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Braineack 08-11-2014 12:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
beware of speed traps, pms and aids.*


notice no serial comma.

Braineack 08-11-2014 01:02 PM

recurring theme: police like to get their jollies off on handcuffed homeless

At the end of the video we hear an officer saying he wants the cell phones of the people filming. Thankfully the woman who filmed the incident knew her rights and got this video up for the world to see.

Just last week a man was shot by this same department and left bleeding in a driveway for 45 minutes before receiving medical attention, according to a witness.

witness accounts:

When all this happened the guy was already handcuffed on the ground and even after being handcuffed they still beat him, tazed him and let the k9 bite him in the face twice. They literally beat the guy unconscious and then threatened my 7 month pregnant girlfriend.

No telling if this dude is even still alive after seeing his condition when he was taken away on the stretcher.

He was in cuffs on the ground after that 1 cop kneed him in the face 8 times! This is prior to half the force joining in on the beat down. I work across the street and saw the whole thing. Good job APD you need half the force to contain 1 man! Ridiculous

This man was cuffed and on the ground contained by 1 officer before 5 cop cars flew up and multiple officers began beating him with clubs and then released the dog. Completely unnecessary!

We drove by after it happened the man was so bloody his face was covered by blood, they beat him up so bad that the ambulance took him. I thought he was jumped by some thug or something, but WOW! The police did it!! This is B.S, I hope he presses charges and to you that filmed this, hope this video helps him out!!! What a shame

Braineack 08-11-2014 01:04 PM

recurring theme: cops love to steal private property

he was arrested for interfering with police activity, by standing on a sidewalk with a camera. odd how the cop wasnt arrested for theft and assault.

Braineack 08-11-2014 01:19 PM

recurring theme: in america, you must walk around with both hand visable else you get an eletric shock for not being a model citizen. kinda like how we test lab rats...

2:00 mark.

Braineack 08-11-2014 01:25 PM

new theme: chief steps down when his town is fed up with him letting his wild officers run rampant on the streets creating crime they are supposed to clean up


Pierce hired and trained nearly 40 reserve officers for his department, which has four full-time officers and patrols a community of less than 4,000. It operates out of one room at its Delton station.

The embattled police chief was the subject of controversy regarding his use of armed reserve officers and equipment such as Humvees and two armored personnel carriers. Some accused the department of using excessive force in recent arrests.

Some of Pierce’s critics called for a Michigan State Police investigation. After a closed session that lasted nearly two hours Monday night, the board said state police had investigated individual complaints and concluded Pierce and his department had committed no criminal wrongdoing.

At that meeting, amid many statements of support for the police chief, several residents also called for Pierce’s immediate termination, citing a number of examples of aggressive policing of a relatively low-crime area.

Trustees also voted unanimously at Monday’s meeting to conduct the review.

At Monday’s meeting, Pierce defended the department’s large reserve force, citing possible threats of terrorism or mass shootings. He also spoke of a growing drug problem in the community.

Braineack 08-11-2014 01:33 PM

recurring theme: when police arrested too many people looking to make love to minors, in order to keep their own jobs, they started arrested people just looking to love others, legally. But then just bait and switch them and arrest them for soliciting minors

Officers accused of bending rules on sex sting arrests

When men, many of them younger than 25 with no criminal history, respond, officers switch the bait and typically indicate their age is really 14 or 15 years old. However, sometimes the storyline isn't switched until the men, who were looking for legal love, already start falling for an undercover agent.

Officers also now are responding to men's ads on dating sites like PlentyOfFish.com. After the men start online chats with people they think are adults, agents change the age they claim to be but try to persuade the men to continue the conversation anyway.

Other examples include undercover officers showing interest in a man then later introducing the idea of having sex with the agent's "child." If the men indicate they aren't interested, many still were arrested for talking to the adult.


Judges also have been critical of some tactics used in the stings, which violate Internet Crimes Against Children guidelines. Among the judges' comments in recent entrapment decisions:

It was the agent who repeatedly steered the conversation back to sexual activity with a minor.

The government made a concerted effort to lure him into committing a crime.

The undercover officer failed to follow the procedures.

The law does not tolerate government action to provoke a law-abiding citizen to commit a crime.
The judge in one dismissed case criticized the undercover officer for failing to follow procedures, saying "the officer controlled the tone, pace and subject matter of online conversation, pushing toward a discussion of sexual activity."

