View Full Version : Current Events, News, Politics

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  1. Why does Major Bloomberg want to kill off the homeless?
  2. Obama likes Metallica more then Megadeth
  3. Joke: A white guy walks into a black neighborhood...
  4. The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism
  5. Let's play: count the holes
  6. Trayvon Martin: What say y'all?
  7. Demand for U.S. Debt Is Not Limitless
  8. Long live Obamacare
  9. On breaking stupid traffic laws
  10. Corruption: USA vs. the 3rd World
  11. The truth is discriminatory (in California, New Jersey, Maryland, Florida & New York)
  12. Koch Brothers vs Cato
  13. 'Your First Amendment Right Can Be Terminated
  14. Scrappy: Scenario of "run" on US Treasury
  15. Santorum lost my vote.
  16. Reagan is alive and living in NH
  17. 1-percenter musings
  18. The American Dream
  19. Joseph Kony
  20. Political Compass test
  21. Please tell me how Rush Limbaugh is still relevant in 2012.
  22. Everything is illegal!!!
  23. Democrats are Communists and the Republican Party is the last bastion of FREEDOM
  24. Another Stimulus success story
  25. Supply/Demand
  26. In what little ways does the US resemble Nazi Germany?
  27. Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links
  28. How to get fired from Fox in 5 minutes
  29. Gov't paying citizens to spy on each other
  30. Nuclear agency approves first nuclear reactors since 1978
  31. Secret footage showing how Chinese youth are indoctrinated
  32. Article on "Superclass" and ole boys' networks
  33. Oh Noes! Reactor meltdown in San Diego!
  34. Why ban smokeless tobacco?
  35. Hussein, Berkshire Hathoway, Keystone Pipeline
  36. Great article on gov't power / Megaupload by Glenn Greenwald
  37. The Mormons are going to die
  38. The Broken Window is a Fallacy
  39. No one posted about megaup getting raided...wtf
  40. The Bush Doctrine
  41. Moving and voting question...
  42. The Let's Fight SOPA thread
  43. Great video on psychopaths
  44. All life on Earth has been saved... by cars!
  45. smoking ban-property rights
  46. Evolution and Speciation
  47. George Orwell vs. Aldous Huxley
  48. Your Faith in Xenu is lacking
  49. Paul Won Iowa
  50. Establishment now wants to attack Iran
  51. Vaclav Havel, RIP
  52. All your religion are belonging to uz
  53. Something everyone should read about Ron Paul.
  54. LA eases laws on illegals driving
  55. Suppose you were empowered with a magic wand of reform over the legal system.
  56. If you outlaw guns...
  57. Obama vs Civil Liberies - backlash
  58. So, Governments and encroachment
  59. Ron Paul Money Bomb 12/16/11
  60. SOPA could be passed next week. Contact your congressman!! links provided
  61. Who whould you vote for in the 2012 presidential election?
  62. Corporations spend more on Congress then on taxes
  63. Tis the season to be lumenated
  64. Pay to Play
  65. SOPA, the GOP, and the revolving door
  66. Shooting on Virginia Tech Campus Leaves 2 Dead
  67. please explain
  68. Cain and the greatest 9 words a politician has ever said
  69. Big Brother?
  70. Wallstreet and 60 Minutes
  71. TSA detains girl for purse designhttp://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/florida-teen-de
  72. Someone's gonna pay for me & my kids!!!
  73. US Government seeking legal power to target US citizens for being "terrorists".
  74. Diversity is bad, mmkay.
  75. The Conservative Mantra
  76. Too Perfect.
  77. Google & Gov't
  78. We finally beat China at something!
  79. Occupy all the places!
  80. Governmental control in disguise
  81. Joe Rogan and The 99%
  82. Christmas Tree Tax
  83. Tax the Rich
  84. Christmas 2011 present ideas
  85. Interesting take on the OWS noodles
  86. Jon Stewert's Daily Rhetoric
  87. Bullshit!
  88. Gary Johnson is a great presidential candidate
  89. Today in 201...errr...1964
  90. Executive / CEO pay
  91. Alabama immigrant law and lack of workers
  92. Banks to start charging monthly Debit Card fees
  93. 15 years for recording a traffic stop
  94. Which potential GOP nominee would win in a knife fight?
  95. Mexican trucks due to enter the US in days
  96. Apparently cash is no longer legal tender
  97. This music video belongs here.
  98. How cops/gov't take your property without a trial
  99. The Best Obama Picture Ever
  100. Florida Lawmaker Wants to Repeal Dwarf-Tossing Ban
  101. lets bore each other to death
  102. Patsies used in entrapment "terror plots"
  103. Statism and the Reno Air Races? A good video.
  104. Allstate racist
  105. Feds to outline plans today for shutting down Calif. pot shops
  106. The Current Events, News, and Politics Thread
  107. Where are all the Bush haters who ...
  108. Apparently Steve Jobs Died
  109. Operation Fast and Furious - gun control
  110. I couldn't agree more
  111. Peter Schiff schooling Congress
  112. Is this racist?
  113. Flash Mob Robs hit Dallas, TX
  114. Wait 'tell Braineack sees this
  115. Government grants = Skynet
  116. umadbro?
