.

A video camera mounted on one of the deputies' vehicles captured images of the fleeing car speeding toward the traffic jam, then slamming into the rear of an 18-wheeler and the back of the car carrying the two crash victims.

When he filed a lawsuit on behalf of the victims and their children in 2010, attorney Michael Callahan accused the officers of using trapped motorists as "human shields."

"And what it amounted to was a betrayal of the trust that we place in our police officers," Callahan said.

Braineack 07-29-2014 09:36 AM

recurring theme: pew pew

$1.2 million for family of H.S. sports star gunned down by police | Early & Often

icago taxpayers will spend $1.2 million to compensate the family of a high school sports star with good grades who was shot in the back by an off-duty police officer.

The settlement, expected to be approved by the City Council’s Finance Committee on Tuesday and by the full Council on Wednesday, stems from the Sept. 11, 2009 shooting death of 17-year-old Corey Harris.

Harris was the father of an infant daughter and the captain of the baseball and basketball teams at Dyett High School when he was gunned down after a late-afternoon chase.


They claimed that an off-duty officer saw Harris shooting someone at 69th and King Drive and that the teenager ran when the officer took off in his vehicle in pursuit of Harris.

After Harris ran several blocks to the 6800 block of South Eberhart, police claimed that Harris pointed a gun at the officer and was shot by the officer in self-defense. A .40-caliber handgun was recovered nearby.

After an autopsy, the Cook County medical examiner’s office ruled that Harris died of a gunshot wound to the back.

Braineack 07-29-2014 09:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
recurring theme: beat up the drunk guy

Man Goes to Jail for Public Intoxication, Comes Out Looking Like He Went Through a Meat Grinder | The Free Thought Project


Jason Bishop, 38, is claiming that he was a victim of police brutality after spending a night in the Denton City Jail for public intoxication.

Bishop is a street vendor that was hanging out as his normal spot when officer Clint Webb approached.

“When the officer approached me, I told him I had a couple of sips of vodka, but I was drinking raspberry Sprite from a Pita Pit cup at the time,” Bishop said. “He asked if anything was in the cup and I told him just soda. He did find a water bottle on top of my pack with vodka inside.”

“I was just on the ground blindsided after that,” he said of his arrest by Webb. “He really jerked me around.”

Bishop was taken into custody early Saturday morning on suspicion of public intoxication, a misdemeanor. Police say that Bishop refused to sign the paperwork once he was brought into jail.

That is the last thing that Bishop says he remembers.

What happened next was caught on the jail’s surveillance video, which has not yet been released to the public, but has led to Denton cop, Darius Porter, being placed on paid administrative leave.

Braineack 07-29-2014 09:38 AM

recurring theme: kill the drunk guy

Police Accidentally Run Over And Kill The Naked Man They Were Looking For: LAist

Two LAPD officers were searching for a reported naked man running through the streets Sunday night, but only found him when they accidentally ran over him.

The man, described as white and in his 50s to 60s, was said to be near Hillcrest Drive and West Adams Boulevard in South L.A. at about 10:20 p.m., KTLA reports. Two officers drove to the area to look for him.

Near Buckingham Road and West Adams Boulevard, the officers allegedly did not see that the man was lying in the road and accidentally ran him over. He was wearing a pair of tennis shoes and nothing else at the time.

Braineack 07-29-2014 09:38 AM

recurring theme: abusing authority to create crim

2nd Fla. sheriff's deputy sentenced to prison in $1.2B Ponzi scheme operated by Broward lawyer

A second former Broward Sheriff's Office deputy has been sentenced to prison for falsely arresting a woman as part of a $1.2 billion Ponzi scheme operated by a disbarred lawyer.

A federal judge on Thursday sentenced Jeff Poole to a year and a day behind bars for a civil rights conspiracy conviction. Poole had faced up to 10 years but got less because he cooperated with prosecutors.

Court documents show Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein used high-level contacts in the sheriff's office to have Poole arrest the ex-wife of one of Rothstein's friends on trumped-up drug charges. The friend wanted to use the arrest in a child custody battle.

