Miata Turbo Forum - Boost cars, acquire cats.

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dan91 11-03-2020 03:23 PM

Thank you for reaching out! I will try your suggestion

concealer404 11-03-2020 03:42 PM


matrussell122 11-03-2020 03:43 PM


capitalcrew 11-03-2020 03:44 PM


msmola2002 11-03-2020 03:44 PM


Midtenn 11-03-2020 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by George Jorge (Post 1585055)
Ok so I got in to contact with Andrew for you guys. He has been swamped/traveling with work which has been preventing him from communicating.

All of this is not intentional. His supply chain for manufacturing has basically cut him off (probably COVID related) and he is not able to get his hands on anything to ship out.

For those of you who would like a refund, he asks that you send him a new email. Id suggest making the subject line eye catching (e.g. *URGENT* ) as to get his attention.

Glad to see he's hiring someone to handle customer support. Now I'll get back to screening r/miata for MKTurbo.

Stock 11-03-2020 06:50 PM

Originally Posted by msmola2002 (Post 1585060)

Super swamped with work guys, I mean, I check the forums daily but I'm for sure too busy to PM the individuals who are begging to get in contact with me because of travel and such.

Have them email me bro.

icantlearn 11-04-2020 04:26 AM

Wait why am I getting shit? I extend an arm to help the community out and thats not ok? Im not the vendor. I understand your frustrations but I have no stake in this. Im just trying to help.

Gee Emm 11-04-2020 07:18 AM

Like trying to stop a dog fight - you try and do the right thing, and get bitten.

I have no dog in this fight, but ... seems to me a bit of honesty and transparency about the situation the vendor finds himself in would have been helpful. There are three ways of dealing with these situations: silence, bullshitting, and being up front with the customers. Only one works for all involved, or at least has the best chance. The others just make a bad situation worse.

sixshooter 11-04-2020 07:39 AM

Have enough internet connection to check the forum for nasty words about him taking people's money but not enough to initiate a PayPal refund. Must be a bandwidth problem.

concealer404 11-04-2020 09:03 AM

Originally Posted by George Jorge (Post 1585095)
Wait why am I getting shit? I extend an arm to help the community out and thats not ok? Im not the vendor. I understand your frustrations but I have no stake in this. Im just trying to help.

You're not. Don't look for things to get offended by.

Midtenn 11-04-2020 09:39 AM

Originally Posted by George Jorge (Post 1585095)
Wait why am I getting shit? I extend an arm to help the community out and thats not ok? Im not the vendor. I understand your frustrations but I have no stake in this. Im just trying to help.

Nope. I was just saying its a good thing to help our sponsoring vendors on various platforms. Speaking of which, @shuiend no sales opportunities posted on r/miata this morning.

Spaceman Spiff 11-04-2020 02:25 PM

This right here is why every large car-related purchase goes on my american express. No time limit for disputes and just truly excellent customer service.

icantlearn 11-04-2020 02:47 PM

I see whats going on now. Andrew has not been checking the forums. Im the one that told him about whats going on. If he was browsing the forums, im sure he would have said something.

Spaceman Spiff 11-04-2020 02:51 PM

Originally Posted by George Jorge (Post 1585121)
I see whats going on now. Andrew has not been checking the forums. Im the one that told him about whats going on. If he was browsing the forums, im sure he would have said something.

I'm absolutely not commenting on intent or best business practices here, but seems like his forum-checking schedule has been pretty consistent these past couple days.


icantlearn 11-04-2020 02:53 PM

So he must have just recently hopped on. I don't keep track of his whereabouts. Sav, if you are seeing this, say something lol.

concealer404 11-04-2020 03:40 PM

There's nothing recent about it.

icantlearn 11-04-2020 04:11 PM

roughly 12hrs ago is recent to me. Who gets to define "recent"

concealer404 11-04-2020 04:13 PM

Let me break this down for you: He has logged in consistently since the last time he posted. 12 hours ago (i'm gonna blow your mind here, so hang on) was not the first time he's been active. In fact, that's even been proven within the last dozen or so posts in this thread. :rofl:

icantlearn 11-04-2020 04:18 PM

Thanks for "breaking it down for me". I have no idea how you can see his track record of activity. For me, his profile is showing last reported activity on 9:26pm last night. It doesn't show a log of every time he's been active on here. What am I missing?

thebeerbaron 11-04-2020 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by George Jorge (Post 1585133)
What am I missing?

