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Braineack 08-19-2014 07:42 AM

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recurring theme: dont call the police anything you want something dead


it's weird how joeP thinks I'm crazy for all these posts, yet suddenly now the conversation is happening throughout the nation.

hell even obama cut his vacation short to hold a press conference about the war in Iraq and the war in MO.

Braineack 08-19-2014 07:45 AM

recurring themes: police hate freedom of speech. police hate cameras.


Braineack 08-19-2014 07:51 AM

cops hate reporters:

Joe Perez 08-19-2014 09:25 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1158785)
it's weird how joeP thinks I'm crazy for all these posts, yet suddenly now the conversation is happening throughout the nation.

I don't think you're crazy, I just think you have a needlessly binary point of view, and seem more interested in spewing hate and fear than in having a conversation.

At first, I honestly thought you were joking when you started posting in this thread. Now, I honestly can't figure out what's going on here. I assume that there must be some personal trauma in your past for which you blame an authority figure, and that you're lashing out against that memory in anger.

Regardless of the underlying cause, there's really no point in trying to have a rational conversation with an extremist. I can no more convince a Palestinian that Israel has a right to exist (or vise-versa) than I can convince you that Police officers basically represent a normal cross-section of all humans, and that while this means that a certain percentage of them are assholes, that by and large they tend to be fairly average people.

It's fine. I can certainly understand, and sympathize with, the problem of being absolutely convinced of the ineffable and absolute truth of something, to the point of being unable to even contemplate discussions which offer an opposing point of view, even in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary. It's no different from talking to someone who is a Christian and a young-earth creationist, and asking them to explain why they believe that their faith requires them to reject pretty much all of present-day cosmology and evolutionary biology.

Braineack 08-19-2014 09:30 AM

It's easier at this point for me to find police abuse stories online daily, than new pictures of cats.

If that doesn't scream systematic failure, I dunno what does.

I don't condone the actions of criminals (police or alike), at the same time I give all respect/credit where credit it due. I have no problem defending the rights of the accused (unlike many of you in this thread) or defending the actions of a police officer.

Correct, you will never convince me that police represent a normal cross-section of all humans. It's just not the truth.

I find your standpoint humorous based on the volcano blast of mountain-face leveling evidence to your contrary that I post every single day. Could I post every story, it would be 7-Hiroshima leveling blasts worth.

My personal story only supports my viewpoint with varying regards; but has no validity/point to this thread.

Monk 08-19-2014 09:42 AM

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Meanwhile, it is surprisingly easy to find pics of police cats.

viperormiata 08-19-2014 10:04 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1158460)
oh here, let me help you with that:


Reoccurring theme?

Braineack 08-19-2014 10:15 AM

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All walks of life; pun intended.


and yes, somehow police and people in wheelchairs can live peacefully together:

Braineack 08-19-2014 11:07 AM

recurring them: average cops from all walks of life love to trespass on your property and shoot your dogs.

Chicago police shoot and kill family dog during chase | WGN-TV

A south side family awoke to screaming and gunshots and found police in their yard and their family dog dead.

Terry Taylor says police told him they were chasing someone, and wound up in Taylor’s backyard at 59th and Martin Luther King Drive.

Officers opened the gate, covered with a Beware of Dog sign, then shot dead the 120 pound Italian Mastiff named Castro, who was outside at the time.

The dog’s owner is devastated. The family has had the dog since it was a pup and calls 9-year-old Castro a member of the family.

The owners want the body of the dog removed and cremated at the city’s expense.

Police say the dog charged at them before they fired.

Braineack 08-19-2014 11:11 AM

recurring theme: teen dies in prison because law enforcement comes from all walks of life

Rikers Teen Inmate Dies in Agony After Officials Ignore Torn Artery for Months - Hit & Run : Reason.com

For months, Andy Henriquez, a 19-year-old inmate at Rikers Island in New York City, complained about chest pain to prison guards. Other inmates who could hear the teen's agonized screams pleaded with correctional officers to help him. But the shoddy medical care Henriquez received did nothing to alleviate his symptoms. Eventually, a doctor wrote him a prescription for hand cream.

Hours later, Henriquez was found dead. An autopsy determined that Henriquez had gradually succumbed to a torn aorta—something a hospital could have treated had medical personnel bothered to conduct cardiac examinations.