Former BSO Lt. David Benjamin got five years behind bars for ordering the arrest.

Rothstein is serving 50 years for the scam.

Braineack 07-29-2014 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1151970)
recurring theme: dog suffers for over an hour as cops trespassing on private property shoot dog then threaten arrest when owner tries to rush dog to hospital

Owner says police wouldn't help dog they shot

UPDATE: officer resigns.

GA police officer resigns after shooting man's dog | savannahnow.com

DeKalb County police say an office has resigned after shooting a man's dog in the face and blocking him from seeking medical help.

Chief James Conroy told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta News: DeKalb Police shoot "friendly" German shepherd | www.ajc.com ) he accepted the officer's resignation Monday and the shooting is under investigation.

Braineack 07-29-2014 09:41 AM

recurring theme: police chief acting like a chef: cooking up crime.

Former police chief sentenced for making false report - KFVS12 News & Weather Cape Girardeau, Carbondale, Poplar Bluff

A former Perryville police chief was sentenced on Wednesday, July 23 in connection with charges of making a false report.

Keith Tarrillion was sentenced to 180 days in jail and a year of probation for suspended execution of sentence. He will serve 10 days in jail and turn in his police license and certification.

Forgery charges were dropped as part of a plea deal.

Tarrillion resigned in March 2013 after a complaint was filed within the police department alleging misconduct.

Braineack 07-29-2014 09:43 AM

recurring theme: police cant even police their own homes

Former North Olmsted police officer sentenced to five days in jail | cleveland.com

NORTH OLMSTED, Ohio – Former North Olmsted police officer Christopher Fox, who held a New Year's Eve 2013 party at his home attended by dozens of teenagers, was sentenced to five days in jail, given three years probation and fined $500.

Fox previously pleaded no contest to allowing underage drinking, a first-degree misdemeanor.

Rocky River Municipal Court Judge Donna Fitzsimmons ordered Fox on Tuesday to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and abstain from alcohol during his probation.

Police reports said around 60 people - many of whom were underage - were inside Fox's house when officers arrived in the early morning of Jan. 1, 2013 to investigate a report of people fighting in his front yard.

Court probation officer Judy Nash said Fox told her during a probation interview that he kicked everyone out of the house at one point, but many snuck back in while he was sleeping.

She said he stated that he tried his best to keep those not old enough to drink upstairs and away from alcohol in the basement.

Braineack 07-29-2014 09:43 AM

recurring theme: another day, another minor to solicit.

Seminole County deputy charged with soliciting minor | Local News - WESH Home

A Seminole County deputy accused of soliciting a 17-year-old girl for sex was arrested on a warrant in Indian River County on Thursday.


David Rodriguez, 28, was charged with lewd computer solicitation of a child, according to investigators.

Deputies say they received a tip from the father of a 17-year-old girl that Rodriguez had solicited the girl for sex via Facebook in June.

The father looked at his daughter's Facebook account and saw conversations between the two about meeting up for sex, the arrest affidavit said.

Rodriguez knew the girl since she was 6 years old through martial arts tournaments that they both attended, according to the arrest warrant.

Braineack 07-29-2014 09:57 AM

recurring theme: another day, another minor to solicit

Spavinaw police chief placed on administrative leave following molestation allegations - Grove Sun - Delaware County Journal: News

SPAVINAW — A Mayes County police chief who is accused of molesting two teenage girls has been put on paid administrative leave, Spavinaw Mayor Jim Winn said on Friday, July 25.

Spavinaw Police Chief Clarence Gregory Sr., 75, is charged in Mayes County District Court with two counts of lewd molestation. He is accused of inappropriately touching two girls over a seven-year period, according to a probable cause affidavit.

“This is such a shock,” Winn said, referring to Gregory’s legal troubles.

Gregory told investigators he “was trying to instruct them (the girls) on what to not let boys do to them,” court records indicate. He was released on July 25 on $100,000 bond, records show.