That there's an angry mob with torches and pitchforks; you're trying to be Ghandi but are going to end up like Joan of Arc. :rofl:

Time to ...

concealer404 11-04-2020 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by George Jorge (Post 1585133)
Thanks for "breaking it down for me". I have no idea how you can see his track record of activity. For me, his profile is showing last reported activity on 9:26pm last night. It doesn't show a log of every time he's been active on here. What am I missing?

That there has been more than one screenshot of activity in this thread, and that just because you haven't noticed more than one instance doesn't mean other instances don't exist.

This has been a subject of discussion for months now. If you think we haven't periodically been checking for funsies and giggles....

matrussell122 11-04-2020 05:15 PM

Do you guys like turtles? This kid likes turtles.


icantlearn 11-04-2020 05:52 PM

12:06 am and 12:26 am were the only 2 screenshots. "He has logged in consistently since the last time he posted". We only have 2 logs. Idk about you but 2 data points isn't enough to establish consistency.

Im not ignoring other instances, a 20 min spread is nothing. I am well aware this has been going on for months, ive been here, read the thread. Why do you think I reached out? For someone who isn't waiting on a kit i'm surprised you are so invested in this thread.

boileralum 11-04-2020 06:17 PM

Originally Posted by George Jorge (Post 1585140)
12:06 am and 12:26 am were the only 2 screenshots. "He has logged in consistently since the last time he posted". We only have 2 logs. Idk about you but 2 data points isn't enough to establish consistency.

Im not ignoring other instances, a 20 min spread is nothing. I am well aware this has been going on for months, ive been here, read the thread. Why do you think I reached out? For someone who isn't waiting on a kit i'm surprised you are so invested in this thread.

Note the time between those screen shots. He has been on here on multiple days.

concealer404 11-04-2020 06:17 PM

What if i told you that days are 24 hours long and those screenshots are not a 20 minute spread?

I'm invested in this because i intensely dislike it when members of a community that i adore have a bad time. Just like you, apparently.

However, the time for making things right was a long time ago, and the idea that it's up to the remaining customers to pester the vendor in question with "a new email" yet again (because that's worked super awesome before) is batshit.

Also: I know you're sad about this discussion, but if i could have my likecats back, i would super appreciate it. They are very near and dear to me. <3

icantlearn 11-04-2020 06:25 PM

I didn't catch the part where the screenshots were a day apart. Either way, I agree that he should chime in, as I already said. Im not defending him, I was frustrated when I ordered my ecu and it was over promised and under delivered moths later. So I know how it feels. Again, im just trying to help the community.

concealer404 11-04-2020 06:54 PM

<3 and smoochies.

fOr ThE gOoD oF tHe CoMmUnItY

sixshooter 11-05-2020 09:34 AM

Federal Trade Commission and California Department of Consumer Affairs are a good place to start. One call can open an investigation. If there are 40 of you with money taken and parts or refunds not in hand then that crosses the threshold in California for a class action lawsuit and they can go after his assets and garnish wages for refunds plus attorney and court fees. It can be much more than the simple amount he stole from customers.

matrussell122 11-05-2020 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 1585169)
Federal Trade Commission and California Department of Consumer Affairs are a good place to start. One call can open an investigation. If there are 40 of you with money taken and parts or refunds not in hand then that crosses the threshold in California for a class action lawsuit and they can go after his assets and garnish wages for refunds plus attorney and court fees. It can be much more than the simple amount he stole from customers.