Braineack 08-19-2014 11:20 AM

recurring theme: Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

I would allude that this says something about police officers in general, but since they all normal everyday people that could have taken any job, and have nothing but the best wishes for their fellow man, and come from different walks of life, I'm going to assume that it is universal knowledge that if you continually tase someone it is: 1. NOT torture 2. will reanimate people 3. physical violence is the best way to motivate people.

I dont even know why I'm posting this, because I see this all the time. My boss usually tases me to get to work. She typically tases me so much that I pass out from the shock, and she apparently continues to tase me so much, that my coworkers have to intervene and offer to do my work for me so that she'll stop.

It's pretty much normal behavior that people shouldn't even be reminded about or made aware of. I'm pretty much the bad apple spoiling the bunch here.

Female Police Officer Keeps Endlessly Tazering Unresponsive Man | Sure News

A startling display of police brutality was captured on camera on Friday, Aug. 15th. Officer Becky Sotherland, 32, of the Pine Ridge tribal police screams at a man to get into her vehicle as he lay on the ground helpless and handcuffed.

The man, incapacitated, unresponsive, and unable to get into the vehicle, is hit with a stun gun repeatedly as Sotherland yells at him to get in the car threatening that, “It’s gonna get you again,” referring to the 50,000 volts of electrical current delivered by the tazer.

Sotherland continually brutalizes the man until finally horrified onlookers begin yelling for the assault to stop, telling the officer they will help get the man into the vehicle themselves, as they are disgusted at the scene taking place before their eyes.

Sotherland obviously wasn’t using the stun gun as a means of defense, s the man is laying helplessly on the ground handcuffed, rather she is using it as a means of sadistic punishment in an attempt to motivate him to get into her police cruiser as she is seemingly too lazy to simply put the suspect into the cruiser herself.

Joe Perez 08-19-2014 10:46 PM

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Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1158815)
Correct, you will never convince me that police represent a normal cross-section of all humans. It's just not the truth.

I find your standpoint humorous based on the volcano blast of mountain-face leveling evidence to your contrary that I post every single day. Could I post every story, it would be 7-Hiroshima leveling blasts worth.

My personal story only supports my viewpoint with varying regards; but has no validity/point to this thread.

I suppose that it really just boils down to whether, as a matter of personal preference, you would rather complain about injustice and point fingers at strawman enemies, or figure out how to protect yourself from injustice and avoid scenarios in which you are likely to be victimized.

I'll not pass judgement either way, except to say that it's kind of foolish to mistake people who choose the latter path for those who support and encourage an unchecked police-state mentality. Just because I don't give a shit about some wannabe thug in East Cracktown getting shot because he [attacked / was belligerent to / made an apparently threatening gesture towards] a police officer doesn't mean that I'll not do everything in my power to avoid putting myself or my family in that same situation.


mgeoffriau 08-19-2014 11:35 PM

Why is it either/or?

Why can't I carefully avoid speeding tickets while also publicly supporting raising the limit?

Why can't I dutifully pay my taxes while also lobbying for lower future taxes?

And, in the spirit of this thread, why can't I avoid personally avoid provoking cops while also supporting increased accountability and oversight into the abuse of authority by law enforcement?

Joe Perez 08-20-2014 05:33 AM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1159136)
Why is it either/or?

I'm honestly not sure, and struggling to understand that has caused me endless confusion. (I'm pretty much over it at this point.)

I know that it has to be either/or based principally on statements such as:

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1158815)
you will never convince me that...

This sort of closed-mindedness is typically reserved for conversations with religious extremists, such as young-earth creationists who reject pretty much all of present-day cosmology and evolutionary biology based on the belief that the foundational scriptures of their faith fundamentally oppose such ideas. This, of course, is a fallacious interpretation (the book of Genesis does not at any point specify the exact physical processes employed by God when he/they created the universe, the earth, and life on earth,) but it is nonetheless an interpretation which closes off the minds of those who posses it to any possibility of rational discourse.


But that is an entirely separate thread...

Joe Perez 08-20-2014 06:33 AM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1159136)
And, in the spirit of this thread, why can't I avoid personally avoid provoking cops while also supporting increased accountability and oversight into the abuse of authority by law enforcement?

I'd have thought that was possible as well.
I learned, however, that any attempt to reason in this way was immediately met with accusations of "blaming the victim," which falls into roughly the same category of conversation-killing phrases as "check your privilege."

Braineack 08-20-2014 09:17 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1159162)
This sort of closed-mindedness is typically reserved for conversations with religious extremists, such as young-earth creationists who reject pretty much all of present-day cosmology and evolutionary biology based on the belief that the foundational scriptures of their faith fundamentally oppose such ideas.