Braineack 07-29-2014 09:59 AM

recurring theme: overweight cop tazes fleeing suspect in the back, despite that being against proper use of a deadly weapon

Candidate for Maui mayor Tasered by police - Hawaii News Now - KGMB and KHNL

WAILUKU, MAUI (HawaiiNewsNow) - A candidate for Maui County mayor was Tasered by police who were trying to arrest him Wednesday morning.

A bystander recorded cell phone video of a police officer trying to arrest Beau Hawkes outside the Old Wailuku Court House building. The officer can be heard telling Hawkes to put his hands behind his back, and that he is under arrest. Hawkes takes off, with the officer in pursuit as he runs down Wells Street.

"C'mon cop! You can't do this!" Hawkes can be heard yelling. He then stops, then changes direction, going back up the road.

The officer pulls out a Taser and warns Hawkes: "You're being tazed! You're being tazed!" A moment later, the officer fires the Taser, which strikes Hawkes, who appears to fall face-first on the pavement just out of the camera frame.

Hawkes said the incident actually began earlier that morning, when he was pulled over on Haleakala Highway for using a cell phone while driving and driving without license plates. The Makawao man claims that cell phone ban is illegal because it was not approved with a vote "by the people," and that he is an "independent private person."

Braineack 07-29-2014 09:59 AM

recurring theme: another day, another dog to hunt and kill


Howard county Missouri sheriff department came to my home and murdered one of our family dogs, on our land while we were not home. King escaped the fence, and there was a claim that a "white and brown" dog was possibly trying to attack another dog in the neighborhood. King is not white and brown, King is white and blue, lives with another dog, a cat, and 3 children. He had been socialized with other dogs, and is trained. Of course the sheriff claims that or dog was vicious and wouldn't let him out of his vehicle... tell me, if he was trapped in his vehicle, how is my dog in the middle of my yard with 2 bullet wounds in the center of his neck and back? Why was there no note left? Why did they leave our murdered dog laying in our yard for us to find? King escaped the fence a few weeks ago, and the same sheriff was called out, met king, and deemed him not viscous, not a threat. In the first encounter he was scared because king was doing what all dogs do, bark. Once Rob arrived, King stopped barking, and followed commands. The sheriff left, after telling Rob that king was a normal dog, only doing what he was supposed to do. He also found that it was not our dog that the complaint was on. Now my dog lays in my yard filled with bullets, put in him by the same sheriff. My children and my husband are distraught, I am lost, angry, and sick. Rest in peace sweet king a roo... they will not get away with this!

*UPDATE* Rob went out to collect the body, and in turning king over, he finds several more bullet holes. Non in the neck or head, only in his side. They murdered my baby for target practice! This officer unloaded almost a full clip in king, and let him lay there to bleed out and suffer!

Braineack 07-29-2014 10:01 AM

recurring theme: thief in hero's clothing

Harker Heights: Veteran K-9 Officer Leaves Department After Theft Arrest

A veteran Harker Heights K-9 officer has turned in his badge and gun after a misdemeanor arrest stemming from the theft of three pairs of Oakley sunglasses from a Sunglass Hut store in Round Rock.

Christopher Villella was arrested by Round Rock police on July 10, and was later released from the Williamson County jail after posting bond on a class A misdemeanor charge of theft over $500, but under $1,500.

Braineack 07-29-2014 10:04 AM

recurring theme: shoot first, pretend to be in fear later. luckily, with extensive poilce training, he couldn't hit a stationary suspect in a barrel.

Houston police officer opens fire at wanted man hiding in trash can on south side | abc13.com

A Houston police officer claimed he was forced to fire after a wanted man popped out of a trash can. This all started around 8pm on Sunday.


Officers told Eyewitness News the car crashed near 3100 Airport Blvd and the driver and passenger ran off. HPD tracked them down to a house at 3100 Dacca Drive, just a few blocks over. When the police officers went looking for the men, he explained one of the them popped out of a trash can in the backyard. That's when the officer opened fire, saying he feared for his life.