This should really open some eyes and should yield a response from TSE

Morello 11-07-2020 03:23 PM

For what it's worth, I got the TSE kit over 3 years ago and the customer service then was pretty atrocious. Though, I did eventually end up with all the parts I ordered, after about 4 months of pestering and physically stopping by his shop in San Jose.

andym 11-08-2020 11:29 AM

Originally Posted by Morello (Post 1585337)
For what it's worth, I got the TSE kit over 3 years ago and the customer service then was pretty atrocious. Though, I did eventually end up with all the parts I ordered, after about 4 months of pestering and physically stopping by his shop in San Jose.

Ahh, but you see, his shop folded up and he no longer does business as trackspeedengineering. And he no longer has a reputation to uphold since he doesn't do business in the miata community anymore.

Kraken 11-09-2020 05:57 AM

Not sure why I'm doing this because no one else would give a f and tbh it isn't because I want to appear to be a nice guy or whatever, If you have paid for mani and dp do get in touch I can give you a discount, but will need some proof

I actually did msg him a couple of months back but no reply

XeNoMoRpH 11-09-2020 07:57 AM

I received an email from Andrew as BCC, so I assume it has been sent to everyone with outstanding turbo kit orders. Looks like Andrew is calling it and giving full/partial refunds to everyone via PayPal. Hopefully this works out.

Kraken's post is timely as I find myself in need of a down pipe and water/oil lines to "complete" my kit.

shuiend 11-09-2020 12:56 PM

If anyone has a TSE manifold and don't have a down pipe and exhaust shoot me an email. I can get something made up for you.

IcantDo55 11-09-2020 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 1585476)
If anyone has a TSE manifold and don't have a down pipe and exhaust shoot me an email. I can get something made up for you.

and it looks cool.

Morello 11-09-2020 08:22 PM

I wish I'd taken my car to Charleston to have you do my exhaust. The shiz I got from artech (another guy who's since closed up shop) rattles like crazy and required quite a lot of hammering to make fit.

deezums 11-09-2020 08:37 PM

Lars made my exhaust and it's the best. Lot better than the stuff I cobbled together on my first car. Fits nice and doesn't smash into everything when turning hard, sounds as awesome as the big mag should. Can't really ask for much more!

icantlearn 11-09-2020 08:49 PM

I guess i'll hop on the train. If anyone has paid for a TSE kit and hasn't gotten their parts yet......I cant help you. Sorry.

sixshooter 11-09-2020 09:12 PM

It looks like Lars and Kraken are good men. I have hope for humanity. Spend your coins with people who care about others more than self and everyone benefits.

shuiend 11-10-2020 02:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by XeNoMoRpH (Post 1585438)
I find myself in need of a down pipe and water/oil lines to "complete" my kit.

I will be dropping it all off tomorrow morning for you.

Attachment 232698

18psi 11-11-2020 05:49 PM

Originally Posted by George Jorge (Post 1585530)
I guess i'll hop on the train. If anyone has paid for a TSE kit and hasn't gotten their parts yet......I cant help you. Sorry.

But at least you can do your part and argue with them online though. And get offended. Not enough people getting offended these days ;)

icantlearn 11-11-2020 06:04 PM

Im not arguing. I just missed the part where the activity log was a day apart which skewed my perspective. I owned up to it.

Can you see where I was coming from having missed that piece of info tho? Logically wouldn't have made any sense. Which is why I said what I said and was confused about the neg-cats/backlash for such a simple mistake.

Thats all. Lets move on.

Grippe 11-11-2020 08:11 PM

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 1585605)
I will be dropping it all off tomorrow morning for you.


Lars, bravo to you Sir.

Stock 11-12-2020 10:49 AM

Originally Posted by George Jorge (Post 1585701)
Im not arguing. I just missed the part where the activity log was a day apart which skewed my perspective. I owned up to it.