I voted for John Kerry. How closed-minded could I be?

Why is it that when I've formed an opinion, based on fact/experience, I'm a closed-minded religious extremist?

Why can't I look a data, and think to myself: there seems to be a trend here. And then explore the trend to form an opinion?

Why is is, that when I start with one viewpoint on a subject matter, and then change my opinion/view on the matter; I'm a flat-earth society member?

Can one have a different opinion than Joe without being labled as closed-minded? Are you closed-minded for being closed-minded on this issue?

My capacity to reason has taken me where I am today, Joe.

All I'm doing here is pointing out a problem as I see it; I add my hyperbole to add entertainment value, because, well, that's what I like to do.

I'm not out looting or condoning looting. I'm not condoning violence against police. I'm not condoning violence by police on citizens. I'm not even suggesting we dissolve the police. I'm not out there posting my own videos. Hell, I pretty much work in law enforcement.

Your position is that if you ignore the problem and just act compliant, yessa masta, then the problem doesn't exist.

My position is that, sure that may work for you--that's not even bad advice-- but from the stories of many links from this very thread prove, that it's not always to case. Police have ruined the lives of manyy innocent, law-abiding people.

The job of police is to give you tickets or arrest you for a crime; they care little about anything else*. Police are trained to get you to waive your rights and give up information that will lead to your own arrest. And many police, as we find, are willing to ignore your rights, break the law, in order to make these arrests. And to make matters worse, they are legally allowed to use physical force against you (if that matters or not). Police interactions are one of the few interactions one may have in their lifetime that can be completely life-altering, and many times not in a good way.

So yes, your point of view is fine and dandy, but the above is a big problem and you should be, in the least, prepared and protect yourself using the information learned in this thread. People can assert their rights without: being a shitbag, associating with shitbags, running, hiding hands, non-compliance when/if arrested, being loud, pumping chest out. You just need to protect yourself, you have all the discretion to choose what level that may be.

*The governor of MO determined that the safety of police officers was more important than protecting the private property of business owners, and preventing crime in Ferguson, and he ordered police to stand down to looters and let criminals run hog-wild around the city. Protecting private property and arresting criminals is one of the few jobs that our police/gov't are "hired" to do.

mgeoffriau 08-20-2014 10:52 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1159163)
I'd have thought that was possible as well.
I learned, however, that any attempt to reason in this way was immediately met with accusations of "blaming the victim," which falls into roughly the same category of conversation-killing phrases as "check your privilege."

You misunderstand. I'm talking about how I personally handle those situations; not how I determine who is right or wrong.

If the purpose of this thread is to merely comment on whether or not the victim could possibly have avoided violent contact with police, it wouldn't be very interesting.

If the purpose of the thread is to discuss who is right or wrong, and in the cases where the police are wrong, to discuss whether it's a result of one bad individual, or institutional trends, or law enforcement culture, or whatever, then it's much more interesting.

And if we want to discuss the personal responsibility on the part of the victim, then I think the more interesting angle is not to speculate whether or not he could have avoided contact with the police, but instead to discuss what a citizen's attitude toward police ought to be in a healthy society. Is it good and normal for regular citizens to view LEO's as bullies and fear interacting with them? Is the culture of paranoia around LEO's inevitable or have the stories about cops being killed during traffic stops been overplayed? When petty, nonviolent criminals are killed or seriously injured by police, should we shrug our shoulders because they were lawbreakers, or should we be concerned that the response was disproportionate?

dieselmiata 08-20-2014 11:45 AM

22 Year Old With Down Syndrome Beaten By The Police For ‘Bulge In Pants’ That Was Only A Colostomy Bag

Cop says "I'm not a doctor, I didn't know".

22 Year Old With Down Syndrome Beaten By The Police For ?Bulge In Pants? That Was Only A Colostomy Bag | The Free Thought Project

Joe Perez 08-20-2014 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1159212)
If the purpose of this thread is to merely comment on whether or not the victim could possibly have avoided violent contact with police, it wouldn't be very interesting.

If the purpose of the thread is to discuss who is right or wrong, and in the cases where the police are wrong, to discuss whether it's a result of one bad individual, or institutional trends, or law enforcement culture, or whatever, then it's much more interesting.