Braineack 08-11-2014 01:42 PM

recurring theme: cop walks up citizens tlaking to police and steals thier camera

says you need permission to film her... as she's filming them without permission.

after the video stops, she was handcuffed and that woman officer tried to cite them for public intoxication, but they were eventually let go after the first guy they were talking to intervenes (higher pecking order).

TheScaryOne 08-11-2014 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1156319)
new theme: chief steps down when his town is fed up with him letting his wild officers run rampant on the streets creating crime they are supposed to clean up


I was reading about this piece of work last week. Old sheriff was old guard. The kind of guy who found your 18 year old with a few beers in him and dropped him off at home for mom and dad to deal with, rather than ruin his life in the "justice" system.

Recurring theme: It's not the bad guys who will kill you....

Victim in Violent Stockton Bank Robbery Was Killed by Officers’ Gunfire: Police Chief | KTLA

Officials Monday said a Stockton woman taken hostage and used as a human shield during a bank robbery turned police chase last month was killed by gunfire from officers, not the suspects.

A preliminary ballistics report indicates it was bullets from the police that killed Misty Jean Holt-Singh during the chaotic July 16 gun battle, Stockton Police Chief Eric Jones said. Initial reports suggest she was shot about 10 times, he added.

Braineack 08-12-2014 09:03 AM

new theme: cop rages against other cops in a well written response:

...I for one, am tired of it. I'm tired of the American public second guessing cops , and the lack of support for out actions. I think I can deal with the lack of support , if you will just SHUT THE **** UP, and stop pretending like you know how to do my job and how I could do it better. I do not I around second guessing my airline pilot and telling him to go above the storm instead of around it. I've seen top gun also, this doesn't make me maverick. I don't go around fighting fires, even though I've seen backdraft. I wouldn't even have the first clue how to operate a trash truck, so I wouldn't DARE tell a garbage man how to do his job. But yet for some reason the American public, because you have watched NYPD blue and Third Watch, you think you know my job.

Well, I tell you what: you strap on a gun belt and a bulletproof vest tomorrow night. If your balls aren't in your throat by this point from the very realization that you are putting on BODY ARMOR to go to work, then kiss your wife and children goodnight. Do it like you mean it though, this could be the last time you see them. Now, if you still have chickened out, go work in a patrol car where you are a moving target for every criminal in the country. Notice how they see you long before you see them? Now, respond to a wife calling 911 because her husband is beating her, show up and try to arrest the husband only to have the wife jump on you and try to take your gun. Go to the seven eleven to get a slurpy only to interrupt a robbery in progress with a mouth breathing criminal intent on killing you. Patrol the streets and try to keep dangerous youth from breaking into people's homes and cars, and try not to let them overpower you and kill you. Every time one of these people tries to kill you, keep in mind that you going home isn't the most important thing to the country, it's how much force you use to stay alive. Crazy huh? And above all things, if the criminal is black, tell him or her that they just got a free pass on crime, that they are free to do whatever they want to you or society, because you're not going to perform your job against them because it wouldn't be fair.

Remind me again why we do this job for a society made up of thankless people that think they can do our job?

I have a pretty serious problem with your post. In fact, the rant you just went on is why I left Milwaukee and went back to my wife's hometown to be a small town cop instead, like my dad and my uncle and my grandpa. Your viewpoint is so skewed that it's impossible for you to be not only impartial, but to be honest at all about the situation.

I tire of this concept that a lot of us have that no one can judge us but ourselves. That's simply not true, and it's also not a healthy system. We're the authority on who gets arrested, who gets taken down, who gets shot and who doesn't. In the entire history of the world, has it ever been healthy for the ones with the authority to be the ones that also judge themselves? Let's not even discuss the fact that the people you're talking about are citizens, people who have the constitutional right for us to be judged effectively and honestly for our actions for them or against them. Chicago, for example, before they had a civilian accountability board, had a ludicrously low amount of complaints even investigated, much less confirmed.

As for your claims, they're all hyperbolic to a fault.

"Why is the black male never wrong?" Are you serious? Looked at the jail population lately? This concept of yours that they're a protected class is ridiculous. The time I spent in Milwaukee was an eye opener for me. No one on this board is talking about it but we all know people we've worked with who don't think there's any redeeming quality to an inner city kid. Absolutely the riot was unacceptable, but people are frustrated. Your rant and apparent inability to acknowledge that we're the ones with authority and that there is at least a perception of partiality is ridiculous. You refuse to accept any culpability in police interactions with minorities, as if there's never been a crime perpetrated by the police against a minority, ever. That's disingenuous to say the least.