Can you see where I was coming from having missed that piece of info tho? Logically wouldn't have made any sense. Which is why I said what I said and was confused about the neg-cats/backlash for such a simple mistake.

Thats all. Lets move on.

Lesson learned: Never argue on behalf of someone else one line, especially when you don't have any skin in the game and you don't fully grasp the logic behind online logs.

msmola2002 11-12-2020 11:37 AM

I did that once. Was threatened with legal action, AAA+++ would not do again. The joy of being young and dumb.

icantlearn 11-12-2020 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by Stock (Post 1585743)
Lesson learned: Never argue on behalf of someone else one line, especially when you don't have any skin in the game and you don't fully grasp the logic behind online logs.

Again, not arguing. I do understand the logic behind online logs, I just missed the dates. Thats it.

Lets not bring it up anymore, its not relevant.

EO2K 11-12-2020 12:13 PM

Originally Posted by George Jorge (Post 1585751)
Lets not bring it up anymore, its not relevant.

no u first

icantlearn 11-12-2020 12:15 PM

only if you promise to tracc with me again

EO2K 11-12-2020 12:55 PM

y tho

Edit: also lol at above negcat. Definitely wasn't me this time :giggle:

irollgen4s 11-12-2020 02:30 PM

Sucks that these wont be around anymore but Kraken makes an amazing product and the low mount looks done very well. I ran the top mount for about two years w/ minimal fitment issues on the 1st gen DP but recently came upon a swap from a good friend that is a TSE kit. Manifold and DP are nice quality at least on this set. No clue when its from though came from a car he bought with it already installed 3 or 4 years back at this point.

Also the exhaust above looks nearly identical to the one I made with my buddy. Albeit nicer in literally every way. Mine is crudely made but the full 3" with that muffler really keeps the car quiet enough to enjoy daily but loud enough to not be drowned out by other cars.

icantlearn 11-12-2020 05:04 PM

Me: Tries to help and be nice


EO2K 11-12-2020 05:25 PM

Originally Posted by icanturn (Post 1585814)
Whoever is neg catting my posts. You are a little bitch.

You realize it's a 1:1 relationship, right? One person can't neg a single post multiple times.

XeNoMoRpH 11-13-2020 09:11 AM

Thanks to Lars, my "kit" is mostly complete, actually beyond the TSE kit since I have a full exhaust. The timing really worked out.

Hopefully people started getting refunds yesterday from Andrew. For me, hopefully that is today and I can close out that chapter. Then onto FMICs and fun things.

dan91 11-16-2020 12:23 PM

Originally Posted by XeNoMoRpH (Post 1585438)
I received an email from Andrew as BCC, so I assume it has been sent to everyone with outstanding turbo kit orders. Looks like Andrew is calling it and giving full/partial refunds to everyone via PayPal. Hopefully this works out.

Has anyone gotten a refund? Nothing yet for me, although Andrew said refunds would start processing end of last week so maybe I'm being impatient

andym 11-16-2020 01:37 PM

Originally Posted by dan91 (Post 1586162)
Has anyone gotten a refund? Nothing yet for me, although Andrew said refunds would start processing end of last week so maybe I'm being impatient

Waiting this many months puts you solidly in the not impatient category.

shuiend 11-16-2020 03:07 PM

Originally Posted by andym (Post 1586169)
Waiting this many months puts you solidly in the not impatient category.

I believe it puts you in the polite Canadian category.

EO2K 11-16-2020 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by icantlearn (Post 1585814)
Whoever is neg catting my posts. You are a little bitch.



XeNoMoRpH 11-17-2020 03:07 PM

Originally Posted by dan91 (Post 1586162)
Has anyone gotten a refund? Nothing yet for me, although Andrew said refunds would start processing end of last week so maybe I'm being impatient

So far nothing. The email said he would start processing refunds on November 12th/13th. Maybe there are a lot of refunds to process?

dan91 11-17-2020 03:18 PM

I hope so. I'd like the money before black Friday. It would be encouraging to hear someone has gotten a refund

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