And if we want to discuss the personal responsibility on the part of the victim, then I think the more interesting angle is not to speculate whether or not he could have avoided contact with the police, but instead to discuss what a citizen's attitude toward police ought to be in a healthy society.

And that's all just fine. I'd hope that everyone here knows me well enough to know that I have no issue at all with pretty much any line of rational discussion.

The problem comes when a thread stops being about discussion of any kind, and instead devolves into "In this thread you may post only things which reinforce my particular dystopian view of society. All other ideas will be deleted and the poster made fun of and called unpleasant names."

That's not ok.

Braineack 08-20-2014 12:59 PM

I dont think any names I called you were that particularly unpleasant.


I deleted some of your posts that didn't fit the spirit of the thread and were a bit an antagonizing.

I deleted the malicous dog thread because I felt it was a bit personal attackish.

I didn't call you because I didn't I needed clarify/justify myself to you, and then I just plain forgot, but I did put you number in my phone--one of the like 5 numbers I have.

I call you out a lot, because I just think it's fun

Braineack 08-20-2014 01:12 PM

recurring theme:

Originally Posted by Officer Go Fuck Yourself
I will fucking kill you, get back

While semi-automatic rifle pointed into citizen's face.

A "normal" person would have been arrested had the tables been turned. Is this behavior we should ignore? Should I sign up or police work not to help fellow man, but to threaten to kill them?

Braineack 08-20-2014 01:15 PM

recurring theme: judge think police are pathetic and suck at their jobs.

Courthouse News Service - Judge Rips Chicago's 'Pathetic' Police Work

CHICAGO (CN) - Two men falsely charged with attempted murder spent 17 months in Cook County Jail awaiting trial though no evidence connected them to the crime, and the trial judge who acquitted them criticized the police's "pathetic" investigation, the men claim in court.

Vernell and Antwyone Green sued Chicago and its police Dets. James Scannell and Lorenzo Sandoval, on Aug. 15 in Federal Court.

"Vernell and Antwyone Green were wrongfully arrested, charged and prosecuted for attempted murder and related charges. There was no evidence whatsoever suggesting their guilty of any crime. The victim of the shooting did not identify them at the scene even though he had known them from grade school," the complaint begins. "Nonetheless, plaintiffs were arrested, and incarcerated for 17 months while they awaited trial. After the bench trial, the trial judge declared the investigation 'pathetic' and acquitted plaintiffs of all charges."
These two innocent people just should have complied when they were arrested...

Braineack 08-20-2014 01:35 PM

recurring theme: molesting kids in 2003, 2011, 2014, etc.

Abuse Claims in Scout-Police Program

At least a dozen teenagers assigned to work with police departments as part of the Boy Scouts' Law Enforcement Explorers program have allegedly been sexually abused by officers during the past year. In the past five years, such molestations number at least 25, according to criminologists' research released June 25, 2003.

Sponsors have promised reforms to the program, which attracts tens of thousands of teens annually.

Braineack 08-20-2014 01:41 PM

Recurring theme: I dont know JoeP was a police officer :P

Veteran Cop: 'If You Don't Want To Get Shot,' Shut Up -- Even If We're Violating Your Rights

In a column published Tuesday in The Washington Post titled, "I’m a cop. If you don’t want to get hurt, don’t challenge me," Dutta responds to mounting criticism of the policing tactics on display in Ferguson, Missouri, amid the hyper-militarization of law enforcement and accusations that officers have violated the First Amendment rights of both demonstrators and journalists covering the events.

Braineack 08-20-2014 01:41 PM

8 Attachment(s)
recurring theme: stop regifing.




recurring theme: making sure women remember to stay in the kitchen through violence.




recurring theme: ding dong, nobody is home.


[IMG]Attachment 239052[/IMG]

Braineack 08-20-2014 01:43 PM

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recurring theme: policing the police

Local police departments review social media policies

he Kansas City Police Department disciplined one of their officers for posting a false photo of Michael Brown to his personal Facebook page with the caption saying "Michael Brown is a pillar of the Ferguson community."

While some claim he has free speech, WKYC tracked down the social media policies of some local police departments to see if our officers are held to a higher standard.

The four-page policy for the Cleveland Police Department. Included in it is a ban on posting anything that lowers the esteem of the police in the eyes of the public.

Other jurisdictions we spoke with have similar policies but know it's a tricky thing because of some of the good that comes with social media.

Braineack 08-20-2014 02:11 PM

recurring theme: ...SWAT team officers were "assisting*" the media in moving their camera equipment and media personnel to a safer area with their consent so they could continue to cover the story.**

*where have determined in this thread that using physical violence for submission is a reasonable/assumed police work.