Bullets missed the man in the trash can. Both he and his accomplice were arrested.

Braineack 07-29-2014 10:06 AM

recurring theme: violating multiple constitutional amendments, supreme court rulings, state laws/policies/ordanicense.

welcome to america: guilty until proven innocent.

Braineack 07-29-2014 10:10 AM

recurring theme: "you dont have the right to remain silent"

golftdibrad 07-29-2014 02:28 PM

this thread delivers....bad news

Braineack 07-29-2014 02:51 PM

Originally Posted by golftdibrad (Post 1152446)
this thread delivers....bad news


Braineack 07-29-2014 03:15 PM

recurring theme: intersting read

Bratton: Democracy Is All About Showing Police Respect | Simple Justice

A violation of the law is a violation of the law [According to Mayor de Blasio and Police Commissioner Bratton]. That cuts both ways.
Commissioner Bratton added, “It’s important that when an officer does approach you to correct your behavior, that you respect them. That’s what democracy’s all about.”
This is self-serving demagoguery at its worst. No, this is not what democracy is all about. Not at all. Police are not empowered to “correct your behavior.” They are not given shields and guns to walk the streets teaching the groundlings to behave in a manner that pleases the sovereign. And no, we are not duty-bound to show police respect. Respect is something that must be earned, not demanded upon pain of death. Indeed, we have a right to be disrespectful, though the likelihood of contempt of cop being met with pain is obvious.


Sure, it would have been no more than a sound bite, good for a press conference with the Mayor, but at least it wouldn’t be as aggressive, as offensive, as wrong, as saying that a democracy is all about the people being respectful and compliant with his cops. Or die.

Braineack 07-29-2014 03:19 PM

recurring theme: "policing" the police

That Big Investigation of SDPD Isn’t Actually an Investigation | Voice of San Diego

Expectations are high for the Justice Department’s review of the San Diego Police Department.

Mayor Kevin Faulconer, Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman and other have billed it as an “independent audit,” a deep dive to get to the bottom of officer misconduct problems that have plagued the department the past three years.

Except it won’t be. What’s happening isn’t an audit or even an investigation of the department. It’s simply a review of SDPD’s policies. Officials at the firm doing the review took great pains to emphasize that at a community forum in Sherman Heights last week.

“We’ve not an investigative body,” said Kristen Hughes, a senior research associate at the Police Executive Research Forum, or PERF, which is conducting the review. “We’re a research organization.”

Braineack 07-30-2014 08:09 AM

recurring theme: when you raid a home, you will get shot when the owner defends himself and property

SWAT officer shot in the face breaking into window during no-knock raid | Police State USA

A police officer suffered fatal injuries while performing a pre-dawn no-knock raid on a local residence to search for drugs. Several officers were shot by a resident as they tried to enter an apartment through a ground-level window under the cover of darkness.


Marvin Louis Guy, age 50, is being held in the Killeen City Jail on a $3 million bond. His charges include 3 counts of attempted capital murder. He has not yet been charged with Dinwiddie’s death.

It is unclear how Mr. Guy could have reasonably made the differentiation, with a split-second’s notice, between police officers and criminal home invaders breaking into his window.

Marvin Lewis Guy has been charged with 3 counts of attempted capital murder. Marvin Lewis Guy has been charged with 3 counts of attempted capital murder.

Police spent 12 hours combing the house for evidence of drugs. No drugs were listed on the evidence sheet. They did seize a laptop, a safe, a pistol, and a glass pipe, according to documents obtained by KWTX.

Is it worth risking one’s life to take narcotics out of the hands of eager users? Is this a cause that decent people can continue to support in light of all the innocents killed in the process? Furthermore, are these no-knock raids, which pit police officers against drowsy citizens in the most dangerous manner possible, a responsible tactic of law enforcement?

If people truly value the lives of police officers, they will stop carelessly throwing their lives away by sending them on misguided missions using irresponsible tactics. There is no reason Officer Dinwiddie had to die, because there was no reason for police to show up at that home in the first place.

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