  117. Don't miss kickoff - Watch Obama's speech in 2 minutes.
  118. Wikileak: US Gov't "green-lighted" Saddam to invade Kuwait
  119. The Chicken Tax
  120. Man Faces Life In Jail For Recording Police
  121. What's the harm in illegal aliens anyway? RIP Zupan
  122. multimillion $ CERN experiment confirms Svensmark cosmic ray theory of global warming
  123. Obama's Bus: the Magic revealed
  124. The jobs Americans won't do.
  125. Rodney King...Fine Upstanding Citizen
  126. Adding $4 trillion to debt is unpatriotic
  127. Terrorist Training Camp Exposed
  128. Today in History
  129. GPA redistribution
  130. I just love this guy…he's a legend...
  131. The foxes are guarding the henhouse.
  132. Food Stamp Mom's Goal: To Be Fattest
  133. US Government imposes tax on MILK!
  134. Great piece on why the media is suppressing Ron Paul
  135. Michele Bachmann promises $2 gas!
  136. ITT: matthewdesigns displays his ignorance
  137. Texas Economy, Environment & kitties
  138. The Daily Show on the anti Ron Paul media bias
  139. Can someone please explain to me this math?
  140. Need a Job?
  141. Go Home Yankee Hipster
  142. Irony: Boy Stabs Girl after ANTI-VIOLENCE Event
  143. What I wish I saw at the debates
  144. Enviro group blocks solar project, cites danger to fox
  145. Fix It in 2012
  146. Auntie Obama
  147. State "Borrowing" Money Meant for Charities
  148. Concealed Carry Fail
  149. Riots in London
  150. 31 Americans, 7 Afghans killed in helicopter crash
  151. Hundreds of Teajadists beating black people
  152. Teajadists open fire at bus in Philly
  153. Police report gunman on campus of Virginia Tech, site of 2007 mass sho
  154. President Obama's $3,580,000 Birthday Gift
  155. RIAA gone wild
  156. Judge Judy - Here's Who You Support With Taxes
  157. Need help finding a study
  158. The Binky Intellectual Property Hour!
  159. Norway Shooting/Bombing 92 dead.
  160. Obama just pushed asthmatic kids over a cliff.
  161. Southwest Pilot Fired for Open Mic Tirade about no Flight Attendants to Bang (NSFW)
  162. Why has fuel gone up .30 in the last week and a half?
  163. Modern Poverty Includes A.C. and an Xbox
  164. Atlanta Public Schools.. doing right by your kids!
  165. Fox News show has interesting take on News of World hacking scandal
  166. Housing bubble part deux
  167. Netflix to change policy: Bend over you are about to get double charged
  168. Support your local PD!
  169. NASA's budget, in perspective
  170. Regretful Obama Voter
  171. The Republicans are playing a cynical political game with hugely high economic stakes
  172. Why the Budget Game is a Taxpayer Scam
  173. Sense of the Senate
  174. Amazon cuts ties with California
  175. How to get Suspended from MSNBC
  176. In bed with Big Business?
  177. Guy gets himself arrested for healthcare
  178. Obama's Wisdom: ATMs Destroy Jobs but Robots Create Jobs
  179. Keynes vs. Hayek
  180. Food Prices
  181. "Had to shoot someone on friday."
  182. Why I was arrested at a D.C. TAXI Commision Meeting
  183. 90% of the murders in NYC are made by Blacks and Hispanics.
  184. Extremists finding fertile ground in Northwest US
  185. Mexico Sues Georgia Over Immigration Law
  186. U.N. > Constitution?
  187. Stay classy Vancouver
  188. Pull your pants up, or jail.
  189. WHat the F****
  190. Taco Bell Lawsuit dropped.
  191. Taxpayer Subsidized Campaigning
  192. Unemployment Chart
  193. Internet censorship bill "PROTECT-IP"
  194. Lloyd Schofield
  195. Gone are the days...
  196. Infiltrate and Destroy
  197. $44 toll to drive in Switzerland for 1 day
  198. Faithful servants welcome the Minister of Propaganda
  199. "The Beast" gets stuck with Obama inside
  200. FCC's Section 706 Advanced Services Inquiry
  201. The police have militarized, you should be afraid
  202. Colin Powell should have listened to this guy
  203. Be Careful When Selling Rabbits
  204. Bad Guys In New Chinese Video Game Are U.S. Servicemembers
  205. How to Save America.
  206. In Soviet Florida, History Writes You.
  207. On ObamaCare and Waivers
  208. The Facebook Posting of a Senator
  209. Barack Obama Hates Black People
  210. Breaking news from Fukushima!
  211. I need to be a lifeguard
  212. US freedom of speech compromised
  213. Mileage-Based "income"? tax. (Government Motors)
  214. Canadian Election
  215. Bin laden dead!!!!
  216. Obama: We're working on gun control 'under the radar'
  217. Superman is no longer an American.
  218. Get a passport, while you can
  219. Trump is a moron. If you like him, you're a moron too...
  220. Michigan doing full sweeps of phones for traffic stops
  221. Special Forces up-close and personal.
  222. Wow! $44 for miata fill up!!!
  223. thought provoking video
  224. Your Gov't is why you are fat.
  225. Gun Control
  226. Freeloaders
  227. On violence, generally.
  228. Argentine History Lesson
  229. Military pay
  230. last article from Charlie Reese
  231. America: World Police!
  232. A Sample of Government-at-Work
  233. Beware of Rasict, Anti-Immigration, Pro-Gun students.
  234. Gadhafi vows 'long war' as strikes hit his forces
  235. Crazy happenings over in Japanland.
  236. Seizing Skylines
  237. brilliant article on Say's Law and supply side economics
  238. Lol, it's hot out, wtf do we do?!
  239. Bailouts explained:
  240. The Ghost of Thanksgiving Yet to Come
  241. 3 dogs murdered...
  242. Moral or Immoral Government
  243. Gold Standard
  244. Shooting in Tucson
  245. The history of government regulation and Corporatism
  246. Fiscal "conservatives" cost us money
  247. A good start to changing welfare...
  248. Any good peak oil or end of civilization movies out there?
  249. Stossel: Top 10 Political Promises Gone Wrong
  250. Don't Ask Don't Tell