**this was the actual quote from police.

Braineack 08-20-2014 02:14 PM

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recurring theme: "Less" lethal


Braineack 08-20-2014 02:17 PM

recurring theme: border patrol agent slaughters puppy.


this was apparently after he already kicked the dog.

Braineack 08-20-2014 02:28 PM

recurring theme: off duty "officer" makes sure to trespass on private property to make sure the rights of legal gun owners are violated.

meanwhile in MO, the only places that haven't been looted yet are being guarded with arms...

Braineack 08-20-2014 02:31 PM

recurring theme: police antagonization

start at 10:40.

listen to the cops try to use every default argument in the book; even claiming this country is free while trying to violate the rights of free citizens.

viperormiata 08-20-2014 02:40 PM

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Braineack 08-20-2014 02:50 PM

Originally Posted by viperormiata (Post 1159340)

why are you reposting the gif i JUST reposted like 30min ago?

dieselmiata 08-20-2014 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1159297)
recurring theme:

While semi-automatic rifle pointed into citizen's face.

Officer Go Fuck Yourself- Rebelutionary_Z #Ferguson Livestream Clip - YouTube

A "normal" person would have been arrested had the tables been turned. Is this behavior we should ignore? Should I sign up or police work not to help fellow man, but to threaten to kill them?

Officer Gofuckyourself was removed from duty after this video was posted. I'm sure he'll be back on the job after a 3 day paid "cool down" vacation.

GeneSplicer 08-20-2014 11:05 PM

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CHP says officer may face serious beating charges

CHP says officer may face serious beating charges

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A California Highway Patrol officer who was videotaped repeatedly striking a woman on the side of a Los Angeles freeway could face serious charges, the agency said Wednesday after forwarding its investigation to the district attorney.

Officer Daniel Andrew, who was put on a desk assignment after the incident, was removed from duty and put on paid administrative leave, the CHP said.

The agency didn't reveal if it made a recommendation to prosecutors but said in a news release that its report outlined potentially serious charges he could face. It didn't specify possible charges.

The July 1 incident sparked outrage as video showed Andrew hitting Marlene Pinnock, 51, several times on the side of Interstate 10.

Andrew said in his report that Pinnock was a danger to herself and had tried to walk into traffic lanes. Drivers had called emergency dispatchers to report that a barefoot woman was on the freeway shoulder who appeared drunk or high.

Pinnock has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and was off her medication for two to three months before the altercation with Andrew, said Pinnock's attorney Caree Harper.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Pinnock said she believed the officer was trying to kill her.

"He grabbed me, he threw me down, he started beating me," she said. "I felt like he was trying to kill me, beat me to death."

Pinnock filed a lawsuit against CHP Commissioner Joe Farrow and Andrew in federal court for civil rights violations. The lawsuit claims excessive force, assault, battery and a violation of her due-process rights.

Braineack 08-21-2014 08:41 AM

recurring theme: murder, or assisted suicide, or "defending themselves from someone attacking them with a knife"

Braineack 08-21-2014 08:46 AM

it's so wrong, but so good

Braineack 08-21-2014 09:03 AM

recurring theme: policing the police

Florida Cop Indicted After Firing AR-15 At Unarmed Suspect From 88 Feet Away

A Florida police officer was standing nearly 90 feet away from an unarmed suspect when he fired an assault rifle at his vehicle, according to newly released documents.

Orlando police officer David Johnston was indicted on two counts of firing into an occupied vehicle and discharging a weapon in public over the February incident.


Police found Lattimore on the fifth floor of a nearby parking garage. He allegedly fled in his car and officers on the fifth floor fired a combined three shots.

Lattimore proceeded down to the first floor, where Johnston had retrieved an AR-15 from his police cruiser and stood at a garage gate. When Lattimore reached the first floor, Johnston fired on his car, breaking his driver’s side and rear windows.

Braineack 08-21-2014 09:06 AM

time for school!

Compton School Board Approves AR-15 Rifles for Campus Police - The Atlantic

The school board in Compton, California, has voted to arm campus police officers with AR-15 rifles, according to the Los Angeles public radio station KPCC. Some parents and students are expressing discomfort, citing the same sorts of concerns sparked by the militarized police force of Ferguson, Missouri.