And I'm so tired of the "we get shot at every day so that justifies a lot of things" argument. Yes, it's a job that can be difficult and dangerous at times, but let's be realistic. There are about 700,000 police officers in the US these days, of which hundreds of thousands are on the street. Last year, 173 died, and of that about 75 died from shootings, stabbings, or other violent interactions with criminals. That's a percentage so low my little desk calculator can't even factor it. It's not a high enough number to justify a rant like this. On the other side, the civilian side? We don't even track those numbers, even though we are supposed to. The low estimate is about 1500 people shot by the police last year, with about 800 dead.

I'm just tired of it. I was so tired of it I left a city department and went to join a small town, where I can get by without having to pretend and treat the people like garbage too.

Your rant indicates one thing. You've completely checked out of the concept for which the entire profession of police officer was created, to be out there as a force to protect people. You hate them.

In my opinion, there's no room in this profession for that hate. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do to convince those that feel this way to stop it or that they're wrong.

I mean, your statement isn't even factually accurate, with your exaggeration of how many get shot a year, and the way that you qualified the civilians who died as "two bit tattooed gold tooth wearing drug dealing etc etc etc" is a rationalization to dehumanize that person.

Guess what? You might not like them, I probably wouldn't like them either, but that has absolutely nothing to do with how they're supposed to be treated and it certainly has nothing to do with whether or not they deserve to be shot.

As for the ridiculousness of being judged by people outside the profession, the profession has been designed exactly for that. Oversight by the courts, oversight by the legislative and executive, because people calmer and more impartial than you should be the ones that determine whether the force used on the civilians is just and appropriate.

You're full of hate. You should either fix that or retire.
I dont want to post the forum so we get link backs to here.

Braineack 08-12-2014 09:06 AM

recurring themes: cops breaking the laws, which leads to cops killing other cops. once a bad cop, always a bad cop.

Police mistakes led to Chicago cop's death | NEWS.GNOM.ES

The white van raced on and off the Dan Ryan Expressway on a flat tire, nearly sideswiping a car and almost hitting two pedestrNEWS.GNOM.ES.

Behind it giving chase was a Calumet Park police officer — his patrol car lights flashing and siren blaring — despite a department policy forbidding dangerous pursuits in cases like this.

The van plowed through one last red light on the city’s South Side, T-boning a black Lexus with so much force the car flew into the air and slammed into a light pole. The driver of the Lexus was a Chicago cop heading home after his shift. The married father of two was dead at the scene.

A Tribune investigation of that March 14 chase found that the officer who initiated it had been fired from or forced out of five of the seven most recent departments for which he worked. The chase not only violated department policy, but it started with an error in checking the license plate, making it appear that the van might be stolen. And along the way, a supervisor showed what one expert called lackadaisical oversight as the chase ended in tragedy.

What happened during that early morning chase illustrates what can go wrong when a department mishandles one of the most dangerous situations in policing, experts say.

Braineack 08-12-2014 09:09 AM

recurring theme: cops are morans which no reasoning skills, and dont care about anything--especially your rights--when they need to make arrests.

Observer-Reporter | Roscoe woman threatens false arrest lawsuit in Donora

A Roscoe woman claims she pleaded with Donora police they had the wrong person when an officer took her into custody on a warrant seeking the arrest of a man in February.

Police, however, detained Kerri Hoover “for a few hours” before setting her free because the bench warrant signed by a Washington County judge was for a man with a near-identical name, her attorney, Dennis Popojas, said Monday.

“They picked up the wrong person,” said Popojas, who last week notified Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane of his client’s intention to sue the Donora police department over the error.

“It’s an interesting case,” said Popojas, of Washington. “Mistakes happen.”

Pennsylvania law requires a notice be filed with the attorney general when someone plans to sue over such incidents.

In his letter to Kane, Popojas indicated Hoover’s constitutional rights were violated when she was apprehended in Donora at 9 a.m. Feb. 20 at Highland Terrace, 110 Highland Avenue.

Popojas also said the warrant stated it sought the arrest of a man named Kerry Hoover.

There was an active warrant at the time in that criminal case. It included his photograph, age, gender, eye color, hair color, date of birth, weight, height and license number, the record showed.

Kerry Hoover, 39, of Coal Center, was wanted for failure to appear in court to face charges filed by Charleroi Regional police in a theft case, court records stated.

