View Full Version : Current Events, News, Politics

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  1. Fox News makes you stupid
  2. Unconstitutional healthcare is unconstitutional
  3. Stats for Americas Economic Collapse
  4. Wikileaks....
  5. TSA Body Scanners
  6. Military Pay Freeze
  7. I don't understand..
  8. Rally to Restore Sanity: Is Obama a Keynesian?
  9. Pot, and Consequences
  10. Jack Webb Schools Obama on Democracy
  11. My money...
  12. I want to save the planet now
  13. Redistribution of Wealth
  14. US cybers with Iran...
  15. I love Hanna/Barbera Cartoons and their insight
  16. Got an e-mail about this Horrible Disease..
  17. Chanting U-S-A is offensive to Muslims
  18. SNL Skit buried right after it was broadcast
  19. Our new one dollar bill???
  20. The Freakin' Pope
  21. Proof no white people live in DC
  22. How To Truly Take Back America
  23. Change that matters!
  24. starting my own religion
  25. This is just pathetic.
  26. Anyone near Gainesville?
  27. A new age in nuclear power?
  28. Volunteering for a political campaign
  29. Muslim Soldier w/101st Airborne refuses to deploy b.c he is Muslim
  30. Those voices don't speak for the rest of us
  31. Mosque/ "Community Center" near WTC
  32. I can't wait until everyone labeled "GOP" dies of cancer...
  33. Beware of BMWs
  34. chain email I recieved
  35. I'm in your Coffee Shops, pwning your transparency
  36. Mexico Joins Suit Against Arizona's Immigration Law, Citing 'Grave Concerns'
  37. Town in CO bans cycling
  38. Part of Arizona off limits to americans
  39. NAACP needs to get a life!
  40. Media Coverage Toyota/Chrysler/GM & BP
  41. Sign of bleak jobs picture...
  42. Economy
  43. Global Warming - Yes/No - Causes?
  44. What is up with ghetto punks?
  45. Middle age white men, vote republican
  46. What if the Tea Party wasn't a bunch of white people?
  47. Jan Brewer, immigration laws
  48. iPad vs. Obama Pad
  49. Conflict of Interest?
  50. Tax burden - 47% of population pay no fed!
  51. The origins of the modern Tea Party movement - NOT Republican!
  52. Lies, damn lies, and the mass media
  53. tea partiers try to blow people up as thanks for healthcare. classy.
  54. YAY for healthcare!
  55. The Gubment shi**ing on the Constitution....again