If we encounter an active mass murderer on campus with a rifle or body armor, our officers may not adequately be prepared to stop that suspect. School Police Officers will undergo a training course, followed by a shooting proficiency test on a firing range and a written exam. The rifles are designed for increased accuracy and use rifled ammunition than can pierce body armor. The safety of our Students, Staff, and Parents are very important to us.

Stock 08-21-2014 10:34 AM

Recurring theme: I like this thread.

Police Cadet Goes on Shooting Spree At Family Party, Armed Party Goer Takes Him Down | The Free Thought Project

Police Cadet Michael William Little, of Knoxville, Tennessee was shot and killed after he opened fire on his ex-girlfriends family, killing one of the guests at the home, and wounding several others. Little allegedly became hostile when he showed up at the house 2 weeks after him and his ex-girlfriend Ashley Womack broke up.

When Little arrived, tensions escalated quickly, and after a quick argument he ran to his car to retrieve his handgun. He then waked to the back porch and began to open fire on Ashley and her entire family. During the incident, 28-year-old Travis Wegener, a visitor to the home, was shot and killed.

Read more at Police Cadet Goes on Shooting Spree At Family Party, Armed Party Goer Takes Him Down | The Free Thought Project

dieselmiata 08-21-2014 12:51 PM


Braineack 08-21-2014 12:54 PM

bro, why is everyone posting the stuff I just posted?

Braineack 08-21-2014 01:37 PM

recurring theme: police break the law to rip off the taxpayer for person gains, as well as falsifying police reports in order to stack cards against you, as well as committing perjury in court to get away with it.

Motorist caught in alleged HPD ticket-rigging scheme

nd when HPD handed Jerry the ticket, there was a major red flag.

"I immediately know that something's hinky with the ticket," Jerry said.

That's because the ticket-writing officer listed another HPD officer as a witness.

"There was no other officer, he was the only officer there," Jerry said.

What he didn't know at the time, is what the I-Team has now uncovered through a paper trail of records--dozens of cases where HPD officers listed witnessing officers on tickets--who were never there.

It was all to allegedly collect hefty overtime checks by later appearing in traffic court..

"Just to remind you just like any other citizen, they're innocent until proven guilty," said Ray Hunt, President of the Houston Police Officers' Union.

Hunt said the Union is prepared to offer legal representation to Officers Gregory Rosa, Robert Manzanales and John Garcia. The three have been relieved of duty and reassigned to desk jobs while an internal affairs investigation proceeds.

A fourth officer under investigation, Rudolph Farias, shot and killed himself Tuesday afternoon in a police parking garage near downtown.

The I-Team found the alleged ticket-rigging scheme took place mostly on highways. In one case in May, Officer Manzalnaes put Officer Farias down as a witness at 11:24 p.m. at I-10 and Westcott Street.

But at the same exact time, records show Farias was writing a ticket nine miles away at I-10 and Wilcrest.


viperormiata 08-21-2014 03:03 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1159705)
bro, why is everyone posting the stuff I just posted?

Are you going to ask for my I.D and kill my dog? :dealwithit:

Braineack 08-21-2014 03:06 PM

I just want to know who I'm talking to.

dieselmiata 08-21-2014 03:07 PM

I must have skipped that post. Saw it on Facebook and thought it'd be appropriate here.

I will go sit in the box of shame now.

bahurd 08-21-2014 04:30 PM

Relevant to the subject: Ferguson’s constitutional crisis: First Amendment violations are only part of the story.

And, I guess this would be relevant as well: Ferguson's "free speech zone" is a padlocked no-man's-land - Boing Boing

And as an old professor once told me, "follow the money": http://www.thedailybeast.com/article...-congress.html

Joe Perez 08-22-2014 08:20 AM

Recurring theme: upset because a citizen beat you at a Police-sponsored doughnut eating contest? Arrest him.

Win in police doughnut-eating contest sparks U.S. man's arrest

The sweet victory for a North Carolina man who beat police officers in a doughnut-eating contest this week soured after a newspaper story about the win led to his arrest on breaking and entering charges.

Bradley Hardison, 24, of Elizabeth City downed eight doughnuts in two minutes during a contest Tuesday night at an anti-crime event hosted by the city's police department, according to a story in the Daily Advance.

That report caught the eye of Camden County Sheriff's Lieutenant Max Robeson, who said his detectives had been trying to interview Hardison for about nine months after suspecting him in break-ins at two local businesses.

Robeson said they brought Hardison in for questioning on Wednesday.