Kerri Hoover, 27, does not have a criminal record in Washington County, or in any of the surrounding counties, according to court records.

Braineack 08-12-2014 09:12 AM

recurring theme: police are lazy fat fucks that will shoot you in the back if you run from them.

Man dead after officer involved shooting in South Salt Lake | KUTV.com

Witnesses tell 2News two men were confronted by police in the parking lot of the 7-Eleven. They said officers told the men to freeze. They said two men did what they were told, while the other ran.

Schuyler says he spoke with one of the convenience store clerks after the shooting who says the men were acting normal in the store.

"I was able to talk to the 7-Eleven employee and I asked her if she saw anything or if there was anything going in the 7-Eleven," said Schuyler. "She's like 'I have no idea. They were in here buying stuff. They walked out. The cops were waiting for them."

Police say they do not know for sure if there was a weapon found on the man shot by police. Authorities are still investigating the incident at this time.

The shooting occurred in Salt Lake City by Salt Lake City police, but South Salt Lake police will conduct the investigation.

golftdibrad 08-12-2014 09:13 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1156550)
new theme: cop rages against other cops in a well written response:

I dont want to post the forum so we get link backs to here.

do you even google bro? ;)

but yea, that the 1%, not all are like that, etc.... :hustler:

Still frightens me that those are allowed to stick around.

Braineack 08-12-2014 09:15 AM

recurring theme: In Virginia it's okay to shoot people so long as you didn't mean to; especially when you negligently handle your weapon.

CA: Officer was negligent in shooting | WAVY-TV

10 On Your Side is questioning the prosecutor, who last week said an officer won’t face charges for shooting an unarmed man in the chest, because it was accidental.

In June, Chesapeake Police Officer Elliott Boyd shot Michael Smith on South Street, while trying to serve him fugitive warrants from Maryland. The bullet remains lodged between Smith’s ribs and liver. His family is considering a civil suit, claiming the officer was guilty of at least simple negligence — and on that claim, the investigating Commonwealth’s Attorney agrees.


“The officer is left handed, and he’s driving the car. He’s trying to pull himself out of the car, then he pulls the trigger … that happened because he was transferring his gun from his left hand to the right hand, and then tried to exit the vehicle,” Mobley said. “You could see where his finger would slip off the side of the gun, onto the trigger, and then, because your muscles are contracting as you are getting out of the car, you could certainly pull the trigger.”

Mobley won’t charge Boyd because he said the shooting was an accident and that there was not criminal intent. But Smith’s attorney, Jim Lewis, doesn’t buy that whole story.

Braineack 08-12-2014 09:16 AM

Originally Posted by golftdibrad (Post 1156556)
do you even google bro? ;)

but yea, that the 1%, not all are like that, etc.... :hustler:

Still frightens me that those are allowed to stick around.

it's just a few bad apples.

Braineack 08-12-2014 09:16 AM

recurring theme: five bad apples.

5 Marion County deputies suspended for excessive force

Five Marion County deputies are suspended without pay, all accused of using excessive force while executing search and arrest warrants.

The sheriff's office said Deputies Jesse Terrell, Cody Hoppel, Adam Crawford, Trevor Fitzgerald and James Amidei were executing a search warrant and an arrest warrant.

The agency said the deputies used excessive force during the arrest. The Sheriff's Office said video showed the incident.

Sheriff Chris Blair has asked the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to investigate the incident and put the deputies on suspension.
Five > Few

Braineack 08-12-2014 09:18 AM

recurring theme: Did you get the memo? legal activities are legal.

NYPD Sends Out Official Memo Telling Officers They're Allowed to Be Photographed

The NYPD has sent out an internal memo that tells officers they aren’t allowed to take action to stop someone from photographing or filming them. This comes a whopping two years after Washington DC’s police chief sent out an almost identical memo.

According to the New York Daily News, the chief of department’s office sent out the memo to the various command centers across NYC on Wednesday. And the memo doesn’t mince words. Here’s a relevant section:

Members of the public are legally allowed to record police interactions. Intentional interference such as blocking or obstructing cameras or ordering the person to cease constitutes censorship and also violates the First Amendment.
However, while the cameras can keep snapping, this memo doesn’t give license to a free-for-all. As common sense would dictate, photographers and videographers are still prohibited from interfering with police operations.

This news should produce a sigh of relief for the many vigilant, camera-toting citizens that call NYC home. Of course, this isn’t going to solve all the issues — it seems some less professional officers will say just about anything to get you to stop taking pictures — but it’s definitely a step in the right direction.
$10 says the cops don't get the memo. Probably can't read it, to be honest. You can't have a high IQ or test well in order to become an NYPD; true story.

Braineack 08-12-2014 09:20 AM

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recurring theme: any excuse to kill dogs

Medway dog recovering from wound after being shot by police officer | Sun Journal

A town police officer investigating a hit-and-run accident at a town bank wounded a black Labrador retriever he said attacked him Saturday, officials said Sunday.

The dog, Jake, lost about half its right ear, and its right shoulder and right foreleg were wounded in the shooting, which occurred at about 1:15 p.m. Saturday, officials said.

The dog’s owner, Frank T. Bishop, and East Millinocket Police Chief Cameron McDunnah clashed over the incident. Bishop said while Jake is known for barking at people who come onto Bishop’s Hale Street property, Officer Anthony Redmond had no business shooting him.

“My dog doesn’t attack people. He is a service dog,” Bishop said Sunday. “The dog is very peaceful. But when people pull in the yard, he barks. That is his job.”


Redmond went to Bishop’s home because the vehicle a witness saw in the hit-and-run — a Ford Ranger — was still registered to Bishop, despite his having sold the truck to a relative about a year before, McDunnah said.

“I sold the truck to my brother, and he never took the plates off,” Bishop said. “I came to the door, and I said to the officer, ‘Can I help you?’ He said, ‘Are you Frank?’ I said, ‘Yeah, just let me get my shoes on.’ And I was pulling on one shoe when I heard the bang (of the gun).”

Bishop said he looked outside and saw Jake running into the house. Then he saw Redmond, his gun still drawn, laying on his back on the ground, apparently having fallen as he backed away from the dog.

“As soon as it happened, he (Redmond) jumped in his cruiser and took off,” Bishop said. “I was screaming at him, ‘What … did you do that for?’ The dog is the most peaceful dog in the world.”

Redmond told McDunnah he heard Bishop threatening him. Noticing he damaged his portable radio when he fell, Redmond went to his car and called for backup, backing his cruiser off Bishop’s property and out of sight. When a Penobscot County deputy sheriff and a state police trooper arrived, they and Redmond backed farther away.

Braineack 08-12-2014 09:22 AM

recurring themes: don't call the police unless you want poeple killed. police use deadly force in order to protect you from yourself.

Using a Taser on an 8-year-old? Mom in South Dakota sues police, city | fox13now.com

Police warned the 8-year-old they were going to tase her.

“Within seconds,” an officer fired darts from the electroshock weapon into the chest of the 70-pound girl, according to a lawsuit filed by the girl’s mother. “The force of the electricity shot through her body, lifted her, and threw her against a wall. After the officers had stunned (the girl) into high voltage submission, they pulled the fish-hook like Taser darts from her chest, gave her emergency medical attention, bandaged the holes left by the razor-sharp hooks, and called the ambulance.”

The reason the police were at the home was to keep the girl from hurting herself; the babysitter had called them because the child had a knife in her hand. All parties agree on this point — the girl’s mother, Dawn Stenstrom, as well as the defendants: the city of Pierre, South Dakota, its former police chief, Robert Grandpre, and the four officers at the scene on October 4, 2013.

But their opinions about the responding officers’ actions diverge from there.

The girl’s mother says the police used “excessive force” when they used a Taser on her girl. But Grandpre disagreed, telling CNN affiliate KSFY after the incident that the police “might possibly have saved this girl’s life.”

Braineack 08-12-2014 09:24 AM

recurring theme: cop steals money while arresting people stealing money

Braineack 08-12-2014 09:27 AM

recurring themes: don't call the police unless you want people killed. police use deadly force in order to protect you from yourself. any excuse to kill.

Duluth police officer shoots armed man in domestic incident | Duluth News Tribune

A 34-year-old man was in critical condition after police said he was shot by an officer early Monday when he brandished a knife and barricaded himself in a room during a domestic disturbance at a Piedmont Heights home.

The man, who apparently had cut himself, was bleeding out and refused to obey officers’ commands to drop the weapon before he was shot shortly after...