"I said, 'Congratulations on your win last night,'" Robeson recalled, before arresting the man on criminal charges of breaking and entering and injury to real property.

Hardison remained in jail on Friday, the sheriff's lieutenant said.


Win in police doughnut-eating contest sparks U.S. man's arrest - Chicago Tribune

z31maniac 08-22-2014 09:50 AM

^That's only slightly misleading.

Braineack 08-22-2014 10:36 AM

I saw that story and loled. I didn't post it here (I dont think I did) because it doesn't really fit, but it is funny. It really deserves to be in the darwin award thread.

Also joe, in case you care, I agree with almost all of Bill O'Reilly's rant about the ferguson police on his talking points that other day, if that will give you a little more perspective on my perspective.

Joe Perez 08-22-2014 12:57 PM

I wonder how many people have watched the raw video of the recent shooting that everyone's all up in arms about?

This was taken just after the suspect had finished robbing the nearby convenience store for the second time that day. It's hard to make out the large knife that Powell has in his hand as he's approaching the officer on the left while shouting "Shoot me! Shoot me now, motherfuckers!"

For reference:
Suicide by cop is a suicide method in which a suicidal individual deliberately acts in a threatening way, provoking a lethal response from a law enforcement officer or other legitimately armed individual, such as being shot to death.[1]

Sad to say, that really does appear to be all that's happened here.

Braineack 08-22-2014 01:00 PM

I think he was trying to mytar-by-cop to incite race riots.

shuiend 08-22-2014 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1160037)
I wonder how many people have watched the raw video of the recent shooting that everyone's all up in arms about?

This was taken just after the suspect had finished robbing the nearby convenience store for the second time that day. It's hard to make out the large knife that Powell has in his hand as he's approaching the officer on the left while shouting "Shoot me! Shoot me now, motherfuckers!"

For reference:
Suicide by cop is a suicide method in which a suicidal individual deliberately acts in a threatening way, provoking a lethal response from a law enforcement officer or other legitimately armed individual, such as being shot to death.[1]

Sad to say, that really does appear to be all that's happened here.

Joe you do realize that there have been 2 shooting's in Ferguson and that video is of the second one. People are up in arms over the first shooting which had an unarmed 18 year old, verses that one where it was clearly an armed man with a knife. As far as I have seen there has been very little outrage over the second one, and most people think that one was justified.

Craig66 08-22-2014 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1160037)
I wonder how many people have watched the raw video of the recent shooting that everyone's all up in arms about?

This was taken just after the suspect had finished robbing the nearby convenience store for the second time that day. It's hard to make out the large knife that Powell has in his hand as he's approaching the officer on the left while shouting "Shoot me! Shoot me now, motherfuckers!"

For reference:
Suicide by cop is a suicide method in which a suicidal individual deliberately acts in a threatening way, provoking a lethal response from a law enforcement officer or other legitimately armed individual, such as being shot to death.[1]

Sad to say, that really does appear to be all that's happened here.

Yes but -
Reminds of how I been bitching around the internet how I have come to just hate the word, graphic.
On CNN especially what it seems to mean is censored.
First they warn of something graphic then show pics or video that they have deleted taboo words or cut or blurred video or pics and does not give a reality view of what really happened.

I have read and heard a lot of crap out of folks who think they be pretty smart with their opinions faulting the cops in that one. Both sides of issues are bleating about that as much distraction, in the news, from reality of racism. I'd expect that cop would have shot the fellow no matter what his color and whether or not the cop is racist at heart.

Were that to have happened when there was not some Ferguson sort of event going on it may not even have made a small or no mention in any national news.

Wanna take any bets that I post that opinion on newest submissions : Bad_Cop_No_Donut it would get "comment score below threshold" pretty quick?

Joe Perez 08-22-2014 02:08 PM

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 1160057)
Joe you do realize that there have been 2 shooting's in Ferguson and that video is of the second one.

Did I not use the word "recent" in the first sentence of the very posting that you quoted above?

I'm specifically looking here at the Great Unwashed capitalizing on extant public outrage for the sole purpose, so far as I can tell, of making the situation even worse.

Same goes for the rioters, looters, etc.

The phrase "Martial Law" doesn't get exercised nearly enough these days... It's a concept which really ought to be explored in situations such as this. The suspension of habeas corpus would make really "cleaning up the streets" a whole lot easier and more efficient.

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 1160057)
As far as I have seen there has been very little outrage over the second one, and most people think that one was justified.