Braineack 08-12-2014 09:30 AM

recurring theme: cops hate cameras and they'll arrest you for the legal activity.

arrests him for precog

I have a video I'd like to share with you guys. I actually was handcuffed and held for 40 minutes. For apparently making their presence too know. I got a disorderly conduct charge for simply asking why he was parked out side of my house for an hour and a half. After I was let out of cuffs they told me I should've moved down the sidewalk and filmed them. Which I asked to do. My conclusion is that they were just upset they were forced to abide by the rules. Because a citizen was filming

Braineack 08-12-2014 09:48 AM

recurring theme: when you walk to streets of Nazi America, you must have to ID.

Braineack 08-12-2014 01:21 PM

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Braineack 08-12-2014 01:22 PM

recurring theme: Ferguson police love to shoot people with their hands up

Braineack 08-12-2014 01:24 PM

recurring theme: cops hate cameras

citizens must be one block away from all police stops.

Braineack 08-13-2014 11:53 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Attachment 239077

Police sure look a lot like military

The Posse Comitatus Act is the United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) that was passed on June 18, 1878, after the end of Reconstruction and was updated in 1981. Its intent (in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807) was to limit the powers of Federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce the state laws.

Braineack 08-13-2014 11:57 AM

I'm not violating my rights in order to please you.

passenger refuses to give up his information when the driver gets pulled over for an equipment violation.

driver offers HIS information to get the ticket, cops ignore. Take a supervisor to finally show up and give the driver the citation, passenger is never required to get out of the car or give up id.

Monk 08-13-2014 11:58 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1156962)
Police sure look a lot like military

The major difference being a complete lack of muzzle control.

Braineack 08-13-2014 12:12 PM

recurring theme: if you mouth off at police they will arrest you and then punch you

LiveLeak.com - Police brutality: Woman is thrown to the ground at demonstration

Woman is thrown to the ground then repeatedly beaten as onlookers yell for police to stop.
Reason being: "She mouthed off at him".

Braineack 08-13-2014 12:15 PM

recurring theme: NYPD don't know their ass from their head

Wrong-way crash: NYPD officer Richard E. Christopher's family members 'want to know why'

Tuesday's double fatal head-on crash on the state Thruway has police and family members perplexed about why a New York City police officer reportedly drove the wrong way and slammed into another vehicle driven by a Newburgh chef who only months earlier had lost his wife to cancer.

Braineack 08-13-2014 02:00 PM

cops try to nail this guy with disorderly conduct

he's too awesome for them

btw, there's no mention of music in the law in Sec 3-7-1. Disorderly Conduct. http://www.augustaga.gov/DocumentCenter/Home/View/752

8:30-9:35 is absolutely priceless.

mgeoffriau 08-13-2014 11:13 PM

Just checking in to see if Joe P had lectured us all on how the Ferguson situation is really quite understandable and if those meddlesome citizens subjects would just submit to police authority everything would be fine.

Braineack 08-14-2014 07:17 AM

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Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1157114)
Just checking in to see if Joe P had lectured us all on how the Ferguson situation is really quite understandable and if those meddlesome citizens subjects would just submit to police authority everything would be fine.

I heard Joe was out there filming the police for a news story and they smashed his shit:


I heard he enjoyed every minute of it.

Braineack 08-14-2014 07:32 AM

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I also heard Joe got arrested by Ferguson police. I heard they probed his ass with a broomstick that so severely damaged his internals he succumed to injuries

Huffington Post Reporter Arrested In Ferguson

The Huffington Post's Ryan J. Reilly and the Washington Post's Wesley Lowery were arrested Wednesday evening while covering the protests in Ferguson, Missouri after the death of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown, who was shot by a police officer last week. The journalists were released unharmed, but their detentions highlighted the town's ramped up police presence, which has left numerous residents injured by rubber bullets, pepper spray and tear gas during protests held every night after Brown's death.

SWAT officers roughed up the reporters inside a McDonald's, where both journalists were working. Reilly snapped a photo, prompting cops to request his identification.

"The officer in question, who I repeatedly later asked for his name, grabbed my things and shoved them into my bag," said Reilly, who appeared on MSNBC's "All In with Chris Hayes" shortly after his release to recount the arrest. "He used his finger to put a pressure point on my neck."

"They essentially acted as a military force. It was incredible," Reilly said. "The worst part was he slammed my head against the glass purposefully on the way out of McDonald's and then sarcastically apologized for it."
"SWAT just invade McDonald's where I'm working/recharging. Asked for ID when I took photo."

I'm sure Joe loved every minute of all his Constitutional rights being violated before his death in captivity.

Braineack 08-14-2014 07:35 AM

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Right to assemble?

Sure. Let's assemble an army!






Braineack 08-14-2014 07:44 AM

watch how police serve search warrants on the elderly:


LiveLeak.com - Swat Team Raids Innocent Woman's Home; Lawsuit Filed

They should have just complied!

The FBI later arrested Derrick Murray, a suspected local gang leader who lived nearby in his mother’s house and was using his smartphone to access the Milan's unsecured wireless network.


City attorneys contend that the force used to execute the search warrant, was “objectively reasonable” and that officials are immune from liability.
remember, this was just a search warrant. not even an arrest warrant.

Braineack 08-14-2014 08:01 AM

in NJ, you can fight back.

Sayreville bar owner can claim self-defense against police brutality

SAYREVILLE – A state appellate court has overturned the conviction of a bar owner on charges that he assaulted a police officer because the trial judge denied the businessman an opportunity to argue self-defense against police who injured him.

In overturning the conviction of Cagney's Pub owner Michael Mauro Jr., 38, the judges relied on a 1970 state Supreme Court ruling that a citizen can use "reasonable force" for protection if a police officer is using "excessive and unnecessary force." The precedent protects the citizen from criminal prosecution even if the officer is injured.

Mauro was sentenced to four years probation after he was found guilty of assaulting Sgt. Robert Lasko and resisting arrest during an incident at the bar in January 2009.

Braineack 08-14-2014 08:02 AM

VA cop shoots his own daughter

Dad Shoots Daughter After Mistaking Her For Burglar In Virginia

McDonald grabbed a firearm because he heard a bang and other sounds from inside the attached garage. When he opened the door, he allegedly fired at the person he saw coming toward him, the Winchester Star reports.

After he turned on the light, he realized the intruder was his daughter, who had snuck out earlier in the evening and was possibly trying to get back in without getting caught.

The girl, whose name has not been released, suffered bullet wounds in her torso.

the best part:

McDonald attempted to drive his daughter to a local hospital, but wrecked his car on the way there.

A fire and rescue team took the girl the rest of the way to the hospital where she is recovering, Raw Story reports.

Braineack 08-14-2014 08:07 AM

recurring theme: cops hate cameras

just fast forward to 4:50 and lol.

Braineack 08-14-2014 08:09 AM

recurring theme: gun safety

Rifles missing from Des Plaines Police Department - DailyHerald.com

Two missing rifles loaned to the Des Plaines Police Department by the Department of Defense have failed to turn up following an internal investigation, authorities said Tuesday....

Braineack 08-14-2014 08:32 AM

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Braineack 08-14-2014 08:35 AM

Cops. Gotta love them.

Joe Perez 08-14-2014 08:45 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1157144)
I heard Joe was out there filming the police for a news story and they smashed his shit:

Field reporting is for the peasants. I just build the infrastructure to support The Man and educate the proletariat as to how conformance will benefit them.

Braineack 08-14-2014 08:51 AM

he's alive!

Craig66 08-14-2014 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1157144)
I heard Joe was out there filming the police for a news story and they smashed his shit:

I heard and read crap that sensationally claimed that cops smashed those news folks shit.
Didn't show anything smashed.
There was excuse made about the bright lights. That may have even seemed valid but for the gas, shooting with the rubber bullets and aiming the camera down gives great evidence of the actual motive.

Craig66 08-14-2014 05:26 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1157158)


Craig66 08-14-2014 06:26 PM

Chief of police responded to the military look of the police. He emphasized that it was police and not military and said, "We're doing this in blue."

Where is the blue?

mgeoffriau 08-14-2014 06:43 PM

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Originally Posted by Craig66 (Post 1157453)
Chief of police responded to the military look of the police. He emphasized that it was police and not military and said, "We're doing this in blue."

Where is the blue?

I found it!

What do I win?


Craig66 08-14-2014 09:22 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1157465)

Darnit - ya got me.
I'd seen that but hoped no one would notice.
I guess your prize is to step on my neck.

TheScaryOne 08-15-2014 01:04 AM

Rare theme: Multiple cops get attacked by a dog, and suspects. Don't shoot anyone.

TPD officers bitten by dog, still searching for man with machete | KVOA.com | Tucson, Arizona

TPD says they received a report of a fight involving multiple people with bats. Witnesses told officers one man was armed with a machete.