I'm just going off of what I see on FB, Youtube comments, etc. "We the people" sure are making a lot of noise about it, painting the STL PD as a bunch of mindless killers without actually bothering to learn the facts of the situation. Basically the same sort of thing that sometimes happens here in this thread. :D

Braineack 08-22-2014 04:22 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1160078)
Basically the same sort of thing that sometimes happens here in this thread. :D

Like what I posted 2-days ago about it?

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1159612)
recurring theme: murder, or assisted suicide, or "defending themselves from someone attacking them with a knife"

Kajieme Powell Shooting Captured Cell Phone Camera Shows St Louis PD is Lying - YouTube

Braineack 08-22-2014 04:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Even assuming that half these deaths were homicides, policing would have a murder rate of 5.55 per 100,000, comparable to the average murder rate of U.S. cities: 5.6 per 100,000. It's more dangerous to live in Baltimore (35.01 murders per 100,000 residents) than to be a cop in 2014.

This is not to say that police officers do not have a difficult job. They certainly do. They’re required to have daily contact with drunks, the mentally disabled, and criminal suspects. Arrests can often lead to physical confrontation, assault, and sometimes injury. Police are constantly dragged into families' and neighbors' petty squabbles. It can be a stressful and sometimes thankless task.

But it just isn't unusually deadly or dangerous—and it’s safer today than ever before. The data do not justify the kinds of armor, weapons, insecurity, and paranoia being displayed by police across the country. Short of an outbreak of land-mine-related crimes in America's heartland, there's no reason to deploy mine-resistant vehicles and .50 caliber machine guns to rural sheriffs departments.

Braineack 08-22-2014 04:36 PM

recurring theme: using deadly force to project you from yourself

Man shot by Howard County, Md. police after stabbing self with knife | WJLA.com

Howard County police said a man has died after officers - who found him in his bedroom with self-inflicted stab wounds - shot him after he confronted them with a knife.

Police spokeswoman Mary Phelan said that officers were called to a home in the 7600 block of Coachlight Lane in Ellicott City Wednesday afternoon for a report of a possible suicide in progress.

Phelan said two officers found 45-year-old Darren Friedman in a bedroom suffering from several serious, self-inflicted stab wounds.

Phelan said when officers went into the room to help Friedman, he confronted them with a knife and both officers fired their weapons.

Friedman was flown to a hospital where Phelan said he died; an autopsy will determine the cause of death.
definitely get the police evolved if you want a successful suicide.

Braineack 08-22-2014 04:37 PM

recurring theme: muzzle control

FL Cops Shoot At Man Carrying Unloaded Gun, Kill Innocent College Student With Stray Bullet - informationliberation

Florida police responding to a report of a crazed lunatic with a gun outside an Orlando, Florida night club shot at the reportedly uncooperative gun-wielder, Kody Roach, 23, nine times. One of their bullets went astray and killed an innocent young woman inside the club, 22-year-old female college student Maria Fernanda Godinez of Coco Beach. Godinez was killed by the stray bullet, yet the suspect who was hit six times survived. Officer Eduardo Sanguino, who it's believed shot the bullets which killed Godinez, was given a paid vacation while police "investigate." They say so far there is no reason to believe the shooting was not "justified."

Of course, all that's required for the shooting to be considered "justified" is the cop claiming he "feared for his life."

Braineack 08-22-2014 04:38 PM

recurring theme: free obamacare via eletro-shock therapy

Albany cop caught on video using Taser on kneeling suspect who was surrendering

An Albany police officer, who shot and killed an undocumented immigrant four years ago, has been suspended and is facing dismissal after video captured him tasering a kneeling teen who was surrendering at the time of the incident.

Sgt. Vincent P. Igoe, is under investigation by both local authorities and the FBI after he tasered 16-year-old Kelijah Fink following a high speed chase that authorities claim reached 110 miles per hour, according to CBS6 Albany.

According to authorities, Igoe joined in the pursuit already in progress after officers spotted Fink driving with his headlights off. When police finally pulled Fink over after he struck several stop signs and a fence as he tried to out run them, Igoe allegedly approached the car and fired his Taser through a broken car window, but missed. After exiting the vehicle, Fink knelt on the ground with his hands behind his head. A police video camera captured footage of Igoe again firing his Taser at Fink, this time striking the teen, paralyzing him with a powerful electric shock..

Following a review of the tape, authorities suspended Igoe and have initiated termination proceedings.

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