When officers arrived, they say they found four people who matched the descriptions of witnesses. The suspects told police that the incident began when a father began threatening two of the suspects with a machete. That's when a fight began, according to police.

While questioning the individuals, police say they became "uncooperative." TPD arrested the four men for "aggravated assault on a police officer."

Officers used pepper spray on the suspects, but the men continued to physically fight with officers.

Police say during the incident, one of the suspects dogs bit three officers. Two officers have minor injuries but they did not have to be transported to a hospital. They also did not require stitches. Police used a taser on the dog to stop the attack, but they say the dog is okay. The dog is now being held at Pima Animal Care Center. It will be quarantined for 10 days until it's determined that the dog does not have rabies.

Braineack 08-15-2014 07:22 AM

Do you think the police arrest military personnell for impersonation of a peace officer?

Braineack 08-15-2014 07:26 AM

a bill to nowhere:

Rep. Hank Johnson to introduce bill to stop providing military equipment to local police forces

Rep. Hank Johnson sent a “Dear Colleague” letter Thursday morning alerting lawmakers that he is putting forward the Stop Militarizing Law Enforcement Act. The action comes in the wake of a policeman shooting an unarmed black man that has created an increasingly tense relationship between the police and the city’s largely African-American population. The response of local police, including the use of tear gas on protesters, has been criticized as overly aggressive.
“Our main streets should be a place for business, families, and relaxation, not tanks and M16s,” Johnson wrote. “Unfortunately, due to a Department of Defense (DOD) Program that transfers surplus DOD equipment to state and local law enforcement, our local police are quickly beginning to resemble paramilitary forces.”

Further, Johnson said the legislation would “end the free transfers of certain aggressive military equipment to local law enforcement and ensure that all equipment can be accounted for."

Braineack 08-15-2014 07:27 AM

recurring theme: Police had reason to believe a blonde woman named Ashley once drove another person to a drug deal. They find a blonde named Ashley and arrest her in front of her home. One problem...wrong Ashley. Don't worry though. She was able to clear her name after 8 months.

Mother-to-be arrested by mistake, fights until charges are dismissed - The Medina County Gazette

Expectant mother Ashley Brown had turned into the driveway of her mother’s home in Rittman last fall when two police cruisers pulled up behind, blocking her in.

As her distraught 13-year-old sister looked on, officers informed Brown she was under arrest on a felony warrant for trafficking dangerous drugs.

But there was a problem: Police had the wrong woman.

Never questioned before her arrest, 23-year-old Brown — who at the time was eight months pregnant — spent the weekend in the Medina County Jail before making bail.

“I thought I was going to prison when I was innocent and I wouldn’t be able to see my daughter,” she said. “I mean, there are no words to describe that.”

Eight months of court battles later, she and her attorney finally got police and prosecutors to concede the mistake and drop the charges.

Braineack 08-15-2014 07:29 AM







aw fail: https://medium.com/the-nib/officer-f...y-28e8d9399bbb

Braineack 08-15-2014 07:31 AM

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Missouri Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson was put in charge of security in Ferguson:


Even he knows...

Braineack 08-15-2014 07:34 AM

legal use of force.

stop resisting. your government wants to beat you.

Braineack 08-15-2014 07:37 AM

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this is a military cartoon. Fitting for Ferguson


cant tell that's not a police officer anyways.

Braineack 08-15-2014 07:38 AM

reporters want to know who "arrested" them. big macho cops "play" dumb

Braineack 08-15-2014 07:40 AM

ferguson police tear gas their state senator in charge of the police budget...

State Senator To Ferguson Police: 'Will I Get Tear-Gassed Again?'

issouri state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal confronted Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson during a press conference Wednesday, asking why she was tear-gassed during a nonviolent protest.

Chappelle-Nadal, a Democrat, said she had been tear-gassed while peacefully protesting the death of Michael Brown, the unarmed African-American teenager shot to death by a police officer on Saturday.

"I just wanted to know if I was going to be gassed again, like I was on Monday night," Chappelle-Nadal asked. "We couldn't get out, and we were peacefully sitting. I Just wanted to know if I'm going to be gassed again?"

"I hope not," Jackson replied.


She continued: “I'm the senator for the area, and I felt threatened. Everyone felt threatened."

Chapelle-Nadal said Jackson's response was "bullshit."

"He blew me off," she said. "It was bullshit, and the thing is ... I don't tell people when I'm out with these kids, 'Hey, I'm your senator.' But I don't care about that, I care about these kids."

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